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Games, Events, Quests

Scripts that provide games, events, or quests can be found under this category
Examples: Catch the Poring, Hide and Seek, Russian Roulette, Headgear Quests

124 files

  1. Free

    Armor Awakening NPC

    This script was based from the Hidden Enchantment NPC and is also inspired by FlyFF's awakening system..
    The difference of this script is, it is enabled for all armors except headgears. And as long as your server does not have armors that have more than 3 slots..
    So basically the gear is randomly given +1 ~ +10 of one of the 6 stats. And if the player is not satisfied, it can re-do the process again, but with an additional requirement(Re-awakening scroll, see script).
    The chance for gaining a higher stat(7~10) is lower than gaining a low stat(1~6). Unfortunately, I forgot how the formula works, and too lazy to analyze it again, haha!
    It also works if the equipment has cards already compounded in it.
    To have a brief idea on how this script works, check this thread out..
    Enable the script on your NPC folder
    Carefully read the comments I made inside the script and make sure to configure it properly

    Terms & Conditions
    You are not allowed to reproduce or make profit of this script
    You are not allowed to take credit for this script. Though you can modify/edit it to your liking.
    I can give you support, but please, do not message me.



  2. Free

    Caça Toupeiras / Whack-A-Mole

    O script funciona como instância, é um jogo onde o player pode iniciar uma partida sempre que quiser, quanto mais toupeiras ele acertar mais pontos ele acumula, a partida termina quando ele somar o máximo de erros que pode cometer (configurável), o player precisa acertar um mínimo de toupeiras por ciclo, conforme os ciclos aumentam os acertos mínimos também (limitando-se ao máximo de 3), acertar o cachorro contará como erro, os pontos não são acumulativos ou seja, o player entrará par ao rank com o primeiro char que ele fez a partida e será contado por conta, quando ele atingir um valor máximo de pontos na partida que supera o do seu rank anterior ele atualiza, o rank reseta todo o domingo as 12h e converte os pontos para usar na loja da toupeira.
    Cred: Tio Akima (criador do mapa) 
    Cred: Frost (guia add custom npc)
    The script works as an instance, it is a game where the player can start a game whenever he wants, the more moles he hits the more points he accumulates, the game ends when he adds up the maximum mistakes he can make (configurable), the player needs hitting a minimum of moles per cycle, as the cycles increase the minimum hits as well (limited to a maximum of 3), hitting the dog will count as an error, the points are not cumulative ie the player will enter the rank with the first char he made the match and will be counted on account, when he reaches a maximum point value in the match that exceeds that of his previous rank he updates, the rank resets every Sunday at 12pm and converts the points to use in the mole shop .
    NOTE:  Perhaps the translation was not the best, so you can send a suggestion that I will be correcting.
    Cred: Tio Akima (map creator)
    Cred: Frost (guide add custom npc)




  3. Free

    einbech dun 03 mob_db, warpnpc, mobnpc, and mob skill

    just wanna share mob database I made based on Einbech Dungeon 3 - NovaRO: Wiki (novaragnarok.com) Mobskill is not official. 
    video is attached, in .rrf extension file.

    einbech dun 03.rrf



  4. Free

    Instance - Champions Arena

    Hey peoples!
    This script is an instance based over mobs level.
    You'll have to crawl over the levels to kill all monsters, and the matching guardians.
    Each level is harder than the previous one, and the mobs and guardian level increase with it, starting to lvl 50 up to lvl 100.
    Also, I use a function of mine to give special points. It is therefor possible to give some points when fulfiling and instance, but you'll have to define a "AddPoints" function (I can release it too if necessary), or to change the reward mode.
    FInally, 4 level are available, with increasing monster count and influencing mobs size: Easy, Normal, Hard and Apocalypse (all big)
    Have fun



  5. Free

    Euphy's Quest Shop with Success Rates

    In response to this post : 
    I just added success rate function. Enjoy!
    Original Script is by Euphy and I just added some functions to this.
    PS : if there are any broken event scripts ( due to old versions ), just DM me the link and I might be interested in updating it.
    PPS: I will only FIX it and not modify it at all. ?



