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  1. Hello I become every time this error when I start the server with rathena start what could it be: Athena Starting... (c) 2013 rAthena Project checking... Check complete. Looks good, a nice Athena! Logging is disable Server 'login-server' started at Server 'char-server' started at Server 'map-server' started at Now Started Athena. root@ubuntu:/home/heisi/rAthena# [Status]: Memory manager initialised: log/login-server.leaks rAthena Development Team presents ___ __ __ _____/ | / /_/ /_ ___ ____ ____ _ / ___/ /| |/ __/ __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ __ `/ / / / ___ / /_/ / / / __/ / / / /_/ / /_/ /_/ |_\__/_/ /_/\___/_/ /_/\__,_/ http://rathena.org/board/ [Warning]: You are running rAthena with root privileges, it is not necessary. [Fatal Error]: File not found: conf/inter_athena.conf [Status]: Memory manager initialised: log/char-server.leaks rAthena Development Team presents ___ __ __ _____/ | / /_/ /_ ___ ____ ____ _ / ___/ /| |/ __/ __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ __ `/ / / / ___ / /_/ / / / __/ / / / /_/ / /_/ /_/ |_\__/_/ /_/\___/_/ /_/\__,_/ http://rathena.org/board/ [Warning]: You are running rAthena with root privileges, it is not necessary. [Fatal Error]: File not found: conf/inter_athena.conf [Status]: Memory manager initialised: log/map-server.leaks rAthena Development Team presents ___ __ __ _____/ | / /_/ /_ ___ ____ ____ _ / ___/ /| |/ __/ __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ __ `/ / / / ___ / /_/ / / / __/ / / / /_/ / /_/ /_/ |_\__/_/ /_/\___/_/ /_/\__,_/ http://rathena.org/board/ [Warning]: You are running rAthena with root privileges, it is not necessary. [Fatal Error]: File not found: conf/inter_athena.conf
  2. Good day! Is there a way to listen again to map-server (or any) after performing ./athena-start start and closing command line (putty) of Ubuntu 12.04.5? I need to see what error the scripts are giving me because I can't replicate the problem locally. ex.
  3. Hey guys, Im using ubuntu 15.04 and i follow the guide from the wiki to install in Debian OS. Well, i got a "[Fatal Error]: File not found: conf/inter_athena.conf" when i start the emulator. But im 100% sure the files exist in conf folder. Thanks for any help.
  4. This project is a docker container running Ubuntu, Apache 2, MySQL 5, PHP5, FluxCP, rAthena char-server, rAthena map-server, and rAthena login-server, snapshotted at the moment just before setup begins. A 1-click (really copy-and-paste one command) way to run rAthena that still gives the user the option to modify if they want to - just swap out the rAthena git repo URL for your custom repo URL. That's right: all the ease of use of pre-compiled binaries with all the transparency and customization of open-source in one standardized, portable, stable, current package. 1) Install docker as described at http://www.docker.com/ 2) forward TCP 20000-20005 to your docker host. 3) Copy and paste this into your docker host terminal: docker run -it -p 20000:80 -p 20001:443 -p 20002:3306 -p 20003:5121 -p 20004:6121 -p 20005:6900 -v ~/Desktop/datastore/:/datastore/ -v ~/Desktop/datastore/etc-apache2/:/datastore/etc/apache2/ -v ~/Desktop/datastore/etc-mysql/:/datastore/etc/mysql/ -v ~/Desktop/datastore/usr-bin-rathena/:/datastore/usr/bin/rathena/ -v ~/Desktop/datastore/var-lib-mysql/:/datastore/var/lib/mysql/ --name Aegis georgegeorgulasiv/tritogeneia ... and wait a few minutes. When the terminal stops scrolling, proceed to step 4). 4) In your browser, open: (IP or hostname of the docker host):20000 5) As your password use: secretpassword 6) Give it your mysql login and password. Both are : ragnarok Your server is live. Github page for this project: http://github.com/VirtualEstatePlanner/Tritogeneia Dockerhub page for this project (featuring trusted Automated Builds) http://registry.hub.docker.com/u/georgegeorgulasiv/tritogeneia/
