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Everything posted by iraciz

  1. Good day, dear community, I'm using a card trader script, and I want to add more card ids, from 27120 to 27126 (new brasilis card id). what should I edit? could you lendme a hand? I dont understand how to add a new item range... The trick is in this line, but am not scripter, and poorly understand. if (@sold_nameid[.@i] > 4000 && @sold_nameid[.@i] < 4700) { OnSellItem: mes "Cards to sell:"; mes "-----------------------------------"; for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(@sold_nameid); set .@i,.@i+1) if (@sold_nameid[.@i] > 4000 && @sold_nameid[.@i] < 4700) { if (.Level) { query_sql("SELECT `LV` FROM `mob_db` WHERE `DropCardid` = "+@sold_nameid[.@i],.@lv); if (.@lv < .Level) { dispbottom getitemname(@sold_nameid[.@i])+" is under the minimum level."; continue; } } set .@card_id[getarraysize(.@card_id)], @sold_nameid[.@i]; set .@card_amt[getarraysize(.@card_amt)], @sold_quantity[.@i]; set .@mvp, compare(.MVP$,""+@sold_nameid[.@i]); mes ((.@mvp)?" ^FF0000":" ^777777")+@sold_quantity[.@i]+"x "+getitemname(@sold_nameid[.@i])+"^000000"; set .@card_total, .@card_total+(@sold_quantity[.@i]*((.@mvp)?.Points[1]:.Points[0])); } deletearray @sold_nameid[0], getarraysize(@sold_nameid); deletearray @sold_quantity[0], getarraysize(@sold_quantity); if (!.@card_id) { mes " ^777777(none)^000000"; emotion ET_SWEAT; close; } I want to add more card ids, from 27120 to 27126
  2. You have to add them 1 by one 1 to the blacklist ID, This is the only way, since the script need the mob_db sql, set .Blacklist$, // Blacklisted mob IDs. "1062,1088,1183,1186,1200,1212,1220,1221,1234,1235,"+ "1244,1245,1250,1268,1290,1293,1294,1296,1298,1299,"+ "1300,1301,1303,1304,1305,1306,1308,1309,1311,1313,"+ "1515,1588,1618,1676,1677,1678,1679,1796,1797,1974,"+ "1975,1976,1977,1978,1979,1092"; This is my blacklist, and still working on it: .Blacklist$ = // Blacklisted mob IDs. "1062,1088,1183,1186,1120,1200,1212,1220,1221,1234,1235,1302,1634,1289,1638,1720,"+ "1244,1245,1250,1262,1268,1290,1293,1294,1296,1298,1299,1203,1204,1205,1259,1090,"+ "1300,1301,1303,1304,1305,1306,1308,1309,1311,1313,1705,1707,1712,1710,1633,1975,"+ "1515,1588,1618,1676,1677,1678,1679,1796,1797,1703,1291,1566,1704,1681,1861,1636,1709,1839,1830,1974,"+ "1975,1976,1977,1978,1979,2017,1388,1582,1992,"; I recomend you, to disable the delay time, and start and abandon missions in order to filter the mobs you want exclude, doing this I managed to exclude monsters like Dark Illusion, Deviaces, literally all monster that are only 1 per map with 10 minuts respawn. etc
  3. Check the skill info in the data folder, luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/ file skillinfolist.lub [SKID.SR_EARTHSHAKER] = { "SR_EARTHSHAKER", SkillName = "Earth Shaker", MaxLv = 5, SpAmount = { 36, 40, 44, 48, 52 }, bSeperateLv = false, AttackRange = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, _NeedSkillList = { { SKID.SR_DRAGONCOMBO, 1 }, { SKID.SR_CURSEDCIRCLE, 1 } } }, Curious that the skill_tree.txt in rAthena is different from the data folder, thats wrong, the _NeedSkillList from skillinfolist in data folder should Match Exactly with the requisites in Skilltree from trunk. Sura Regular 4070,2328,5,2326,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //SR_EARTHSHAKER#Earth Shaker# Change as same requisites in data/folder/skillinfo.list Correction for sura regular is: 4070,2328,5,2326,1,2334,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 //SR_EARTHSHAKER#Earth Shaker# Correction for Sura Trans is: 4077,2328,5,2326,1,2334,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 //SR_EARTHSHAKER#Earth Shaker# Correction for Baby Sura is: 4106,2328,5,2326,1,2334,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 //SR_EARTHSHAKER#Earth Shaker#
  4. Hello, I am having issues with the skill spider web, The paralyzing effect *STILLS**, even when I use fly wing, @go, or teleport, I CAN´T Move, for the skill duration.. very different to the Sohee/ancient worm/nephentes, NPC_STOP skills that are dispelled when teleporting.. spider web still, any idea how to change this?
