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Everything posted by iraciz

  1. Bad SQL file, not saving properly the items to the cart, Maybe Uncompatible sql for your emulator???? this is an example of a healty sql cart_invetory items save, not cloning the 4th slot. that problem happened to me once, because I loaded rathena sql files in an eamod emulator, and that was the reason for my server closure. Try to reproduce this bug afer loading an updated main_sql file.
  2. As a fact, this also happen when switching shields while autoguard status, or changing axes while adrenaline rush, even spears with spearquicken, changing the weapon end the status and you have to cast again the skill, this is the oficial behavior. I've found this code in scr/map/pc.c /** * Check if we still have the correct weapon to continue the skill (actually status) * If not ending it * @param sd * @return 0:error, 1:check done */ static void pc_checkallowskill(struct map_session_data *sd) { const enum sc_type scw_list[] = { SC_TWOHANDQUICKEN, SC_ONEHAND, SC_AURABLADE, SC_PARRYING, SC_SPEARQUICKEN, SC_ADRENALINE, SC_ADRENALINE2, SC_DANCING, SC_GATLINGFEVER, }; uint8 i; nullpo_retv(sd); if(!sd->sc.count) return; for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(scw_list); i++) { // Skills requiring specific weapon types if( scw_list[i] == SC_DANCING && !battle_config.dancing_weaponswitch_fix ) continue; if(sd->sc.data[scw_list[i]] && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,skill_get_weapontype(status_sc2skill(scw_list[i])))) status_change_end(&sd->bl, scw_list[i], INVALID_TIMER); } if(sd->sc.data[SC_SPURT] && sd->status.weapon) // Spurt requires bare hands (feet, in fact xD) status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_SPURT, INVALID_TIMER); if(sd->status.shield <= 0) { // Skills requiring a shield const enum sc_type scs_list[] = { SC_AUTOGUARD, SC_DEFENDER, SC_REFLECTSHIELD, SC_REFLECTDAMAGE }; for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(scs_list); i++) if(sd->sc.data[scs_list[i]]) status_change_end(&sd->bl, scs_list[i], INVALID_TIMER); } } Feel free to copy this code and ask in Source Request Section in this forum a "MOOD" to switch weapons without losing the status of two-hand quicken or other skills, but ending the status if it is a invalid weapon for the skill, It could be a check with timer in miliseconds to return 1.
  3. https://github.com/Asheraf/Translation/tree/master/data/luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz download those for the skillinfoz inside data/lua files/luafiles 514/skillinfoz and replace existing ones in your custom grf. ignoring diff will not solve that issue, btw if you have read data folder first in your diff, try to erase the data folder inside your ragnarok folder.
  4. Attached in my post. data.rar Next time this happen, find the sprite name in the System/iteminfo.lua [22625] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Oktoberfest Bag", unidentifiedResourceName = "통학가방", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "..." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Oktoberfest Bag", identifiedResourceName = "통학가방", identifiedDescriptionName = { "..." }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, Rename any file with that name, then use Unbollox program and convert that into hardcoded (left to the korean), don´t forget to uncheck recursive.. copy then than file hardcoded name and search in the grf's VOILÁ
  5. Where to enable the set/up button bellow the cash button? My client is 20180621 and the latest github revision, Pleas how to enable this? this is a sample of a client 2016 that can use it, but I dont find it anywehere.
