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  1. well I was planning to make one but maybe someone already has? would save me the trouble to learn =D
  2. I cannot access the table 'char' in mysql due to char being a command within sql. It keeps giving me a syntax error, even though I know the syntax is right because I can replace 'char' with any other table and it works fine. I've confirmed the table 'char' does exist. This came about because my client keeps disconnecting when trying to create a character. I tried manually creating one in the terminal but ran into this problem. Does anyone know how to get around this? I can't seem to find any info on it. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 with the mysql 5.5. Thanks
  3. Changed to Ubuntu. Seems no luck at all. I also give full privileges to the pointed VPS-IP. I do really need help here. I'm stuck and don't know how to get rid of socket #5 error 4.
  4. Go for VPS. It seems like you're new to server stuffs. Servers are just computers but with more powerful hardwares because it will be used for heavy stuffs (most of the time). And VPS/Dedicated servers are not limited to Linux, there are Windows-based servers. CentOS is just a Linux distro. Examples of Linux Distros: Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, etc. You can try practicing server stuffs on your Windows PC. Just install VirtualBox and install whatever OS you would want to use in your server or use the OS the hosting provider you want to buy from uses.
  5. 1and1 datacenters in california, ny and pen. I have used them for years and for the money they are good, centos, ubuntu nd debian for linux and windows 2012 for windows. they even have a deal right now but are almost out, certain dedicated servers(linux only windows is more) are free for 3 months with a 49.00 setup, and thier vps' are decent with deals right now also. 1and1.com
  6. Daifuku

    Help pls?

