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Everything posted by skymia

  1. sir how did you enable the cash shop and other buttons in your client?
  2. How to fix this sir? Error Static analysis: 3 errors were found during analysis. A symbol name was expected! (near "name" at position 77) Unexpected beginning of statement. (near "30" at position 90) Unrecognized statement type. (near "not null" at position 94) SQL query: create table pvpladder ( char_id int(11) not null default '0' primary key, name varchar(30) not null default '', streaks smallint(6) unsigned not null default '0', kills smallint(6) unsigned not null default '0', deaths smallint(6) unsigned not null default '0', streaktime datetime ) engine = myisam MySQL said: #1046 - No database selected
  3. skymia

    NPC Logs

    How to put npclog in this script? to avoid abuse of this item rewarder //======Name======================================== // Event Reward Giver //======Version===================================== // 0.9 (Untested) // Authors: UnoDelta, Sandbox //======Comments==================================== // In loving memory of AstralRO //================================================== sec_in01,177,179,4 script Event Reward 563,{ set .npcname$,"[ Event Reward ]"; if (getgroupid() < 4){end;} mes .npcname$; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+", How can I help you?"; menu "-Give Reward",N_Name,"-Nothing",-; next; mes .npcname$; mes "Alright! See you soon."; close; N_Name: next; mes .npcname$; mes "Please tell me the name of the player:"; input .@Rew_Name$; next; query_sql "SELECT `online` FROM `char` WHERE `name`='"+.@Rew_Name$+"'",.@charstatus; //STATUS CHECK (ONLINE/OFFLINE) if (.@charstatus == 0) { mes .npcname$; mes "Char Name: "+.@Rew_Name$+"."; mes "Char Status: ^FF0000OFFLINE^000000"; mes ""; mes "You cannot proceed."; menu "-Try Again",N_Name,"-Cancel",-; next; mes .npcname$; mes "Your action was canceled."; set .@loop,0; close;} if (.@charstatus == 1) { mes .npcname$; mes "Char Name: "+.@Rew_Name$+"."; mes "Char Status: ^009F00ONLINE^000000"; mes ""; mes "You may proceed."; if (.@loop == 1) {goto N_End;} goto N_Item;} N_Item: next; mes .npcname$; mes "Please input the item ID to be given:"; mes "^FF0000*Note that only item ID's will be accepted.^000000"; input .@Rew_Item; if (.@Rew_Item <= 500) {goto N_Item;} set .@itemname$,getitemname(.@Rew_Item); if (.@loop == 1) {goto N_End;} goto N_Amt; N_Amt: next; mes .npcname$; mes "Please input the amount of the reward."; input .@Rew_Amt; if (.@Rew_Amt == 0) {goto N_Amt;} goto N_End; N_End: next; query_sql "SELECT `online` FROM `char` WHERE `name`='"+.@Rew_Name$+"'",.@charstatus; //STATUS CHECK (ONLINE/OFFLINE) if (.@charstatus == 0) { mes .npcname$; mes "Char Name: "+.@Rew_Name$+"."; mes "Char Status: ^FF0000OFFLINE^000000"; mes "Item Name: "+.@itemname$+"."; mes "Item Amount: "+.@Rew_Amt+"."; mes ""; mes "You cannot proceed. Character is Offline."; menu "-Try Again",N_Name,"-Cancel",-; next; mes .npcname$; mes "Your action was canceled."; set .@loop,0; close;} if (.@charstatus == 1) { mes .npcname$; mes "Char Name: "+.@Rew_Name$+"."; mes "Char Status: ^009F00ONLINE^000000"; mes "Item Name: "+.@itemname$+"."; mes "Item Amount: "+.@Rew_Amt+"."; mes ""; mes "You may proceed. Confirm Reward?"; set .@loop,1; menu "-Confirm",R_Proc,"-Change Name",N_Name,"-Change Item",N_Item,"-Change Amount",N_Amt,"-Cancel",-; next; mes .npcname$; mes "Your action was cancelled."; set .@loop,0; close;} R_Proc: next; set .@Rew_GM$,strcharinfo(0); set .@Rew_Time$,gettimestr("%Y-%m/%d %H:%M:%S",21); query_sql "INSERT INTO `evt_prize` VALUES('"+.@Rew_Time$+"','"+.@Rew_Name$+"','"+.@Rew_Item+"','"+.@Rew_Amt+"','"+.@Rew_GM$+"')"; getitem .@Rew_Item, .@Rew_Amt,getcharid(3, .@Rew_Name$); announce "[Event GM] "+strcharinfo(0)+" has rewarded "+.@Rew_Amt+" "+.@itemname$+" to "+.@Rew_Name$+".",bc_all,0xFF8080; mes .npcname$; mes "You have given your reward."; set .@loop,0; close; }
  4. no pvp room on this script its been set for all map setarray .PvPMap$[0], "All"; //List all pvp maps here (Index 0:"All" to enable all maps)