  6. Still waiting solution for this, It has been a long time. you can´t also pick items in the same trap cell.
  7. Done Thankyou 28945,Bloody_Knight's_Shield,Bloody Knight's Shield,4,20,,800,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,32,,0,1,3,{ bonus bAspdRate,10; bonus2 bAddClass,Class_All,3; bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,7; autobonus "{ bonus2 bHPRegenRate,150,1000; }",10,5000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect2 EF_HEAL; }"; autobonus2 "{ bonus2 bSPRegenRate,150,1000; }",10,5000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect2 491; }"; if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bMatk,10; bonus bBaseAtk,10; } if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bAspd,1; } },{},{}
  8. Hello, Im a bit rusty in the scripting section, so I came asking for a script for the bloody knight shield, this is the iteminfo: Increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%). Atk + 3%, Matk + 3%. Reduces damage taken from all properties by 7%. When receiving damage, has a low chance to recovery 25 SP per second for 5 seconds. When dealing physical or magical damage, has a low chance to recovery 150 HP per second for 5 seconds. If refine rate is 7 or higher, Atk + 10, Matk + 10. If refine rate is 9 or higher, ASPD + 1. 28945,Bloody_Knight's_Shield,Bloody Knight's Shield,4,20,,800,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,32,,0,1,3,{ bonus bAspdRate,10; bonus2 bAddClass,Class_All,3; bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,7; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,7; },{},{} I am struck in the refinemet part and the hp and sp recovery autobonuses, 5% chance to recover 150 hp every second for 5 seconds when dealing damage 5% chance to recover 25 sp every second for 5 seconds when receiving damage
  9. Bien, el quiere agarrarlos de lleno con la skill grimtooth.. generalmente al hacer hiding la mob se mantiene acumulada en una sola celda proxima al jugador, pero a el se le dispersan rapidamente, esta conducta no tiene que ver con el AI, porque si la activaras, los monstruos no se dispersan cerca, mas bien sale huyendo.. la conducta normal corresponde a battle/misc.conf y tienes que poner el official cell stack limit en cero. // Determines max number of characters that can stack within a single cell. // Official - Only affects the walking routines of characters, including monsters. // If a unit stops walking and is on a cell with more than stack limit // characters on it, it will walk to the closest free cell. // Set to 0 for no cell stacking checks and free movement. // Custom - This variation will make every full cell to be considered a wall. // NOTE: For the custom setting to take effect you have to use a server compiled // with Cell Stack Limit support (see src/map/map.hpp) official_cell_stack_limit: 0 custom_cell_stack_limit: 1 Aquí les dejo un video, pueden hacer la misma prueba y notar la diferencia. Sin mas que agregar reitero que la conducta oficial es sinónimo de joder al user, hemos experimentado y crecido con una forma de jugar toda la vida, y cada servidor que utiliza una revisión nueva (llenisima de cambios como este) nos trae un sabor amargo, este es sencillo, habran otros cambios mas dificiles como el hit del magnum, entre otros. Party Ragnarok 2020-03-26 17-17-25.mp4
  10. Can be created by following this steps: 1- Add the item to the item_db.txt, this is the script 40000,Medusa Enchant,Medusa Enchant,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,32,,,,,{ bonus bMdef,1; bonus bInt,1; bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Stone,500; },{},{} 2- Edit the iteminfo.lua located in System, add the item.. [40000] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Medusa Enchant", unidentifiedResourceName = "메두사의머리", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Medusa Enchant", identifiedResourceName = "메두사의머리", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Live medusa head attached to a shield!", "Inflict ^660000Stone Curse^000000 status by low chance when receiving damage.", "MDEF + 1, INT +1." }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, 3- Create the card preffix in the file located in Data/cardprefixnametable.txt this will give a title to the enchanted item. 40000#Of Perseus# 4- Add the item in the file file located in Data/cardpostfixnametable.txt this will display the cardprefix after the item name. 40000# No sprites needed since it is taking the existing dead medusa sprite: identifiedResourceName = "메두사의머리",
  11. caoshost tiene buenos paquetes, ojo no vengo a hacerle publicidad a nadie.
