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  1. Hello guys!! This is my first time to write a tutorial. I hope it can help many beginner that don't know how to create your own ragnarok world. This server setting is just made to play offline. So if you want to make your own private server there are several things you need to learn more on setting ip, opening ports etc, and i'm not going to explain it in here Credits goes to: Nickyzai for kRO client K3dt for decompiled ragexe Mleo1 for Loki launcher Shakto, Yommy, MStream for xDiffPatcher Michieru, Dastgirpojee for Data folder translation Magicaltux for Grf Builder Ai4rei for Open Setup Okay let's get started, please follow all the steps correctly! This is all the things you need to create your own ragnarok world: 1. TortoiseSVN - http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html 2. Visual Basic - http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/eng/products/visual-studio-express-products 3. MySQL - http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/installer/ 4. MySQL Workbench 5.2.47 http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/tools/workbench/ 5. rAthena SVN Repository - https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/ 6. kRO client by nickyzai - http://www.nickyzai.com/?p=kro 7. Loki Launcher by mleo1 - http://hercules.ws/board/topic/1070-loki-launcher/ 8. Decompiled ragexe by k3dt - http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/ 9. xDiffPatcher v2 - http://www.mediafire.com/?fibc47gzvdshp8o 10. DiffFiles - http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/Diffs/ 11. Data folder translation - https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/client-side-translation/ 12. Grf Builder - http://www.grfbuilder.com/#download 13. RO Open Setup - http://rathena.org/board/topic/63177-ro-open-setup-v280277-last-updated-20130702/ After you download all that things, do this: 1. Install tortoise 2. Install visual basic 3. Install MySQL (please remember your root password! If you change it but if you did not change then the default root password is ‘root’) 4. Install MySQL Workbench 5. Install kRO client After you install all of that, let’s prepare the client: 1. Open your kRO client and update it until completed. 2. Download your ragexe file in this (http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/) In this tutorial i used 2013-07-03aRagexe.exe 3. Download your xDiffFiles in this (http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/Diffs/) in this tutorial I used 2013-07-03aRagexe.exe so I must download the same date for Diff files which is “Diff 2013-07-03 v1” in order the xDiffPatcher to work. 4. Open your xDiffPatcher.exe select your ragexe file you download before which is I used (2013-07-03aRagexe.exe) and then select your Diff files which is I used (Diff 2013-07-03 v1) and click LOAD. Now look in “diff option” there are several choice to pick, I recommended you to check this option: - Disable Ragexe Filename Check - Disable HShield - Disable Packet Encryption - Enable Multiple GRFs -@ Bug Fix - Ignore Missing File Error - Ignore Missing Palette Error - Increase Headgear ViewID to 5000 - Increase Zoom - Load ItemInfo.lua before lub - Read Data Folder First - Read msgstringtable.txt - Read questid2display.txt - Translate Client In English - Use Normal Guild Brackets - Use Ragnarok Icon - eXtract MsgStringTable.txt - eXtract txt file strings After you finish check the option click Diff’n’Save! Move the patched ragexe you made to your kRO client folder 5. Open the loki launcer folder and right-click loki.ini, change this: ; Must be on same dir of Loki Exe = "ragexe.exe" Into ; Must be on same dir of Loki Exe = "2013-07-03aRagexe_patched.exe" (I change into 2013-07-03aRagexe_patched.exe because I patched my 2013-07-03aRagexe.exe. if you use another ragexe please changed into yours) Save it and move all of file in loki launcher folder into your kRO client folder. 6. Create new folder and name it ‘Data Folder Translation' right-click on ‘Data Folder Translation’ folder and choose ‘SVN checkout…’ Fill this link https://subversion.a...de-translation/ in “url of repository” and click ok, this will download your 'data translation folder' from latest revision. After complete click ok. Open your data translation folder you download before then open folder “data” right click clientinfo.xml and choose edit. Edit into your version, I’m changed it into 38 because I used 2013-07-03aRagexe.exe. You can find your version in folder Server\trunk\db\packet_db.txt note: If you can’t find clientinfo.xml just open notepad and copy code below to your notepad and save it as clientinfo.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <connection> <display>Ragnarok</display> <balloon>Ragnarok</balloon> <desc>Ragnarok</desc> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>38</version> <langtype>0</langtype> <registrationweb></registrationweb> <aid> <admin></admin> <yellow></yellow> </aid> </connection> </clientinfo> 7. Open your grfbuilder click ‘new’ to create grf, name it to rathena and save it, then choose ‘merge dir’ find your data translation folder you download before. And then choose the folder ‘data’ inside data translation folder then click Ok. wait after complete. click close. Move the rathena.grf you’ve made to kRO client folder. 8. Now change all lua extension to lub extension in your data translation folder you've download place this script in your data translation folder data/luafiles514 folder And run it. Script Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/jvtac0j8f6m604v/luatolub.bat note: rename 'luatolub.bat.txt' into 'luatolub.bat and double click (to run) it. After you done. Copy the 'data' and 'system' folder inside the data translation foder you've download to your kRO client and replace any same files with that. 9. Edit your DATA.ini in your kRO client folder into this: [Data] 0=rathena.grf 1=data.grf 2=rdata.grf Then save it. note: If you can’t find DATA.ini just open notepad and copy code up there to your notepad and save it as DATA.ini 10. Extract the 'Open Setup' you've download before and move the 'opensetup.exe' into your kRO client folder Now your kRO client is ready. Now for the Server 1. Create new folder and name it ‘Server’ 2. right-click on ‘Server’ folder and choose ‘SVN checkout…’ 3. Fill this link (https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/) in “url of repository” and click ok, this will download your server files from latest rathena server. After complete click ok. 4. Open Server\trunk\conf then rename ‘import-tmpl’ folder into ‘import’ 5. Open Server\trunk\conf open file ‘char_athena.conf’ with notepad and look for this: // Server Communication username and password. userid: s1 (change ‘s1’ to whatever you want but here I use ‘username’ as userid for tutorial only) passwd: p1 (change ‘p1’ to whatever you want but here I used ‘password’ as password) *note: I suggest you to fill the username and password as I do, to prevent human error, because if you put wrong userid and passwd the server connection between login and map can’t be establish. //login_ip: (REMOVE THE ‘//’ IN FRONT OF login_ip: so it will look like this login_ip: //char_ip: (REMOVE THE ‘//’ IN FRONT OF char_ip: so it will look like this char_ip: Once you done save it. 6. Still in Server Server\trunk\conf now you open file ‘inter_athena.conf’ with notepad and search for all of this: sql.db_username: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into your MySQL username which is I use default ‘root’) sql.db_password: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into your MySQL password which is I use default ‘root’) sql.db_database: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘rathena’ because later we make database using name ‘rathena’) char_server_id: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘root’) char_server_pw: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘root’) char_server_db: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘rathena’) map_server_id: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘root’) map_server_pw: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘root’) map_server_db: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘rathena’) log_db_id: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘root’) log_db_pw: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘root’) log_db_db: ragnarok (THIS ONE YOU CHANGE INTO ‘logs’ because later we make database ‘logs’ Once you’ve done SAVE it. 7. Still in Server Server\trunk\conf now you open file ‘map_athena.conf’ with notepad and search for: // Interserver communication passwords, set in account.txt (or equiv.) userid: s1 (Change ‘s1’ into ‘username’ because as I explain on up there before) passwd: p1 (Change ‘p1’ into ‘password’ because as I explain on up there before) // Character Server IP // The map server connects to the character server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. //char_ip: (Remove the ‘//’) // Map Server IP // The IP address which clients will use to connect. // Set this to what your server's public IP address is. //map_ip: (Remove the ‘//’) Done and Save it. 8. Still in Server Server\trunk\conf now you open file ‘subnet_athena.conf’ with notepad and change this: subnet: you must find your subnet by opening ‘command prompt’ (start menu > all programs> accessories> command prompt) after you open your command prompt, type this ‘-ipconfig’ it will look like this 9. Open your MySQL Workbench double click on ‘Local instance MySQL’ as in the picture to open. Input your password which is ‘root’ if you haven’t change it on first time you install it. 10. Click on ‘Create new Schema’ just like on the pic below to create new ‘schema’ and name it ‘rathena’ then click ‘apply’ and then ‘apply’ and ‘finish’. Now close and reopen your MySQL workbench. 11. repeat the step 10 but name the schema as a ‘logs’ then click ‘apply’ and then ‘apply’ and ‘finish’. Now close and reopen your MySQL Workbench. 12. Enter again to you ‘Local instance MySQL’ just like the step 9 and double click on ‘rathena’ to select it, and then click ‘file’ and choose ‘Open SQL Script’ and go to rAthena\trunk\sql-files and open ‘main.sql’ click OPEN and click the ‘Lightning button’ on picture below. Wait until its done and close your MySQL Workbench and Open it again to refresh. repeat step 12 but now you 'Open SQL Script’ and go to rAthena\trunk\sql-files open 'logs.sql' click OPEN and click the ‘Lightning button’ on picture below. Wait until its done and close your MySQL Workbench and Open it again to refresh. 