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Everything posted by JaranSwitch0101

  1. something wrong here... ? @keough http:// http:// Please,check it...Thanks for sharing!!
  2. Please show me!!Where i wrong? When i apply your code with my src? @Emistry [ I really like your campfire system ] My script.inc: // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder /** * Custom Script Commands * Place the body of custom script commands in this file. * Format: * BUILDIN_FUNC(command_name) * { * <code>; * } **/ //BUILDIN_FUNC(example) //{ // ShowInfo("buildin_example: It works!\n"); // script_pushint(st,1); // return 0; //} /*========================================== * Duplicate any npc on live server * duplicatenpc "<Source NPC name>","<New NPC shown name>","<New NPC hidden name>","<mapname>",<map_x>,<map_y>,<dir>{, spriteid{, map_xs, map_ys}}}; *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(duplicatenpc) { int map_x = script_getnum(st, 6); int map_y = script_getnum(st, 7); int dir = script_getnum(st, 8); int spriteid, map_xs = -1, map_ys = -1, sourceid, type, mapid, i; const char *sourcename = script_getstr(st, 2); const char *new_shown_name = script_getstr(st, 3); const char *new_hidden_name = script_getstr(st, 4); const char *mapname = script_getstr(st, 5); char new_npc_name[24] = ""; struct npc_data *nd_source, *nd_target; if(script_hasdata(st, 10)) map_xs = (script_getnum(st, 10) < -1) ? -1 : script_getnum(st, 10); if(script_hasdata(st, 11)) map_ys = (script_getnum(st, 11) < -1) ? -1 : script_getnum(st, 10); if(map_xs == -1 && map_ys != -1) map_xs = 0; if(map_xs != - 1 && map_ys == -1) map_ys = 0; if(strlen(new_shown_name) + strlen(new_hidden_name) > NAME_LENGTH) { ShowError("buildin_duplicatenpc: New NPC shown name + New NPC hidden name is too long (max %d chars). (%s)\n", sourcename, NAME_LENGTH); script_pushint(st, 0); return SCRIPT_CMD_FAILURE; } nd_source = npc_name2id(sourcename); if(script_hasdata(st, 9)) spriteid = (script_getnum(st, 9) < -1) ? -1 : script_getnum(st, 9); else spriteid = nd_source->class_; if(nd_source == NULL) { ShowError("buildin_duplicatenpc: original npc not found for duplicate. (%s)\n", sourcename); script_pushint(st, 0); return SCRIPT_CMD_FAILURE; } sourceid = nd_source->bl.id; type = nd_source->subtype; mapid = map_mapname2mapid(mapname); if(mapid < 0) { ShowError("buildin_duplicatenpc: target map not found. (%s)\n", mapname); script_pushint(st, 0); return SCRIPT_CMD_FAILURE; } CREATE(nd_target, struct npc_data, 1); strcat(new_npc_name, new_shown_name); strncat(new_npc_name, "#", 1); strncat(new_npc_name, new_hidden_name, strlen(new_hidden_name)); safestrncpy(nd_target->name, new_npc_name , sizeof(nd_target->name)); safestrncpy(nd_target->exname, new_npc_name, sizeof(nd_target->exname)); nd_target->bl.prev = nd_target->bl.next = NULL; nd_target->bl.m = mapid; nd_target->bl.x = map_x; nd_target->bl.y = map_y; nd_target->bl.id = npc_get_new_npc_id(); nd_target->class_ = spriteid; nd_target->speed = 200; nd_target->src_id = sourceid; nd_target->bl.type = BL_NPC; nd_target->subtype = (enum npc_subtype)type; switch(type) { case NPCTYPE_SCRIPT: nd_target->u.scr.xs = map_xs; nd_target->u.scr.ys = map_ys; nd_target->u.scr.script = nd_source->u.scr.script; nd_target->u.scr.label_list = nd_source->u.scr.label_list; nd_target->u.scr.label_list_num = nd_source->u.scr.label_list_num; break; case NPCTYPE_SHOP: case NPCTYPE_CASHSHOP: case NPCTYPE_ITEMSHOP: case NPCTYPE_POINTSHOP: case NPCTYPE_MARKETSHOP: nd_target->u.shop.shop_item = nd_source->u.shop.shop_item; nd_target->u.shop.count = nd_source->u.shop.count; break; case NPCTYPE_WARP: if( !battle_config.warp_point_debug ) nd_target->class_ = JT_WARPNPC; else nd_target->class_ = JT_GUILD_FLAG; nd_target->u.warp.xs = map_xs; nd_target->u.warp.ys = map_ys; nd_target->u.warp.mapindex = nd_source->u.warp.mapindex; nd_target->u.warp.x = nd_source->u.warp.x; nd_target->u.warp.y = nd_source->u.warp.y; nd_target->trigger_on_hidden = nd_source->trigger_on_hidden; break; } map_addnpc(mapid, nd_target); status_change_init(&nd_target->bl); unit_dataset(&nd_target->bl); nd_target->ud.dir = dir; npc_setcells(nd_target); map_addblock(&nd_target->bl); if(spriteid >= 0) { status_set_viewdata(&nd_target->bl, nd_target->class_); clif_spawn(&nd_target->bl); } strdb_put(npcname_db, nd_target->exname, nd_target); if(type == NPCTYPE_SCRIPT) { for (i = 0; i < nd_target->u.scr.label_list_num; i++) { char* lname = nd_target->u.scr.label_list[i].name; int pos = nd_target->u.scr.label_list[i].pos; if ((lname[0] == 