  12. It´s Done guys, finally.. I managed to find out some curly locations out of place, and corrected it, now this is the 100% functional script, tested and working at my will. beach_dun,270,70,4 script Darkargol#darkalost 531,{ emotion ET_SCRATCH; mes "^5F04B4Dark Argol^000000"; cutin "jpn_darkalgol01",2; mes "Vaya vaya, mira a aquien tenemos por aqui.."; mes "te puedo ayudar, pero solo si me traes un objeto unico.."; next; cutin "jpn_darkalgol03",2; mes "Dark Argol"; mes "Se trata de la cabeza de medusa, lamentablemente no es dropeable por ninguna de las que estan aqui!.."; next; cutin "jpn_darkalgol04",2; mes "^5F04B4Dark Argol^000000"; mes "Si me consigues lo siguiente:"; mes "1 <ITEM>Dead Medusa<INFO>1047</INFO></ITEM>."; mes "1000 <ITEM>Horrendous Hair<INFO>1048</INFO></ITEM>."; mes "le dare un poder nuevo al escudo que lleves equipado!."; next; cutin "jpn_darkalgol01",2; mes "^5F04B4Dark Argol^000000"; mes "Permiteme revisar si tienes los items ok?"; next; progressbar "ffff00",1; if( countitem(1047) < 1 || countitem(1048) < 1000) goto Faltaitems; cutin "jpn_darkalgol05",2; mes "^5F04B4Dark Argol^000000"; mes "Parece que tienes todos los items, deseas encantar tu escuodo equipado ya mismo?!."; next; menu "^0000FFEncantar Escudo^000000",shield, "Cancelar",wait; wait: emotion ET_SMILE; cutin "jpn_darkalgol02",2; mes "^5F04B4Dark Argol^000000"; mes "Ok Ok lo comprendo."; mes "Volveras con la mejor alternativa, pillin!."; close2; cutin "",255; end; shield: if (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) && getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_L), 5) == 32){ mes "^5F04B4Dark Argol^000000"; mes "Comenzamos."; cutin "jpn_darkalgol01",2; next; specialeffect 96; cutin "jpn_darkalgol02",2; progressbar "ffff00",1; specialeffect 101; delitem 1048,1000; delitem 1047,1; set .@id, getequipid(8); set .@ref, getequiprefinerycnt(8); set .@card1, getequipcardid(8,0); set .@card2, getequipcardid(8,1); set .@card3, getequipcardid(8,2); set .@card4, getequipcardid(8,3); delitem2 .@id, 1, 1, .@ref, 0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3, .@card4; getitem2 .@id, 1, 1, .@ref, 0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3, 31498; equip .@id; cutin "jpn_darkalgol11",2; sleep2 200; cutin "",255; mes "Dark Argol"; mes "Enchant exitoso!."; end; } emotion ET_HUT; mes "^5F04B4Dark Argol^000000"; cutin "jpn_darkalgol07",2; mes "eh eh ehhh! ^FF0000Wait^000000"; mes "No llevas ningun escudo equipado."; close2; cutin "",255; end; Faltaitems: emotion ET_CRY; cutin "jpn_darkalgol04",2; mes "^5F04B4Dark Argol^000000"; mes "Desafortunadamente no los tienes!, Cuando tengas los objetos no dudes en volver, con gusto ofrecere encantar tu escudo!"; mes "hasta pronto."; close2; cutin "",255; end; } Party Ragnarok 2020-03-24 18-17-33.mp4 It's working nicely, please share if you want, just remember to edit the item require and the last enchant, mine is custom made. This is a unique npc because, it do not only take the left hand equip placement, it also check if the equip is a shield.
