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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/13 in all areas

  1. - i would like to thank malufet for dedicating his time to this community.. - as i can see, the most commit done in the svn development was made by malufet / rud0lp20 and all of his commit is regarding skills of 3rd job which is the most or the priority that should be fix.. and also i will not forget to thanks rAthena team for the development or hard work in this svn.. - hope there will be some dev manager that will fix those skills issue..
    3 points
  2. < Stolao's Daily Login Reward > Features: Full Customization Can Set Number of Hours Between Login Prizes and Losing Consecutive Prizes make Days Weeks or even Months Can Item, Point, Exp or even Buff Rewards Includes Whisper for checking status of and collecting next rewards Includes @Command for checking status of and collecting next rewards next rewards Includes Dynamic Buff Rewards Added Cutin Support Todo: Suggestions? Optimize? Changelog: 2.00 Origional Make 2.01 Fixed Logic Bug 2.02 Fixed Year Multiplier 2.03 Added an IP check 2.04 Split Rewards up 2.05 Move ip check to Daily reward collection 2.06 Added ability to see next day via commands/relogging 2.07 Added Delay 2.08 Moved Delay to none VIP only 2.09 Removed some useless lines 2.0A Removed Menus due to bugs 2.0B Fixed VIP Cutin 2.0C Added it showing previos day cutin 2.0D Added a for loop 2.0E Fixed Ramined logged in time calculation (visual bug) 2.0F Added a F_InsertPlural to "more minute" 2.10 Added a Mac Check 2.11 Changed the IP check to [Sader1992] version 2.12 Enable Bound Type 2.13 Added 'collectreward', 'dailyreward', 'collectdaily' Commands 2.14 Added 'nextreward' Command 2.15 Added Daily Buffs 2.16 Added Exp Rewards 2.17 Removed Reards for Autotraders 2.18 Move Buffs to Daily so VIP wont trigger twice 2.19 Optimized Slightly 2.1A Fixed a bug with VIP getting bonus rewards in normal rewards 2.1B Fixed some documentaion Links: Latest Short Video on how it works
    1 point
  3. File Name: @ignoredrop File Submitter: goddameit File Submitted: 09 Jan 2013 File Category: Source Modifications Content Author: Goddameit Preview When you active this, you will not see any item on floor. Click here to download this file
    1 point
  4. Quote Download Map : koth01.grf Download Script : King of the Hill.txt 4.69K 203 downloads King of the Hill.txt 4.6K 296 downloads Quote Quote Quote Quote King of the Hill.txt King of the Hill.txt
    1 point
  5. How to edit other command for normal player? i don't know how to edit this it's different to eathena please help me
    1 point
  6. -[Client Hexing Tutorial by nkwz*]- Hi! This is a tutorial for those who are interested in learning how to edit your client.exe from beginning. This tutorial will be divided into several topics: 1. Introduction 2. Basic Knowledge 3. Tools 4. Client Editing 5. Help the rA Community! 6. Credits I want to share my knowledge about client hexing, and I'd like to make this project as an rA Community Project. It's better to have more people joining this project, because it needs lots of effort for making a fully translated client. Suggestion and questions are always welcomed, and sorry for my poor English 1. INTRODUCTION rAthena is one of the popular Ragnarok Online emulator, some of you maybe already know about other emulators such as eAthena or 3CeAM. In order to play RO, we need something named as server and client. rA, eA and the others are Server. kRO, Miruku and the others are Client. Actually you can find another custom client package, just search throughout this forum and you'll find some. Most of rA codes based from kRO, not iRO. And that's why some of the original client (not hexed yet) comes with lots of Korean words hardcoded inside them, although some part of it is already translated into English but we still need to convert Korean letters into Latin first. I recommend to translate the client from Korean into English first, because it'll be easier if you want to translate your own client.exe into your native language later. 2. BASIC KNOWLEDGE 2a. Numeral System In our daily life we use a "Base 10" numeral system, called as Decimal. It goes from 0,1,2,3....10,11,12.... But in programming world, there's also other numerical bases such as: Binary (Base 2), Octal (Base 8), Hexadecimal (Base 16). In Decimal, we count from 0-9, when we add another 1 into 9, the result is 10. In Binary, it only have 2 numbers, 1 and 0. 1 Decimal = 1 Binary, 2 Decimal = 10 Binary. 3 --> 11, 4 --> 100, 5 --> 101, 6 --> 110, 7 --> 111, 8 --> 1000. In Octal is the same, they only have 0-7, there is no '8' in this numeral system. What about Hex? It's Base 16 right? How many numbers do they have in this numeral system? Of course 16. But what to come after 10? Hex has a special case, because Hex borrows 10 numbers from Decimal (That is 0-9) and also borrows 6 letters from Latin (A-F). So if you add 1 into 9, it doesn't become 10, instead it will becomes A. 0,1,2,3.....9,10,A,B,C... What to expect if you add 1 into F? Guess what, it becomes 10! So, 9 Decimal --> 9 Hex, 10 --> A, 15 --> F, 16 --> 10, 50 --> 32, 100 --> 64. That's why they are called as "Base x", x means how many numbers they have in their numeral system. 