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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/17 in all areas

  1. View File xmas event map Contents: 3 map files (.gat .gnd .rsw) 1 minimap (.bmp) There is no script for this map, it was just something i created for a friend last year as he had a "wave" instance script where mobs were spawned in the south-east corner of the map and they made their way to the north-west corner, so i built a small town and placed a wooden door hidden amongst the trees to signify the end-point. Submitter Akkarin Submitted 05/14/2017 Category Maps & 3D Resources Content Author  
    1 point
  2. u can download it from here.. the client is ready to be diff with nemo
    1 point
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Contents: 3 map files (.gat .gnd .rsw) 1 instance script file (.txt) This is just a quick instance script i wrote for a server i used to develop for. It uses a slightly modified version of the default @jail map with the staircase and bars removed so that the mobs spawned inside each of the cells can roam around once they're spawned by the script. On entrance, 2 mobs are spawned, then once killed the script will spawn two more further down the corridor. When they're killed you get two more mobs spawned a little further up. etc etc until you reach the top of the map where MvPs are spawned in the cells at the top, one at a time. There is no instance entrance script, you should decide how you want to create the instance yourself. This was designed to be IM_CHAR with a Base Level requirement of 99+ but it's up to you how you implement it. There are probably errors. If you can't fix them yourself, you shouldn't be running a server. Prize is configured at the bottom of the script. Don't forget to add to your db/import/instance_db.txt file.
    1 point
  4. So let's break-down these requirements 1. gives out quests depending on your level if (BaseLevel < 80) { mes "You are less than level 80"; //put quest stuff here } else if (BaseLevel <= 99) { mes "You are less than or equal to level 99"; //put quest stuff here } else { mes "You are more than level 99"; //put quest stuff here } close 2. quests would be one-shots if (CharHasTakenThisQuest == 1) { mes "You have already taken this quest"; close; } 3. would have a unique text for the first time you speak if (CharHasAlreadyTalkedToMe == 0) { mes "Hey! This is the first time we've talked!"; set CharHasAlreadyTalkedToMe, 1; } Putting these together would look something like prontera,150,150,5 script ThisSampleNPC 63,{ if (CharHasAlreadyTalkedToMe == 0) { mes "Hey! This is the first time we've talked!"; set CharHasAlreadyTalkedToMe, 1; } if (CharHasTakenThisQuest == 1) { mes "You have already taken this quest"; close; } if (CharQuestIsInProgress == 1) { //validation of quest } if (BaseLevel < 80) { mes "You are less than level 80"; //put quest stuff here } else if (BaseLevel <= 99) { mes "You are less than or equal to level 99"; //put quest stuff here } else { mes "You are more than level 99"; //put quest stuff here } close; } This may not be as clean but more or less it'll look like this. I'll leave the creation and validation of quests to you
    1 point
  5. - script commands_start -1,{ OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: if ( BaseLevel >= 20 ) { query_sql("UPDATE `login` SET `group_id` = 1 WHERE `account_id` ="+getcharid(3)+""); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has unlocked player commands",0; dispbottom "congratulations! now you need to relog to use commands"; end; } } give commands to group one instead of group 0, so when they reach level 20 script change groupid to 1 ( i didn't test the script though )
    1 point
  6. https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/issues
    1 point
  7. Random Option System As of f296409, rAthena now supports Random Option System! Random Option System is a feature that is implemented in 2015-05-13 clients and later. It allows equipments to have up to 5 additional effects. You may think of it as 5 additional customizable card slots! With this feature, we believe it will open many more possibilities for server owner and scripters to create contents. However, this feature is still in initial release state. Bugs and issues may occur. We hope you could kindly report them to us. Finally, in addition to the feature, we will release more script command support for this feature in the future. Stay tuned! Details : - This features requires 2015-05-13 client or later to display the bonus in the client. - New database file has been added for renewal mode (db/re/item_randomopt_db.txt) - You can add additional bonus in db/import/item_randomopt_db.txt as usual. - New script commands. You can read more in doc/script_commands.txt * getrandomoptinfo - For reading attributes of the option calling this command itself. * getequiprandomoption - For reading attributes of an option on an equipped item. * setrandomoption - For applying an option to an equipped item. Special thanks to Napster for the initial code base of this feature.
    1 point
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