13. After you re-open your MySQL Workbench, double click on ‘rathena’ then double click on ‘table’ and find ‘login’ right click on it and choose ‘Select Rows – Limit 1000’ just like the picture below: 14. Change the ‘s1’ and ‘p1’ on the right table to ‘username’ and ‘password’ by double click on each of them and type it. Just like the picture below, when you done click ‘apply’ then ‘apply’ and ‘finish’ 15. Now Open folder Server\trunk\src\common and right-click mmo.h choose edit and search this line #define PACKETVER YYYYMMDD Change it with the date version you choose for your client before Example: #define PACKETVER 20130703 (My client ragexe is 2013-07-03aRagexe.exe that’s why I write 20130703) And save it. 15. Now let’s recompile your server, open Server\trunk\ right-click ‘rAthena-10.sln’ open with Microsoft Visual c++ 16. Change the ‘debug’ into ‘release’ like the picture below. 17. Block (select) char-server.sql, login-server.sql, map-server.sql, mapcache and then right click and choose ‘build selection’ like in the picture below: 18. Go to your Server\trunk\db and open file ‘packet_db.txt’ with notepad and add this line in bottom //2013-07-03 Ragexe packet_ver: 38 0x0369,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x083C,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0437,5,walktoxy,2 0x035F,6,ticksend,2 0x0930,5,changedir,2:4 0x07E4,6,takeitem,2 0x0362,6,dropitem,2:4 0x07EC,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x0364,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0438,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0366,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x096A,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0368,6,solvecharname,2 0x0838,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 0x0835,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x0819,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x0811,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 0x0202,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x0817,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x0815,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 0x0365,18,bookingregreq,2:4:6 // 0x0363,8 CZ_JOIN_BATTLE_FIELD 0x0281,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8:12 0x022D,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0802,26,partyinvite2,2 // 0x0436,4 CZ_GANGSI_RANK 0x0360,26,friendslistadd,2 0x094A,5,hommenu,2:4 0x0873,36,storagepassword,2:4:20 If you choose another date of your ragexe you can find your ‘packet’ in this link http://rathena.org/board/topic/82726-2013-ragexe-and-diff-up-to-date-2013-07-03/ Just copy and paste it to your ‘packet_db.txt’ like I did. 19. Now you are ready to start your server, open rAthena\trunk and open file ‘runserver-sql.bat’ wait until all server loaded like the pic below: 20. Now go to your kRO client Folder and open ‘Loki.exe’ in the login screen you can create account by doing this; In ID you can fill your ID with _M for male and _F for female And then input your password, After that you may login to your id without _M or _F anymore. 21. Some Screenshoot in the game I think that's all guys. sorry for any mistake and good luck creating your own Ragnarok World don't forget to clik the button if you found this post useful and thx for reading this bad tutorial ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: only do this step if you found the problem below. Problem 1: setup resolution problem: there is missing file in kRO client\system\lua514\ that file name is optioninfo.lub you may download from here and put on that folder. Problem 2: 'queryNavi_Distance_Map' problem: go to Data Folder Translation\Data\luafiles514\lua files\navigation then deleted the file below: navi_linkdistance_krpri.lub navi_linkdistance_krsak.lub navi_npcdistance_krpri.lua navi_npcdistance_krsak.lua _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ edited : - adding missing step in client - adding new file Open Setup from Ai4rei - adding missing step in server (repeat step 12 but now you 'Open SQL Script’ and go to rAthena\trunk\sql-files open 'logs.sql' click OPEN and click the ‘Lightning button’ on picture below. Wait until its done and close your MySQL Workbench and Open it again to refresh.) - fixing some step in client about grf builder because if change lua to lub first then merge give error query_navi_map but don't worry now the step are correct. - adding missing step about downloading 'data translation folder' from repository link - fix some unclear words and fix the repository link. - deleted fixcamera angle from patch list because for shift right click issue, and add some note about setup resolution problem - fix xdiff files link
    2 points
  2. Source Requests Rules This section is - like all sections - affected by the general rAthena Board Rules. You may post into this area to demand someone of the community to write a concrete source code for you. Source code is the content of a any file inside the trunk/src folder. You may only answer to topics of this area if you provide source code concerning the request or if you post a productive question, for instance asking for more details if they are missing. For each new request, you will have to open a new topic. When you open a new topic, you will have to chose an informative topic title. You have to clearly and elaborately describe your request. If you demand changes for existing source code, you have to provide this source code in your topic. You will have to use the code bbcode tag whenever you would like to post source code. The Source Requests Rules were created and are maintained by Xynvaroth. If you have any questions concerning the Source Requests Rules, please contact him.
    1 point
  3. Hey guys, Made a loading screen for my server today, decided to share it with everyone. Example: Loading Screen 2 Loading Screen 3 Let me know how you guys like it, I'll make more in the future if you guys think its good (: Download Link http://www.sendspace.com/file/etfwkx http://www.sendspace.com/file/a1fzck http://www.sendspace.com/file/3fmxw0
    1 point
  4. mes "You successfully mined a "+getitemname(.@item)+".";
    1 point
  5. Change sleep 100; To sleep2 100;
    1 point
  6. I thing you can add the messages by yourself. Btw not tested - izlude,123,123,4 script Rock 111,{ if (countitem(25000) > 1) { delitem 25000,1; set .@change, rand (1, 100); if (.@change < 3) { getitem 25004, rand(0, 1); } else if (.@change < 21) { getitem 25001, rand(0, 1); } else if (.@change < 51) { getitem 25001, rand(0, 1); } else { getitem 25003, rand( 0, 1); } } }
    1 point
  7. That's a lot to request I suggest you download previous mining scripts and ask for adjustments. I did do something really quick but it's untested. In Item 25000 script. if(@mine) doevent("pickaxe::OnMine"); - script pickaxe -1,{ OnMine: setarray .@array, 501, 20, 502, 50, 503, 80, 504, 2 ; set .@len, getarraysize(.@array); //delitem 25000,1; if(rand(2)-1) { while(set(.@i,.@i+2)-2<.@len) if(rand(100)<=.@array[.@i-1]) { set .@item, .@array[.@i-2]; getitem(.@item,1); mes "You successfully mined a "+getitemname(.@item)+"."; } } else mes "You failed to mine."; close; } izlude,123,123,4 script MINING SPOT 111,2,2,{ end; OnTouch: getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0); while(sqrt(pow([email protected],2)+pow([email protected],2))<=3) { sleep2 100; getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0); set @mine, 1; } set @mine, 0; end; OnInit: getmapxy(.nmap$,.nx,.ny,1); }
    1 point
  8. Put minuteX: Where x is the minute you want the script to start on every hour. Or OnInit: OnTimerX: initnpctimer; Where X is the amount of milliseconds you want to wait before re-running the script. Oninit: <script> Sleep X; goto Oninit; Where X is the amount of time you want to wait between activations in milliseconds. You can do more things if a player is attached.
    1 point
  9. thanks alot DevilEvil
    1 point
  10. I personally recommend GraphicsGale, but it's difficult at first. Again I'd recommend you checking PixelJoint's guides.
    1 point
  11. It's okay thanks for the help though. LINK TO MAP (no models just the map,lightmaps and textures) using arcturus textures too, if anyone can try it and see whats the problem why my lightmap is not occuring inside the game but in BE it is appearing. Thanks! omg solved! /lightmap
    1 point
  12. Oh well, hmm. Can you take a SS of the lightmap menu for your torch lights so I can see what you have for them?
    1 point
  13. Hmn. I really have no idea I don't fool with maps that are already in RO. Mainly because of those reasons, when I try to edit stuff in BE with already made maps things start screwing up.
    1 point
  14. e2 po location ng item db /trunk/db/re/item_db.txt e2 naman yung line nya 2766,Swordman_Figure,Swordman Figure,5,0,,0,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,136,,0,0,0,{ bonus bVit,1; if(Class==Job_Swordman) bonus bDef,2; },{},{} edit mo nalang yung bonus bVit,1; if(Class==Job_Swordman) bonus bDef,2;
    1 point
  15. No, it was a potential fix that was proposed in the Sakray server that never hit the main servers. Only fire element reduces DB damage.
    1 point
  16. June Digest 2013 The following digest covers the month of June, 2013. Development Team @Cydh has joined as Core Developer. @DeadlySilence has joined as Script / DB Developer. @malufett, @MarkZD, and @Zephyr are no longer Core Developers. Development Highlights Major updates: Instance System rewrite: the official (and far simpler) implementation of instances. (r17386, r17387) Item Bound System: ability to bind individual items to account, guild, party, and character. (r17351, r17361) TXT -> SQL converters: added for item, mob, and mob skill databases. (r17371, r17376) Mapflag restructuring: split Renewal from Pre-Renewal and moved from conf/ to npc/. (r17347) Renewal updates: Official HP/SP tables: now based on a table (job_maxhpsp_db) instead of only formulas. (r17391) Official Abracadabra database implementation: different rates, removed some skills. (r17374) Official high upgrading chances added (+11~20). (r17375) Packet updates: booking, cash shop, indexes, 2013 clients. (r17353, r17357, r17359, r17360, r17367) Item database updates: ~1000 entries added or revised. (r17372, r17376, r17377, r17379) Mob database updates: Hall of Abyss, Pyramids Nightmare Mode, Port Malaya, and Eclage. (r17376, r17382) Renewal scripts: Hall of Abyss: full system. (r17368) Port Malaya: Buwaya Cave instance, Bakonawa Lake instance, town NPC updates, new quests. (r17383, r17396, r17397) Mora: Hazy Forest instance, Mora Enchants. (r17344, r17342) Eclage: town NPCs, guides, coin traders, skills, quest entries, quest placeholders. (r17373) Eden Group: Eden Tutorial and official 86-90 and 91-99 boards. (r17377, r17379) Pyramids Nightmare Mode: scripts and database entries. (r17382) RWC: 2012 Enchants script. (r17397) Command updates: @identifyall added: identifies all equipment in inventory. (r17341) @partysharelvl added: updates party share level. (r17358) 'getequipisidentify' removed: it always returned 1. (r17341) Other noteworthy changes: Updated multiclient support. (r17355) Expanded client version restrictions. (r17363) Updated configure.in/configure. (r17367) Misc. Stats During the period there were 56 commits. Of these 56 commits 25 included bug-fixes.
