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Item Use, Drop & Pickup Events 1.2

5.00 USD

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About This File

A handy extra set of script events and variables for you to maximise your event and quest scripts!

New Variables: DroppedItemID, DroppedItemQTY, UsedItemID, PickedItemID

New Scripted Event Triggers: OnItemDropEvent, OnItemUseEvent, OnItemPickupEvent

Includes 3 Test NPC scripts e.g.

-	script	onusetest	-1,{
	dispbottom "Found item use event"; dispbottom "Using on "+ UsedItemID;
		case 501: dispbottom "You used a Red Potion!"; break;

As an example use-case, I've previously used this code in an Easter event script where each time you pickup any 1 of the 13 different eggs, specific code will run for effects, item swapping, costume changes, play sounds, etc. The possibilities are enormous!

What's New in Version 1.2   See changelog


Updated code locations and export method to match current rAthena emulator.

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