    https://rathena.org/wiki/Installation_on_Windows https://rathena.org/wiki/Installation_(CentOS) http://rathenaguides.blogspot.de/2014/05/guide-for-making-your-own-ragnarok.html https://rathena.org/board/topic/53291-guidehow-to-setup-a-ragnarok-onlineserver-side-only/ http://rathenaguides.blogspot.de/ https://www.vultr.com/docs/setup-ragnarok-online-server-on-ubuntu-14-04-x64 https://www.google.de/#q=rathena+server+setup+guide I simply typed into google 'rathena server setup guide' and got so many links out of it. Before you set up your server you should ask yourself if you want to run it on windows, centos or linux for example. You should ask yourself if it's smart to do it yourself or if you rather want to hire someone doing it for you. You should ask yourself if you are really able to set up a server if you can not google for a guide yourself. Setting up a server is one thing, you also need to set up a client. Here are some client setup guides: https://rathena.org/board/topic/70962-recommended-client-setup/ https://rathena.org/board/topic/99735-connect-and-create-client-side/ https://rathena.org/board/topic/84746-tutorial-how-to-create-ragnarok-offline-2013-client-tutorial/ https://rathena.org/board/topic/104452-tutorial-how-to-create-ragnarok-offline-2015-client/ I did not put the effort into checking if all of these guides are good or up to date. You need to do that yourself, you have to figure out for yourself which guide fits you the most and which guide works for you. Good luck!
  7. I prefer Linux, especially Debian and Ubuntu because, I like Linux systems' package manager. Just a few keystroke and you have a service running. Its stability. Linux systems are well known for their stability. Less setup complexity for single server and multiple servers. Security. Linux is based on UNIX which was designed from start to be a multi user OS. Also, Linux viruses are less common than Windows virus (difference is not that much tho). It's free. As in free beer and freedom and it's open source. Linux also has its cons as nothing in the world is perfect like high learning curve, etc. Finally, it all comes to your preference and your knowledge. Why use the so-called "Best" OS if you don't know how to configure it or utilize its advantage over other OS properly. But I'm not asking you to not learn about new OS if you want to, that's a good thing.
  8. Hello dear rA people. We've reached more than 1024 players on our server and whatever we do, the server doesn't want to allow for more. At first, players used to get "failed to connect to server" as their connection was denied, we immediately thought it was the socket limit on the server. So we wanted to fix it by changing : /etc/security/limits.conf root hard nofile 40000 root soft nofile 40000 * soft nofile 10000 * hard nofile 64000 /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/typesizes.h to 4096 /usr/include/linux/posix_types.h to 4096 ulimit -Sn 65535 # nano /etc/pam.d/common-session # nano /etc/pam.d/common-session-noninteractive ADD -> session required pam_limits.so defined FD_SETSIZE to 4096 and recompiled. We also changed max_connect_user: 9999 and Change - packet_db.conf // If IP's are checked when connecting. // This also enables DDoS protection. enable_ip_rules: no because why not. But then now, the map server crashes whenever we reach 1025 sockets. For your information, in the console it writes clearly "rathena, this client supports 4096 concurrent connections" What did we do wrong? Server is under Debian 8. We run the live server on a docker under Ubuntu last version. Thanks a lot for anyone who can help.
  9. Hallo zusammen, ich habe folgendes problem ich habe mir mit der neusten rA version am Freitag einen Server aufgesetzt auf einem Ubuntu V-Server. Das setup hat alles ohne Probleme funktioniert, allerdings habe ich nun folgendes Problem. Ich habe einen Client mit der 2013-08-07 exe gemacht - gedifft - gehexed und bekomme folgendes Problem nicht in der Griff. Wenn ich etwas equippen möchte funktioniert das auch, allerdings bekomme ich das EQ nicht im EQ-Fenster angezeigt. Ich muss erst einen relogg oder ein refresh machen das ich es sehe. habe auch folgendes gefunden https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/255was genau mein Problem beschreibt - auch das in dem thread gepostete Video ist genau das Verhalten meines Problemes. Hat jemand eine Ahnung woran es liegen kann? Cheers!
  10. Hi, guys! I'm trying to install rAthena on a ubuntu machine and utilizes roBrowser as client in other to make a server that would be "client-less". But I do not have idea of how things exactally work, and then I got stuck because I guess I installed both rA and roBrowser right, so it should return an error at login saying wrong username or something like that as my players database is empty. But in says "Please wait ..." forever. Does someone here ever used roBrowser? Or know how do I know were is the problem (maybe network configuration)? I've done this on my home computer and when I do start Athena it does not notice any errors. (I do not have any windows machines avaliable at the moment, but I can get a VM in some weeks if it's really needed, also attached a dump of the console) dump.txt
  11. in flux? Debian / Ubuntu dpkg-reconfigure tzdata or inside flux: 'ServerName' => 'FluxRO', // Global database configuration (excludes logs database configuration). 'DbConfig' => array( //'Socket' => '/tmp/mysql.sock', //'Port' => 3306, //'Encoding' => 'utf8', // Connection encoding -- use whatever here your MySQL tables collation is. 'Convert' => 'utf8', // -- 'Convert' option only works when 'Encoding' option is specified and iconv (http://php.net/iconv) is available. // -- It specifies the encoding to convert your MySQL data to on the website (most likely needs to be utf8) 'Hostname' => '', 'Username' => 'ragnarok', 'Password' => 'ragnarok', 'Database' => 'ragnarok', 'Persistent' => true, 'Timezone' => null // Example: '+0:00' is UTC.
  12. Hello I become every time this error when I start the server with rathena start what could it be: Athena Starting... (c) 2013 rAthena Project checking... Check complete. Looks good, a nice Athena! Logging is disable Server 'login-server' started at Server 'char-server' started at Server 'map-server' started at Now Started Athena. root@ubuntu:/home/heisi/rAthena# [Status]: Memory manager initialised: log/login-server.leaks rAthena Development Team presents ___ __ __ _____/ | / /_/ /_ ___ ____ ____ _ / ___/ /| |/ __/ __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ __ `/ / / / ___ / /_/ / / / __/ / / / /_/ / /_/ /_/ |_\__/_/ /_/\___/_/ /_/\__,_/ http://rathena.org/board/ [Warning]: You are running rAthena with root privileges, it is not necessary. [Fatal Error]: File not found: conf/inter_athena.conf [Status]: Memory manager initialised: log/char-server.leaks rAthena Development Team presents ___ __ __ _____/ | / /_/ /_ ___ ____ ____ _ / ___/ /| |/ __/ __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ __ `/ / / / ___ / /_/ / / / __/ / / / /_/ / /_/ /_/ |_\__/_/ /_/\___/_/ /_/\__,_/ http://rathena.org/board/ [Warning]: You are running rAthena with root privileges, it is not necessary. [Fatal Error]: File not found: conf/inter_athena.conf [Status]: Memory manager initialised: log/map-server.leaks rAthena Development Team presents ___ __ __ _____/ | / /_/ /_ ___ ____ ____ _ / ___/ /| |/ __/ __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ __ `/ / / / ___ / /_/ / / / __/ / / / /_/ / /_/ /_/ |_\__/_/ /_/\___/_/ /_/\__,_/ http://rathena.org/board/ [Warning]: You are running rAthena with root privileges, it is not necessary. [Fatal Error]: File not found: conf/inter_athena.conf
  13. Good day! Is there a way to listen again to map-server (or any) after performing ./athena-start start and closing command line (putty) of Ubuntu 12.04.5? I need to see what error the scripts are giving me because I can't replicate the problem locally. ex.
  14. Hey guys, Im using ubuntu 15.04 and i follow the guide from the wiki to install in Debian OS. Well, i got a "[Fatal Error]: File not found: conf/inter_athena.conf" when i start the emulator. But im 100% sure the files exist in conf folder. Thanks for any help.
  15. This project is a docker container running Ubuntu, Apache 2, MySQL 5, PHP5, FluxCP, rAthena char-server, rAthena map-server, and rAthena login-server, snapshotted at the moment just before setup begins. A 1-click (really copy-and-paste one command) way to run rAthena that still gives the user the option to modify if they want to - just swap out the rAthena git repo URL for your custom repo URL. That's right: all the ease of use of pre-compiled binaries with all the transparency and customization of open-source in one standardized, portable, stable, current package. 1) Install docker as described at http://www.docker.com/ 2) forward TCP 20000-20005 to your docker host. 3) Copy and paste this into your docker host terminal: docker run -it -p 20000:80 -p 20001:443 -p 20002:3306 -p 20003:5121 -p 20004:6121 -p 20005:6900 -v ~/Desktop/datastore/:/datastore/ -v ~/Desktop/datastore/etc-apache2/:/datastore/etc/apache2/ -v ~/Desktop/datastore/etc-mysql/:/datastore/etc/mysql/ -v ~/Desktop/datastore/usr-bin-rathena/:/datastore/usr/bin/rathena/ -v ~/Desktop/datastore/var-lib-mysql/:/datastore/var/lib/mysql/ --name Aegis georgegeorgulasiv/tritogeneia ... and wait a few minutes. When the terminal stops scrolling, proceed to step 4). 4) In your browser, open: (IP or hostname of the docker host):20000 5) As your password use: secretpassword 6) Give it your mysql login and password. Both are : ragnarok Your server is live. Github page for this project: http://github.com/VirtualEstatePlanner/Tritogeneia Dockerhub page for this project (featuring trusted Automated Builds) http://registry.hub.docker.com/u/georgegeorgulasiv/tritogeneia/
  16. Can Someone Please Give Me An Updated/Latest Rathena Installation Guide For VPS such as CentOs,Debian,Ubuntu... online thanks because all wiki answers have bugs https://rathena.org/wiki/Installation_(Debian)
  17. Here is Another Problem Here when i login it shows the server(0) and after i press ok.. it says rejected If Possible: Can Someone Point Me To A RATHENA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR CENTOS/DEBIAN/UBUNTU or any of these that is best any easy
  18. Yes my DB usernames is moonlight... I went back to change everything and again the same error Unable to connect to your database server using the provided settings. Filename: core/Loader.php Line Number: 346 Mysql version ( VPS ): Variable_name | Value | +-------------------------+-------------------------+ | innodb_version | 5.5.41 | | protocol_version | 10 | | slave_type_conversions | | | version | 5.5.41-0ubuntu0.14.10.1 | | version_comment | (Ubuntu) | | version_compile_machine | x86_64 | | version_compile_os | debian-linux-gnu
  19. Centos 7 64bit and not work also on Ubuntu 14.04 64bit but in windows its work... i've install all requirement software to the latest version but still map-server killed.... is there any step that i've missed that are not on the wiki? note: apa emang lg ada bug buat yg di linux? lam kenal gan , sementara testing pake rAthena lama dan hercules terbaru work perfectly...
  20. Lighta