    1 point
  17. topic updated. a quick fix for cash shop issue on the latest revision. update your packet_db.txt find 0x0848,-1,cashshopbuy,0 and replace with 0x0848,-1,cashshopbuy,2:4:6:10 thanks to KoolKat29. http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-7723-cash-shop-it-not-working-on-latest-revision-using-2012-04-10aragexe/?gopid=20467&st=20#entry20467
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. unable to produce those error. i think you did not follow the instructions that why you got that error. my packet_db for 2012-04-10a your packet_db for 2012-04-10a i hope that you are not blind to see those differences. and also the instruction is already posted on the 1st page. Note! things need to check to make it work properly. src\common\mmo.h make sure the #ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20120410 and for your packet_db db\packet_db.txt just use this. // Client<->Map Packet Database // // Structure of Database: // PacketType,PacketLength[,Name,FieldIndex1:FieldIndex2:FieldIndex3:...] // // 01. PacketType ID of the packet. // 02. PacketLength Length of the packet. If 0, packet is disabled in current packet version. If -1, packet has variable size. // 03. Name Name of the packet parser function (optional, for incoming packets only). // 04. FieldIndex Specifies the offset of a packet field in bytes from the begin of the packet (only specified when Name is given). // Can be 0, when the layout is not known. // ... // // NOTE: Up to MAX_PACKET_POS (typically 20) field indexes may be used. // // The packet database allows you to add support for new clients, // because packets change every release. // // Note: Every packet version needs a wanttoconnection specification, since // that is the packet used to identify a client's version. // If multiple versions have the same connection packet, the higher version // will be used (unless the lower one is specified as the default) // // Incoming packets have their parser function and layout specified, which enables // them for the current and all higher versions, unless explicitely disabled. // // Outgoing packets must be specified in order to enable them for the current // and all higher versions, unless explicitely disabled. Packets that are not // enabled for a packet version are silently discarded when sent as multicast. // // Every packet version inherits packet definitions from the previous (lower) // packet version. // // Main packet version of the DB to use (default = max available version) // Client detection is faster when all clients use this version. // Version 23 is the latest Sakexe (above versions are for Renewal clients) //packet_db_ver: 25 packet_db_ver: 30 packet_ver: 5 0x0064,55 0x0065,17 0x0066,6 0x0067,37 0x0068,46 0x0069,-1 0x006a,23 0x006b,-1 0x006c,3 0x006d,108 0x006e,3 0x006f,2 0x0070,6 0x0071,28 0x0072,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0073,11 0x0074,3 0x0075,-1 0x0076,9 0x0077,5 0x0078,54 0x0079,53 0x007a,58 0x007b,60 0x007c,41 0x007d,2,loadendack,0 0x007e,6,ticksend,2 0x007f,6 0x0080,7 0x0081,3 0x0082,2 0x0083,2 0x0084,2 0x0085,5,walktoxy,2 0x0086,16 0x0087,12 0x0088,10 0x0089,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x008a,29 0x008b,2 0x008c,-1,globalmessage,2:4 0x008d,-1 0x008e,-1 //0x008f,-1 0x0090,7,npcclicked,2 0x0091,22 0x0092,28 0x0093,2 0x0094,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0095,30 0x0096,-1,wis,2:4:28 0x0097,-1 0x0098,3 0x0099,-1,broadcast,2:4 0x009a,-1 0x009b,5,changedir,2:4 0x009c,9 0x009d,17 0x009e,17 0x009f,6,takeitem,2 0x00a0,23 0x00a1,6 0x00a2,6,dropitem,2:4 0x00a3,-1 0x00a4,-1 0x00a5,-1 0x00a6,-1 0x00a7,8,useitem,2:4 0x00a8,7 0x00a9,6,equipitem,2:4 0x00aa,7 0x00ab,4,unequipitem,2 0x00ac,7 //0x00ad,-1 0x00ae,-1 0x00af,6 0x00b0,8 0x00b1,8 0x00b2,3,restart,2 0x00b3,3 0x00b4,-1 0x00b5,6 0x00b6,6 0x00b7,-1 0x00b8,7,npcselectmenu,2:6 0x00b9,6,npcnextclicked,2 0x00ba,2 0x00bb,5,statusup,2:4 0x00bc,6 0x00bd,44 0x00be,5 0x00bf,3,emotion,2 0x00c0,7 0x00c1,2,howmanyconnections,0 0x00c2,6 0x00c3,8 0x00c4,6 0x00c5,7,npcbuysellselected,2:6 0x00c6,-1 0x00c7,-1 0x00c8,-1,npcbuylistsend,2:4 0x00c9,-1,npcselllistsend,2:4 0x00ca,3 0x00cb,3 0x00cc,6,gmkick,2 0x00cd,3 0x00ce,2,killall,0 0x00cf,27,wisexin,2:26 0x00d0,3,wisall,2 0x00d1,4 0x00d2,4 0x00d3,2,wisexlist,0 0x00d4,-1 0x00d5,-1,createchatroom,2:4:6:7:15 0x00d6,3 0x00d7,-1 0x00d8,6 0x00d9,14,chataddmember,2:6 0x00da,3 0x00db,-1 0x00dc,28 0x00dd,29 0x00de,-1,chatroomstatuschange,2:4:6:7:15 0x00df,-1 0x00e0,30,changechatowner,2:6 0x00e1,30 0x00e2,26,kickfromchat,2 0x00e3,2,chatleave,0 0x00e4,6,traderequest,2 0x00e5,26 0x00e6,3,tradeack,2 0x00e7,3 0x00e8,8,tradeadditem,2:4 0x00e9,19 0x00ea,5 0x00eb,2,tradeok,0 0x00ec,3 0x00ed,2,tradecancel,0 0x00ee,2 0x00ef,2,tradecommit,0 0x00f0,3 0x00f1,2 0x00f2,6 0x00f3,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x00f4,21 0x00f5,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x00f6,8 0x00f7,2,closekafra,0 0x00f8,2 0x00f9,26,createparty,2 0x00fa,3 0x00fb,-1 0x00fc,6,partyinvite,2 0x00fd,27 0x00fe,30 0x00ff,10,replypartyinvite,2:6 0x0100,2,leaveparty,0 0x0101,6 0x0102,6,partychangeoption,2 0x0103,30,removepartymember,2:6 0x0104,79 0x0105,31 0x0106,10 0x0107,10 0x0108,-1,partymessage,2:4 0x0109,-1 0x010a,4 0x010b,6 0x010c,6 0x010d,2 0x010e,11 0x010f,-1 0x0110,10 0x0111,39 0x0112,4,skillup,2 0x0113,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0114,31 0x0115,35 0x0116,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0117,18 0x0118,2,stopattack,0 0x0119,13 0x011a,15 0x011b,20,useskillmap,2:4 0x011c,68 0x011d,2,requestmemo,0 0x011e,3 0x011f,16 0x0120,6 0x0121,14 0x0122,-1 0x0123,-1 0x0124,21 0x0125,8 0x0126,8,putitemtocart,2:4 0x0127,8,getitemfromcart,2:4 0x0128,8,movefromkafratocart,2:4 0x0129,8,movetokafrafromcart,2:4 0x012a,2,removeoption,0 0x012b,2 0x012c,3 0x012d,4 0x012e,2,closevending,0 0x012f,-1 0x0130,6,vendinglistreq,2 0x0131,86 0x0132,6 0x0133,-1 0x0134,-1,purchasereq,2:4:8 0x0135,7 0x0136,-1 0x0137,6 0x0138,3 0x0139,16 0x013a,4 0x013b,4 0x013c,4 0x013d,6 0x013e,24 0x013f,26,itemmonster,2 0x0140,22,mapmove,2:18:20 0x0141,14 0x0142,6 0x0143,10,npcamountinput,2:6 0x0144,23 0x0145,19 0x0146,6,npccloseclicked,2 0x0147,39 0x0148,8 0x0149,9,gmreqnochat,2:6:7 0x014a,6 0x014b,27 0x014c,-1 0x014d,2,guildcheckmaster,0 0x014e,6 0x014f,6,guildrequestinfo,2 0x0150,110 0x0151,6,guildrequestemblem,2 0x0152,-1 0x0153,-1,guildchangeemblem,2:4 0x0154,-1 0x0155,-1,guildchangememberposition,2 0x0156,-1 0x0157,6 0x0158,-1 0x0159,54,guildleave,2:6:10:14 0x015a,66 0x015b,54,guildexpulsion,2:6:10:14 0x015c,90 0x015d,42,guildbreak,2 0x015e,6 0x015f,42 0x0160,-1 0x0161,-1,guildchangepositioninfo,2 0x0162,-1 0x0163,-1 0x0164,-1 0x0165,30,createguild,6 0x0166,-1 0x0167,3 0x0168,14,guildinvite,2 0x0169,3 0x016a,30 0x016b,10,guildreplyinvite,2:6 0x016c,43 0x016d,14 0x016e,186,guildchangenotice,2:6:66 0x016f,182 0x0170,14,guildrequestalliance,2 0x0171,30 0x0172,10,guildreplyalliance,2:6 0x0173,3 0x0174,-1 