  6. Free

    Devil Tower

    Hello peoples,
    I've been asked recently to create official instances that aren't release on rathena yet.
    So here's my version of Devil Tower instance, based over infos took here and there, videos and divine-pride database, and DanielArt initial script.
    In the rar, you'll find all you need, including Instance file, mob, item and quest db.
    You'll still need up to date client (I personnaly use 20160201) to ensure the mobs are created client side.
    Have fun.
    Please, leave the credits and do not claim my work as yours.



  7. Free

    Instance - Poring Realm

    Hey peoples!
    This script is an instance based over the weakest mob: the Poring.
    You'll be asked by the Poring Realm to help the poring race to fight against Devilikan, the Evil Poring.
    But for that, and to prove that you're worth the fight, you'll have to encounter the life of a Poring!
    Also, I use a function of mine to give special points. It is therefor possible to give some points when fulfiling and instance, but you'll have to define a "AddPoints" function (I can release it too if necessary), or to change the reward mode.
    FInally, 4 level are available, with increasing monster count and influencing mobs size: Easy, Normal, Hard and Apocalypse (all big)
    Have fun



  8. Free

    Malangdo Weapon Enchanter

    Un encantador del episodio de Malangdo que funciona con Malangdo Coins y Sea God's Wrath.
    Más información en el siguiente link:



  9. Free

    Yuchinin Item Hunting

    [NOTE] For now on I will keep release all of my work for free , I hope most people can enjoy my script without paid. But if you still want to support my work, please consider donate or become my patron. Thank you.
    Recently I got a feeling that I have to leave RO because of real life pressure, let see how far can I keep here.
    It's up to server owner to decided how to generate the hidden item get generate.
    (Auto generate on certain hour/ GM hide it somewhere and ask player to find it/)
    Player use the tool to find it out.
    Feel free to ask question on how to set it up. 

    Tools get enchant with each 5 level refine (5,10,15,20) Enchant List (Durable, Sharp, Range, Double, Unbreakable) Enchant will auto apply randomly when you use the item if refine level is > 5 Default sense area are 13, so when you are using showel which for digging, only item tag as 'dig' will get sensed. I am tired.  
    This script need my release of:
    Suggestion are welcome.
    Pending Script Upload:
    Todo list:
    //= Add more sample and tutorial
    //= Idea about when enchant should get apply
    //= Event only tool
    //= Item Hunting Guild
    //= Mob show up on search (Hidden Mob) By downloading this script, you agree to these terms:
    You are not allowed to redistribute this script in any way, shape, or form. Chargeback scams are not tolerated and will get you punished on rAthena. I still retain all rights to this script. Terms above may be changed or adjusted without prior notification. Copyright © - Yuchinin 2017 - All Rights Reserved



  10. Free

    Alice's Nightmare Instance(Pre-Re)

    Follow Alice into the forest in Niflheim and try to figure out what is wrong with her.
    This is an instance dungeon that includes 3 maps, 2 quest and 3 boss for pre-renewal.
    One of the boss is a hidden extra to the instance with a small quest including a multi stage battle that will take a few days to fully complete.
    There are no default drops or rewards to the dungeon quests or monsters, So you will need to add those yourself.
    Although the instance is Pre-renewal, it can be used for renewal but you will need to revamp the monsters else they will be extremly weak.
    If your server is a highly modified pre-re server you might wanna tweak the monster since they are geared toward original RO servers.
    More detailed info in readme.txt
    Map used are Haunt_e and Haunt_1 made by Syouji



  11. Free

    Poring Catcher - Yet another version

    version 1 = I removed all my modifications on this script version 2 = Has timers and will most likely be in-conflict with other event scripts i made.  
    Same old same old. I made revision on old poring catcher event by sandbox.
    It works similarly with the Dice Event V2 I recently posted.
    Nothing more is modified on the script.
    Feel free to edit and adjust as you wish. This will have conflict with dice event because i made this ran hourly too.
    I may or may not be making an Event Manager but who knows.
    Compatibility is your Responsibility.
    PS : if there are any broken event scripts ( due to old versions ), just DM me the link and I might be interested in updating it.
    PPS: I will only FIX it and not modify it at all. ?