  5. Compila server objects en modo release, no debug.
  6. Actually it does, skill points can't be spent on this skill because is already flagged as quest skill, the only way to get hte skill active is via this script command: skill "ALL_EQSWITCH",1,SKILL_PERM;
  7. Good day sirs, please note that, if you are using recent rathena revisions, the skill already exist in skill_db.yml because of this, the step 1 and 2 are not neccesary and can be skipped from this guide. - Id: 5067 Name: ALL_EQSWITCH Description: Equip Switch MaxLevel: 1 TargetType: Self DamageFlags: NoDamage: true Cooldown: 2000 CastTimeFlags: IgnoreDex: true IgnoreStatus: true IgnoreItemBonus: true CastDelayFlags: IgnoreDex: true IgnoreStatus: true IgnoreItemBonus: true
  8. Yes, I have the same problem with the Giant Foxtail... That's a sprite overlay Issue.. nothing to do with client so far. https://forums.warpportal.com/index.php?/topic/245989-costume-foxtail-bug-or-feature/
  9. Hello, I am using latest rathena revision, pre-renewal, and runing client 2018-08-21 My problem is that, Monsters with chat structure, are not sending the dialog according to it skills mob_skill_db // Structure of Database: // MobID,Dummy value (info only),State,SkillID,SkillLv,Rate,CastTime,Delay,Cancelable,Target,Condition type,Condition value,val1,val2,val3,val4,val5,Emotion,Chat 1917,Wounded Morocc@NPC_DRAGONFEAR,chase,659,10,10000,0,600000,no,self,myhpltmaxrate,5,,,,,,,17 1917,Wounded Morocc@NPC_DRAGONFEAR,attack,659,10,10000,0,600000,no,self,myhpltmaxrate,5,,,,,,,17 //10% HP - Talk 1917,Wounded Morocc@NPC_TALK,chase,682,10,10000,0,600000,no,self,myhpltmaxrate,10,,,,,,,16 1917,Wounded Morocc@NPC_TALK,attack,682,10,10000,0,600000,no,self,myhpltmaxrate,10,,,,,,,16 //30% HP - Earthquake Combo 1917,Wounded Morocc@NPC_WIDEHELLDIGNITY,chase,684,1,10000,2000,180000,no,self,myhpltmaxrate,30,,,,,,,6 1917,Wounded Morocc@NPC_WIDEHELLDIGNITY,attack,684,1,10000,2000,180000,no,self,myhpltmaxrate,30,,,,,,,6 mob_chat_db // Monster Chat Database // // Structure of Database: // Line_ID#Color_Code#Dialog 6#0xFF0000#You worthless humans. Your so-called holy powers have no effect on me! 16#0xFF0000#Oh, you're stronger than I thought! 17#0xFF0000#No, this can't be happening! I'm Satan Morocc, Demon King of Destruction! Any idea if this was changed? They should display their talk, This is from emulator, don´t get confused with the monstertalktables from client its completely different.
  10. I tried yout script, but it still ignoring the shoes prontera,155,185,6 script Orzuelo 550,{ if (readparam(bAgi) >= 89 && countitem(2403) < 1) goto resist; mes "You have both requires"; soundeffectall "wild_rose_die.wav",0; end; resist: mes "something is missing"; end; } If I have both requires, I mean the agi over 89 and the shoes it mus goto resist label If dont, it must continue below lines until end. is not working as intended
  11. Good day, my require is not working, the label is running ignoring the countitem (shoes) Require: if (readparam(bAgi)>=89) || (countitem(2403) < 1) goto resist; this is not working, how to check 2 conditions at once? agi stat and the item in inventory. the script is running without the shoes. Thanks in advance.