0x0175,6 0x0176,106 0x0177,-1 0x0178,4,itemidentify,2 0x0179,5 0x017a,4,usecard,2 0x017b,-1 0x017c,6,insertcard,2:4 0x017d,7 0x017e,-1,guildmessage,2:4 0x017f,-1 0x0180,6,guildopposition,2 0x0181,3 0x0182,106 0x0183,10,guilddelalliance,2:6 0x0184,10 0x0185,34 //0x0186,-1 0x0187,6 0x0188,8 0x0189,4 0x018a,4,quitgame,0 0x018b,4 0x018c,29 0x018d,-1 0x018e,10,producemix,2:4:6:8 0x018f,6 0x0190,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x0191,86 0x0192,24 0x0193,6,solvecharname,2 0x0194,30 0x0195,102 0x0196,9 0x0197,4,resetchar,2 0x0198,8,changemaptype,2:4:6 0x0199,4 0x019a,14 0x019b,10 0x019c,-1,localbroadcast,2:4 0x019d,6,gmhide,0 0x019e,2 0x019f,6,catchpet,2 0x01a0,3 0x01a1,3,petmenu,2 0x01a2,35 0x01a3,5 0x01a4,11 0x01a5,26,changepetname,2 0x01a6,-1 0x01a7,4,selectegg,2 0x01a8,4 0x01a9,6,sendemotion,2 0x01aa,10 0x01ab,12 0x01ac,6 0x01ad,-1 0x01ae,4,selectarrow,2 0x01af,4,changecart,2 0x01b0,11 0x01b1,7 0x01b2,-1,openvending,2:4:84:85 0x01b3,67 0x01b4,12 0x01b5,18 0x01b6,114 0x01b7,6 0x01b8,3 0x01b9,6 0x01ba,26,remove,2 0x01bb,26,shift,2 0x01bc,26,recall,2 0x01bd,26,summon,2 0x01be,2 0x01bf,3 0x01c0,2 0x01c1,14 0x01c2,10 0x01c3,-1 0x01c4,22 0x01c5,22 0x01c6,4 0x01c7,2 0x01c8,13 0x01c9,97 //0x01ca,-1 0x01cb,9 0x01cc,9 0x01cd,30 0x01ce,6,autospell,2 0x01cf,28 0x01d0,8 0x01d1,14 0x01d2,10 0x01d3,35 0x01d4,6 0x01d5,-1,npcstringinput,2:4:8 0x01d6,4 0x01d7,11 0x01d8,54 0x01d9,53 0x01da,60 0x01db,2 0x01dc,-1 0x01dd,47 0x01de,33 0x01df,6,gmreqaccname,2 0x01e0,30 0x01e1,8 0x01e2,34 0x01e3,14 0x01e4,2 0x01e5,6 0x01e6,26 0x01e7,2,sndoridori,0 0x01e8,28,createparty2,2 0x01e9,81 0x01ea,6 0x01eb,10 0x01ec,26 0x01ed,2,snexplosionspirits,0 0x01ee,-1 0x01ef,-1 0x01f0,-1 0x01f1,-1 0x01f2,20 0x01f3,10 0x01f4,32 0x01f5,9 0x01f6,34 0x01f7,14,adoptreply,0 0x01f8,2 0x01f9,6,adoptrequest,0 0x01fa,48 0x01fb,56 0x01fc,-1 0x01fd,4,repairitem,2 0x01fe,5 0x01ff,10 0x0200,26 0x0201,-1 0x0202,26,friendslistadd,2 0x0203,10,friendslistremove,2:6 0x0204,18 0x0205,26 0x0206,11 0x0207,34 0x0208,11,friendslistreply,2:6:10 0x0209,36 0x020a,10 //0x020b,-1 //0x020c,-1 0x020d,-1 //2004-07-05aSakexe packet_ver: 6 0x0072,22,wanttoconnection,5:9:13:17:21 0x0085,8,walktoxy,5 0x00a7,13,useitem,5:9 0x0113,15,useskilltoid,4:9:11 0x0116,15,useskilltopos,4:9:11:13 0x0190,95,useskilltoposinfo,4:9:11:13:15 0x0208,14,friendslistreply,2:6:10 0x020e,24 //2004-07-13aSakexe packet_ver: 7 0x0072,39,wanttoconnection,12:22:30:34:38 0x0085,9,walktoxy,6 0x009b,13,changedir,5:12 0x009f,10,takeitem,6 0x00a7,17,useitem,6:13 0x0113,19,useskilltoid,7:9:15 0x0116,19,useskilltopos,7:9:15:17 0x0190,99,useskilltoposinfo,7:9:15:17:19 //2004-07-26aSakexe packet_ver: 8 0x0072,14,dropitem,5:12 0x007e,33,wanttoconnection,12:18:24:28:32 0x0085,20,useskilltoid,7:12:16 0x0089,15,getcharnamerequest,11 0x008c,23,useskilltopos,3:6:17:21 0x0094,10,takeitem,6 0x009b,6,walktoxy,3 0x009f,13,changedir,5:12 0x00a2,103,useskilltoposinfo,3:6:17:21:23 0x00a7,12,solvecharname,8 0x00f3,-1,globalmessage,2:4 0x00f5,17,useitem,6:12 0x00f7,10,ticksend,6 0x0113,16,movetokafra,5:12 0x0116,2,closekafra,0 0x0190,26,movefromkafra,10:22 0x0193,9,actionrequest,3:8 //2004-08-09aSakexe packet_ver: 9 0x0072,17,dropitem,8:15 0x007e,37,wanttoconnection,9:21:28:32:36 0x0085,26,useskilltoid,11:18:22 0x0089,12,getcharnamerequest,8 0x008c,40,useskilltopos,5:15:29:38 0x0094,13,takeitem,9 0x009b,15,walktoxy,12 0x009f,12,changedir,7:11 0x00a2,120,useskilltoposinfo,5:15:29:38:40 0x00a7,11,solvecharname,7 0x00f5,24,useitem,9:20 0x00f7,13,ticksend,9 0x0113,23,movetokafra,5:19 0x0190,26,movefromkafra,11:22 0x0193,18,actionrequest,7:17 //2004-08-16aSakexe 0x0212,26,rc,2 0x0213,26,check,2 0x0214,42 //2004-08-17aSakexe 0x020f,10,pvpinfo,2:6 0x0210,22 //2004-09-06aSakexe packet_ver: 10 0x0072,20,useitem,9:20 0x007e,19,movetokafra,3:15 0x0085,23,actionrequest,9:22 0x0089,9,walktoxy,6 0x008c,105,useskilltoposinfo,10:14:18:23:25 0x0094,17,dropitem,6:15 0x009b,14,getcharnamerequest,10 0x009f,-1,globalmessage,2:4 0x00a2,14,solvecharname,10 0x00a7,25,useskilltopos,10:14:18:23 0x00f3,10,changedir,4:9 0x00f5,34,wanttoconnection,7:15:25:29:33 0x00f7,2,closekafra,0 0x0113,11,takeitem,7 0x0116,11,ticksend,7 0x0190,22,useskilltoid,9:15:18 0x0193,17,movefromkafra,3:13 //2004-09-20aSakexe packet_ver: 11 0x0072,18,useitem,10:14 0x007e,25,movetokafra,6:21 0x0085,9,actionrequest,3:8 0x0089,14,walktoxy,11 0x008c,109,useskilltoposinfo,16:20:23:27:29 0x0094,19,dropitem,12:17 0x009b,10,getcharnamerequest,6 0x00a2,10,solvecharname,6 0x00a7,29,useskilltopos,6:20:23:27 0x00f3,18,changedir,8:17 0x00f5,32,wanttoconnection,10:17:23:27:31 0x0113,14,takeitem,10 0x0116,14,ticksend,10 0x0190,14,useskilltoid,4:7:10 0x0193,12,movefromkafra,4:8 //2004-10-05aSakexe packet_ver: 12 0x0072,17,useitem,6:13 0x007e,16,movetokafra,5:12 0x0089,6,walktoxy,3 0x008c,103,useskilltoposinfo,2:6:17:21:23 0x0094,14,dropitem,5:12 0x009b,15,getcharnamerequest,11 0x00a2,12,solvecharname,8 0x00a7,23,useskilltopos,3:6:17:21 0x00f3,13,changedir,5:12 0x00f5,33,wanttoconnection,12:18:24:28:32 0x0113,10,takeitem,6 0x0116,10,ticksend,6 0x0190,20,useskilltoid,7:12:16 0x0193,26,movefromkafra,10:22 //2004-10-25aSakexe packet_ver: 13 0x0072,13,useitem,5:9 0x007e,13,movetokafra,6:9 0x0085,15,actionrequest,4:14 0x008c,108,useskilltoposinfo,6:9:23:26:28 0x0094,12,dropitem,6:10 0x009b,10,getcharnamerequest,6 0x00a2,16,solvecharname,12 0x00a7,28,useskilltopos,6:9:23:26 0x00f3,15,changedir,6:14 0x00f5,29,wanttoconnection,5:14:20:24:28 0x0113,9,takeitem,5 0x0116,9,ticksend,5 0x0190,26,useskilltoid,4:10:22 0x0193,22,movefromkafra,12:18 //2004-11-01aSakexe 0x0084,-1 0x0215,6 //2004-11-08aSakexe 0x0084,2 0x0216,6 0x0217,2,blacksmith,0 0x0218,2,alchemist,0 0x0219,282 0x021a,282 0x021b,10 0x021c,10 //2004-11-15aSakexe 0x021d,6,lesseffect,2 //2004-11-29aSakexe packet_ver: 14 0x0072,22,useskilltoid,8:12:18 0x007e,30,useskilltopos,4:9:22:28 0x0085,-1,globalmessage,2:4 0x0089,7,ticksend,3 0x008c,13,getcharnamerequest,9 0x0094,14,movetokafra,4:10 0x009b,2,closekafra,0 0x009f,18,actionrequest,6:17 0x00a2,7,takeitem,3 0x00a7,7,walktoxy,4 0x00f3,8,changedir,3:7 0x00f5,29,wanttoconnection,3:10:20:24:28 0x00f7,14,solvecharname,10 0x0113,110,useskilltoposinfo,4:9:22:28:30 0x0116,12,dropitem,4:10 0x0190,15,useitem,3:11 0x0193,21,movefromkafra,4:17 0x0221,-1 0x0222,6,weaponrefine,2 0x0223,8 //2004-12-13aSakexe //skipped: many packets being set to -1 0x0066,3 0x0070,3 0x01ca,3 0x021e,6 0x021f,66 0x0220,10 //2005-01-10bSakexe packet_ver: 15 0x0072,26,useskilltoid,8:16:22 0x007e,114,useskilltoposinfo,10:18:22:32:34 0x0085,23,changedir,12:22 0x0089,9,ticksend,5 0x008c,8,getcharnamerequest,4 0x0094,20,movetokafra,10:16 0x009b,32,wanttoconnection,3:12:23:27:31 0x009f,17,useitem,5:13 0x00a2,11,solvecharname,7 0x00a7,13,walktoxy,10 0x00f3,-1,globalmessage,2:4 0x00f5,9,takeitem,5 0x00f7,21,movefromkafra,11:17 0x0113,34,useskilltopos,10:18:22:32 0x0116,20,dropitem,15:18 0x0190,20,actionrequest,9:19 0x0193,2,closekafra,0 //2005-03-28aSakexe 0x0224,10 0x0225,2,taekwon,0 