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Everything posted by KazumaSatou

  1. You can hide disable skills (if you want to literally remove from game) on luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/skilltreeview.lub and make sure you also remove it from db/(pre-)re/skill_tree.yml file.
  2. query_sql("SELECT `last_ip` FROM `ragnarok_accounts`.`login` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3)+"",.@IP ); query_sql("SELECT `account_id` FROM `ragnarok_accounts`.`login` WHERE `last_ip` = "+.@IP+"",.@Accountlist ); Here. The database and table has been swapped.
  3. Yes, that's why I added the database name on the table on my code, try to use the < 1 on the if(.@lastip$ if it works
  4. Try this : query_sql("SELECT `last_ip` FROM `login`.`ragnarok_accounts` WHERE `account_id` = "+.@aid[.@j]+"",.@last_ip$); if(.@last_ip$ == ""){ do things here when last ip is empty. } I don't know why you're using the < 1 on checking ip since the ip is a string so it won't be read if you're comparing it to an integer.
  5. Try to rename the down4.exe name to 2021-10-28_RagexeRE.exe
  6. The red box you're saying? That's only on the item icon. You can check it on your grf.
  7. What do you mean by box? The barter system itself? You can add your custom barter system by creating your own in npc folder. There's a barters.yml file there.
  8. Try this. new_1-4,12,187,6 script Donaion Instant Armor 794,{ mes "[Donation Instant Armor By Friday]"; if (countitem(7615) > 0) { mes "Select Your Armor"; next; switch(select("Non Slotted Armor.:Slotted Armor.:High Grade Armor.:Maybe next time.")){ case 1: setarray .@Items[0],2307,2309,2314,2316,2321,2325,2327,2328,2330,2332,2334,2335,2341,2344,2346,2348,2350,2337,2386,2394,2395,2396;; break; case 2: setarray .@Items[0],2311,2318,2319,2320,2308,2310,2315,2317,2322,2324,2326,2331,2333,2336,2342,2345,2347,2349,2351; break; case 3: setarray .@Items[0],2364,2365,2391,2374,2375,2357,2376,2377,2378,2379,2380,2381,2382,2387,2388,2389,2390,2367; break; case 4: mes "[Donation Instant Armor]"; mes "Please come back when you have any interest."; close; } mes "Select Your ORB"; next; switch(select("Select Orb.:Maybe next time.")) { case 1: setarray .@orb[0],4702,4732,4742,4712,4722,4752; break; case 2: mes "[Donation Instant Armor]"; mes "Please come back when you have any interest."; close; } mes "U Need to Refine?. +1,+2,+3,+4,+5,+6,+7,+8,+9,+10 ?"; mes "If you don't want any, please enter the number, '0.'"; next; while(1) { input .@darmorrefine; if (.@darmorrefine == 0) { mes "The deal has"; mes "been cancelled."; close; } else if (.@darmorrefine < 0 || .@darmorrefine > 10) { mes "Maximum Refine +10"; mes "got it? Good."; next; } else { break; } progressbar "ffff00",1; delitem 7615,1; specialeffect 154; getitem2 .@item, 1, 1, .@darmorrefine, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@orb; } } else { mes "Hmm? There's nothing to be enchanted!"; mes "Please come back with just ONE equipment to be enchanted."; close; } }
  9. Add in your item script : callfunc("KeyWarp"); NPC Function Script : Just change the item ids and the showscript to warp to anywhere you want. Mark as solution if this helped you. ^^ function script KeyWarp { if(countitem(6266) >= 1 || countitem(6267) >= 1 || countitem(6268) >= 1) menu (countitem(6267) ? ""+getitemname(6267)+"":""),Test1,(countitem(6268) ? ""+getitemname(6268)+"":""),Test2,(countitem(6266) ? ""+getitemname(6266)+"":""),Test3; else showscript "You don't hold any key."; end; Test1: showscript "Warp To Key of Illusion"; end; Test2: showscript "Warp to Key of Gaiety"; end; Test3: showscript "Warp to Key of Deception"; end; }
  10. You can diff old clients that supports the old emulator.
  11. Works only on Zero Client Version of 2021-11-03
  12. Thor patcher doesn't allow https I think.
  13. You need to patch the diff on your emulator to use the official hourly ui
  14. Yes, it is not yet merged to the master git.
  15. Try to reset look your character on your website and try to login again. It might be on custom item or palette/hairstyle/haircolor.
  16. You can adjust it, because if you don't have sleep, there's no thing to loop for the while. You can set it to 100ms or lower or 1 second. Just to keep the while looping.
  17. Try this : Header: Type: ITEM_DB Version: 3 Body: - Id: 40000 AegisName: Cash_Chest Name: Cash Chest Type: Usable Weight: 1 AliasName: Cash_Box_ Script: | callfunc "F_CashChest";
  18. Try this : prontera,164,203,6 script Hourly Shop#1 758,{ callfunc "qshop",3,4,5; end; OnInit: while(1){ showscript "Hourly Shop NPC"; sleep 3000; } }
  19. Normally, there's only 1 NPC with multiple shops inside (By Category or Menu) so it will only have 1 waiting room so the one you made is fine.
  20. Replace the <tab> here prt_in,43,109,4<tab>script<tab>Prontera Banker<tab>105,{
  21. Hello! This post is a decade old. You can remove the Item Restriction on your GRF 'data/itemmoveinfov5.txt' //=========================================== // ItemID | Drop | Trade | Storage | Cart | SelltoNPC | Mail | Auction | Guild Storage // This format does not accept blank lines. Be careful. //=========================================== //= item_db_usable.yml //=========================================== 6046 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 // Clothing Dye Coupon 6047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 // Clothing Dye Coupon II Just make it all 0 or remove the whole line for the item you want to remove the restriction and it will be gone once you already removed it. If you want to show the restriction like drop only or drop or trade, make all the other value to 0 and 1 for the Drop and Trade. Just edit it to your likings. If you have more questions or need help on something, you can contact me on discord at -R#9305
  22. Thanks for this. I figured out what's my error on Enchant System because of this tool.
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