  5. Sir i have a problem with race event... every time i start the event the error appear this
  6. Can anyone help me input the mob id in the quest mission so that players can easily search where the monster is? //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Hunting Missions //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.4 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Random hunting missions. //= Rewards are based on quest difficulty. //= //= NOTE: Requires SQL mob database. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Initial script. //= 1.1 Small improvements and fixes. //= 1.2 Added party support and replaced blacklists with an //= SQL query, both thanks to AnnieRuru. //= 1.3 Re-added a blacklist adapted for the SQL query. //= 1.3a Added mission reset options. //= 1.3b Function updates. //= 1.4 Check for deleted characters, thanks to AnnieRuru. //= Syntax updates and style cleaning. //============================================================ prontera,152,187,6 script Hunting Missions 951,{ function Chk; mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "Hello, " + strcharinfo(0) + "!"; if (!#Mission_Delay) { next; mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "I can't find any records..."; mes "You must be new here!"; emotion e_omg; next; callsub Mission_Info; emotion e_go; #Mission_Delay = 1; close; } mes rand(2) ? "Working hard, as always..." : "Not slacking, I hope..."; mes "Is there anything I can help"; mes "you with?"; mes " "; mes "^777777~ You've completed " + callfunc("F_InsertPlural",Mission_Total,"mission",0,"^0055FF%d^777777 %s") + ". ~^000000"; next; switch(select( ((!Mission0) ? " ~ New Mission::" : ": ~ Mission Status: ~ Abandon Mission") + ": ~ Information: ~ Mission Shop: ~ View Top Hunters: ~ ^777777Cancel^000000" )) { case 1: mes "[Hunting Missions]"; if (#Mission_Count) { mes "You've started a mission"; mes "on another character."; if (!@hm_char_del_check) { // check for deleted character query_sql("SELECT 1 FROM `char_reg_num` WHERE `key` = 'Mission0' AND `char_id` IN(SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3) + ")", .@i); if (!.@i) { next; mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "I can't seem to find any records"; mes "for that character, though..."; mes "One moment, please."; emotion e_hmm; #Mission_Count = 0; } @hm_char_del_check = 1; } close; } if (#Mission_Delay > gettimetick(2) && .Delay) { mes "I'm afraid you'll have to wait " + callfunc("Time2Str",#Mission_Delay) + " before taking another mission."; close; } mes "You must hunt:"; query_sql("SELECT ID FROM `" + .mob_db$ + "` WHERE left(Sprite, 4) != 'meta' AND left(Sprite, 2) != 'E_' AND ~Mode & 32 AND EXP > 0 AND MVP1id = 0 AND DropCardid > 4000 AND DropCardid < 5000 AND ID < 2000 AND instr('"+.Blacklist$+"',ID) = 0 ORDER BY rand() LIMIT " + .Quests, .@mob); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .Quests; .@i++) { setd "Mission" + .@i, .@mob[.@i]; setd "Mission" + .@i +"_", 0; } #Mission_Count = rand(.Count[0], .Count[1]); callsub Mission_Status; next; mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "Report back when"; mes "you've finished."; mes "Good luck!"; close; case 2: mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "Mission status:"; callsub Mission_Status; close; case 3: mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "Do you really want to"; mes "abandon your mission?"; if (.Reset < 0 && .Delay) mes "Your delay time will not be reset."; else if (.Reset > 0) mes "It will cost " + callfunc("F_InsertComma",.Reset) + " Zeny."; next; switch(select(" ~ Abandon...: ~ ^777777Cancel^000000")) { case 1: if (.Reset > 0) { if (Zeny < .Reset) { mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "You don't have enough"; mes "Zeny to drop this mission."; emotion e_sry; close; } Zeny -= .Reset; emotion e_cash; } mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "Alright, I've dropped"; mes "your current mission."; specialeffect2 EF_STORMKICK4; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .Quests; .@i++) { setd "Mission"+.