0x0226,282 //2005-04-04aSakexe 0x0227,18 0x0228,18 //2005-04-11aSakexe 0x0229,15 0x022a,58 0x022b,57 0x022c,64 //2005-04-25aSakexe 0x022d,5,hommenu,2:4 0x0232,9,hommoveto,2:6 0x0233,11,homattack,2:6:10 0x0234,6,hommovetomaster,2 //2005-05-09aSakexe packet_ver: 16 0x0072,25,useskilltoid,6:10:21 0x007e,102,useskilltoposinfo,5:9:12:20:22 0x0085,11,changedir,7:10 0x0089,8,ticksend,4 0x008c,11,getcharnamerequest,7 0x0094,14,movetokafra,7:10 0x009b,26,wanttoconnection,4:9:17:21:25 0x009f,14,useitem,4:10 0x00a2,15,solvecharname,11 0x00a7,8,walktoxy,5 0x00f5,8,takeitem,4 0x00f7,22,movefromkafra,14:18 0x0113,22,useskilltopos,5:9:12:20 0x0116,10,dropitem,5:8 0x0190,19,actionrequest,5:18 //2005-05-23aSakexe 0x022e,69 0x0230,12 //2005-05-30aSakexe 0x022e,71 0x0235,-1 0x0236,10 0x0237,2,rankingpk,0 0x0238,282 //2005-05-31aSakexe 0x0216,2 0x0239,11 //2005-06-08aSakexe 0x0216,6 0x0217,2,blacksmith,0 0x022f,5 0x0231,26,changehomunculusname,0 0x023a,4 0x023b,36,storagepassword,2:4:20 0x023c,6 //2005-06-22aSakexe 0x022e,71 //2005-06-28aSakexe packet_ver: 17 0x0072,34,useskilltoid,6:17:30 0x007e,113,useskilltoposinfo,12:15:18:31:33 0x0085,17,changedir,8:16 0x0089,13,ticksend,9 0x008c,8,getcharnamerequest,4 0x0094,31,movetokafra,16:27 0x009b,32,wanttoconnection,9:15:23:27:31 0x009f,19,useitem,9:15 0x00a2,9,solvecharname,5 0x00a7,11,walktoxy,8 0x00f5,13,takeitem,9 0x00f7,18,movefromkafra,11:14 0x0113,33,useskilltopos,12:15:18:31 0x0116,12,dropitem,3:10 0x0190,24,actionrequest,11:23 0x0216,-1 0x023d,-1 0x023e,4 //2005-07-18aSakexe packet_ver: 18 0x0072,19,useskilltoid,5:11:15 0x007e,110,useskilltoposinfo,9:15:23:28:30 0x0085,11,changedir,6:10 0x0089,7,ticksend,3 0x008c,11,getcharnamerequest,7 0x0094,21,movetokafra,12:17 0x009b,31,wanttoconnection,3:13:22:26:30 0x009f,12,useitem,3:8 0x00a2,18,solvecharname,14 0x00a7,15,walktoxy,12 0x00f5,7,takeitem,3 0x00f7,13,movefromkafra,5:9 0x0113,30,useskilltopos,9:15:23:28 0x0116,12,dropitem,6:10 0x0190,21,actionrequest,5:20 0x0216,6 0x023f,2,mailrefresh,0 0x0240,8 0x0241,6,mailread,2 0x0242,-1 0x0243,6,maildelete,2 0x0244,6,mailgetattach,2 0x0245,7 0x0246,4,mailwinopen,2 0x0247,8,mailsetattach,2:4 0x0248,68 0x0249,3 0x024a,70 0x024b,4,auctioncancelreg,0 0x024c,8,auctionsetitem,0 0x024d,14 0x024e,6,auctioncancel,0 0x024f,10,auctionbid,0 0x0250,3 0x0251,2 0x0252,-1 //2005-07-19bSakexe packet_ver: 19 0x0072,34,useskilltoid,6:17:30 0x007e,113,useskilltoposinfo,12:15:18:31:33 0x0085,17,changedir,8:16 0x0089,13,ticksend,9 0x008c,8,getcharnamerequest,4 0x0094,31,movetokafra,16:27 0x009b,32,wanttoconnection,9:15:23:27:31 0x009f,19,useitem,9:15 0x00a2,9,solvecharname,5 0x00a7,11,walktoxy,8 0x00f5,13,takeitem,9 0x00f7,18,movefromkafra,11:14 0x0113,33,useskilltopos,12:15:18:31 0x0116,12,dropitem,3:10 0x0190,24,actionrequest,11:23 //2005-08-01aSakexe 0x0245,3 0x0251,4 //2005-08-08aSakexe 0x024d,12,auctionregister,0 0x024e,4 //2005-08-17aSakexe 0x0253,3 0x0254,3,feelsaveok,0 //2005-08-29aSakexe 0x0240,-1 0x0248,-1,mailsend,2:4:28:68 0x0255,5 0x0256,-1 0x0257,8 //2005-09-12bSakexe 0x0256,5 0x0258,2 0x0259,3 //2005-10-10aSakexe 0x020e,32 0x025a,-1 0x025b,6,cooking,0 //2005-10-13aSakexe 0x007a,6 0x0251,32 0x025c,4,auctionbuysell,0 //2005-10-17aSakexe 0x007a,58 0x025d,6,auctionclose,0 0x025e,4 //2005-10-24aSakexe 0x025f,6 0x0260,6 //2005-11-07aSakexe 0x024e,6,auctioncancel,0 0x0251,34,auctionsearch,0 //2006-01-09aSakexe 0x0261,11 0x0262,11 0x0263,11 0x0264,20 0x0265,20 0x0266,30 0x0267,4 0x0268,4 0x0269,4 0x026a,4 0x026b,4 0x026c,4 0x026d,4 0x026f,2 0x0270,2 0x0271,38 0x0272,44 //2006-01-26aSakexe 0x0271,40 //2006-03-06aSakexe 0x0273,6 0x0274,8 //2006-03-13aSakexe 0x0273,30,mailreturn,2:6 //2006-03-27aSakexe packet_ver: 20 0x0072,26,useskilltoid,11:18:22 0x007e,120,useskilltoposinfo,5:15:29:38:40 0x0085,12,changedir,7:11 //0x0089,13,ticksend,9 0x008c,12,getcharnamerequest,8 0x0094,23,movetokafra,5:19 0x009b,37,wanttoconnection,9:21:28:32:36 0x009f,24,useitem,9:20 0x00a2,11,solvecharname,7 0x00a7,15,walktoxy,12 0x00f5,13,takeitem,9 0x00f7,26,movefromkafra,11:22 0x0113,40,useskilltopos,5:15:29:38 0x0116,17,dropitem,8:15 0x0190,18,actionrequest,7:17 //2006-10-23aSakexe 0x006d,110 //2006-04-24aSakexe to 2007-01-02aSakexe 0x023e,8 0x0277,84 0x0278,2 0x0279,2 0x027a,-1 0x027b,14 0x027c,60 0x027d,62 0x027e,-1 0x027f,8 0x0280,12 0x0281,4 0x0282,284 0x0283,6 0x0284,14 0x0285,6 0x0286,4 0x0287,-1 0x0288,6 0x0289,8 0x028a,18 0x028b,-1 0x028c,46 0x028d,34 0x028e,4 0x028f,6 0x0290,4 0x0291,4 0x0292,2,autorevive,0 0x0293,70 0x0294,10 0x0295,-1 0x0296,-1 0x0297,-1 0x0298,8 0x0299,6 0x029a,27 0x029c,66 0x029d,-1 0x029e,11 0x029f,3,mermenu,0 0x02a0,-1 0x02a1,-1 0x02a2,8 //2007-01-08aSakexe packet_ver: 21 0x0072,30,useskilltoid,10:14:26 0x007e,120,useskilltoposinfo,10:19:23:38:40 0x0085,14,changedir,10:13 0x0089,11,ticksend,7 0x008c,17,getcharnamerequest,13 0x0094,17,movetokafra,4:13 0x009b,35,wanttoconnection,7:21:26:30:34 0x009f,21,useitem,7:17 0x00a2,10,solvecharname,6 0x00a7,8,walktoxy,5 0x00f5,11,takeitem,7 0x00f7,15,movefromkafra,3:11 0x0113,40,useskilltopos,10:19:23:38 0x0116,19,dropitem,11:17 0x0190,10,actionrequest,4:9 //2007-01-22aSakexe 0x02a3,18 0x02a4,2 //2007-01-29aSakexe 0x029b,72 0x02a3,-1 0x02a4,-1 0x02a5,8 // 2007-02-05aSakexe 0x02aa,4 0x02ab,36 0x02ac,6 //2007-02-12aSakexe packet_ver: 22 0x0072,25,useskilltoid,6:10:21 0x007e,102,useskilltoposinfo,5:9:12:20:22 0x0085,11,changedir,7:10 0x0089,8,ticksend,4 0x008c,11,getcharnamerequest,7 0x0094,14,movetokafra,7:10 0x009b,26,wanttoconnection,4:9:17:21:25 0x009f,14,useitem,4:10 0x00a2,15,solvecharname,11 //0x00a7,8,walktoxy,5 0x00f5,8,takeitem,4 0x00f7,22,movefromkafra,14:18 0x0113,22,useskilltopos,5:9:12:20 0x0116,10,dropitem,5:8 0x0190,19,actionrequest,5:18 //2007-05-07aSakexe 0x01fd,15,repairitem,2 //2007-02-27aSakexe to 2007-10-02aSakexe 0x0288,10,cashshopbuy,2:4:6 0x0289,12 0x02a6,22 0x02a7,22 0x02a8,162 0x02a9,58 0x02ad,8 0x02b0,85 0x02b1,-1 0x02b2,-1 0x02b3,107 0x02b4,6 0x02b5,-1 0x02b6,7,queststate,2:6 0x02b7,7 0x02b8,22 0x02b9,191 0x02ba,11,hotkey,2:4:5:9 0x02bb,8 0x02bc,6 0x02bf,10 0x02c0,2 0x02c1,-1 0x02c2,-1 0x02c4,26,partyinvite2,2 0x02c5,30 0x02c6,30 0x02c7,7,replypartyinvite2,2:6 0x02c8,3 0x02c9,3 0x02ca,3 0x02cb,20 0x02cc,4 0x02cd,26 0x02ce,10 0x02cf,6 0x02d0,-1 0x02d1,-1 0x02d2,-1 0x02d3,4 0x02d4,29 0x02d5,2 0x02d6,6,viewplayerequip,2 0x02d7,-1 0x02d8,10,equiptickbox,6 0x02d9,10 0x02da,3 0x02db,-1,battlechat,2:4 0x02dc,-1 0x02dd,32 0x02de,6 0x02df,36 0x02e0,34 //2007-10-23aSakexe 0x02cb,65 0x02cd,71 //2007-11-06aSakexe 0x0078,55 0x007c,42 0x022c,65 0x029b,80 //2007-11-13aSakexe 0x02e1,33 //2007-11-20aSakexe //0x01df,10 <- ??? 