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Everything posted by Darkpurple

  1. Thank you. You are a great man.
  2. The old version had timer bug...all player cannot be moved while you patched this diff file.
  3. Support + 111111!!! Really useful function~!!
  4. no I haven't started yet, I'm kinda busy for another 1~2 more days ( I was busy from last friday until this wednesday ) so if you already seen a script like this, its not mine but I can write this one out when I have a good free time, probably on thursday your idea certainly looks good, ima going to use your idea, +1 rep Any news for this , Master AnnieRuru
  5. Do you mean have problem same as mine? GM cannot buy and player can buy times from vending?
  6. Yes, I know. I have 1 million zeny and cash in gm account but I think is gm account probelm...because my player account can buy.... In Lilith's version, GM account also can buy the items from vending.
  7. I found main bug....it cannot buy items from cash/zeny vending.... edit: player can buy..but gm cannot buy?!! bugged ??
  8. The problem of this version: One superior guild could hold the first 31 Mintutes and leave after this time :/ A good friend of mine is currently writing a similar modification for a KoE script. (Don't know if he uses yours) Our idea was to implement a point-system in KoE. So that KoE is interesting from the first to the last minute. Points (for example): - for each holding minute 1 point - for each take 5 points - holding in the end 15 points The guild with the most points will win KoE. I'll link him this thread. The problem of this version: One superior guild could hold the first 31 Mintutes and leave after this time :/ (I think so...) Points (for example): - for each holding minute 1 point - for each take 5 points - holding in the end 15 points WOW....More creative idea... I support this idea..
  9. which makes the castle belongs to the one holding for the longest instead of last minute conquer That's Great idea which I really want it!
  10. When only around 2 mins and it announced "Time Out. Aborting the match.".(No one break the emp.....) Then all people warped out... It is this problem?? .eventlasting = 100; // abort the system if there's no progress, 20 mins * seconds 100 seconds??
  11. Personally I hate it when commands use global variables to store these types of things... /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ static int buildin_getareausers_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { int *users=va_arg(ap,int *); struct map_session_data *sd = (TBL_PC *)bl; struct script_state* st; st=va_arg(ap,struct script_state*); if( *users < 128 ) setd_sub(st, NULL, ".@account_ids", *users, (void *)__64BPRTSIZE(sd->status.account_id), NULL); (*users)++; return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(getareausers) { const char *str; int16 m,x0,y0,x1,y1,users=0; //doubt we can have more then 32k users on str=script_getstr(st,2); x0=script_getnum(st,3); y0=script_getnum(st,4); x1=script_getnum(st,5); y1=script_getnum(st,6); if( (m=map_mapname2mapid(str))< 0){ script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } map_foreachinarea(buildin_getareausers_sub, m,x0,y0,x1,y1,BL_PC,&users,st); script_pushint(st,users); return 0; } NPC Example... prontera,148,177,5 script getareausers 100,{ .@len = getareausers("prontera",148,175,163,164); for( .@a = 0; .@a < .@len; .@a++ ) npctalk ""+.@account_ids[.@a]; end; } Can you transfer this format let it suit for rathena?? http://hercules.ws/board/topic/4593-getmemberaid-checkmes/ I really want this command...
  12. what do you recommend ? No idea...The harmony seem death ....
  13. Not stable now. I don't suggest to use because it still has many bugs now and had disconnect of client problem.
  14. Note: bg_kickall has been removed so no need to recycle the team ID Does it mean used bg_destroy to instead bg_kickall (When the bg game end....) ?
  15. Good idea!!! This thing which that I wanted before.
  16. im guessing what you mean is in case you use separate physical servers for each server side Yup!!! Because my map-server is used separate .exe so this tool cannot detect my real path of map-server. As for the server logs, if you mean .log files inside the /log directory, consider it done. It means that has txt file to save map, log, char information. Like [error] info appeared in map-server will save in mapserver_31-07-2014-log.txt
  17. Hope that can do 2 implements: 1. Can set the char, login, map server path. 2. Save the char, login, map server logs.
  18. Harmony Dead long time ago.
  19. I saw some server do it on their conf setting...like.. //Does Server send hide/cloaking/chasewalk packet to the client ? If yes , doesn't sent. hide.invisible.player: yes
  20. Can someone know that how to disable to send hide/cloaking packet to the client?? ...because some bots or someone modify their client can see the player hide/cloaking.... And I want to anti this problem...
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