  5. Can Someone Please Give Me An Updated/Latest Rathena Installation Guide For VPS such as CentOs,Debian,Ubuntu... online thanks because all wiki answers have bugs https://rathena.org/wiki/Installation_(Debian)
  6. Here is Another Problem Here when i login it shows the server(0) and after i press ok.. it says rejected If Possible: Can Someone Point Me To A RATHENA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR CENTOS/DEBIAN/UBUNTU or any of these that is best any easy
  7. Yes my DB usernames is moonlight... I went back to change everything and again the same error Unable to connect to your database server using the provided settings. Filename: core/Loader.php Line Number: 346 Mysql version ( VPS ): Variable_name | Value | +-------------------------+-------------------------+ | innodb_version | 5.5.41 | | protocol_version | 10 | | slave_type_conversions | | | version | 5.5.41-0ubuntu0.14.10.1 | | version_comment | (Ubuntu) | | version_compile_machine | x86_64 | | version_compile_os | debian-linux-gnu
  8. Centos 7 64bit and not work also on Ubuntu 14.04 64bit but in windows its work... i've install all requirement software to the latest version but still map-server killed.... is there any step that i've missed that are not on the wiki? note: apa emang lg ada bug buat yg di linux? lam kenal gan , sementara testing pake rAthena lama dan hercules terbaru work perfectly...
  9. Lighta

    Auto Installer

    ye I just look the script it's fine. Altought the git repository you using for the clone if not the one I'd expect : git clone https://github.com/xcoryakx/rathena.git I think it's better if you clone from the main ra/herc git instead of your fork. Just so they have the latest upd. 1 last thing you might want to take a look at : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/tools/config.pl Not for saying your are bad or anything but you might be interested in improving this one he currently go deeper then your sh for the installation / configuration. The perl was choosing to be OS independant, as you can see that setup was tested on FreeBSD,Ubuntu/Debian, Fedora/CentOS. Bad point is that you need perl.
  10. KoriAK

    Auto Installer

    centos and ubuntu run the script, its kinda hard to figure out what the issue is.
  11. I've tried doing it on my Ubuntu test server, forcing shutdown in the middle of svn update, however, svn cleanup fixed it. Can you not download a fresh copy instead? Or, try following the instructions (fix) I've found on this page.
  12. Debugging is a real pain. Are you using Linux (Ubuntu / CentOS) to host your server? If yes you can apt-get install gdb (for Ubuntu) or yum install gdb (for CentOS). After that, just follow this guide to enable core dump generation on server crash.
  13. Hi guys, I am facing a really strange problem. After restarting my server, the usage of the map server is at <5% for some hours, which is normal for my playerbase. After some days, the usage of the map server is at 50%, and after about 2 weeks at 100% permanently, including heavy lags. Even when I start my test server and leave it running for some days, the cpu usage increases without anyone playing on the server. Specs: CPU: Intel Celeron G530 (2x 2,4 GHz) 64bit RAM: 4GB (3,81GB total, 3,64GB used, 1,22GB cached, 64% usage) System: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS HDD: 1TB hard drive @ 7200rpm, no RAID, SMART says few bad sectors, but still green (warnings are: reallocated secor count @ 28 secotrs, current pending sector count @ 24 secotrs, both not under threshhold, so not an error, only a warning) My rathena is currently on commit f7d40ba71c57945a26a621f0c6178f9e1f26197a (Date: Thu Mar 27 01:47:51 2014 -0400) with custom modifications. Does anyone have the same problem or does anyone know how to resolve this issue? Are there some kind of methods to see from which part of the code the most execution time is comming? EDIT: i am using gprof right now on the testserver to hopefully find the issue...