0x02e2,14 0x02e3,25 0x02e4,8 0x02e5,8 0x02e6,6 //2007-11-27aSakexe 0x02e7,-1 //2008-01-02aSakexe 0x01df,6,gmreqaccname,2 0x02e8,-1 0x02e9,-1 0x02ea,-1 0x02eb,13 0x02ec,67 0x02ed,59 0x02ee,60 0x02ef,8 //2008-03-18aSakexe 0x02bf,-1 0x02c0,-1 0x02f0,10 0x02f1,2,progressbar,0 0x02f2,2 //2008-03-25bSakexe 0x02f3,-1 0x02f4,-1 0x02f5,-1 0x02f6,-1 0x02f7,-1 0x02f8,-1 0x02f9,-1 0x02fa,-1 0x02fb,-1 0x02fc,-1 0x02fd,-1 0x02fe,-1 0x02ff,-1 0x0300,-1 //2008-04-01aSakexe 0x0301,-1 0x0302,-1 0x0303,-1 0x0304,-1 0x0305,-1 0x0306,-1 0x0307,-1 0x0308,-1 0x0309,-1 0x030a,-1 0x030b,-1 0x030c,-1 0x030d,-1 0x030e,-1 0x030f,-1 0x0310,-1 0x0311,-1 0x0312,-1 0x0313,-1 0x0314,-1 0x0315,-1 0x0316,-1 0x0317,-1 0x0318,-1 0x0319,-1 0x031a,-1 0x031b,-1 0x031c,-1 0x031d,-1 0x031e,-1 0x031f,-1 0x0320,-1 0x0321,-1 0x0322,-1 0x0323,-1 0x0324,-1 0x0325,-1 0x0326,-1 0x0327,-1 0x0328,-1 0x0329,-1 0x032a,-1 0x032b,-1 0x032c,-1 0x032d,-1 0x032e,-1 0x032f,-1 0x0330,-1 0x0331,-1 0x0332,-1 0x0333,-1 0x0334,-1 0x0335,-1 0x0336,-1 0x0337,-1 0x0338,-1 0x0339,-1 0x033a,-1 0x033b,-1 0x033c,-1 0x033d,-1 0x033e,-1 0x033f,-1 0x0340,-1 0x0341,-1 0x0342,-1 0x0343,-1 0x0344,-1 0x0345,-1 0x0346,-1 0x0347,-1 0x0348,-1 0x0349,-1 0x034a,-1 0x034b,-1 0x034c,-1 0x034d,-1 0x034e,-1 0x034f,-1 0x0350,-1 0x0351,-1 0x0352,-1 0x0353,-1 0x0354,-1 0x0355,-1 0x0356,-1 0x0357,-1 0x0358,-1 0x0359,-1 0x035a,-1 //2008-05-27aSakexe 0x035b,-1 0x035c,2 0x035d,-1 0x035e,2 0x035f,-1 0x0389,-1 //2008-08-20aSakexe 0x040c,-1 0x040d,-1 0x040e,-1 0x040f,-1 0x0410,-1 0x0411,-1 0x0412,-1 0x0413,-1 0x0414,-1 0x0415,-1 0x0416,-1 0x0417,-1 0x0418,-1 0x0419,-1 0x041a,-1 0x041b,-1 0x041c,-1 0x041d,-1 0x041e,-1 0x041f,-1 0x0420,-1 0x0421,-1 0x0422,-1 0x0423,-1 0x0424,-1 0x0425,-1 0x0426,-1 0x0427,-1 0x0428,-1 0x0429,-1 0x042a,-1 0x042b,-1 0x042c,-1 0x042d,-1 0x042e,-1 0x042f,-1 0x0430,-1 0x0431,-1 0x0432,-1 0x0433,-1 0x0434,-1 0x0435,-1 //2008-09-10aSakexe packet_ver: 23 0x0436,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0437,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x0438,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0439,8,useitem,2:4 //2008-11-13aSakexe 0x043d,8 0x043e,-1 0x043f,8 //2008-11-26aSakexe 0x01a2,37 0x0440,10 0x0441,4 //2008-12-10aSakexe 0x0442,-1 0x0443,8,skillselectmenu,2:6 //2009-01-14aSakexe 0x043f,25 0x0444,-1 0x0445,10 //2009-02-18aSakexe 0x0446,14 //2009-02-25aSakexe 0x0448,-1 //2009-03-30aSakexe 0x0449,4 //2009-04-08aSakexe 0x02a6,-1 0x02a7,-1 0x044a,6 //Renewal Clients //2008-08-27aRagexeRE packet_ver: 24 0x0072,22,useskilltoid,9:15:18 0x007c,44 0x007e,105,useskilltoposinfo,10:14:18:23:25 0x0085,10,changedir,4:9 0x0089,11,ticksend,7 0x008c,14,getcharnamerequest,10 0x0094,19,movetokafra,3:15 0x009b,34,wanttoconnection,7:15:25:29:33 0x009f,20,useitem,7:20 0x00a2,14,solvecharname,10 0x00a7,9,walktoxy,6 0x00f5,11,takeitem,7 0x00f7,17,movefromkafra,3:13 0x0113,25,useskilltopos,10:14:18:23 0x0116,17,dropitem,6:15 0x0190,23,actionrequest,9:22 0x02e2,20 0x02e3,22 0x02e4,11 0x02e5,9 //2008-09-10aRagexeRE packet_ver: 25 0x0436,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0437,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x0438,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0439,8,useitem,2:4 //2008-11-12aRagexeRE 0x043d,8 //0x043e,-1 0x043f,8 //2008-12-17aRagexeRE 0x01a2,37 //0x0440,10 //0x0441,4 //0x0442,8 //0x0443,8 //2008-12-17bRagexeRE 0x006d,114 //2009-01-21aRagexeRE 0x043f,25 //0x0444,-1 //0x0445,10 //2009-02-18aRagexeRE //0x0446,14 //2009-02-26cRagexeRE //0x0448,-1 //2009-04-01aRagexeRE //0x0449,4 //2009-05-14aRagexeRE //0x044b,2 //2009-05-20aRagexeRE //0x07d0,6 //0x07d1,2 //0x07d2,-1 //0x07d3,4 //0x07d4,4 //0x07d5,4 //0x07d6,4 //0x0447,2 //2009-06-03aRagexeRE 0x07d7,8,partychangeoption,2:6:7 0x07d8,8 0x07d9,254 0x07da,6,partychangeleader,2 //2009-06-10aRagexeRE //0x07db,8 //2009-06-17aRagexeRE 0x07d9,268 //0x07dc,6 //0x07dd,54 //0x07de,30 //0x07df,54 //2009-07-01aRagexeRE //0x0275,37 //0x0276,-1 //2009-07-08aRagexeRE //0x07e0,58 //2009-07-15aRagexeRE 0x07e1,15 //2009-08-05aRagexeRE 0x07e2,8 //2009-08-18aRagexeRE 0x07e3,6 0x07e4,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8 0x07e6,8 //2009-08-25aRagexeRE //0x07e6,28 0x07e7,5 //2009-09-22aRagexeRE 0x07e5,8 0x07e6,8 0x07e7,32 0x07e8,-1 0x07e9,5 //2009-09-29aRagexeRE //0x07ea,2 //0x07eb,-1 //0x07ec,6 //0x07ed,8 //0x07ee,6 //0x07ef,8 //0x07f0,4 //0x07f2,4 //0x07f3,3 //2009-10-06aRagexeRE //0x07ec,8 //0x07ed,10 //0x07f0,8 //0x07f1,15 //0x07f2,6 //0x07f3,4 //0x07f4,3 //2009-10-27aRagexeRE 0x07f5,6,gmreqaccname,2 0x07f6,14 //2009-11-03aRagexeRE 0x07f7,-1 0x07f8,-1 0x07f9,-1 //2009-11-17aRagexeRE 0x07fa,8 //2009-11-24aRagexeRE 0x07fb,25 //2009-12-01aRagexeRE //0x07fc,10 //0x07fd,-1 0x07fe,26 //0x07ff,-1 //2009-12-15aRagexeRE 0x0800,-1 //0x0801,-1 //2009-12-22aRagexeRE 0x0802,18,bookingregreq,2:4:6 // Booking System 0x0803,4 0x0804,8 // Booking System 0x0805,-1 0x0806,4,bookingdelreq,2 // Booking System //0x0807,2 0x0808,4 // Booking System //0x0809,14 //0x080A,50 //0x080B,18 //0x080C,6 //2009-12-29aRagexeRE 0x0804,14,bookingsearchreq,2:4:6:8:12 // Booking System 0x0806,2,bookingdelreq,0 // Booking System 0x0807,4 0x0808,14,bookingupdatereq,2 // Booking System 0x0809,50 0x080A,18 0x080B,6 // Booking System //2010-01-05aRagexeRE 0x0801,-1,purchasereq2,2:4:8:12 //2010-01-26aRagexeRE //0x080C,2 //0x080D,3 0x080E,14 //2010-02-09aRagexeRE //0x07F0,6 //2010-02-23aRagexeRE 0x080F,20 //2010-03-03aRagexeRE 0x0810,3 0x0811,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 //0x0812,86 //0x0813,6 //0x0814,6 //0x0815,-1 //0x0817,-1 //0x0818,6 //0x0819,4 //2010-03-09aRagexeRE 0x0813,-1 //0x0814,2 //0x0815,6 0x0816,6 0x0818,-1 //0x0819,10 //0x081A,4 //0x081B,4 //0x081C,6 0x081d,22 0x081e,8 //2010-03-23aRagexeRE //0x081F,-1 //2010-04-06aRagexeRE //0x081A,6 //2010-04-13aRagexeRE //0x081A,10 0x0820,11 //0x0821,2 //0x0822,9 //0x0823,-1 //2010-04-14dRagexeRE //0x081B,8 //2010-04-20aRagexeRE 0x0812,8 0x0814,86 0x0815,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x0817,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x0819,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 0x081a,4 0x081b,10 0x081c,10 0x0824,6 //2010-06-01aRagexeRE //0x0825,-1 //0x0826,4 0x0835,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x0836,-1 0x0837,3 //0x0838,3 //2010-06-08aRagexeRE 0x0838,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x083A,4 // Search Stalls Feature 0x083B,2,closesearchstoreinfo,0 0x083C,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 0x083D,6 //2010-06-15aRagexeRE //0x083E,26 //2010-06-22aRagexeRE //0x083F,22 //2010-06-29aRagexeRE 0x00AA,9 //0x07F1,18 //0x07F2,8 //0x07F3,6 //2010-07-01aRagexeRE 0x083A,5 // Search Stalls Feature //2010-07-13aRagexeRE //0x0827,6 //0x0828,14 //0x0829,6 //0x082A,10 //0x082B,6 //0x082C,14 //0x0840,-1 //0x0841,19 //2010-07-14aRagexeRE //0x841,4 //2010-08-03aRagexeRE 0x0839,66 0x0842,6,recall2,2 0x0843,6,remove2,2 //2010-11-24aRagexeRE packet_ver: 26 0x0288,-1,cashshopbuy,4:8 0x0436,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x035f,5,walktoxy,2 0x0360,6,ticksend,2 0x0361,5,changedir,2:4 0x0362,6,takeitem,2 0x0363,6,dropitem,2:4 0x0364,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x0365,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0366,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0367,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x0368,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0369,6,solvecharname,2 