  13. Is working now, but it calls other dialog when detecting no shield type. Dunno why is calling "Faltaitems" instead. It must say: mes "Dark Argol"; cutin "jpn_darkalgol07",2; mes "eh eh ehhh! Espera"; mes "No llevas escudo equipado."; close2; cutin "",255; end; beach_dun,270,70,4 script Darkargol#darkalost 531,{ mes "Dark Argol"; cutin "jpn_darkalgol01",2; mes "Vaya vaya, mira a aquien tenemos por aqui.."; mes "te puedo ayudar, pero solo si me traes un objeto unico.."; next; cutin "jpn_darkalgol03",2; mes "Dark Argol"; mes "Se trata de la cabeza de medusa, lamentablemente no es dropeable por ninguna de las que estan aqui!.."; next; cutin "jpn_darkalgol04",2; mes "Dark Argol"; mes "Si me consigues lo siguiente:"; mes "1 <ITEM>Dead Medusa<INFO>1047</INFO></ITEM>."; mes "1000 <ITEM>Horrendous Hair<INFO>1048</INFO></ITEM>."; mes "le dare un poder nuevo al escudo que lleves equipado!."; next; if( countitem(1047) < 1 || countitem(1048) < 1000) goto Faltaitems; cutin "jpn_darkalgol05",2; mes "Dark Argol"; mes "Parece que tienes todos los items, deseas encantar tu escuodo equipado ya mismo?!."; next; menu "^0000FFEncantar Escudo^000000",shield, "Cancelar",wait; wait: cutin "jpn_darkalgol07",2; mes "Dark Argol"; mes "Ok Ok lo comprendo."; mes "Volveras con la mejor alternativa, pillin!."; close2; cutin "",255; end; shield: mes "Dark Argol"; cutin "jpn_darkalgol01",2; mes "Comenzamos."; next; specialeffect 96; cutin "jpn_darkalgol02",2; progressbar "ffff00",1; if (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) && getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_L), 5) == 32){ delitem 1048,1000; delitem 1047,1; set .@id, getequipid(8); set .@ref, getequiprefinerycnt(8); set .@card1, getequipcardid(8,0); set .@card2, getequipcardid(8,1); set .@card3, getequipcardid(8,2); set .@card4, getequipcardid(8,3); delitem2 .@id, 1, 1, .@ref, 0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3, .@card4; getitem2 .@id, 1, 1, .@ref, 0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3, 4700; equip .@id; specialeffect 101; cutin "jpn_darkalgol11",2; sleep2 200; cutin "",255; mes "Dark Argol"; mes "Enchant exitoso!."; end; mes "Dark Argol"; cutin "jpn_darkalgol07",2; mes "eh eh ehhh! Espera"; mes "No llevas escudo equipado."; close2; cutin "",255; end; } Faltaitems: cutin "jpn_darkalgol01",2; mes "Dark Argol"; mes "Vuelve conmigo cuando tengas todos los items que te pedi!"; mes "hasta pronto"; close2; cutin "",255; end; }
  14. mes "Start Enchanting."; next; progressbar "ffff00",1; if(getequipid(8)+1) { delitem 7539,1; set .@id, getequipid(8); set .@ref, getequiprefinerycnt(8); set .@card1, getequipcardid(8,0); set .@card2, getequipcardid(8,1); set .@card3, getequipcardid(8,2); set .@card4, getequipcardid(8,3); delitem2 .@id, 1, 1, .@ref, 0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3, .@card4; getitem2 .@id, 1, 1, .@ref, 0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3, 4720; equip .@id; mes "Enchant Success!."; close; } mes "Please, equip a shield to proceed."; cutin "",255; close; } getequipid is not working, is enchanting whatever is in the left hand, 2h weapons, daggers, etc, It must be exclussive for shield, nothing else.
  15. Good day dear community, I came here as last resource to ask for some help.. it could be possible? to create a NPC, that can enchant shield 4th slot with a DEX+1 rune? the item id is 4720 my request is not so simple, because I want it exclusive for shield, not lefty hand, not 2h_weapons, ONLY SHIELDS. Please note that, EQI_HAND_L (8) will not work, since it takes every single equip that tooks the left hand place, not only shields but assassin dual wielding dagger, 2handed weapons such as bows axe may be enchanted, and thats exactly what I want to avoid... Just shields please, in universal, as a whole thing, SHIELD... no shield equiped no enchant. - no lists, not menu's, no failure/success rate.. NPC must check if a shield is equiped and enchant it... and reject the enchant if it is a weapon or there's no item equiped in left hand, simple as that!
