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About This File

A pretty cool Ragnarok sprite editor.

What features are there:

1. You may don't know that data\sprite\ÐО°ЈБ·\ёцЕл\іІ\·О±Ч_ іІ.spr is Rogue sprite, but you can easy find it. Just select necessary job from left side.

2. Zoom your sprites to see small details

3. Set one of three available images as background to see how sprite will look in Ro world

4. There's no Undo function but you can quickly remember palettes with [Ctrl]+[1][5] and all them back with [1]-[5]

And some hint's:

1. To change single palette color - RBM on necessary cell

2. To change gradient - LBM on first palette color, and then RBM on last color

3. To copy any screen colort set mouse cursor under necessary color and press Ctrl+C

4. To paste copied color set mouse cursor under necessary palette cell and press Ctrl+V

5. To fill gradient from copied color. Set first and last colors and then do 2. In both appeared dialogs press OK

6. To find a palette color on prite press MBM on pallete color.

7. To find a sprite color on palette press MBM on sprite color.

8. Set RoPal as default program for .spr and .pal files

What's New in Version 2.0


  • Updated to 2.0.1: (Unfortunately, I could only find 2.0)
  • + Some fixes with opening sprites
  • + Main language - English (just delete translation.ini)
  • + Undo<->Redo
  • + Randomizing gradients (0 - full randomize, 1-32 - section randomizing)

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