'O' || lname[0] == 'o') && (lname[1] == 'N' || lname[1] == 'n')) { struct event_data* ev; char buf[NAME_LENGTH*2+3]; snprintf(buf, ARRAYLENGTH(buf), "%s::%s", nd_target->exname, lname); CREATE(ev, struct event_data, 1); ev->nd = nd_target; ev->pos = pos; if(strdb_put(ev_db, buf, ev)) ShowWarning("npc_parse_duplicate : duplicate event %s (%s)\n", buf, nd_target->name); } } for (i = 0; i < nd_target->u.scr.label_list_num; i++) { int t = 0, k = 0; char *lname = nd_target->u.scr.label_list[i].name; int pos = nd_target->u.scr.label_list[i].pos; if (sscanf(lname, "OnTimer%d%n", &t, &k) == 1 && lname[k] == '\0') { struct npc_timerevent_list *te = nd_target->u.scr.timer_event; int j, k = nd_target->u.scr.timeramount; if (te == NULL) te = (struct npc_timerevent_list *)aMalloc(sizeof(struct npc_timerevent_list)); else te = (struct npc_timerevent_list *)aRealloc( te, sizeof(struct npc_timerevent_list) * (k+1) ); for (j = 0; j < k; j++) { if (te[j].timer > t) { memmove(te+j+1, te+j, sizeof(struct npc_timerevent_list)*(k-j)); break; } } te[j].timer = t; te[j].pos = pos; nd_target->u.scr.timer_event = te; nd_target->u.scr.timeramount++; } } nd_target->u.scr.timerid = INVALID_TIMER; } script_pushint(st, 1); return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS; } /*========================================== * Remove any npc duplicate on live server * duplicateremove "<NPC name>"; *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(duplicateremove) { struct npc_data *nd; if(script_hasdata(st, 2)) { nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st, 2)); if(nd == NULL) { script_pushint(st, -1); return SCRIPT_CMD_FAILURE; } } else nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if(!nd->src_id) npc_unload_duplicates(nd); else npc_unload(nd,true); script_pushint(st, 1); return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS; } My script_def.inc: // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder /** * Custom Script Commands * Place the definition of custom script commands in this file. * Format: * BUILDIN_DEF(command_name,"parameters"), **/ //BUILDIN_DEF(example,""), BUILDIN_DEF(duplicatenpc, "ssssiii???"), BUILDIN_DEF(duplicateremove, "?"), My npc.cpp,before add code: http:// My npc.cpp,after add code: http:// My npc.hpp: http://
  3. When download the Campfire Script of @Emistry .I added the function for item_db as instructed in the Campfire script http:// My item_db: I also tried change Ragexe,But it still does not work
  4. i was try 6 times,Carefully check each line one by one of Diff...? It simply does not work despite not reporting any errors from sever ?
  5. No,You misunderstand! I'm want make NPC buff ...but i don't know name SC of Radius Skill in status.hpp
  6. I want make buff for skill Radius.... http:// But i don't know name SC of Radius in status.hpp If someone know it's name...please,tell me
  7. Some problem with npc.cpp ? http:// How to fix it? @Vykimo
  8. Like you say,i add diff and script & Item_db.Haven't any problem with sever ,i don't know missing what... Maybe i should change name of NPC...what's you think?
  9. Can you show me your sprite with item_db? Please.... @Phaige
  10. yeah....i try it...but it's still not working ? I just want to know...where i'm wrong?
  11. I don't understand where I wrong,i follow your instructions ? but it's not working PLease...help... my item_db: 902,Tree_Root,Tree Root,2,12,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,{callfunc("func_UpdateCampFire", rand(1, 5), 30, rand(1,8)); },{},{} 7035,Matchstick,Matchstick,2,100,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ callfunc("func_CreateCampFire", rand(2, 5), 60, rand(1,10)); },{},{} 7850,Wooden_Block_,Wooden Block,2,20,,100,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ callfunc("func_UpdateCampFire", rand(3, 5), 60, rand(5,15)); },{},{} @Emistry ?
  12. @MathReaper Help...I can't open skill tree when login with this ragexe
  13. Can you make another WTD like this? @maken06 http://print screen windows 7
  14. i don't know...it's not notice any error... I dowload your map and add normal with client kro client 2018-08-13... where i'm wrong?
  15. Wait...why i'm in water? ? @w0wZukuBg Hmm...Problem in here,please fix it... http://upload photos for forums
  16. It's problem when with custom map,but it's not happen with normal map http:// Please,show me how to fix it?
  17. Can you share Script Aura Setter again? @Emistry
  18. Can you get more effect/texture of data.grf from Kro Client 17.1?
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