  16. Done, I had to compile in release mode, and it work like a charm, consider this solved. Party Ragnarok 2020-03-21 09-14-31.mp4
  17. Hello Elysium, I am having problem when compiling 1>------ Operación Compilar iniciada: proyecto: map-server, configuración: Debug Win32 ------ 1>skill.cpp 1>C:\Users\Mario Zicari\Desktop\rAthena\src\map\skill.cpp(1575,48): error C2065: 'type': identificador no declarado 1>C:\Users\Mario Zicari\Desktop\rAthena\src\map\skill.cpp(1575,116): error C2660: 'clif_skill_nodamage': la función no acepta 4 argumentos 1>C:\Users\Mario Zicari\Desktop\rAthena\src\map\clif.hpp(697,6): message : vea la declaración de 'clif_skill_nodamage' 1>Compilación del proyecto "map-server.vcxproj" terminada -- ERROR. dunno what to do
  18. Hi, this is my following request I am trying this code to autobuff sniper with infravision for just 2 seconds after casting Truesight, I would like this effect to apply only on self caster. I found the line in the skill.cpp src file. Please note that I can't insert the code in the existing case SN_SIGHT, I tried it and the skill was not working (could'nt even cast), So I add this new line with the skill case. case SN_SIGHT: status_change_start(src,bl,SC_INTRAVISION,10000,skill_lv,0,0,0,skill_get_time2(skill_id,skill_lv),SCSTART_NORATEDEF); break; But is not working, look at the picture, the skill cast should show the monster silhouette for 10 seconds and is not happening. Could you help me to solve the request, any idea? Thankyou in advance.
  19. Hello dear members, it has been a long time since my last login here, and I came back with my recent customization, it's damm good, that once finished in my test server confirmed that was 100% functional, with and with no issues , I decided to share.... This Skill provides the same function than the equipment swap tab, but instead of opening the inventory and aim with the cursor to the "change" button!, you can do the same even faster, with a custom skill icon and just one tip of your finger. ***------- Trunk Side -------*** 1- Go to your skill_db.txt and make sure to find the skill #5067. If you are using pre-renewal config, you may export the bellow skill line to the pre-re/skill_db.txt file instead. 5067,0,6,4,0,0x1,0,1,1,no,0,0x1,0,none,0,0x0, ALL_EQSWITCH,Equip Switch 2- Now that the skill is implemented, you need to add the timers in the db file skill_cast_db.txt, this can´t be ignored, you may add the skill line. I gave the skill 10 seconds cooldown, but you can do it at your like. //-- ALL_EQSWITCH 5067,0,0,0,0,0,10000 3- Most important part, can´t be ignored, add the skill line for every job in the skill_tree.txt file. just like this: //Novice 0,5067,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //-- ALL_EQSWITCH#Equip Switch# //Swordman 1,5067,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //-- ALL_EQSWITCH#Equip Switch# //Magician 2,5067,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //-- ALL_EQSWITCH#Equip Switch# //Archer 3,5067,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //-- ALL_EQSWITCH#Equip Switch# And keep going until you add the skill to every job available in your server. (watch out the job# id, for the copy paste, don´t forget to add the correct number). ***------- Client Side --------*** - You need the icon sprites for the skill and the item bmp, you can make a prettier one, in my case I recycled Taekwon skill icon Counter Kick Stance and recolored. You will find it attached, well, This .spr and .act files must be added inside the drop sprite folder the route is: data/sprite/¾ÆÀÌÅÛ ALL_EQSWITCH.act ALL_EQSWITCH.spr - Now for dragging the skill icon from the skill tab, you need the item bmp, also attached, and It has to be added inside the item folder. The route is: \data\texture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º\item ALL_EQSWITCH.bmp ---EDITING THE LUAS--- - The very first thing we are going to edit is the skilltreeview.lub this file is found inside the skillinfoz folder at this route: \data\luafiles514\lua files\skilltreeview.lub Please only add