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Everything posted by Chaos92

  1. ive told that above, Change SpiritSphereCost: 1 to 5 if you want the skill to cost 5 spirit sphere. Renewal Thank you, the problem has been solved
  2. Renewal ? in pre-renewal , yes it cost 5 for level 5 but in renewal it cost 1. if you want to change it to 5 : db/re/skill_db.yml - Id: 267 Name: MO_FINGEROFFENSIVE Description: Throw Spirit Sphere MaxLevel: 5 Type: Weapon TargetType: Attack Flags: TargetTrap: true Range: 9 Hit: Multi_Hit HitCount: - Level: 1 Count: 1 - Level: 2 Count: 2 - Level: 3 Count: 3 - Level: 4 Count: 4 - Level: 5 Count: 5 Element: Weapon CopyFlags: Skill: Plagiarism: true Reproduce: true CastTime: 500 AfterCastActDelay: 500 AfterCastWalkDelay: - Level: 2 Time: 200 - Level: 3 Time: 400 - Level: 4 Time: 600 - Level: 5 Time: 800 FixedCastTime: 500 Requires: SpCost: - Level: 1 Amount: 12 - Level: 2 Amount: 16 - Level: 3 Amount: 20 - Level: 4 Amount: 24 - Level: 5 Amount: 28 SpiritSphereCost: 1 Change SpiritSphereCost: 1 to 5
  3. You can set your php timezone in php.ini file in your web hosting. date.timezone = "Asia/Singapore" If VPS, you can try follow this : https://hostingmalaya.com/cara-menukar-timezone-vps-atau-server-linux.
  4. .conf ? do you mean .yml ? or are you asking about another emulator ?
  5. check your IP in sclientinfo.xml. Make sure your server can be accessed with/without using gepard (to make sure all diffed/patch are correct).
  6. Make sure you already recompiled/rebuild your src after changing anything in src folder.
  7. iteminfo.lua. check that file. your custom item are not inside that file. Thats why it shown unknown item.
  8. try @item that unknown item, is it exist and have description in your server then ? Most probably iteminfo are not added.
  9. Secret already archived the repo. You can use this PR : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/5731
  10. Inside your GRF. data folder inside your GRF.
  11. you're using windows or linux running rathena emulator ?
  12. I see, that client need this pull request : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/5731.
  13. 1. you're using what client date /version ? 2. Do you really have Emblem folder in your RO directory to choose any available emblems inside ?
  14. any error shown in terminal/putty ? or did you add script auto reset such as this one ?
  15. Add some checking such as if (zeny < .paymentT) { mes "Not enough zeny"; close; }
  16. 1. I think u can create a new itemid acid bomb box which using getitembound if you want to make it difference rather than normal/default item. Btw, its better for you to use 'Code' embed so we can look into it easier rather than download it.
  17. you need to add the item description/resourcename, etc in iteminfo.lua. It becomes apple but should be working if you're clicking it (if its scripted correctly). So you might copy any package exist in iteminfo.lua and reedit the name and description.
  18. did u try using admin/GM accounts? for normal player, u need to add that commands in groups.conf same as how you add another commands for example go, warp, etc. Make sure you already recompile or build the src again.
  19. most probably because of your skillinfoz in data folder issue. Try to use Chris RE Translation if you're using English Translation https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE Read the wiki and instruction to make sure you're doing it right. or else repair/edit it.
  20. which one difficult ? its easier I think since its in rathena folder already. If you're asking on how, its already there inside that PR the instruction. Ive comment also about how to pull from other user git. Or else you can just wait for it to be merged in rathena master and you use it, it just the matter of time.
  21. You can try this PR now : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/5731 if you're asking about the guild emblem changes, its because of client support. if you're using for example 2018 clients or older you might still can use the old one. This only for client 2020 above.
  22. I dont understand quite well. Do you mean bonus5 bAutoSpell,sk,y,n,bf,i; Adds a n/10% chance to cast skill sk of level y when attacking with trigger criteria bf bonus5 bAutoSpell,"ST_FULLSTRIP",5,5000,BF_SHORT,1;
  23. Theres a lot of thor patcher themes/skin in download section. You can check it out there.
  24. thor patcher = to patch the files online. Just ignore that if you didnt use/need it. you can just follow the weemapcache part and restart server after replace mapcache.dat.
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