2b. File Structure This topic isn't necessary though, but I just want to help you to understand how executable file works. There are numerous of file types in nowadays computing world, starting with the widely known txt, mp3, avi, jpg, bmp, xls, exe. This time, what we need to know is only about exe files. In Windows, almost all of applications are 'exe' files. Coders/Developers write out codes in either Low Level Language or High Level one, and after that the codes are compiled into something that we (computer user) could use without knowing anything about programming language. When the exe file is being compiled, it also store something which called as "Header" in it's beginning lines. Different compiler generates different header too. One of the header contains filesize checksum, so that's why we can't edit exe file freely as we want to, because if we're not aware about this problem, our exe file won't work at all... 2c. Hardcode vs Softcode What on earth is that? Hardcode means the code is read from the file itself. So if we want to alter the code, we need some special tools. The case is different for some codes (that some people prefer to call as 'Softcode'), those type of code can be altered because the exe file reads them from outside of the file, the notable example is 'msgstringtable.txt', when you alter the word in that file, you can see the changes when you run your client.exe So when next time someone replied in a post "It's hardcoded in the client", you know exactly what it means 3. TOOLS If we want to edit our client.exe we need some tools, such as: - Hex Editor (Obviously ;P) - Text Processor (I use Notepad++ [set encoding to UTF-8]) - Calculator (Optional) - nkwz rA Toolkit --> http://rathena.org/b...kwz-ra-toolkit/ - Charmap.exe (Can be found in every PC that uses Windows) You can get those tools in the internet. Freeware is okay too.. 4. CLIENT EDITING Phew... After reading those exhausting topics, here we are.. (Afterall I guess that's why you're reading up to this point). First, get some 2012 client.exe. For example here, I use '2012-04-10aRagexeRE.exe', any 2012 version will do, as long as the client developer doesn't change the file structure (>_<') Then open your client.exe in hex editor, you'll notice 3 sections. The leftmost part is called Offset, the middle part is Hex stream/data, the right part is ASCII data. Offset is like a location pointer, and they're increasing if we scroll down. Still remember about Hex numeral system on previous topic? Well.. here they are, the heart of every exe files, hex! The right part is just a translated code from hex into Latin characters, so some of the data can be more understandable to human eye. The problem is the client.exe comes from Korean developers, so they use their native language, Koreans! That's a nightmare for those who doesn't live in Korea... (Yes it is! ) But if the developer creates an English version, then why am I writing this tutorial? Anyway back to the topic... Hmm.. Make a copy of your client.exe, open one client.exe in hex editor, and run the other one. After you login with correct username and password, there's the Char Selection window, go create a new char. Look, our first Korean word has appeared! If you hasn't install the Korean Language pack, you'll see this "Äɸ¯Å͸¸µé±â" (Note: I uninstall my Korean Language pack in order to see those letters). Open charmap.exe, use Arial font (or another font if you want), and find that strange letters one by one. (I know this is exhausting, that's why I want to make this project as a Community Project). After you double click each letter found in charmap, you should have all (or some) of the strange letters, well this part is a little tricky because your eye have to be good to see the correct letter, if you picked a wrong letter in charmap, then your conversion process won't be a success. After you collect the letters in charmap, then open 'nkwz rA Toolkit.exe', and you'll see 2 boxes, one is Input Hex, and the other is Input Latin. Paste the letters into 'Input Latin' and voila! You have those secret codes showing in Output Hex! Äɸ¯Å͸¸µé±â --> C4C9B8AFC5CD20B8B8B5E9B1E2 Then go back to your hex editor, search for 'C4C9B8AFC5CD20B8B8B5E9B1E2' (or some part of it), and if you're lucky, then you'll find the position, if not then you'll need to meet an Arch Bishop and request Gloria for Luk+30... Please note that some hex editor can't highlight all of the code even when it's found, so you'll have to see carefully. Look at the nkwz rA Toolkit, at the bottom of the program I also have write a simple line about how many chars that has been converted in the process. Then think about some name that