  12. Free

    Quest Point System

    O sistema consiste em da 1 quest/missão ao player, o jogador que a fizer ganhará 1 Ponto de Quest, esses pontos o player porá usar para trocar por custons ou algo de seu interesse, as quest são sorteadas de forma aleatória dentre as dificuldades, e os Admins/GMs podem adicionar itens de quest in-game assim como podem editar também.
    Obs:  Mais em baixo deixarei uns videos relacionado ao sistema, o script tem algumas alterações se comparado com os videos mas nada de mais.
    Obs2: Caso alguém encontre algum bug ou queira da sugestões fique a vontade, farei assim que puder.
    The system consists of 1 quest to the player, the player who makes it complete earn 1 Quest Point, and these points you can use to exchange for custom or something of interest to you, the quests are random, and the Admins / GMs can add quest items in-game like this you can edit too.
    Note: Below I will leave some videos related to the system, the script has some changes compared to the videos but nothing major.
    Note2: The translation is not very good, but I believe can understand it, you can make suggestions for me to make the improvement.



  13. Free

    Poring Hell - custom instance by Velda

    Hey there,
    all of necessarry info i already mentioned in project releases topic here:

    I'm adding this to downloads section so everyone can find it here.
    I had to divide .zip file into 3 files since here is restricted size 30MB for one file. Enjoy.



  14. Free

    Poring Search

    One version of poring search. A lot of poring are spawned but with bad name, only some are well written.
    You go on 3 maps and the real winner is the one that find the last poring. Each time you find one good poring, you get a reward, so, no more "just one winner", multiple winner each event. But each time you kill a wrong one, you're warped out. I suggest to make a custom poring with 1 hp and no looting mecanism and to disable the skills on the map.

    The first map has more real poring than the second map and the last map has only one. You can edit the rewards, the map ect in OnInit.
    Automatically end the event for no possiblity in farming the rewards/overflow the server.

    You can start the event with a whisper to the npc as an admin, or add it to your event flow.
    It should work on really old rathena version, it doesn't use anything really new.



  15. Free

    Goblin Invasion [Event]

    Currently works on: rAthena 15349+ ~ eAthena 15055+ Trunk SQL with Zero problems.
    Do not do the following:
    Re-edit my work and Claim it as yours
    Re-edit my work and upload it to eAthena or rAthena without my permission
    Re-edit my work, upload it, and not adding credits
    Use it for selling purposes

    This is basically an Invasion event. It's called a Goblin Invasion event just because Goblins Spawn. However, you can change the invasion event to your liking. In order to make the Goblins a little more strong (especially in a SHR), try adding:
    Your mob_skill_db2:

    1258,Goblin@WZ_JUPITEL,attack,84,28,3000,1000,10000,no,target,always,0,,,,,, 1258,Goblin@NPC_EARTHQUAKE,attack,653,5,1000,100,30000,no,self,always,,,,,,, 1258,Goblin@AS_SONICBLOW,attack,136,10,10000,0,20000,yes,target,always,0,,,,,, 1258,Goblin@AS_SONICBLOW,chase,136,10,10000,0,20000,yes,target,always,0,,,,,, 1258,Goblin@NPC_DARKBREATH,attack,202,5,2000,800,5000,no,target,always,0,,,,,,29 1258,Goblin@NPC_DARKSTRIKE,chase,340,10,200,0,1000,yes,target,always,0,,,,,, 1258,Goblin@NPC_GUIDEDATTACK,attack,172,5,500,0,20000,no,target,always,0,,,,,, 1258,Goblin@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,, 1258,Goblin@NPC_CURSEATTACK,attack,181,3,500,800,5000,no,target,always,0,,,,,,29 1258,Goblin@NPC_DARKNESSATTACK,attack,190,2,500,500,5000,no,target,always,0,,,,,,6
    Either mob_db or mob_db2:

