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Everything posted by Chaos92

  1. Try to check the logs, or check your server is it the connection are stable or not. Some servers are having disconnection issue for example because of high usage or DDoS attack maybe. Actually theres a lot to be considered of. Some ISPs also 'reset' the IP depends on their policy (for example : every hour), so this also might getting them into disconnection issue.
  2. Since you're updating rathena to latest, why not just use the latest one . You can copy it from here : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/merchants/refine.txt
  3. Hello, You need to do the mapcache. Download the mapcache.dat from db/re or db/pre-re depends on your server mode. Then you can download weemapcache. You can open mapcache.dat using weemapcache and add the .gat files that you add before, drop it inside the list. Then you can save and replace the new one inside db/pre-re or db/re. *I suggest you backup the original mapcache.dat in case anything happen. I have tutorial add custom map and maybe you can watch the part of weemapcache there to understand better. https://youtu.be/Z-h-5ZD2REc
  4. You can try download iz_ac.rar from the post attached above, then extract it and insert it in your server GRF inside data folder.
  5. Try to check your accessoryid or accname (if the client diffed = same for both server). Most probably the main issue is there (the item are not in list) if the viewid in itemdb yml is correct.
  6. Hello, I suggest you use this english client translation. Or just get the map files and replace yours with this. https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE Make sure you read the wiki and instruction.
  7. Its actually just a warning. Btw you can use the new constant as stated there since your custom script which you added are using that deprecated constant. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/55ca79961da77d1ba6c244393de0101709e7bc0d/tools/convert_emotions.py Example, change 'E_SRY' to 'ET_SORRY'.
  8. As I said its in db/re/refine.yml or db/pre-re/refine.yml - Group: Armor Levels: - Level: 1 RefineLevels: - Level: 1 Bonus: 100 Chances: - Type: Normal Rate: 10000 Price: 2000 Material: Elunium - Type: HD Rate: 10000 Price: 20000 Material: HD_Elunium - Type: Enriched Rate: 10000 Price: 2000 Material: Enriched_Elunium Go check the price for all the list in that yml.
  9. Do you mean instances for pre-renewal that rathena has ? Have you check in npc/instances/ folder ?
  10. Try to get default clean rathena job_exp.txt in db/pre-re or db/re and make sure your conf/exp.conf // Turn this on to allow a player to level up more than once from a kill. (Note 1) multi_level_up: yes
  11. Try check your import folder. Maybe you have the configuration set no or something there because import folder will be read first.
  12. The owner is @Functor so you can PM him here or Skype him.
  13. then use the correct lua files. Im suggesting you using this : https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE Please read the instruction and Wiki in that github.
  14. its using refineUI now in latest rathena git. db/re/refine.yml or db/pre-re/refine.yml
  15. Do you have any customization items or accounts that can equip any items? For example, a Priest equip bow or Mjolnir or Balmung. It might produce error. If yes, dont enable accounts that can equip all items and unequip them.
  16. so why not give full script then ? Because i dont understand the question, you're giving script A and script B which is different. U said script B activated worldwide, so insert checking for map should solve it. I answering this question though
  17. hmm.. let me copy paste but i didnt tried it yet. - script Mastering -1,{ OnInit: set .bspawn,0; //Where the kills will be saved(don't change) set .bneed,4; //Kills needed set .bossid,1090; //Boss ID set .minibossid,1002; //Mini Boss ID set .reward,512; //Reward for killing the Boss set .map$,"prontera"; //Name of the map you kill mini bosses end; OnNPCKillEvent: if (mobcount(.map$, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill")) end; if (killedrid == .minibossid) && (strcharinfo(3) == "prontera") { set .bspawn,.bspawn +1; if (.bspawn >= .bneed){ mapannounce .map$,"The map boss has appeared!",0; monster "prontera", 156, 180, "Mastering", .bossid, 1, strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnBossKill"; //monster .map$,0,0,0,0,"Mastering",.bossid,1,"BOSSSPAWN::OnBossKill"; set .bspawn, 0; } } end; OnBossKill: mapannounce .map$, "The player "+strcharinfo(0)+" has killed the boss!", bc_map; //mapannounce .map$,"The map boss has appearedasdasd!",0, getitem (.reward,1); end; }
  18. You need to add some checks. if (killedrid == .minibossid) && (strcharinfo(3) == "pay_dun00") Btw I didnt tried it yet.
  19. .SecondExpanded = false; // Enable new expanded second classes: Ex. Super Novice, Kagerou/Oboro, Rebellion? This one ? this is second expanded, means kagerou/oboro, rebellion as stated at the comment. Remove all the job that you didnt want in the job case. Example Job_Gunslinger, Job_Ninja, and others. everytime im removing it it cause errors
  20. show what is your tcg script or your npc that exchange tcg script. The script might be wrong.
  21. Do you mean max it can reach is +10 ? or if +4 use, can become +14 ? if (getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) == 10) { mes "[Refine Master]"; mes "This ^006400"+getequipname(.@part)+"^8B4513 is PERFECT, no need to refine it anymore~"; close; } for(set .@i,1; .@i<=10; set .@i,.@i+1)
  22. i think thats because of your script checking cash are not correct. what npc or feature are you using ? I think you didnt use Cash Shop button feature, but use your own npc script to trade cashpoints item.
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