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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/13 in all areas

  1. Instance System Rewrite!! r17386 contains a complete instance system rewrite! In a nutshell this new instance system allows us to create instances in a much easier fashion as opposed to the 5+ steps it took before. With the introduction of an instance database, creating an instance within a script is as simple as a single command, as well as entering it. Everything in instance creation is now handled automatically, making scripting instances a breeze compared to before. Features: Separation of instances from maps and scriptsThis allows us to create a system that is independent of the main functions (killmonster, monster, warp) using a new command instance_mapname(); Now whenever specifying a map for an instance, we no longer need specific commands to have these src4instance checks. Everything related to instancing is also done on an as needed basis, which means there won't be extra processing on each script run to figure out whether you're in an instance or not. Loading an instance automatically runs OnInstanceInitBefore it was an extra task taking generally 20-50 extra lines of unnecessary code. Now, when specifying your instance to create, this is no longer an issue. Instance database files hold the instances to be madeWith a new database file that contains all the instances, we no longer have to manually add each instance map and attach it to the scripts. This is another way we've made a system that works for the scripters, not making the scripters work for the system. We've also added a useful @reload instancedb command to reload the instancedb in runtime. Instances persist through @reloadscriptOne of the major reasons for this rewrite was to offer us the ability to use reloadscript and keep our instances in-tact. Now, when a reloadscript occurs, we reset all players to start of the instance and reset their timer. Instance persistence can be expanded upon later allowing us to store these into the SQL and even recreate them on server reboots! Script commands rewrittenWith the new system, we've removed a set of commands. These include: instance_attachmap instance_attach instance_set_timeout instance_init instance_detachmap has_instance Create instance of any mapIn the old system, we could only create instances of maps which were named to be instances because others would crash the client. Now you can create an instance of any map you'd like. Usage: To create an instance, first add it into the new database, then you can create it using instance_create and enter the instance with instance enter: 10,Instance Prontera,7200,prontera,150,150,prontera if (instance_create("Instance Prontera") < 0) // Check for a failure in creating instance instance_enter("Instance Prontera"); To make a monster in an instance, simply use the instance_mapname function. areamonster instance_mapname("prontera"),155,150,160,155,"Prontera Octopus",2192,3; You can refer to the rewritten instance scripts for more examples. Documentation for the new commands is below. Special Thanks: Euphy for suggesting this rewrite be done, doing hours of testing, and rewriting the scripts for the new system. It would have never been done without him. Auriga the Japanese emulator for giving me a place to start as well as much of the code in the new system. It certainly made this task much easier. Lemongrass for helping me out along the way and providing some code improvements in the final stages. Lighta for help in fixing bugs. The Future: Expect expansions upon this project such as instance storing in SQL and possibly additional instance types such as guild instancing. Please remember to post bug reports in the proper area and if you have any questions or need help converting a script, don't hesitate to ask. Commit 1 Commit 2
    2 points
  2. Renewal behaviors should be more or less on target. The only known broken renewal skill is Envenom. I need to do more research to see how exactly the +ATK bonus is applied as it's not a percentage based like most other skills. Renewal skills and behaviors themselves have been EXTENSIVELY tested, but please feel free to pipe up if something seems off. What we really need help with is pre-renewal, and making sure we didn't break anything in the process, as we did some major rewrites to the core of the whole damage calculation process to bring it in line with official. Please test pre-renewal and let me know of any regressions or differences of ANY kind. There may be some changes in terms of overall damage numbers as some "quirks" on official have been documented and implemented but overall it shouldn't vary that much from what rAthena had previously. If there's any significant change in damage output please indicate what skill and equipment/stats you're testing with. I'll have a writeup detailing exactly what changes have been made in renewal in terms of overall gameplay mechanics and skills soon.
