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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. Uh... 10k is not a big deal at all. Ragnarok really use little resource. And.. I call it bullshit too ( 30k players ), but yes, it is possible, you guys forget that it's possible to host different maps in different machines. buut.. it was 2005, as people said, eAthena didn't support more than 1024, so I find very hard to believe he had 30 dedicated servers for his server
  2. Save in a char/account permanent variable the time he first spoke with the npc. And add a check too see if (now) > ( first_spoke + 60 * 60 * 24 ) { // repeat quest } I don't remember the command that return unix time, check the scripts doc.
  3. Eu tenho esse sistema pronto e funcionando. Invoca tumba e tudo mais. Se quiser, manda pm [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
  4. I don't even know why this doesn't exist already haha Make a configuration on log_athena.conf that makes everything displayed on the console be saved in a text file. Great for debugging purpouses.
  5. I agree, I simple script command would make things easier. But not how you suggested. I would say something like CakePHP do, or even Ruby on Rails. Then you woulnd't have to learn SQL, and put all these motherfuckers ' " And, of course it won't be faster than the direct query, it's for faster development only. And, again, of course, keep a command to raw queries.
  6. http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-9130-cpu-usage-goes-to-100/
  7. Yeah, there is another thing causing it, don't know what.
  8. Yes it can, and it was. By the way, not the map, but the npcs on that map. The problem is solved, althouth my friend is having the same problem and he have already disabled the bangungot hospital instance D:
  9. Yeah, I increased it to 90, it kinda work. With my monster walking command, monsters 50 tiles away from the destination, walked normally. Monsters far than that, just got stuck, and when the monster within 50 tiles arrived the destination, all the other monsters walked to the destination super fast ( like @speed 0 ). I think I'll just make the monster walk two times, set a first and a second location.
  10. Hi, I need to spawn monsters in a map that can detect players in the whole map. I tried to increase the monster range2, and use this custom AI But it didn't work. Tried a lot of source modifications too, without success. To test, I went to a plain field ( no obstacules ), spawned the monster and walked away with @monsterignore, then I removed the @monsterignore, and they didn't detect me. ( I moved myself to make sure ) I changed my area_size in client.conf so I can see then in a large distance, to make sure that I was in their range. I don't know even if this is a bug, I'm not sure what I did wrong, but.. I will post here as a request, if anybody can make it work. Thanks! @Edit Just want to know how to make it work, then I will create a mapflag for it. @Edit2 I created a command to move a mob to a determined location, and then I discovered that it won't work on a large distance, so I think that's why large range won't work for agressive mobs too. I will continue with my experiments @Edit3 #define MAX_WALKPATH 32 Maybe this?
  11. Who said that my only goal is to summon another monster upon death? I'm well aware of event labels. Like I said, Natural Spawn has A LOT OF DIFFERENCES of a 'one time spawn'. @Edit I managed to create it, my new kickass system is ready now Thanks.
  12. This won't do. Natural Spawn has A LOT OF DIFFERENCES of a 'one time spawn'. Thanks for trying to help ^^
  13. I want a script command that will create a monster natural spawn. This means that I will set the timers and all stuff that you set when you create a natural spawn. thanks
  14. Actually, not entirely accurate. @variable can have the value 0, returning false. if(.@example). .@example will be true if the value is 1 or higher, will be false if the value is 0. If the var does not exist, the emulator assume the value 0, that's why it return false. In most programming languages, it would return a error if the var doesn't exist.
  15. if (.@Buffs) { specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; set HEALDELAY,gettimetick(2)+.@Delay; close; } You don't have anything that checks .@Buffs. if (.@Buffs == 1) { specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; set HEALDELAY,gettimetick(2)+.@Delay; close; } You clearly don't know how a If works.. @Topic Try to remove this line mes "" + callfunc("Time2Str" ,HEALDELAY);
  16. Sorry, wrong area. http://rathena.org/board/topic/96929-monster-spawn-script-command/
  17. They don't even sell new licenses, give up.
  18. Muda o langtype do clientinfo
  19. Yeah, it hapenned again with my server this night. There may be other maps too.
  20. HOLY SHIT, it's true o______o Only this map? Maybe something with instances, will test others THANKS MAN
  21. Yeah, execute it on your phpmyadmin. Backup your database first, if you're not sure. It seens fine to me
  22. Yeah, with a simple sql query you can do that. Google about UPDATE. It would be something like UPDATE `inventory` SET `refine` = 0 WHERE `refine` = 10; Don't forgot the other tables, like storage, cart_inventory..
  23. I Have 4GB, as you can see in the pic, it uses only 800MB, RAM is not the problem.
  24. I'm using a Amazon EC2 m3.medium ( more than enough resources to host a ragnarok server ) My cpu usage never goes more than 10%, however some times it sudenly jumps to 100%, and then my char-server can't save anything in the database, and nobody can log in. I've already opened a ticket on amazon support, but, maybe this can be a rAthena problem, so i'm posting here too. Did anybody have this problem too? Or i'm a first? haha If you have any ideas how to solve this, it will be much apreciated. Oh, by the way, with 100% cpu usage, players still connected to map-server can play as if nothing happenned, players offline can't login, and nothing is saved on database. I can still log in on the cloud, open phpmyadmin and stuff If I restart the server, everything goes back to normal, so I guess that maybe there is really an issue. Oh, and i'm not complete sure that 100% cpu usage is the cause to char-server down, maybe it's the other way around. This is my normal usage: http://puu.sh/a2mwt/4a1fcbb636.png When it happens again, I will take a print of what is using 100%.
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