About This File
I'm sharing this skin because it might helps someone who want to explore and edit elurair skin easier, and not a lot of people share or release Elurair skin in rAthena forum.
1. Download Elurair Patcher from Ai4rei website : http://ai4rei.net/p/skal and extract it.
2. Extract this uploaded file elurair-valkyrie_skin.zip and add it in Elurair Patcher folder.
2. Use builder.exe in builder folder to create Elurair.exe. Target Patcher file elurair.exe, Configuration file elurair.Chaos92.ini.
3. Tick compile, and add all the skin files in skin_valkyrie folder. Maybe purge existing skins if you want to replace with your own skin.
4. Insert Icon file and Window Title (optional) and then click 'Build'.
5. Use the web files and upload if needed.
*** To run Elurair Patcher, you need .inf generated from here : http://ai4rei.net/make/patch.inf/<desired numeric id>.
For example, to start from patch number 0, you can open the link : https://ai4rei.net/make/patch.inf/0 .
And include the .inf file in the same folder with Elurair.exe.
Things that you need to replace depends on your setup.
And also all the ActionData= in the elurair.Chaos92.ini if needed.
I include web files folder too just incase this might help you (without main.inf, you can generate it yourself as told above).
The ONLY files that you need in client folder after 'Build' Elurair.exe :
- inf file
- elurair.exe (no problem to rename it)
- media folder (contains media for the skin)
- your own client files
Documentation & example for elurair settings you can found in elurair.default.ini.
Website Elurair : http://ai4rei.net/p/skal .
Discord NN (Creator of Elurair Patcher) : http://ai4rei.net/p/discord .
Not all the resources for the skin are created by me.
Video source : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1964715704 .
Skin file compiled and released by Chaos92.
rAthena Profile : https://rathena.org/board/profile/6755-chaos92 .
Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/hostingmalaya .
Can contact me via links above for web hosting & services.
Wanna treat me some coffee ? https://ko-fi.com/amirazman_my .
Edited by Chaos92
elurair linking website