would fit in the game, in http://rathena.org/b...r-2012-clients/ Razor X and Judas picked 'Create Player'. Back at the nkwz rA Toolkit, type Create Player in the Input Latin, and voila again! Suddenly some magical numbers appeared in Output Hex! Important: Look at the bottom part, 'Latin: 13 char'. Make sure you use same amount of chars as the replacement! If you plan to use other name that is shorter that the original, just add some space to the end at Input Latin, so the char amount is the same like hex chars. The next thing after your convert 'Create Player' or 'Create a Char' into hex, let's go back at the hex editor and edit the value according to the generated value in nkwz rA Toolkit in Output Hex. After that, save it and run the file to see if your changes has been made correctly into the client.exe Congratulations! Now you can make your own 2012 client.exe.. ^________^ And that's a wrap! 5. HELP THE rA COMMUNITY! As like I said earlier in this tutorial, I'd like to make this as a Community Project. How to join? Just post a decent and readable screenshot of Korean garbled letters, and also the location of the window/skill/item/chat window info so it's easy to find it in the game, then help us to find the letter in charmap.exe and paste it here, just follow the example post. After that, think of a good name as the replacement (in English please) If you can't think about it now, don't worry, someone may have a good name for it. 6. CREDITS This tutorial is written by me, after I read this post --> http://rathena.org/b...r-2012-clients/ I got inspired to write this tutorial. I wrote down the codes which floating in my head last night, and that's how 'nkwz rA Toolkit' was made. Umm.. I compress the exe file with UPX, and some antivirus app doesn't like a file with UPX compression D: Thanks to Razor X for his inspiring post Thanks to Utada Hikaru, Ayumi Hamasaki and also Winamp! ^^ You can call me as nkwz* too, and btw I don't have any Twitter/Facebook account ;P Thanks for reading this tutorial and let's add more power to rA! Example: Image: Location: Login --> Create a new char Korean: Äɸ¯ÅÍ ¸¸µé±â Hex code: C4C9B8AFC5CD20B8B8B5E9B1E2 English Suggestion: Create Player / Create a Char
    1 point
  7. What is it? The code was taken from *Amod (but tweaked to work with rA and fixed a few bugs). This system would allow (non-stackable, non-pet-egg) items to be bounded onto a player's account. This means that the bounded items cannot be traded, dropped, auctioned, nor mailed. But, they can be storaged so that it can be shared among the characters of that account. What does it include? - Item coloration to distinguish bounded items and non-bounded ones (see screenshot below) - Script commands (getitembound, getitembound2, equipisbounded) to create and check for bounded items - At commands (@itembound, @itembound2) to create bounded items - New group permission (can_trade_bounded) to allow the group to distribute these bounded items if enabled (mostly just for High GMs / Admins) - Changes to the SQL files to track bounded items. This would effect cart, inventory, and storage databases.
    1 point
  8. I realize this is an old post but I thought I should share. You can use Amazon EC2 with a micro instance for free for the first year. It's what I'm using and everything works great.
    1 point
  9. i'm looking for the best rA version or updated and fixing thnx Question for r17023: i don't have nocommand in my mapflag can you help me about that please
    1 point
  10. yes i already put in my server, Thnx anubis Problem Solve. from my r17023 i update using changeset_17024 - 17083 Hahaha so bored.
    1 point
  11. it might help you browse this topic http://rathena.org/b...isable-storage/ yeah, i know how to disable storage but, nocommand for my maintown That you can read upon here. Thanks Mysterious )
    1 point
  12. can you give me a link for that The latest is always found here. That is a custom mod/file people put in their server themselves; it's not stock with rAthena's SVN. mysterious can i ask again how about latest client sorry i'm newbie here
    1 point
  13. How to disable yggdrasil pots delay i'm using 17023 rathena Fixed! and dangerous soul collect, and the other ground skill have a delay. please help me. i'm using SVN 17023
    1 point
  14. Problem solve. i edit the svn\src\config\renewal.h in line 29
    1 point
  15. Thanks puncker but my problem is how to disable all delay skill
    1 point
  16. Change the line in the skill_db to correspond with targeting enemies instead of yourself. For example, with magnum break: 7,0,6,4,3,0x2,2,50,1,no,0,0,0,weapon,2, SM_MAGNUM,Magnum Break Change column 4, "inf", to 1 (Enemy). So it looks like this instead: 7,0,6,1,3,0x2,2,50,1,no,0,0,0,weapon,2, SM_MAGNUM,Magnum Break
    1 point
  17. Hi guys I've made simple Video guide on how to create a Patch using NeonCube Patcher. Hope this Video helps you
    1 point
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