  12. Please note that id 1893 is aready taken by official item: Costume Miracle Plant https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/31729/kRO [31729] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Mask", unidentifiedResourceName = "마스크", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unknown Item, can be identified by using a ^6666CCMagnifier^000000." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Costume Miracle Plant", identifiedResourceName = "c_miracle_plant", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Every time you take a step, the fragrant flower scent resonates.", "Class:^6666CC Costume^000000", "Location:^6666CC Lower^000000", "Weight:^009900 0^000000", "Level Requirement:^009900 1^000000", "Jobs:^6666CC All^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 1893 }, ACCESSORY_C_miracle_plant = 1893, Diff yor exe again, and increase max headgear id view to 5000, and start adding your custom item ids from 2500 and foward. BTW # 1... Why are some double commas separing structure of your item? Why Ageis name and name are the same? Why is a dot also separing structures? Why is a blank space between structures? The script is a clone of the ears of ifrit, you copy pasted the item (wrong) I guess to find out the middle headgear location, if you were wondering, location for middle gear items is 512. your script: 40500, CHESHIREEARS, CHESHIREEARS, 4.20,, 300,, 0,, 0.0xFFFFFFFE, 63.2.512,, 50.0.1893, {bonus bStr, 1; bonus bInt, 1; bonus bMdef, 3; bonus2 bAddEle, Ele_Fire, 3; bonus2 bSkillAtk, "SM_BASH", 4; bonus2 bSkillAtk, "SM_MAGNUM", 4; }, {}, {} Script should be this one, according to your item screenshot description: 40500,Chesire_Ears,Ears_of_Chesire,4,20,,100,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFE,7,2,512,,50,0,1893,{ bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,3; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,-3; },{},{} BTW #2 Your Custom item Chesire Ears, Already Exist, item id is 31151, Official id view is: ACCESSORY_Chasher_Ear (1565) don't really know the reason of adding an item twice but w/e. this is the official chesire ears script and description 31151,C_Chasher_Ear,Costume Cheshire's Cat Ears,4,0,,0,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,1024,,1,0,1565,{},{},{} [31151] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Hat", unidentifiedResourceName = "캡", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unknown Item, can be identified by using a ^6666CCMagnifier^000000." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Costume Cheshire's Cat Ears", identifiedResourceName = "체샤의고양이귀", identifiedDescriptionName = { "A replica of Cheshire's Cat Ears.", "Class:^6666CC Costume^000000", "Location:^6666CC Upper^000000", "Weight:^006600 0^000000", "Level Requirement:^006600 1^000000", "Jobs:^6666CC All^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 1565 }, Is an animated gear, the ears flap a little.
  13. Updating solution for newer revisions, (remember this mod is intended for pre-re servers who miss the ancient hitlock for bosses) scr/map/status.c line 7681: Original Source: /// It has been confirmed on official servers that MvP mobs have no dmotion even without endure if( bl->type == BL_MOB && status_get_class_(bl) == CLASS_BOSS ) return 0; if (bl->type == BL_PC && ((TBL_PC *)bl)->special_state.no_walk_delay) return 0; if( sc->data[SC_ENDURE] || sc->data[SC_RUN] || sc->data[SC_WUGDASH] ) return 0; return (unsigned short)cap_value(dmotion,0,USHRT_MAX); } Must Change To: /// It has been confirmed on official servers that MvP mobs have no dmotion even without endure //if( bl->type == BL_MOB && status_get_class_(bl) == CLASS_BOSS ) //return 0; if (bl->type == BL_PC && ((TBL_PC *)bl)->special_state.no_walk_delay) return 0; if( sc->data[SC_ENDURE] || sc->data[SC_RUN] || sc->data[SC_WUGDASH] ) return 0; return (unsigned short)cap_value(dmotion,0,USHRT_MAX); } and scr/map/unit.c original: /** * Applies a walk delay to a unit * @param bl: Object to apply walk delay to * @param tick: Current tick * @param delay: Amount of time to set walk delay * @param type: Type of delay * 0: Damage induced delay; Do not change previous delay * 1: Skill induced delay; Walk delay can only be increased, not decreased * @return Success(1); Fail(0); */ int unit_set_walkdelay(struct block_list *bl, t_tick tick, t_tick delay, int type) { struct unit_data *ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); if (delay <= 0 || !ud) return 0; if (type) { //Bosses can ignore skill induced walkdelay (but not damage induced) if(bl->type == BL_MOB && status_has_mode(status_get_status_data(bl),MD_STATUS_IMMUNE)) return 0; //Make sure walk delay is not decreased if (DIFF_TICK(ud->canmove_tick, tick+delay) > 0) return 0; } else { // Don't set walk delays when already trapped. if (!unit_can_move(bl)) { unit_stop_walking(bl,4); //Unit might still be moving even though it can't move return 0; } //Immune to being stopped for double the flinch time if (DIFF_TICK(ud->canmove_tick, tick-delay) > 0) return 0; } ud->canmove_tick = tick + delay; if (ud->walktimer != INVALID_TIMER) { // Stop walking, if chasing, readjust timers. if (delay == 1) // Minimal delay (walk-delay) disabled. Just stop walking. unit_stop_walking(bl,0); else { // Resume running after can move again [Kevin] if(ud->state.running) add_timer(ud->canmove_tick, unit_resume_running, bl->id, (intptr_t)ud); else { unit_stop_walking(bl,4); if(ud->target) add_timer(ud->canmove_tick+1, unit_walktobl_sub, bl->id, ud->target); } } } return 1; } replace original with: /** * Applies a walk delay to a unit * @param bl: Object to apply walk delay to * @param tick: Current tick * @param delay: Amount of time to set walk delay * @param type: Type of delay * 0: Damage induced delay; Do not change previous delay * 1: Skill induced delay; Walk delay can only be increased, not decreased * @return Success(1); Fail(0); */ int unit_set_walkdelay(struct block_list *bl, t_tick tick, t_tick delay, int type) { struct unit_data *ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); if (delay <= 0 || !ud) return 0; ud->canmove_tick = tick + delay; if (ud->walktimer != INVALID_TIMER) { // Stop walking, if chasing, readjust timers. if (delay == 1) // Minimal delay (walk-delay) disabled. Just stop walking. unit_stop_walking(bl,0); else { // Resume running after can move again [Kevin] if(ud->state.running) add_timer(ud->canmove_tick, unit_resume_running, bl->id, (intptr_t)ud); else { unit_stop_walking(bl,4); if(ud->target) add_timer(ud->canmove_tick+1, unit_walktobl_sub, bl->id, ud->target); } } } return 1; } now go to rAthena/conf/battle/monster.conf // Monster damage delay rate (Note 1) // Setting to no/0 is like they always have endure. monster_damage_delay_rate: 100 Default is 100, if you want them to stop with mor difficult change delay rate to 50.
  14. Fortunately yes, Here you can browse all the clients and take a look on the Success or Failed patches. http://nemo.herc.ws/clients/ rgds,
  15. Facepalm.... Just open : luafiles514\lua files\spreditinfo\2dlayerdir_f.lub and remove [SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_WINGS] = LAYER_BIG, [SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_BAG_OF_ADVENTURER] = LAYER_SMALL, [SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_WINGS_OF_FALLEN_ANGEL] = LAYER_BIG, [SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_AMISTR_BAG] = LAYER_SMALL, [SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_Love_Dad_Wings_2012] = LAYER_BIG, [SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_KIRIN_WING] = LAYER_BIG, [SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_Ribbon_Piamat] = LAYER_SMALL it will fix your problem. Also this: find spriterobename.lub and remove all on top: RobeTopLayer = { SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_BAG_OF_ADVENTURER, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_AMISTR_BAG, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_BAG_OF_ANTONIO, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_Poring_Bag, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_EXE_Backpack, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_Thanatos_Sword, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_GiantCatBag, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_BlackCatBag, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_C_School_Bag_RD, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_C_School_Bag_BL, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_C_Cat_Fork, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_Balloon_Wing, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_C_T_Bear_Bag, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_C_Big_Foxtail, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_C_Loli_Ruri_Moon, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_Bow_On_the_Back, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_Santa_Backpack, SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_C_Ice_Wing } Sorry for the necroposting, But atleast, it will leave the answer for future references.
