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Everything posted by Chaos92

  1. you can give them specific restricted folder access and it doesnt need to be in npc/custom or scripts_custom. You can use @loadnpc npc/custom/bla3.txt or any path depends on the file/folder that you set. Also the same to remove the npc from loaded, @unloadnpcfile npc/custom/bla3.txt or any path depends on the file/folder that you set.
  2. 1. make sure you can access that IP/domain webserver. Try open it with your browser your file_url and also root_url. 2. try disable https or SSL (if its auto or u enable it) for the subdomain or path for thor web server data.
  3. Client side, translation. use Chris Renewal Translation English https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE
  4. Just make sure you're using Chris RE Translation. that would do. Read the tutorial in the Wiki section of Chris Github
  5. might be your data folder from your own GRF which have highest priority compare to rdata or data.grf make sure you have a good & suitable client files with client date. 2020 clients renewal can use Chris RE English Translation https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE
  6. 1. download your mapcache.dat in db/pre-re or db/re depends on your server setup (pre/renewal) 2. Use WeeMapCache, open mapcache.dat that you already downloaded, and extract izlude.gat from your GRF file (highest priority). 3. insert izlude.gat inside the WeeMapCache list and there will be notification do you want to overwrite the old one. Then proceed/yes. 4. save the updated mapcache, and replace it with the update one in db/pre-re or db/re. 5. restart server. *Backup your current mapcache.dat if you need to redo or anything.
  7. use kro downloads prepared by Akkarin
  8. If you want 2020-03-04aRagexeRE.exe https://mega.nz/file/RIhBAQZR#8m_Mee5sk9fsEgrj2-0lVqsprb8aXC5bQL-HnvO35CE
  9. if you're using putty, means the logs will appear during ./configure, make clean, make sql, make server in your putty terminal. to keep the log in your vps, you can try ./athena-start start >log1 >log2 so the logs will be saved in log1 and log2 which you can find inside rathena folder. about map crash, you can use gdb and view the core file when the process crash. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/GDB
  10. because of your izlude map file for sure. or it doesnt match with mapcache.
  11. then go to inventory table in your database/mysql/phpmyadmin then find/search for itemid 2239. delete it.
  12. your script doesnt have check requirements. I didnt give it a try, but u can see this post and implement it
  13. that is because of your client translation. you might need to check lua files or lua files514 in your GRF or data folder. regarding skills usually in skillinfoz folder in lua files.
  14. fix permission pada web server, bukan pada rathena server file.
  15. U said you're using Chris RE Translation ? Got Nemo Profiles in his git. Use it.
  16. Might be because of your font file. Try check in your GRF data/sprite/이팩트/숫자.act and 숫자.spr (encoding korean) does it have alphabet 'K' or 'M' there. Try to get it from https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE for English Translation. Check in the folder as stated above.
  17. I dont understand. u said the step = add custom item ? Please use clean rAthena + client files without any additional custom item. If u got error after that, thats mean the error are because of your custom item.
  18. Chris English Translation Renewal have already prepared the nemo patches so try to use that. https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE
  19. are you sure you're using fully from chris RE English Translation ? make sure you're using correct msgstringtable for your clients and rathena latest git version ?
  20. 1. make sure you already recompile or build/rebuild. 2. run login-server.exe, char-server.exe and map-server.exe.
  21. Let me upload it for awhile. Download it here : https://mega.nz/file/RIhBAQZR#8m_Mee5sk9fsEgrj2-0lVqsprb8aXC5bQL-HnvO35CE.
  22. just run all the sql-files in your database/phpmyadmin
  23. costume or bodystyle ? Thats because you need palette for costume or altenate style too.
  24. if you have error/log then read it and see what happens or error its all about. Fix it. We cannot predict anything about your files, for sure every server have different script, different files that being used. And we also didnt know is it optimized or not. So if u said u got error/log, then dig it and fix if its a real issue.
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