    1258,"GOBLIN_ARCHER","Goblin Archer","Goblin Archer",255,[color="#0000FF"]1000000[/color],0,461,284,9,900,985,0,0,[color="#9932CC"]255,200,255,255,255,20[/color],10,12,0,7,25,8325,60,1172,672,420,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2297,3,998,250,911,1000,1765, 3000,507,600,1705,25,514,300,0,0,0,0,4157,1
    --> You can change their HP or stats to what ever you like.
    ~- Editing -~
    Change the GM level you wish:
    Change the Maps you wish to use:
    set $@ran, rand(1,6); if ($@ran == 6) set .Map$,"splendide"; if ($@ran == 5) set .Map$,"izlude"; if ($@ran == 4) set .Map$,"payon"; if ($@ran == 3) set .Map$,"geffen"; if ($@ran == 2) set .Map$,"morocc"; if ($@ran == 1) set .Map$,"prontera";
    Change the getitem .ItemID,5; number 5 to how much of the item you want the players to get.
    Note: Please do not change the number of Goblins Spawned unless you know very well what you're doing!
    Download also available at my SVN: http://mysterious-project.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/npc/



  16. Free

    Automatic fact event

    - It's a Automatic Facts Event based on about 52 Facts from the Facts Announcer Script by xienne15.
    - The Event is automatic started . They just have to standby near the NPC.
    - Players are asked to fill in the missing word(s) of the facts.
    - If they get it right they get an item. Player just have to say the answer outloud.
    This is the original from eathena.



  17. Free

    Instance - Maker Mansion

    Hey peoples!
    This script is an instance based over the manga D.Gray Man
    Your goal here is to defeat the Maker, which create monsters from dead bodies.
    But he's invincible, as long as you won't have defeated his family, the Noas. For that, find one, kill him and seal him in the Akuma Factory.
    Also, I use a function of mine to give special points. It is therefor possible to give some points when fulfiling and instance, but you'll have to define a "AddPoints" function (I can release it too if necessary), or to change the reward mode.
    FInally, 4 level are available, with increasing monster count and influencing mobs size: Easy, Normal, Hard and Apocalypse (all big)
    Have fun



  18. Free

    Find the GM (hide and seek)

    A simple event. the GM npc will teleport to a random location in the specified map, and the first player to find him will win the round.
    //SETTINGS .rounds = 3; // for how many rounds should the event last? .map$ = "prontera"; // the event where the gm will hide .itemReward = 1; setarray .rewards[0],909,5,716,2; // [itemId, itemAmount, {....}] .zenyReward = 0; .zenyAmount = 1000; .debugMode = 0; .npcName$ = "GM Masta"; .countdown = 3; // the time between event announcements and when the event actually starts. .automatic = 1; // automatic event or does it need a gm to run it manually? .runEvery = 1; // (ignore if manual) run the event ever X hours .offset = 1; // (ignore if manual) sometimes, you might have another event/announcement at the same time as the event announcement. you can set an offset (announce X minutes after event time.)  



  19. Free

    Morse Cave

    Hello peoples,
    I've been asked recently to create official instances that aren't release on rathena yet.
    So here's my version of Morse Cave instance, based over infos took here and there, videos and divine-pride database.
    In the rar, you'll find all you need, including Instance file, mob, item and quest db.
    You'll still need up to date client (I personnaly use 20160201) to ensure the mobs are created client side.
    Have fun.
    Please, leave the credits and do not claim my work as yours.



  20. Free

    Room Of Consciouness

    Hello peoples,
    I've been asked recently to create official instances that aren't release on rathena yet.
    So here's my version of Room of Consciouness instance, based over infos took here and there, videos and divine-pride database.
    In the rar, you'll find all you need, including Instance file, mob, item and quest db.
    You'll still need up to date client (I personnaly use 20160201) to ensure the mobs are created client side.
    Have fun.
    Please, leave the credits and do not claim my work as yours.



