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Everything posted by Arcenciel

  1. There are some third classes that are already in rAthena for example the Warlock and Rune Knight.
  2. I tried my best If you want any changes, I'll try my best to accomodate it.
  3. Judas, that's an amazing bible you got there.
  4. uhmm, Try looking at this. http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=144643
  5. They already spawn in random coordinates in your vicinity...now all you have to do is to @jump around and then spawn them yourself.
  6. I made the edits..this is again untested so tell me how it goes. EDIT: Oops. forgot something. Reuploaded the file.
  7. If I remember correctly, Ind had created one for the server we used to play in...now it depends on him if he'd share it or not.
  8. In that instance checkquest was used to give .@orctime a certain value. This value is then used to direct which dialogue/message the player would get from the NPC. Besides set, you can also probably use it in if statements... Dunno how else to explain this.
  9. What do you mean by for GM Account? This works for GMs as well. Thanks!
  10. Try reading this portion of the guide. http://rathena.org/wiki/index.php/Custom_Items#View_IDs.2C_Having_A_Custom_Item_Without_Xray
  11. @calciumkid I was just wondering if you were able to convert this into a grf file. I've tried with multiple GRF builders however I think there is something within the folder that's can't be converted by Unbollox.
  12. Trying to script an Instance.

    1. jTynne


      Instances are a pain! Good luck, Arc!

  13. - script Login_Events -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if ( #secondpass == 0 ) { mes "We are now requiring that each player have a secondary account password."; mes "The system indicates that you don't have one yet."; mes "What would you like your secondary password to be?"; input @secondpass$; set #passsec$,@secondpass$; set #secondpass,1; next; mes "Thanks for setting up your password. You will now be disconnected."; close2; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); end; } else { mes "Please type in your secondary password"; input @secondpass$; if ( @secondpass$ != #passsec$ ) { mes "You typed in the wrong password."; close2; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); end; } mes "Thank you and have a great day!"; close; } } Untested, tell me how it works. Please tell me you're not using TXT for your live server...
  14. I actually just saw those commands today. Try looking at npc/instance/OrcsMemory.txt
  15. Arcenciel

    @go command

    I thought this was fixed a long time ago.
  16. Those commands are used in conjunction with the quest_db. You basically enter your custom quest there and then use the ID for that command. It is used for things like setting a time duration for quests..etc.
  17. Don't know what exactly you're asking for but the script commands can be found here https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/doc/script_commands.txt Almost all if not all the commands can be utilized in a quest.
  18. I'm trying to learn how to create instances so I decided to look at npc/instances/OrcMemory.txt for a model. I'm stumped however by this section. for( set .@i, 1; .@i <= 2; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { if( instance_attachmap(.@i + "@orcs", .@instance) == "" ) break; } if( .@i < 2 ) { instance_destroy(.@instance); close; } Is 2 used because 1@orcs and 2@orcs are the original maps and that shouldn't be used for the instance or is it because of other reasons?
  19. I looked for that soundtrack in YouTube after checking out your site yesterday. In fairness, they played it well.
  20. I like looking at my own scripts and not being completely lost after 2-3 years.

  21. I just wanna say your Alexandria map is exactly how I remember it from FF9. Nice job replicating it.

    1. Olrox


      Thank you! I'm really glad you like it that much :3

  22. It's possible it's just that no one wants to take it on. =P
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