the skill for the novice tree, watch out the key and please note that there is not comma at the last line added skill, if you wonder about the #41 is the bottom right corner penultimate slot in the alt+s skill tab. SKILL_TREEVIEW_FOR_JOB = { [JOBID.JT_NOVICE] = { [0] = SKID.NV_BASIC, [7] = SKID.NV_FIRSTAID, [14] = SKID.NV_TRICKDEAD, [41] = SKID.ALL_EQSWITCH }, - Second Step editing the luas belongs to the file skillid.lub this file is found inside the skillinfoz folder at this route: \data\luafiles514\lua files\skillinfoz And you have to add the skill ALL_EQSWITCH = 5067 Example: WE_CALLALLFAMILY = 5063, WE_ONEFOREVER = 5064, WE_CHEERUP = 5065, ALL_EQSWITCH = 5067, - Third step for the luas, the skilldescript.lub This file is located in \data\luafiles514\lua files\skilldescript.lub In this file you have to create a description for the new skill implemented in this case the ALL_EQSWITCH This is an example of mine, watch out the keys and the commas, you can make a good description with your own taste.: [SKID.ALL_PRONTERA_RECALL] = { "Return to Prontera", "Max Level: 2", "Skill Form: ^339900Supportive^000000", "Description: ^777777Teleport to Prontera, 15 minutes after use delay.^000000" }, [SKID.ALL_EQSWITCH] = { "Switch Equipment", "Max Level: 1", "^CC3399Requirement: Finish Quest^000000", "Skill Form: ^339900Active^000000", "Target: ^777777Self^000000", "Description: ^777777Swap you actual equipment with the one placed in the alternative equip tab.^000000" }, [SKID.ALL_THANATOS_RECALL] = { "Return to Thanatos", "Max Level: 1", "Skill Form: ^339900Supportive^000000", "Description : ^777777Teleport to Thanatos, 5 minutes after use delay.^000000" }, - Finally the Last Step and most most most important, the skillinfolist.lub This file is located in \data\luafiles514\lua files\skillinfolist.lub We have to add the new skill to this file, EXAMPLE: [SKID.ALL_GLASTHEIM_RECALL] = { "ALL_GLASTHEIM_RECALL", SkillName = "Return to Glastheim", MaxLv = 1, SpAmount = { 0 }, bSeperateLv = false, AttackRange = { 1 } }, [SKID.ALL_EQSWITCH] = { "ALL_EQSWITCH", SkillName = "Equip Switch", MaxLv = 1, Type = "Quest", SpAmount = { 0 }, bSeperateLv = false, AttackRange = { 1 } } } - In this case I added the skill at the last in the bottom, so you watch out the keys and the commas placed properly to avoid client side error, VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT, you see the Type = "Quest" bold in green? Please, do not ignore that line, ... That line is very very important, and the client use that line, to avoid investing job skill points in that quest skill. Now, for getting the skill active, you can edit the npc global funcion and add it to the platinium skills: in your trunk/npc/other/Global_Functions.txt Example: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gives attached player their Platinum Skill based on their class. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function script F_GetPlatinumSkills { skill "NV_FIRSTAID",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "ALL_EQSWITCH",1,SKILL_PERM; or make your own script to get the skill permantent. Now The Testing In Game: Party Ragnarok 2020-03-14 19-25-47.mp4 OPTION 2: For Experienced Users, if you want to save hours on this.... just go to the shortcut settings and add a shortcut to replace equip.
  20. Attached Image Good day, where can I find the battlegrounds emblems, Lion and Eagle, not angeling and archangeling. Can somebody share please?
  21. Could you please provide me with the name of the patch? As per attached, I am using the 4144 version and I can´t found any relative function to the char display in the service select.
  22. Good day, my service select screen is not showing online users, could you help me how to enable.
  23. Ok, is this is costume garment? Could you please share the file and let me find out by editing the luafiles514\lua files\spreditinfo\2dlayerdir_f.lub Inside the file you can try and test by adding the garment bellow a size layer, only one option at once.
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