  14. Hello, My configuration is Debian 7.3.0 x64 with mysql-server 5.5.40-0+wheezy1. The issue which i'm getting is when i'm running ./configure configure: error: MySQL not found or incompatible I've read some threads about mysql-devel but I can't find the package. Any though on fixing this ? Thanks Edit: nevermind, found the fix here http://rathena.org/board/topic/78943-rathena-configure-on-ubuntu-mysql-issues/?hl=%2Bmysql+%2Bnot+%2Bfound+%2Bincompatible
  15. Whats up community, First off I'm going to let everyone know , I just got back into ragnarok online. I use to own servers in the past but from eathena. I'm new to rathena and need to know a few things. These things consist of the following. - Port forwarding (further explained below) - Setting up client side As for the most part looking around the SVN's look the same in setting up the server side using unix and compiling and such. But this time since I'm hard on cash until people donate towards the server i decided to use the desktop that is sitting at waste in my basement which meets server standards. Below are the specs. - Ubuntu Unix 64bit Version - AMD Dual Core 2.3GHZ - 8GB Of Memory - 800GB of HDD Space - 20MB Download and 10MB upload internet capabilitys As for the port forwarding of course is quite self explaining as I'm using my home modem/router to have people connect to this dedicated computer. This i have no idea on how to set up nor configure which i could use a little help. Either that or making it so my server IP doesn't change when it updates it self. For the client part of things i need help also since I am just getting back into ragnarok and things have changed a little so links to diffs and clients to patch would be helpful. I appreciate the time for the community to read this cause I'd really like to get back into designing and running a custom private server.
  16. judging on the command, you're using centos? http://rathena.org/wiki/Installation_%28CentOS%29 ubuntu? http://rathena.org/wiki/Installation_%28Debian%29
  17. Using Apache2.2 and Php5 same error (installed on a Ubuntu 14.04 server)
  18. Hi, Anyone can help me? Using Ubuntu 12.04 Game Server Can connect in phpmyadmin or mysql but when i try to install fluxCP it says Message: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused Even im using a root user to connect still same error. Please help
  19. Doesnot matter. It's depends on your knowladge Ubuntu builded on debian. Both have the same packet manager (apt) Both are good Ubuntu just have latest kernel + extra features like sudo, etc.
  20. Hello, i want to know what is better gnu/linux for rAthena. which is better Debían 7 or Ubuntu 14 lts. Thanks.
  21. Hola, quería saber opiniones sobre cúal es la mejor distribución de gnu/linux para correr un emulador de rAthena. Estamos entre Debían 7 o Ubuntu 14 lts. ¿Entre los dos, cúal recomendarían? ¿Recomendarían otra? Muchas gracias.
  22. First step install the "Required Downloads section. rAthena SVN Repository - https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/ -input this into the "URL of Repository" Required Downloads: XAMPP - http://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/ Visual Basic - http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/downloads#d-2010-express MySQL [installer 5.5.25a]- http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/installer/ TortoiseSVN - http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html Download the Renwal Client at: http://rathena.org/board/topic/66962-basic-complete-renewal-data-english-folder/page-3 The Patcher at: https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/weetools/trunk/ShinsDiffPatcher/ The Clients at: http://supportmii.com/ro1/Clients/ For more information Visit: rAthena website - http://rathena.org/board/ --------------------------- ON SERVER SIDE --------------------------- First, download the repository using by making a directory and Right Clicking on a Folder then selecting "SVN Checkout" after installing TortoiseSVN on Windows. -option will be avaliable to you after Tortutiose is installed on Windows Open MySQL Workbench create a connection password. It is important to write down your password in a notefile you will be referencing it a lot, the port your connection is using, and the name of your database for future reference. (I would keep the connection name also) create a connection select Logs then right click on your logs and add an Create Schema name the Schema after your server ig. serverNamerRO new file out userOfConnection: ragnarok password: rathena Create a import folder move containance of import-tmpl to import and delete import-tmpl Open go to rathena > conf > char_athena.conf and ... -also the uncomment the last line on everything