    Auto Installer

    ye I just look the script it's fine. Altought the git repository you using for the clone if not the one I'd expect : git clone https://github.com/xcoryakx/rathena.git I think it's better if you clone from the main ra/herc git instead of your fork. Just so they have the latest upd. 1 last thing you might want to take a look at : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/tools/config.pl Not for saying your are bad or anything but you might be interested in improving this one he currently go deeper then your sh for the installation / configuration. The perl was choosing to be OS independant, as you can see that setup was tested on FreeBSD,Ubuntu/Debian, Fedora/CentOS. Bad point is that you need perl.
  21. KoriAK

    Auto Installer

    centos and ubuntu run the script, its kinda hard to figure out what the issue is.
  22. I've tried doing it on my Ubuntu test server, forcing shutdown in the middle of svn update, however, svn cleanup fixed it. Can you not download a fresh copy instead? Or, try following the instructions (fix) I've found on this page.
  23. Debugging is a real pain. Are you using Linux (Ubuntu / CentOS) to host your server? If yes you can apt-get install gdb (for Ubuntu) or yum install gdb (for CentOS). After that, just follow this guide to enable core dump generation on server crash.
  24. Hello, My configuration is Debian 7.3.0 x64 with mysql-server 5.5.40-0+wheezy1. The issue which i'm getting is when i'm running ./configure configure: error: MySQL not found or incompatible I've read some threads about mysql-devel but I can't find the package. Any though on fixing this ? Thanks Edit: nevermind, found the fix here http://rathena.org/board/topic/78943-rathena-configure-on-ubuntu-mysql-issues/?hl=%2Bmysql+%2Bnot+%2Bfound+%2Bincompatible
  25. Hi guys, I am facing a really strange problem. After restarting my server, the usage of the map server is at <5% for some hours, which is normal for my playerbase. After some days, the usage of the map server is at 50%, and after about 2 weeks at 100% permanently, including heavy lags. Even when I start my test server and leave it running for some days, the cpu usage increases without anyone playing on the server. Specs: CPU: Intel Celeron G530 (2x 2,4 GHz) 64bit RAM: 4GB (3,81GB total, 3,64GB used, 1,22GB cached, 64% usage) System: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS HDD: 1TB hard drive @ 7200rpm, no RAID, SMART says few bad sectors, but still green (warnings are: reallocated secor count @ 28 secotrs, current pending sector count @ 24 secotrs, both not under threshhold, so not an error, only a warning) My rathena is currently on commit f7d40ba71c57945a26a621f0c6178f9e1f26197a (Date: Thu Mar 27 01:47:51 2014 -0400) with custom modifications. Does anyone have the same problem or does anyone know how to resolve this issue? Are there some kind of methods to see from which part of the code the most execution time is comming? EDIT: i am using gprof right now on the testserver to hopefully find the issue...
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