@i, 0; setd "Mission"+.@i+"_", 0; } #Mission_Count = 0; if (.Reset < 0 && .Delay) #Mission_Delay = gettimetick(2) + (.Delay * 3600); close; case 2: mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "I knew you were kidding!"; mes "Keep up the good work."; emotion e_heh; close; } case 4: callsub Mission_Info; close; case 5: mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "You have ^0055FF" + #Mission_Points + "^000000 Mission Points."; mes "Use them well!"; callshop "mission_shop",1; npcshopattach "mission_shop"; end; case 6: mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "The top hunters are:"; query_sql("SELECT char_id AS id, (SELECT `name` FROM `char` WHERE char_id = id),`value` FROM `char_reg_num` WHERE `key` = 'Mission_Total' ORDER BY CAST(`value` AS SIGNED) DESC LIMIT 5", .@id, .@name$, .@val); for (.@i = 0; .@i < 5; .@i++) mes " [Rank " + (.@i+1) + "] " + ((.@name$[.@i] == "") ? "^777777none" : "^0055FF" + .@name$[.@i]+"^000000 : ^FF0000" + .@val[.@i] + " pt.") + "^000000"; close; case 7: mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "Nothing? Okay..."; emotion e_hmm; close; } end; Mission_Status: @f = 0; deletearray .@j[0], getarraysize(.@j); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .Quests; .@i++) { .@j[.@i] = getd("Mission" + .@i); .@j[.Quests] = .@j[.Quests] + strmobinfo(3,.@j[.@i]); .@j[.Quests+1] = .@j[.Quests+1] + (strmobinfo(6,.@j[.@i]) / (getbattleflag("base_exp_rate") / 100) * .Modifier[0]); .@j[.Quests+2] = .@j[.Quests+2] + (strmobinfo(7,.@j[.@i]) / (getbattleflag("job_exp_rate") / 100) * .Modifier[1]); mes " > "+Chk(getd("Mission"+.@i+"_"),#Mission_Count) + strmobinfo(1,.@j[.@i]) + " (" + getd("Mission"+.@i+"_") + "/" + #Mission_Count + ")^000000"; } // Reward formulas: .@Mission_Points = 3 + (.@j[.Quests] / .Quests / 6); .@Base_Exp = #Mission_Count * .@j[.Quests+1] / 5; .@Job_Exp = #Mission_Count * .@j[.Quests+2] / 5; .@Zeny = #Mission_Count * .Quests * .@j[.@i] * .Modifier[2]; next; mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "Mission rewards:"; mes " > Mission Points: ^0055FF" + .@Mission_Points + "^000000"; mes " > Base Experience: ^0055FF" + callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Base_Exp) + "^000000"; mes " > Job Experience: ^0055FF" + callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Job_Exp) + "^000000"; mes " > Zeny: ^0055FF" + callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Zeny) + "^000000"; if (@f) { @f = 0; return; } next; mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "Oh, you're done!"; mes "Good work."; mes "Here's your reward."; emotion e_no1; specialeffect2 EF_ANGEL; specialeffect2 EF_TRUESIGHT; #Mission_Points += .@Mission_Points; BaseExp += .@Base_Exp; JobExp += .@Job_Exp; Zeny += .@Zeny; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .Quests; .@i++) { setd "Mission" + .@i, 0; setd "Mission" + .@i+"_", 0; } #Mission_Count = 0; if (.Delay) #Mission_Delay = gettimetick(2) + (.Delay * 3600); Mission_Total++; if (Mission_Total == 1) query_sql("INSERT INTO `char_reg_num` (`char_id`,`key`,`index`,`value`) VALUES (" + getcharid(0) + ",'Mission_Total','0',1)"); else query_sql("UPDATE `char_reg_num` SET `value` = " + Mission_Total + " WHERE `char_id` = " + getcharid(0) + " AND `key` = 'Mission_Total'"); close; Mission_Info: mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "If you so choose, I can assign"; mes "you a random hunting quest."; mes "Some are easier than others, but"; mes "the rewards increase with difficulty."; next; mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "Missions points are shared"; mes "amongst all your characters."; if (.Delay) mes "Delay time is, too."; mes "You can't take missions on"; mes "multiple characters at once."; next; mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "You can start a quest"; mes (.Delay ? "every " + ((.Delay == 1) ? "hour." : .Delay + " hours.") : "whenever you want."); mes "That's everything~"; return; function Chk { if (getarg(0) < getarg(1)) { @f = 1; return "^FF0000"; } else return "^00FF00"; } OnBuyItem: @cost = 0; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); .