    2 points
  3. This is designed for the incompetent. The same information can be found in my nfo file. If you wish to keep a little pice of me with you. You can download it off of my public cloud. Spread me around like a cancer! Pour some sugar on me~ P.S. This will be updated, improved regularly. If I miss something please get in touch with me. Keep it up everyone, let's work together! ^_^V SVN rAthena GIT~ https://github.com/rathena/rathena SVN Downloader TortoiseSVN ~ http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html Codeplex ~ http://downloadsvn.codeplex.com/ SmartSVN ~ http://www.syntevo.c...n/download.html KRO Installer Miruku ~ http://miruku.rathena.org/ RateMyServer ~ http://ratemyserver....wnload_kROLinks RSU ~ http://nn.nachtwolke.com/dev/rsu/ Clients & Diff Patchers k3dT 2013 Clients - http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/ Weetools Clients ~ https://subversion.a...etools/clients/ Supportmii Clients ~ http://supportmii.com/ro1/Clients/ Earthlingz CleintSide ~ http://www.assembla....bversion/nodes/ ShinsDiffPatcher ~ https://subversion.a...insDiffPatcher/ rAthena's Online Diff Patcher ~ http://rathena.org/t...iff_patcher.php LUA/LUB & Data LUA/Data ~ http://svn6.assembla...svn/ClientSide/ LUB ~ http://code.google.c.../downloads/list Packet_dbs & Packet_lengths Packets ~ http://svn6.assembla...ntSide/Packets/ actRO, Browedit, GRF, Sprite, Client Tools Ratemyserver Tools ~ http://ratemyserver....e=download_tool Supportmii Tools ~ http://supportmii.com/ro1/tools/ Browedit ~ http://browedit.exca...com/?a=download Shins Programs WeeMapCache ~ https://subversion.a...nk/WeeMapCache/ WeeThumbnail ~ https://subversion.a...k/WeeThumbnail/ rAthena's Tools rA's Login Background Screen Generator ~ http://rathena.org/t...gin_background/ Game Server Patchers Thor ~ http://thor.aeomin.net/ Triad ~ http://www.nitroconc...d/index_eng.php Control Panels FluxCP ~ https://github.com/c.../fluxcp-renewal CeresCP ~ http://sourceforge.n.../cerescp/files/ Guides & Info Judas Bible ~ http://supportmii.co.../JudasBible.pdf rAthena Wiki ~ http://rathena.org/wiki/ Misc Helpful Links eAthena Board ~ http://eathena.ws/forum/ RMS Sprite Bible ~ http://ratemyserver....riot_bible_main Web Host Talk ~ http://www.webhostingtalk.com/ Codes / Scripts Paste Sites kPaste ~ http://rathena.kpaste.net/ uPaste ~ http://upaste.me Pastebin ~ http://pastebin.com/ Security / Client Protection Harmony ~ https://harmonize.it/ Setup.exe BlueGhost Setup.exe ~ http://rathena.org/b...up/#entry144124 OpenSetup ~ http://www.mediafire...abj2jau2wxbvoiu
    1 point
  4. Hello all! Now i present to you my release : Faction system. Faction system settings: conf/battle/faction.conf Faction data base: db/faction_db.txt Faction alliances db: db/faction_alliance.txt New atcommands New Script commands New mapflag: fvf ( mf_fvf ) New map cell: nofvf ( cell_nofvf, cell_chknofvf ) Main Features: Faction versus Faction wars allowed only on FvF maps ( Min.lvl -> fvf_min_lvl: 55 ) Custom aura effects ( max is 3 by default, but you can increase it ) Aura can displaying for unit types in faction.conf: NPCs, Monsters, Pets, etc...( not only for Player ) Monster and other can change own base status to status from faction_db.txt ( race, element... ) If faction have Undead race or status faction members in this function can heal themselves ( if it allowed in faction_db.txt ) NPC shops can sell items to different factions at different prices. Now saving faction leader and relics of each faction. Multi - alliance support. Voting system ( voting for faction leader ). Relics support. Logging Faction chat. Youtube Preview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7q-ExosLa8 Price: FREE PATCH FOR RATHENA REV. 17310 Faction_System_Complete_1.4_rA17310.patch FACTION.SQL Old BETA version
    1 point
  5. My tool allows you to take wings/rucksacks/whatever sprites, rename them numerically to place into the tool, and will automatically output the renamed files for each class, saving you hours of time having to manually rename each file.Originally inspired by this thread: http://rathena.org/board/topic/72734-guidecustom-wings-at-robe-place/ - I created this tool as a means of saving not only myself, but others time. The script can still use some improvements (automatic creation of folders from steps 2 through 6 in the instructions below for instance), but is for all general purposes ready and working as-is. My script uses PHP and web server magic to run. Your web server will also need to be able to .tar.gz files. I don't know how to check other than running the script, so.. yeah. You will need to download the following zip which contains a robes.php file: http://jtynne.com/rAthena/robetool.zip Next, follow these instructions: 1. Upload the robes.php file to your web server. 