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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/15 in all areas

  1. Hi folks! I have a project to create a remote control panel to manage the emulator the panel will be a windows application not a web panel due to security and because I prefer this way (maybe will has a phone app too), it will include several options and will work only with ssh based servers. This is what the panel will have: Host configuration Initial configuration (To users that got a VPS instead a specific ragnarok server) 100% recovery root password from mysql Backup SQL backup Emulator Backup Full backup Remote backup Self backup Edit NPC (directly) 100% FTP access 100% Emulator functions Start server 100% Restart server 100% Stop server 100% Install emulador (will support all emulators) 100% Compile the server 100% Emulator logs 100% Change configurations of the server (all configurations can be edit in a simple way and friendly window (not a txt file) Server management Eddit Account informations ( will be possible to edit global variables too) Create accounts (GM or not) Char eddit Item give Cash give ViP give (need to check if is possible, how the server will act when we add vip outside) For now I have only thoose options and ideas (if you have more, please tell me) Windows RROCP skeleton (i need to work on the program, this is a gross program that i'm testing the functions and bla bla bla) auth window: auth window with language select: Main window with the function of players online working: Main window with SSH console window: Main window after compile action and highlight box: Tray icon (yepe xD): FTP window:
    1 point
  2. Ya what he said. Ya what he said.
    1 point
  3. conf/battle/player.conf#L82 // Maximum SP. (Default is 1000000) max_sp: 1000000
    1 point
  4. add OnWhisperGlobal event to the said npc.
    1 point
  5. Are you trying to change your max sp limit for your character or the sp limit for the asura calculation? This was the later, the former would be in your conf files, I believe player.conf stat.conf or battle.conf forget which and on phone
    1 point
  6. It depends on what he wants to do. There is no point to change the card if he doesn't make an announce and he didn't ask about that.
    1 point
  7. Do you want the donations to be displayed with an alphabetical order or the highest/lowest donation first? nevermind didn't see what you wrote at the bottom.. Alphabetical order: query_logsql "SELECT `name`, `donateamount` FROM `donornames` ORDER BY `name`", .@donor_name$, .@donate_amount; Lowest first: query_logsql "SELECT `name`, `donateamount` FROM `donornames` ORDER BY `donateamount`", .@donor_name$, .@donate_amount; Highest first: query_logsql "SELECT `name`, `donateamount` FROM `donornames` ORDER BY `donateamount` DESC", .@donor_name$, .@donate_amount; For the update thing when you want to save the donations do something like this .@n = query_logsql ("SELECT `donateamount` FROM `donornames` WHERE `<your primary key>` = '<value to compare>'",.@donate_amount); if (.@n == -1) query_logsql ("INSERT INTO `donornames` (...) VALUES (...)"); else query_logsql ("UPDATE `donornames` SET `donateamount` = '"+(.@donate_amount+<amount of points to add>)+"' WHERE `<your primary key>` = '<value to compare>'");
    1 point
  8. prontera,150,150,5 script Sample 89,{ if ( gettimetick(2) > .timer ) { query_sql "SELECT `cards`,`card_name`,`points`,`id` FROM `cards` WHERE `id` = "+ rand(1,494) +" limit 1", .ccards, .cnames$, .cpoints, .card_index; .timer = gettimetick(2) + 5 *60; } mes "I'm missing a " + .cnames$ + ". I can offer " + .cpoints + " premium points in return. # "+ .card_index; close; }
    1 point
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