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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. .... Did you even read the topic? I said MVP's, not every mob. And players won't feel anything, only your hardware will, your players will only feel a big disconnect message if you run out of memory Anyway, whatever, please some mod close this topic.
  2. Yeah, you shouldn't copy my code, it was just an example. By the way, may mistake was the label name, it's actually OnPCLoadMapEvent. Read script documentation and build your own script, this way you will learn :}
  3. Put a loadevent flag on this map, and on label activation do something like: OnLoadMapEvent: If( readparam(bStr) > 99 || readparam(bAgi) > 99 ) { // Put other stats here, i'm lazy. warp "prontera",150,150; // warp from map }
  4. Yes, but you can make a monster look like a player, read mob_avail.txt in db folder.
  5. Read about @summon, see how it works, make it independent of a player and lasting forever.
  6. So you want a assistant that don't follow a player, but walks randomly in a certain map?
  7. Tip: You can configure an auto forward from a specific sender.
  8. Rule Number One to have a sucessfull server: don't hire a hosting company that offers services specifically for Ragnarok Online, just don't... Well, feel sorry for your pain, I have a harmony account i'm not using, if you want, I can share with you for free, just pm me.
  9. Then you use something like this OnPcDieEvent: recovery 0; warp "SavePoint",0,0; // Ress player and warp out of map detachrid; if( getmapusers("your_event_map_name") == 1 ) { // If there is only one man standing addrid(1); // It will attach that player into script getitem id,amount; announce "Player "+strcharinfo(0)+" won the event",8; } end; Make sure that this npc script is located on the event map, or addrid won't work.
  10. There was no need, once you told that addrid did what I asked, the problem was solved haha Thanks a lot, again
  11. I tested with addrid(1); and didn't work, I must have done something wrong in another part of code and didn't notice. By the way, use atcommand to give itens? hahaha Well, thanks a lot.
  12. is it a PvP? If yes, create a OnPcKillEvent that checks if getmapusers(strcharinfo(3)) == 1, then, give the prizes.
  13. I want to run a script for everyone in a map. I need to check who has most item x to declare the winner of the event. I saw addrid() but didn't understand how it works, and there is no examples. I'm going to create a custom command to fill an array with everybody account id's and then run a for with attachrid. But I wan't to know if there is a way to do this with the current tools available for scripting. Thanks. PS: Don't give me alternate ways to accomplish what I want ( ex: put a NPC on map and make everybody click on it, or whatever ).
  14. You can use this command to build the array: pc_setreg(sd,reference_uid(add_str("@item_dropped"), i),item_id); You need to find the function where itens are dropped. Start searching from mob_dead on mob.c Then you put pc_setreg inside the for. To know the array size in script you can simply use getarraysize. Not sure if the array need to be reseted before built.
  15. Amount? I don't get it. OnNPCKillEvent is called for each mob killed, there can't be an amount higher than 1. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  16. No I know that there is a ShowWarning if query_sql is to return more than 128 results, I don't see you removing it on your pull. I'll test it soon, thanks a lot for the pull
  17. Common, Hercules did it more than year and a half ago, it's past time rAthena do it too. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/82b583b5ef4e729ad2c3c74b26adce16a145605a
  18. Yeah, first the option needs to exist haha
  19. As title says, create a option for database encoding in .conf files. Currently, you have to go to map.c and change char default_codepage[32] = "utf8"; There are some other files with this option too, inter server if i'm not mistaken. This option is important, cause if your main language isn't english, you need to use utf-8 to use a translated item_db.sql, and newbies won't know how to make accentuation work ingame. By the way, add it on Wiki, I was going to post a tutorial, but there is no such section, only Wiki.
  20. Title says it all, I don't know why this doesn't exist. Something like: send "#Channel","Message";
  21. Are you 100% sure? Because you can execute CMD commands, maybe there is a solution.
  22. Which command can I use to get the path of the player's client? ( Where it is installed ) I googled it ( "C get exe path" ), but no luck
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