0x0856,-1 0x0857,-1 0x0858,-1 0x0859,-1 0x08d0,9 //2011-10-05aRagexeRE packet_ver: 27 0x0364,5,walktoxy,2 0x0817,6,ticksend,2 0x0366,5,changedir,2:4 0x0815,6,takeitem,2 0x0885,6,dropitem,2:4 0x0893,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x0897,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0369,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x08ad,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x088a,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0838,6,solvecharname,2 0x0439,8,useitem,2:4 0x08d2,10 0x08d1,7 // 2011-11-02aRagexe packet_ver: 28 0x0436,26,friendslistadd,2 0x0898,5,hommenu,4 0x0281,36,storagepassword,0 0x088d,26,partyinvite2,2 0x083c,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x08aa,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x02c4,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0811,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8 0x890,8 0x08a5,18,bookingregreq,2:4:6 0x0835,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 0x089b,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x08a1,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x089e,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 0x08ab,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x088b,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x08a2,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 //2012-03-07fRagexeRE packet_ver:29 0x086A,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0437,5,walktoxy,2 0x0887,6,ticksend,2 0x0890,5,changedir,2:4 0x0865,6,takeitem,2 0x02C4,6,dropitem,2:4 0x093B,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x0963,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0438,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0366,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x096A,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0368,6,solvecharname,2 0x0369,26,friendslistadd,2 0x0863,5,hommenu,4 0x0861,36,storagepassword,0 0x0929,26,partyinvite2,2 0x0885,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x0889,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0870,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8 0x0926,18,bookingregreq,2:4:6 0x0815,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 0x0817,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x0360,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x0811,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 0x0884,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x0835,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x0838,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 0x0439,8,useitem,2:4 //2012-04-10aRagexeRE packet_ver: 30 0x01FD,15,repairitem,2 0x089C,26,friendslistadd,2 0x0885,5,hommenu,2:4 0x0961,36,storagepassword,0 0x0288,-1,cashshopbuy,4:8 0x091C,26,partyinvite2,2 0x094B,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0369,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x083C,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0439,8,useitem,2:4 0x0945,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8 0x0815,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 0x0817,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x0360,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x0811,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 0x0819,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x0835,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x0838,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 0x0437,5,walktoxy,2 0x0886,6,ticksend,2 0x0871,5,changedir,2:4 0x0938,6,takeitem,2 0x0891,6,dropitem,2:4 0x086C,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x08A6,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0438,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x091D,18,bookingregreq,2:4:6 0x0366,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x0889,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0884,6,solvecharname,2 0x08E5,41,bookingregreq,2:4 //Added to prevent disconnections 0x08E6,4 0x08E7,10,bookingsearchreq,2 0x08E8,-1 0x08E9,2,bookingdelreq,2 0x08EA,4 0x08EB,39,bookingupdatereq,2 0x08EC,73 0x08ED,43 0x08EE,6 0x08EF,6,bookingignorereq,2 0x08F0,6 0x08F1,6,bookingjoinpartyreq,2 0x08F2,36 0x08F3,-1 0x08F4,6 0x08F5,-1,bookingsummonmember,2:4 0x08F6,22 0x08F7,3 0x08F8,7 0x08F9,6 0x08FA,6 0x08FB,6,bookingcanceljoinparty,2 0x0907,5,moveitem,2:4 0x0908,5 0x08D7,28,battlegroundreg,2:4 //Added to prevent disconnections 0x08CF,10 //Amulet spirits 0x0977,14 //Monster HP Bar 0x0916,26,guildinvite2,2 0x0844,2,cashshopopen,0 0x084a,2,cashshopclose,0 0x08c9,4,cashshopitemlist,0 0x0848,-1,cashshopbuy,0 //2012-04-18aRagexeRE [Special Thanks to Judas!] packet_ver:31 0x023B,26,friendslistadd,2 0x0361,5,hommenu,2:4 0x08A8,36,storagepassword,0 0x0802,26,partyinvite2,2 0x022D,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0281,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8 0x035F,6,ticksend,2 0x0202,5,changedir,2:4 0x07E4,6,takeitem,2 0x0362,6,dropitem,2:4 0x07EC,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x0364,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x096A,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0368,6,solvecharname,2 0x08E5,41,bookingregreq,2:4 //Added to prevent disconnections 0x08d2,10 //2012-06-18 packet_ver: 32 0x0983,29 //2012-07-02aRagexeRE (unstable) packet_ver: 33 0x0363,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0364,6,ticksend,2 0x085a,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x0861,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0862,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0863,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0886,6,solvecharname,2 0x0889,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x089e,6,dropitem,2:4 0x089f,6,takeitem,2 0x08a0,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x094a,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0953,5,walktoxy,2 0x0960,5,changedir,2:4 //2013-03-20Ragexe (Judas) packet_ver: 34 0x014f,6,guildrequestinfo,2 0x01fd,15,repairitem,2 //0x0281,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8 0x035f,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x0363,6,ticksend,2 0x0365,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 0x0438,6,dropitem,2:4 0x0447,2,booking_playcancel,0 0x044A,6,clientversion,2 0x0844,2,cashshopopen,0 0x0848,-1,cashshopbuy,0 0x084a,2,cashshopclose,0 0x084b,19 //fallitem4 0x085a,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x085d,18,bookingregreq,2:4 0x0868,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8 0x086d,26,partyinvite2,2 0x086f,26,friendslistadd,2 0x0874,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0881,5,walktoxy,2 0x0886,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x0888,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x088e,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x0897,5,changedir,2:4 