2. Create two folders "base" and "output" 3. CHMOD both folders to 0777 4. Inside of the "base" folder, place all of your .spr/.act files for the garment sprite you'd like to create. Number these from 1 upward and remember this number for the next step. 5. Inside of the "output" folder, create an equivalent amount of folders to the same number of .spr/.act's you put in the "base" folder. If you went up to 3.spr/3.act then make three folders: 1 2 3 6. Inside EACH of the numbered folders, create two additional folders with the names "³²" and "¿©" (male/female). This is important so do it! 7. Run the robes.php script from your browser and allow it to run. It will create a .tar.gz file containing all the necessary sprite files, but your work is not yet done. 8. Inside the .tar.gz you will find an "output" folder which contains numbered folders and renamed sprite files for all classes. Take the numbered folders and place them into : data/sprite/·Îºê/ (client-side) 9. Open data/lua files/datainfo/spriterobeid.lua AND data/lua files/datainfo/spriterobename.lua YOU MUST EDIT BOTH FILES. 10. Inside spriterobeid.lua in the SPRITE_ROBE_IDs = { section, add in your new robe reference. e.g. ROBE_MYRO_1 = 1, 11. Inside spriterobename.lua in the RobeNameTable = { section, add in your new robe reference using the data from the previous step as an addendum to the syntax. e.g. [sPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_MYRO_1] = "1", 12. You can then test these out in-game with @changelook 7 # or adjust the "view" field on a garment and voila. Note: If anyone has questions, I probably won't respond very quickly as I'm busy IRL with school/running my own server/working. Help each other, it's pretty straight-forward so long as you have an understanding of client-side data. If anyone would like to create a more detailed guide, be my guest. If you modify my script, please do give credit where credit is due, as I spent a considerable amount of time making this work. Thanks!
    1 point
  6. Thanks Edit: if anyone else is wondering how to check if party is in even share I added a script command that looks like this BUILDIN_FUNC(getpartyshare) { struct party_data *p; int i=0; p=party_search(script_getnum(st,2)); if (p && p->party.exp) i++; mapreg_setreg(add_str("$@partyshare"),i); return 0; }
    1 point
  7. check your graphic card
    1 point
  8. Amazing work, Akinari! Hopefully we'll see some more instance scripts in the future because of this... :3
    1 point
  9. Dir fehlt die Spalte "bound" in allen Itemtabellen. Das Feature wurde mit r17351 eingeführt und du musst das dazugehörige SQL Upgrade File auf deinem MySQL Server ausführen. Zu finden ist diese Datei unter /sql-files/upgrades/upgrade_svn17351.sql: ALTER TABLE `inventory` ADD COLUMN `bound` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `favorite`; ALTER TABLE `cart_inventory` ADD COLUMN `bound` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `expire_time`; ALTER TABLE `storage` ADD COLUMN `bound` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `expire_time`; ALTER TABLE `guild_storage` ADD COLUMN `bound` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `expire_time`; Hoffe das hat geholfen.
    1 point
  10. trunk/doc/script_commands.txt
    1 point
  11. In the SQL table `party`, the `exp` column stores the Exp Share status. I'm guessing 0 is off and 1 is on. You might want to double check that. Remember that the value in SQL is not updated immediately when they change Exp Share in-game. I think it's autosaved every 300 seconds.
    1 point
  12. Do you remember how developers dropped "stable" branch in 2008 IMHO if you going to fragment re and pre-re more than it is now, including sources and stuff, it's easy to predict the same fate -.-;
    1 point
  13. I've investigated networking a bit, but honestly I haven't really done that much more. It's going a bit slow again since I'm away from home this summer and don't have my development computer. Well, I'll see if I can't get something done in the next couple of weeks anyway. Also if people are interested I might put the code up on GitHub or something, though I'm a little hesitant because it's in a pretty bad shape.
    1 point
  14. Nope. Still ongoing. Made some heavy cleanups and will release some binary prototypes soon.
    1 point
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