@i++) for (.@j = 0; .@j < getarraysize(.Shop); .@j += 2) if (@bought_nameid[.@i] == .Shop[.@j]) { set @cost, @cost + (.Shop[.@j+1] * @bought_quantity[.@i]); break; } mes "[Hunting Missions]"; if (@cost > #Mission_Points) mes "You don't have enough Mission Points."; else { for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); .@i++) { getitem @bought_nameid[.@i], @bought_quantity[.@i]; dispbottom "Purchased " + @bought_quantity[.@i] + "x " + getitemname(@bought_nameid[.@i]) + "."; } #Mission_Points -= @cost; mes "Deal completed."; emotion e_cash; } @cost = 0; deletearray @bought_nameid[0], getarraysize(@bought_nameid); deletearray @bought_quantity[0], getarraysize(@bought_quantity); close; OnNPCKillEvent: if (!getcharid(1) || !.Party) { if (!#Mission_Count || !Mission0) end; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .Quests; .@i++) { if (strmobinfo(1,killedrid) == strmobinfo(1,getd("Mission" + .@i))) { if (getd("Mission" + .@i + "_") < #Mission_Count) { dispbottom "[Hunting Mission] Killed " + (set(getd("Mission" + .@i + "_"),getd("Mission" + .@i + "_") + 1)) + " of " + #Mission_Count + " " + strmobinfo(1,killedrid) + "."; end; } } } } else if (.Party) { .@mob = killedrid; getmapxy(.@map1$,.@x1,.@y1,UNITTYPE_PC); getpartymember getcharid(1),1; getpartymember getcharid(1),2; for (.@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++) { if (isloggedin($@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i])) { set .@Mission_Count, getvar(#Mission_Count, $@partymembercid[.@i]); set .@Mission0, getvar(Mission0, $@partymembercid[.@i]); set .@HP, readparam(HP, $@partymembercid[.@i]); if (.@Mission_Count && .@Mission0 && .@HP > 0) { getmapxy(.@map2$,.@x2,.@y2,UNITTYPE_PC); if ((.@map1$ == .@map2$ || .Party == 1) && (distance(.@x1,.@y1,.@x2,.@y2) <= 30 || .Party < 3)) { for (.@j = 0; .@j < .Quests; .@j++) { .@my_mob_id = getvar( getd("Mission"+.@j),$@partymembercid[.@i] ); .@my_count = getvar( getd("Mission"+.@j+"_"), $@partymembercid[.@i] ); if (strmobinfo(1,.@mob) == strmobinfo(1,.@my_mob_id)) { if (.@my_count < .@Mission_Count) { setd "Mission"+.@j+"_", (.@my_count+1), $@partymembercid[.@i]; dispbottom "[Hunting Mission] Killed " + (.@my_count+1) + " of " + .@Mission_Count + " " + strmobinfo(1,.@mob) + ".", 0x777777, $@partymembercid[.@i]; break; } } } } } } } } end; OnInit: .Delay = 12; // Quest delay, in hours (0 to disable). .Quests = 4; // Number of subquests per mission (increases rewards). .Party = 3; // Party options: 0 (exclude party kills), 1 (include party kills), 2 (same map only), 3 (screen area only) .Reset = -1; // Reset options: -1 (abandoning mission sets delay time), 0 (no delay time), [Zeny] (cost to abandon mission, no delay time) setarray .Count[0], // Min and max monsters per subquest (increases rewards). 40,70; setarray .Modifier[0], // Multipliers for Base Exp, Job Exp, and Zeny rewards. getbattleflag("base_exp_rate")/100,getbattleflag("job_exp_rate")/100,60; .mob_db$ = // Table name of SQL mob database (checkre(0))?"mob_db_re":"mob_db"; setarray .Shop[0], // Reward items: <ID>,<point cost> (about 10~20 points per hunt). 512,1,513,1,514,1,538,5,539,5,558,10,561,10; .Blacklist$ = // Blacklisted mob IDs. "1062,1088,1183,1186,1200,1212,1220,1221,1234,1235,"+ "1244,1245,1250,1268,1290,1293,1294,1296,1298,1299,"+ "1300,1301,1303,1304,1305,1306,1308,1309,1311,1313,"+ "1515,1588,1618,1676,1677,1678,1679,1796,1797,1974,"+ "1975,1976,1977,1978,1979"; npcshopdelitem "mission_shop",512; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.Shop); .@i += 2) npcshopadditem "mission_shop", .Shop[.@i], .Shop[.@i+1]; end; } - shop mission_shop -1,512:-1
  7. (0x00000080) is for knight sir
  8. if i change it to 2 the it will view as a normal sword...not the banryu sprite
  9. Why my aspd go to zero everytime i equip the banryu item? need help sir 31300,banryu,Banryu,5,49000,,1000,180,,1,4,0x00000080,7,2,2,3,99,1,103,{ bonus bDef,7; bonus bAgi,-2; },{},{}
  10. How to change @go 16 to pay_arche? Current @go 16 is prison/jail
  11. skymia

    Race Event