  16. View File Carga Mace Sprite, Male Monk, Champio, Sura Iraciz Custom Carga Mace Sprite! It is black, it is Big, and it Rocks!! - New Carga mace sprite, customized mace created and adapted to the champion male class! It looks sweet and the act file work perfect as well! enjoy it, it's free, and please! do not claim it as yours! Submitter iraciz Submitted 10/22/2016 Category Weapon & Shields Video Content Author Iraciz  
  17. Please note that the custom pet db is now in pet_db.yml EggItem: must be the same name as itemdb example in code bellow: - Mob: BLUE_UNICORN EggItem: Blue_Unicorn_Egg FoodItem: Blue_Herb Fullness: 2 IntimacyFed: 40 CaptureRate: 0 SpecialPerformance: false AllowAutoFeed: true Script: > .@i = getpetinfo(PETINFO_INTIMATE); if (.@i >= PET_INTIMATE_LOYAL) { bonus bAgi,2; bonus bSpeedRate,25; } else if (.@i >= PET_INTIMATE_CORDIAL) { bonus bAgi,1; } For any changes it is necessary to @reloadmobdb and restart server, it won't apply if server is restarted, Very important, you should try to load this sql file upgrade to your db, its inside the rAthena sql-files sql-files/upgrades/upgrade_20190309.sql This may correct issues regarding pets not returning to egg shells or else.
  18. Good day, since db/skill_copyable_db.txt is obsolte now, any new change must be applied in the skill_db.yml In this case I want to remove the requirements for "COPIED" (not global) skill sonic blow, and allow the rogue/salker/shadowchaser to cast the skill with dagger, swords or even bow. This copyflags are working fine: CopyFlags: Skill: Plagiarism: true Reproduce: true But.... Now I have to remove the weapon requirement for copied skills, unfortunately there's not any example provided to use the option # RemoveRequirement: Remove a requirement type. (Optional) Name: AS_SONICBLOW Description: Sonic Blow MaxLevel: 10 Type: Weapon TargetType: Attack Range: 1 Hit: Multi_Hit HitCount: -8 Element: Weapon CopyFlags: Skill: Plagiarism: true Reproduce: true AfterCastActDelay: 2000 AfterCastWalkDelay: 2000 Duration2: 5000 CastDelayFlags: IgnoreStatus: true Requires: SpCost: - Level: 1 Amount: 16 - Level: 2 Amount: 18 - Level: 3 Amount: 20 - Level: 4 Amount: 22 - Level: 5 Amount: 24 - Level: 6 Amount: 26 - Level: 7 Amount: 28 - Level: 8 Amount: 30 - Level: 9 Amount: 32 - Level: 10 Amount: 34 Weapon: Katar: true any idea?
  19. Buenas, dejando mi huella en este humilde foro, larga vida al ragnarok, los quiero mucho a todos, estare tratando de ayudar en lo que pueda. Mario Zicari Nacionalidad: Panameña.
  20. Hey bro, is not done yet! my answer was not a solution, the buff will not dissapear when switching to a different weapon, or taking off the 2hsw, the two hand quicken will remain even bare-handed... you need to ask for a scr mood in the source request section, provide the line I told you, they can add a timer of 100ms to recheck the weapon switch and end the sc_twohandquicken status if the equiped weapon is not the correct type..
  21. Maybe is suitable for international servers about to open, with thousand users, those where in you can´t even see your char sprite or where your cursor is aiming at.
  22. I will share this revert of magnum break duration2 effect. The ancient behavior of this mood is: The after-skill cast, provides a 10 seconds duration2 buff; this duration2 imbues the caster with a 20% Fire damage element "perfect hit" "(Never Miss)" "(Flee Ignoring)" . While fighting ghost monsters you may miss your total attack but you will hit with the 20% damage. While figthing high flee monsters like wanderman you can use magnum and buff youself, and then apply the stun with bash (fatalblow). Always hit, this is intended for pre-renewal servers. How to change? Go the scr/map/battle.cpp if (sc && sc->data[SC_WATK_ELEMENT] && (wd->damage || wd->damage2)) { // Descriptions indicate this means adding a percent of a normal attack in another element. [Skotlex] above the line 3015, this part: // Descriptions indicate this means adding a percent of a normal attack in another element. [Skotlex] remove "&& (wd->damage || wd->damage2)" It should end like this: if (sc && sc->data[SC_WATK_ELEMENT]) { // Descriptions indicate this means adding a percent of a normal attack in another element. [Skotlex] After this change is made, compile the server and test the reverted behavior, heres the picture, hitting ghost during the skill duration2.
  23. some guy is voting answers down..
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