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Everything posted by hendra814

  1. i already solved same issue as you using visual studio 2022. so uninstall your 2017 visual studio and install visual studio 2022.
  2. i'm sugesting you use chris translated files and patch using NEMO use chris profile for client 2020 click here i'm ok running using same client as you
  3. to enable second event remove try remove script for normal player and change if (getgmlevel() >= 1) { into if (getgmlevel() == 0) {
  4. alredy check the script, the first and second event must be start by GM ID first event must start by GM above level 90 if (getgmlevel() > 90) { mes .name$; mes "Welcome to the ^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000."; next; switch(select("Information:Price:Leave:Start Event:Enter Price")) { case 1: mes .name$; mes "^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000"; mes "is a game where you need to"; mes "click on me exactly when the counter reached 0."; next; mes .name$; mes "It counts down from ^0080001000^000000 to ^ff00000^000000."; next; mes .name$; mes "To win, you need to have the ^ff0000closest value to 0^000000 but at least ^ff0000below 50^000000."; next; mes .name$; mes "The winner will recieve a prize."; mes "^ff0000Don't forget to talk to me after the Event is over,"; mes "to reset your counter to take part on the next event.^000000"; close; case 2: mes .name$; mes "The Price is:"; mes "^ff0000"+$prize_amount+" "+getitemname($prize_id)+"^000000"; close; case 3: close; case 4: sleep2 100; close2; goto l_start; end; case 5: mes .name$; mes "Enter the item id of the prize:"; input $prize_id; next; mes .name$; mes "Enter the amount if items the winner will recieve:"; input $prize_amount; next; mes .name$; mes "The price id is: ^ff0000"+$prize_id+"^000000"; mes "^008000("+getitemname($prize_id)+")^000000."; mes "The amount is: ^ff0000"+$prize_amount+"^000000."; close; } } second event must start by GM above or equal level 1 if (getgmlevel() >= 1) { mes .name$; mes "Welcome to the ^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000."; next; switch(select("Information:Price:Leave:Start Event")) { case 1: mes .name$; mes "^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000"; mes "is a game where you need to"; mes "click on me exactly when the counter reached 0."; next; mes .name$; mes "It counts down from ^0080001000^000000 to ^ff00000^000000."; next; mes .name$; mes "To win, you need to have the ^ff0000closest value to 0^000000 but at least ^ff0000below 50^000000."; next; mes .name$; mes "The winner will recieve a prize."; mes "^ff0000Don't forget to talk to me after the Event is over,"; mes "to reset your counter to take part on the next event.^000000"; close; case 2: mes .name$; mes "The Default Price is:"; mes "^ff0000 5 Bloody Branch ^000000"; close; case 3: close; case 4: sleep2 100; close2; goto l_start2; end; } } normal player only can get event information, show detail price, or leave if (getgmlevel() == 0) { mes .name$; mes "Welcome to the ^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000."; next; switch(select("Information:Price:Leave")) { case 1: mes .name$; mes "^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000"; mes "is a game where you need to"; mes "click on me exactly when the counter reached 0."; next; mes .name$; mes "It counts down from ^0080001000^000000 to ^ff00000^000000."; next; mes .name$; mes "To win, you need to have the ^ff0000closest value to 0^000000 but at least ^ff0000below 50^000000."; next; mes .name$; mes "The winner will recieve a prize."; mes "^ff0000Don't forget to talk to me after the Event is over,"; mes "to reset your counter to take part on the next event.^000000"; close; case 2: mes .name$; mes "The Default Price is:"; mes "^ff0000 5 Bloody Branch ^000000"; close; case 3: close; } } to enable second event remove try remove script for normal player and change if (getgmlevel() >= 1) { into if (getgmlevel() == 0) {
  5. try with this version https://github.com/cydh/rAthena-syntax-highlight
  6. can you try delete your database and create new one and import the file
  7. Sorry i can't login my discord right now, try run this sql script main.sql
  8. so use number not effect name, ok thanks i will try it.
  9. same result, check in the first topic here it didn't show information for script as an item.
  10. for this i'm not sure, i thnk because the item have view ID it's self (4000) maybe you can try with sample item like in example. - Id: 2301 AegisName: Cotton_Shirt Name: Cotton Shirt Type: Armor Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Defense: 1 Locations: Armor: true ArmorLevel: 1 Refineable: true Script: | hateffect HAT_EF_arcane_aura_A,true; hateffect HAT_EF_arcane_aura_B,true; UnEquipScript: | hateffect HAT_EF_arcane_aura_A,false; hateffect HAT_EF_arcane_aura_B,false;
  11. try share it in here the script you put in the item.
  12. where's do you put the STR files? please check your client read GRF first or data folder first. If your client read GRF first, put the files in your GRF But if your client read data folder first, put the files in data folder Mine working with client 2021-11-03
  13. use aura hat effect, to create into STR file please check at STR Editor topic. for script already share in the aura hat effect topic.
  14. check this link click this
  15. go to Rathena\sql-files folder, import mail.sql file
  16. use rathena recomended client. check at src\config\packet.hpp client between 2020-09-02 and 2021-11-18 #ifndef PACKETVER_RE /// From November 2015 only RagexeRE are supported. /// After July 2018 only Ragexe are supported. #if ( PACKETVER > 20151104 && PACKETVER < 20180704 ) || ( PACKETVER >= 20200902 && PACKETVER <= 20211118 ) #define PACKETVER_RE #endif #endif
  17. Yes, try like that, because .@remain should be reset to recieve the reward again.
  18. after this script getitem FHitem,1; put .@remain = 0;
  19. get error when run sql script, can you help me for this error
  20. Put in data folder if your client read data folder first. if your client read GRF put in your custom GRF file.
  21. ok thanks to for that information.
  22. i don't know, maybe need dev team to answer that.
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