0x0898,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x089b,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x08ac,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x08c9,4,cashshopitemlist,0 0x08cf,10 //Amulet spirits 0x08d2,10 0x0907,5,moveitem,2:4 0x0908,5 0x090f,-1 // notify_newentry7 0x0914,-1 // notify_moveentry 0x0915,-1 // notify_standentry 0x0922,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 //0x092e,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x0933,6,takeitem,2 0x0938,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 0x093f,5,hommenu,2:4 0x0947,36,storagepassword,0 0x094c,6,solvecharname,2 0x094e,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x0959,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 //0x095a,8,mailsetattach,2:4 0x0977,14 //Monster HP Bar 0x0978,6,reqworldinfo,2 0x0979,50 //ackworldinfo 0x0990,31 //additem 0x0991,-1 //inv itemlist normal 0x0992,-1 //inv itemlist equip 0x0993,-1 //cart itemlist normal 0x0994,-1 //cart itemlist equip 0x0995,-1 //store itemlist normal 0x0996,-1 //store itemlist equip 0x0997,-1 //ZC_EQUIPWIN_MICROSCOPE_V5 0x0998,8,equipitem,2:4 0x0999,11 // cz_wear_equipv5 0x099a,9 // take_off_equipv5 0x099b,8 //maptypeproperty2 //2013-05-15a Ragexe (Yommy) packet_ver: 35 0x0369,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x083C,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0437,5,walktoxy,2 0x035F,6,ticksend,2 0x0362,5,changedir,2:4 0x08A1,6,takeitem,2 0x0944,6,dropitem,2:4 0x0887,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x08AC,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0438,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0366,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x096A,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0368,6,solvecharname,2 0x0838,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 0x0835,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x0819,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x0811,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 0x0360,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x0817,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x0815,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 0x092D,18,bookingregreq,2:4 //0x08AA,8 CZ_JOIN_BATTLE_FIELD 0x0963,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8 0x0943,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0947,26,partyinvite2,2 //0x0862,4 CZ_GANGSI_RANK 0x0962,26,friendslistadd,2 0x0931,5,hommenu,2:4 0x093E,36,storagepassword,0 //2013-05-22 Ragexe (Yommy) packet_ver: 36 0x08A2,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x095C,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0360,5,walktoxy,2 0x07EC,6,ticksend,2 0x0925,5,changedir,2:4 0x095E,6,takeitem,2 0x089C,6,dropitem,2:4 0x08A3,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x087E,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0811,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0964,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x08A6,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0369,6,solvecharname,2 0x093E,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 0x08AA,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x095B,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x0952,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 0x0368,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x086E,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x0874,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 0x089B,18,bookingregreq,2:4 //0x0965,8 CZ_JOIN_BATTLE_FIELD 0x086A,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8 0x08A9,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0950,26,partyinvite2,2 //0x08AC,4 CZ_GANGSI_RANK 0x0362,26,friendslistadd,2 0x0926,5,hommenu,2:4 0x088E,36,storagepassword,0
    1 point
  20. File Name: @novendingboards / @novenders File Submitter: Lilith File Submitted: 19 Mar 2013 File Category: Source Modifications Content Author: Lilith Request: @nndsl Post: http://rathena.org/board/topic/80231-notrade/#entry187456 See on YouTube: @novendingboards http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHIT1pRSQZU&feature=youtu.be @novenders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UajUvlzAAc&feature=youtu.be Enjoy Click here to download this file
    1 point
  21. Jesus...has it really been 4 years since I left the RO scene? Oi! First, kudos to the rAthena team for making the difficult decision to make the move. I wish you all the best of luck in pushing forward with this project and renewing it. Also, THANK YOU for updating to the new IPB! I love it! I haven't gotten a use for mine recently since we closed our server and RUNE. So what's been going on? For me, life has been so busy! I graduated college two years ago, which was initially the thing that made me leave. I went for design so it was pretty difficult. But, what do you know, I'm not even working in the design field. I moved down to California and now work for a free to play game company which licences primarily Korean games. Started out as a GM, but have worked up to Associate Producer (meaning I work more with the developers than the players). Luckily, I have some freedoms in the game that I did in RO...primarily the ability to color things which I so love to do ;D Unfortunately it's 3D models, which I still don't know how to work with other than coloring textures...but I plan to learn! Anyway, it's been a wild and fun ride so far. If you remember Rico/TheUltimateEnd, who was previously my boyfriend...well we actually got married last year ^^ It was about time, right?! And in October we adopted two beautiful kittens <3 Sadly, my work takes up almost all of my time, and I have almost no time for side projects This means there's still not really any time for RO. However, my one major ongoing side project is cleaning up and organizing my hard drives...because there's a lot of old files and duplicate files laying around on them. First priority related to that is my Ragnarok files! Once all of those are organized I can re-release my work, and possibly release the things I had not yet released. We'll see when the time comes. If there is one thing I do still have plans to finish...it was my fixed sprites and palettes for them. Due to the disorganization of my files, though, it will have to be restarted nearly from scratch. I'm up to the challenge (especially since it wont require new creativity)...but it's gonna take a while xD Anyway, that's what's been up with me. I do miss the RO community from time to time, and came to visit eAthena occasionally, but I guess this will be my new home to return to. I look forward to seeing the community strive (and seeing the new graphics work that may appear here...instead of the bumping of very old topics). Hope everyone is well!
    1 point
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