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  1. You should have talked to me before all this drama. You know who helped the Limitline with codes? You know how long brAthena are online? When you began to develop 3CeAM we already had many skills of Archbishop, Ranger and Warlock done. Many codes that were passed to the 3CeAM were ours. I never bothered to say anything, because it involves a friend, who is Limitline. Someone removed all of my credits Wanderer and Minstrel skills that I did. You never give any credit to my code. If I were to ripp anything, I would not be able to develop anything. But that's not what happens, brAthena is the world's most up to date and even contains fixs that 3CeAM not have. You want some proof that we had everything coded before 3ceam? Here, look at the date of this video: http://www.youtube.c.../10/hktbM7vYN7k About partnerships, I support you project so that never complained about anything even trough my rights. And on the topic in brA, I said that because they were using 3ceam and not brAthena, and 3ceam have some bugs that we haven't, but I don't have nothing against your project, at least so far... Read what I said in topic: "Estamos dando o suporte por questão de camaradagem." -> "We're giving you support as a matter of ethics" Why you do not worry about the ripping in eAthena? There are codes sent by L0ne_Wolf where I guarantee you he did not alone, without even looking at the 3ceam. Why you do not worry about the Cronus too? They use a lot of things of 3ceam uncredited. I have no idea why you are attacking me and my project without at least have clarified things before. This is very ridiculous... Want to know about anything? Send a PM or communicate with me by MSN, before speak do you not know.
    2 points
  2. GRF Sharper v 0.1 [usable Release] Hello everyone this is my GRF Explorer tool, So why another GRF Tool you ask? well here are the reasons The current ones are old The current ones are un-maintained (not all of them) The current ones are written in C X_X; I want to make my own So what are the features gonna be? GRF Merge Fast GRF Filter and Search Open Multiple GRFs in another tab Transfer files between tabs Live preview of files in the grf ( even sprite , map , acts ) On the spot editing of grf files (no need to extract, edit , put it back, just double click edit and save ) Open sourced Well documented Its C#! So faster development speed( I made the UI 2 hours ago ) It works on Linux , Mac and Windows Notes: It only supports 0x200 GRF version and the DES Decryption algorithm is still broken ( that means its not able to extract some files in data.grf yet , coming soon) Ok let me tell you the truth! This is a part of an effort called "Managed Athena Project or mAthena" the goal is to port the existing eAthena software and the Open-Ragnarok https://gitorious.org/open-ragnarok/ into managed C#/.NET/Mono Code This is just the beginning , I am not expecting to do this by myself. That is the reason I am posting this. To let everyone know about the project. And if your a skilled but totally bored programmer and want to build your own stuff for RO. then this is our chance I honestly dont think it will replace our beloved eAthena project, but this will be an alternative and hopefully a competition for eA in the future Anyway heres the screenshots: Credits: ROInt Project - https://gitorious.or...bs/master/grf.c(GRF Engine) @KeyWorld for explaining to me the GRF File structure, DES Encryption and everything else has forked it on git hub and added the support for the following file formats. (SPR, PAL, TGA) https://github.com/s...45...a8317caba4 don't forget to rate it 5 starts if you like it Git Hub: https://github.com/Mercurial/mAthena What are you waiting for? fork it now! GRFSharper 0.1.rar
    1 point
  3. rAthena The rAthena is a new server branch/fork based off of eAthena. rAthena aims at providing a stable and up to date Ragnarok Server Emulator. We'd like to hear from everyone what they'd like to see in first (such as 3rds), we will try to prioritize popular features and any bug-fixes. Suggest! Pretty much copy-pasted from RREmu =p
    1 point
  4. Posted these on RO-Resources in the source discussion forum: and.. It seemed as though both ideas were well received by the rest of the core devs on RR, but who knows how it'll go here on rA. I only hope that both features are at the very least considered, and if nothing else, released by community members as optional downloads.
    1 point
  5. You can try this ~ prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 718,{ if( countitem( 7227 ) < 3 ){ mes "You required 3 TCG Card to Switch your Job Class."; }else{ setarray .Jobists[0],4008,4009,4010,4011,4012,4013,4015,4016,4017,4018,4019,( Sex )?"4020":"4021"; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .JobLists ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ set .@Menu$,.@Menu$ + jobname( .JobLists[.@i] )+":"; } set .@i,select( .@Menu$ ) - 1; jobchange .@Menu$[.@i]; delitem 7227,3; mes "You have changed Job into "+jobname( Class ); } close; }
    1 point
  6. Open /config/application.php: Find: 'ServerAddress' => '/cp:80', // This value is the hostname:port under which Flux runs. (e.g., example.com or example.com:80) and change it simply to 'ServerAddress' => '/', // This value is the hostname:port under which Flux runs. (e.g., example.com or example.com:80) That should clear it up.
    1 point
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