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Everything posted by PewN

  1. do you have any error? post it in here.. i already make it work.
  2. set error.php to true. then on applicatio.php set debugmode to true
  3. even they are not using HSS and VPN. there ip's still a dynamic ip. it always change every 24hrs. i try to ban him but nothing happen. HSS stand for Hot Spot Shield changing her ip. so i think i need to trace his real ip. Almost everyone has dynamic IP, and it's IS their real IP. Generally, ISPs DHCP servers change client IP address once the modem restart or the lease has expired. The unique way to ban people is with HWID ban(although they can still fake the HWID). what's the HWID?
  4. even they are not using HSS and VPN. there ip's still a dynamic ip. it always change every 24hrs. i try to ban him but nothing happen. HSS stand for Hot Spot Shield changing her ip. so i think i need to trace his real ip.
  5. is there a way to disable HSS or VPN? many noobs using HSS on my server so i can see their real ip
  6. PewN

    Refine Structure?

    oh ok thx for your reply im gonna try to find out there. hmm is refine.txt? or refine_db.txt
  7. how can i fix this Freecaptcha2 is needed? my application.php 'UseCaptcha' => true, // Use CAPTCHA image for account registration to prevent automated account creations. (Requires GD2/FreeType2) 'UseLoginCaptcha' => false, // Use CAPTCHA image for account logins. (Requires GD2/FreeType2) 'EnableReCaptcha' => false, my ss
  8. where can i find the refine structure. i want to edit the weapon per refine = 1% like that where can i find it? is this? // Parse equipment. for(i=0;i<EQI_MAX-1;i++) { current_equip_item_index = index = sd->equip_index[i]; //We pass INDEX to current_equip_item_index - for EQUIP_SCRIPT (new cards solution) [Lupus] if(index < 0) continue; if(i == EQI_HAND_R && sd->equip_index[EQI_HAND_L] == index) continue; if(i == EQI_HEAD_MID && sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_LOW] == index) continue; if(i == EQI_HEAD_TOP && (sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_MID] == index || sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_LOW] == index)) continue; if(i == EQI_COSTUME_MID && sd->equip_index[EQI_COSTUME_LOW] == index) continue; if(i == EQI_COSTUME_TOP && (sd->equip_index[EQI_COSTUME_MID] == index || sd->equip_index[EQI_COSTUME_LOW] == index)) continue; if(!sd->inventory_data[index]) continue; status->def += sd->inventory_data[index]->def; if(first && sd->inventory_data[index]->equip_script) { //Execute equip-script on login run_script(sd->inventory_data[index]->equip_script,0,sd->bl.id,0); if (!calculating) return 1; } // sanitize the refine level in case someone decreased the value inbetween if (sd->status.inventory[index].refine > MAX_REFINE) sd->status.inventory[index].refine = MAX_REFINE; if(sd->inventory_data[index]->type == IT_WEAPON) { int r,wlv = sd->inventory_data[index]->wlv; struct weapon_data *wd; struct weapon_atk *wa; if (wlv >= REFINE_TYPE_MAX) wlv = REFINE_TYPE_MAX - 1; if(i == EQI_HAND_L && sd->status.inventory[index].equip == EQP_HAND_L) { wd = &sd->left_weapon; // Left-hand weapon wa = &status->lhw; } else { wd = &sd->right_weapon; wa = &status->rhw; } wa->atk += sd->inventory_data[index]->atk; if ( (r = sd->status.inventory[index].refine) ) wa->atk2 = refine_info[wlv].bonus[r-1] / 100;
  9. - script GoTM#5::Test 722,{ set .@GID, GetCastleData("castle",1); mes "our gotm is "+getguildname(.@GID)+""; next; mes "The master is "+getguildmaster(.@GID)+""; close; OnRecvCastleA01: FlagEmblem GetCastleData("castle",1); end; }
  10. Mirror Credits Created by @Xantara Requested by @Tetsuken This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Do not mirror without my consent. Click here to download this file is this correct? partyinvite TeamA,1;
  11. Request random party. i have a partyinvite script by xantara how can i do this. onStart. player will get a random party max of 5. if the Team A is 6 the 1 will go on team B. then. team b will warp on prontera,10,10 and team a will warp on prontera 20 20. thx my code. Seasonia,0,0,0 script Tykes 100,{ end; OnInit: waitingroom "Battle Station",11,"Tykes::OnStart",11; end; OnStart: set $team,1; if($team == 1){ set @teamA,1; partyinvite team1,1; } if($@partymembercount >=5 ){ partyinvite team2,1; set @teamB,1; } break; }
  12. mes "here is your "+#CASHPOINTS+" Cash points";
  13. i like the monster hp bar . good job!
  14. yep http://www.eathena.w...howtopic=275852 but the download link is broken =/ you are such a lucky boy, I got it in my random RO related files http://pastebin.com/dH1qkgdB is this working on latest RA Version? and how can i make a player like npc?
  15. @enix anung msql work mysql po gamit hnd mo msql Opps sry puh pasa namn puh ng msql workbench Pero pag nag Teamviewer po mkukuha kuna rin if wnt lng po help sa team viewer /sob anung msql workbench eto need mo tol oh. MySQL 5.0.27+ at MySQL GUI Tools 5.08-r8
  16. check mo ung log db mo sa inter_athena.conf ~.~ check mo oh inter.c at loginlog_sql.c
  17. thx a lot for this script and your help to me i found this code by checking all Admin Profile hehehe
  18. thx Java! you solve my problem!
  19. pinanood mo nga d mo pa nakuha panu pa kng team viewer. tol may mga guides jan nakakalat
  20. 2011-03-16_lua files.rar 258.15K 0 downloads it will work on other? cuz mine is ok but when on other they cant save bm. btw thx for your fast response
  21. 2011-03-15 sir brynner do u have? cuz im using alexandria data and it's okay but on my player's they encounter they can't save bm alt+m
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