except bind_ip: -uncomment all the way up to char_ip but no further (if not already un-commented) -change userid: _____ and passwd: ______ (fill for future reference) Search whatismyip.org on google (it will show even if site cannot be accessed) replace what is on the char_ip: (replace with public ip from whatismyip.org ) Open go to rathena > conf > map_athena.conf and... -also the uncomment the last line on everything except bind_ip: -uncomment all the way up to char_ip but no further (if not already un-commented) -change userid: and (insert same) passwd: (insert same) replace what is on the map_ip: (replace with public ip from whatismyip.org ) Go to rathena > conf > subnet_athena.conf and.. cmd ipconfig change subnet: (sunet address):(ip address):(ip address) Go to mySQL, open your connection and login... Create a new schema in the connected server userOfConnection: ragnarok serverName: rathena password: rathena Select your new Schema File > Open SQL Script > Filename: main.sql Execute it with the lightning bolt Next Refreash the Schmas Under (rathena) Right Click on Login > "Select Rows - Limit 1000" Replace userid and user_pass with saved userid: and passwd: Press Apply Create a new schema in the connected server (name it logs) Select your new Schema File > Open SQL Script > Filename: logs.sql Execute it with the lightning bolt Next Refreash the Schmas Look at your Tables (you can close the Connection tab) Open go to rathena > conf > inter_athena.conf (under Global settings) sql_db username: (userName on Connection) Change sql_db password: (password of userName on Connection) Change sql_db database: (Schema name) Under Character SQL server Change char_server_id: (userName on Connection) Change char_server_pw: (password of userName on Connection) Change char_server_db: (Schema name) Under Map SQL Server Change map_server_id: (userName on Connection) Change map_server_pw: (password of userName on Connection) Change map_server_db: (Schema name) Under Log SQL Server Change log_server_id: (userName on Connection) Change log_server_pw: (password of userName on Connection) Change log_server_db: log (which is your other Schema name) Now I could not login to my router and go into Connection (I don't have access to the router) Create port forward Character, Map, Login, and MySQL with your IP address Your external port and internal port will be the same as it is inter_athena.conf Go to rathean > src > common > mmo.h change whatever is in "if statement" to match these lines #ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20100616 #endif Open Visual Studio 2010 File > Open Project/Solution > Filename: rAthena-10.sln Select all projects under Solution and set them from Debug to Release While they are all selected r Go to rathena root dir runserver-sql.bat --------------------------- ON CLIENT SIDE --------------------------- Edit your clientinfo.xml to have the address from myipaddress.org Open "grf builder" New (grfName) mirg the directory (named data) with a clientinfo.xml Change DATA.INI [Data] 1=cleansed.grf 2=rdata.grf 3=mainj.grf 4=palettej.grf 5=data.grf use pre-patched RagExe (sorry poorly named) from last RO works with current ubuntu setup (with PACKETVER 20100616) Run ragExe and Create an account with userName_M and password filled in The only step I couldn't preform was logging into the router because I am running it off an ethernet at ASU. My ragExe It works fine with my rathena under ubuntu with that packet server defined
  23. there is another way gnix type and ubuntu i don't remember it
  24. Im using ubuntu 11.04. Okay so everytime i compile the svn it get to the map server then i get Ive retried 3 times then got the svn from git again and still the same error.I see it says memory exhausted by idk if thats actually because it ran out of ram or something with the code.
  25. No its 512mb 728mb burst.Cheap server just to make sure they were stable before getting decent package. EDIT: I finally got it complied.But now when i start it i get [Fatal Error]: Memory manager::memmgr_alloc failed (allocating 56+421888 bytes at script.c:759). So my question is 512mb not even enough to start a server for 1 person just so i can test latency and stuff before upgrading It's obvious that the ram is insufficient to run the server. If I'm still updated, a 512 MB - Linux VPS will be able to do it. But, I'm not somehow sure about now. Are you running another services? like apache, KVM, or such things like GUI Environment (I mean Desktop, that thing, what is it? KDE thing?) or others? try to shut them down first then run it again. By the way, If you're using Ubuntu, then you may need more. I still believe that the server will run in a 512MB Centos.
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