  21. Free

    Poring Catcher - Suicide Edition

    Poring Catcher - Suicide Edition
    This is the Catch the Poring Event like it is well know, but there spawns to kinds of Porings. The first will kill the Player and nothing happen's. The second will give a Reward. Also you can set a mappoll and the event change the location random every time it starts.
    Reward for the winner can be set
    "Killer Porings" amount that will spawn can be set
    "Normal Porings" amount that will spawn can be set
    A Mappoll can be set for maps the event can start

    Pack includes:
    NPC Script



  22. Free

    Airship Assault

    Hello peoples,
    I've been asked recently to create official instances that aren't release on rathena yet.
    This is a version of Airship Assault instance, corrected from Ziu initial script.
    It has been fully translated to english, reworked to be more clean and tested.
    You'll find everything needed in the rar, including instance file, mob, item and quest db.
    You'll still need up to date client (I personnaly use 20160201) to ensure the mobs are created client side.
    Have fun.
    Please, leave the credits, and do not claim my work as yours.



  23. Free

    pRO Monster Hunter Mission

    This is a complete custom made copy of Ragnarok Online Philippines' Monster Hunter Mission Quest Event for the month of September.
    Sorry if the script is so messy since I'm still a newbie in Scripting.
    The info of this quest is you need to bring the following quest items that requested by Master Hunter npc.
    You can check the event details here : https://www.ragnarokonline.com.ph/news/monster-hunt-sep2017
    You can check your quest in Quest Tab (Alt+U) if you want to check what item are you going to bring to Master Hunter and where you can get it.
    Important Note:
    You need to add this in your db/import/quest_db.txt in your trunk and data/questid2display.txt in your grf.
    db/import/quest_db.txt (In trunk)
    100001,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Monster Hunter Mission" 100002,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Monster Hunter Mission" 100003,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Monster Hunter Mission" 100004,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Monster Hunter Mission" 100005,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Monster Hunter Mission" 100006,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Monster Hunter Mission" 100007,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Monster Hunter Mission" data/questid2display.txt (In GRF)
    100001#Monster Hunter Mission#SG_FEEL#QUE_NOIMAGE# Kill Orc Warrior and bring Orcish Voucher 50 EA together with 50,000 Zeny# # 100002#Monster Hunter Mission#SG_FEEL#QUE_NOIMAGE# Kill Hode and bring Earthworm Peeling 50 EA together with 50,000 Zeny# # 100003#Monster Hunter Mission#SG_FEEL#QUE_NOIMAGE# Kill Sohee and bring Black Hair 50 EA together with 50,000 Zeny# # 100004#Monster Hunter Mission#SG_FEEL#QUE_NOIMAGE# Kill Bigfoot and bring Bear's Footskin 50 EA together with 50,000 Zeny# # 100005#Monster Hunter Mission#SG_FEEL#QUE_NOIMAGE# Kill Raydric and bring Brigan 50 EA together with 50,000 Zeny# # 100006#Monster Hunter Mission#SG_FEEL#QUE_NOIMAGE# Kill Pasana and bring Broken Sword 50 EA together with 50,000 Zeny# # 100007#Monster Hunter Mission#SG_FEEL#QUE_NOIMAGE# Kill Anolian and bring Anolian Skin 50 EA together with 50,000 Zeny# #  



  24. Free

    TreeOfSavior Tombstone With Numbers MiniGame

    script header
    //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Tree Of Savior 'Tombstone With Numbers' //===== By: ================================================== //= Sader1992 //https://rathena.org/board/profile/30766-sader1992/ //https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts //= Email [email protected] //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //============================================================ //= Variables Info: //= 'COOLDOWN_TOMBSTONE_WITH_NUMBERS' the cool-down timer //============================================================ //= Description: //= This NPC is in a lot of tree of savior maps //= with deferent attempt number and deferent rage //= the rewards normally buff/items //= the NPC cool-down on winning is 20min and on losing is none //= if you want more than 1 copy from this NPC you need to use deferent variable for each NPC , or else they will share the same cool-down. //============================================================  



  25. Free

    Sarah And Fenrir

    Hello peoples,
    I've been asked recently to create official instances that aren't release on rathena yet.
    So here's my version of Sarah And Fenrir instance, based over infos took here and there, videos and divine-pride database.
    In the rar, you'll find all you need, including Instance file, mob, item and quest db.
    You'll still need up to date client (I personnaly use 20160201) to ensure the mobs are created client side.
    Have fun.



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