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Everything posted by Cydh

  1. which link did you click? You should download for svn17233, I've try it, no error for sure.
  2. because there is change on status_change_start(.......) and status_change_start on @afk command, need to add 1 param, so it becomes status_change_start(NULL, &sd->bl, ......................)
  3. Cydh

    Refine stats

    please, rewrite the title, and erase the 'paid request' Refine Bonus
  4. I deleted some sentences here, and I forgot what they were. so this mod, will gives script bonus for specified armor or weapon level at specified refine. Example, 0,10,{ bonus bVit,5; } it will makes all armors that +10, player will get VIT +5. 4,10,{ bonus bStr,5; bonus bInt,5; } all +10 level 4 weapons, will give bonus stat +5 STR and INT Download: refine-bonus-rA-20150913-f6964717.diff [spoiler=old releases] refine_bonus-rA-20140125.diff (Tested on latest Git) How if **Please report any bug found, and if there is suggestion too**
  5. Updated translation for Bahasa Indonesia in same link at my SVN r14
  6. Cydh


    or, on your custom item, inside { Script }, give callfunc that call your function to give random item to player. itemid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ callfunc CustomRand; } function%tab%script%tab%CustomRand%tab%{ switch(rand(2)){ case 0: getitem 501; break; case 1: getitem 502; break; } }
  7. Cydh


    I'll try it soon. haha
  8. do you want to use it like another MMORPGs that have quest 'to use equip' then 'put off the equip', and check which equipment is equipped and put off..?
  9. @topic, I didnt try it. xDD and, btw I think someone was talking about this,a nd I share mine 'delay to warp on battle'. but can't find where. warponbattle-rA-svn17156.patch
  10. Cydh

    Map Errors

    LOL, can't my client exe suddenly crashed/closed.. LOL
  11. on script.c, type 3 is commented, not supported. . It's not related with GID. so, if use type 3 for mob, the script will return an array? example, find poring, script will gives all poring coordinates. LOL, a whole map? OMG not like, getmapxy another type, only for 1 PC, NPC, Pet, Homun, mercenary, elemental
  12. I'm using this mod until last svn, nothing problem I get hahaha http://pservero.com/maximum-damage-cap-damage-while-using-skill-and-normal-attack/
  13. lol no need just who want participate, just post here and Euphy will list it.
  14. Cydh

    Refine stats

    done with <type>,<refine>,{ script }
  15. I and @nanakiwurtz finished translation for Bahasa Indonesia. If any more edit, we will update that file on SVN.
  16. Cydh

    Map Errors

    don't have Bossnia maps.
  17. no, it's only visual effect. But, I'm going to make aura with additional effect for specified aura number.
  18. we can use Googledocs to edit map_msg.txt. what's your gmail address? @map_msg btw, when reading original map_msg, can found wrong typo there.
  19. makes @specialeffect becomes permanent (additional) aura (beside of official lvl aura) for your char.
  20. @lighta, understand now. @euphy, @Feistz for Bahasa Malaysia I'll Bahasa Indonesia. xP
  21. hmm. but, btw, if overwrite, the effect will be a whole server or only player case? - if the effect only for client, default is english, if lang_id is not defined, map-server will not overwrite the translation for user, when any player defines lang_id and map-server doesn't read the translation file, map-server will read new translation table. So unused language is not be used for the first time. - if the effect is a whole server, map-server should reads them all at beginning. And shows the language what player wants.
  22. I was trying find the correct place 'where to place' to check sd->lang, but got nothing. yeah, the mmo only check when there is logged player, so only need to translate map_msg. And some lines of char_msg, maybe can works like map_msg Current Custom Translation by overwriting? //Custom translations import: conf/import/msg_conf.txt //Auction 200: Auction Manager 201: Auction 202: Thanks, you won the auction!. 203: Payment for your auction!. 204: No buyers have been found for your auction. 205: Auction canceled. 206: Auction closed. 207: Auction winner. 208: Someone has placed a higher bid. 209: You have placed a higher bid. 210: You have won the auction. 211: Payment for your auction!.
  23. @Lilith, I saw your post has been edited, what's change? @topic btw, if the lang is decided by player in-game (with command @lang <lang_id> maybe), then it will stored on `login` table, `lang` field. is the login_msg still can be translated? example "Rejected from server", the player doesn't login at all, can't read sd->lang. (CMIIW)
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