    Can anyone can fix this script? its not working well.. the event summon a npc to warp in event location but the event wont trigger to start please some one help me thanks - script Race npc#disable -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "Race Event"; end; } sec_in01,161,176,5 script Race Event 899,{ if(getgmlevel() < 60 ) end; mes "Hello there GM " + strcharinfo(0) + " !"; next; set .menu$, select(.gm_menu$); switch( select ("Open Race Event:No Thanks")) { case 1: // Race Event next; mes "I will now create warps, announce, & warp you."; close2; warp "turbo_n_1",58,365; Announce "There will be a 'Race' Event Held!",bc_all; sleep2 2500; enablenpc "Race event"; sleep2 2500; Announce "If you want to join, the warp will be open in Prontera. It will be open for 2 minute!",bc_all; sleep2 30000; Announce "You have only 1 minute left to join the event!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; initnpctimer; goto L_Timer; end; close; case 2: mes "[Race Event]"; mes "Come back if you change your mind, See Yah!"; close; } L_Timer: OnTimer00000: Announce "Timer has started!",bc_all; end; OnTimer30000: Announce "Thirty Seconds Have Passed By!",bc_all; sleep2 5000; Announce "Hurry to Prontera if you want to join!",bc_all; end; OnTimer40000: Announce "Twenty seconds left!",bc_all; end; OnTimer50000: Announce "Ten seconds left!",bc_all; end; OnTimer55000: Announce "5!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; Announce "4!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; Announce "3!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; Announce "2!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; Announce "1!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; Announce "The warp is now closed!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; disablenpc "Race Event"; stopnpctimer; end; OnInit: setarray .gmevents$,"Race?"; for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.gmevents$); set .@i, .@i +1 ) set .gm_menu$, .gm_menu$ + (.gmevents$[.@i]) +":"; disablenpc "Race event"; end; } - script Master0#tt_main -1,{ function RName; OnEnable: set .@w$,callfunc("F_tt"); enablenpc "Master0#"+.@w$; initnpctimer; end; OnDisable: set .@w$,callfunc("F_tt"); stopnpctimer; disablenpc "Master0#"+.@w$; end; OnTimer7000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"Welcome to the Turbo Track.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer9000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"The game will be hosted for 15 minutes and at least one person must complete the entire course.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer11000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"We hope you will do your best.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer13000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"The game will begin after a 5 second countdown. Everyone, please take your positions behind the Starting Line.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer15000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"The countdown will commence shortly.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer17000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"- 5 -",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer18000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"- 4 -",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer19000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"- 3 -",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer20000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"- 2 -",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer21000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"- 1 -",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer22000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"- 0 -",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer23000: set .@w$,callfunc("F_tt"); mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"Now! The race has begun! Go Go Go!!",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; disablenpc "No_Unfair_Start#"+.@w$+"-1"; disablenpc "No_Unfair_Start#"+.@w$+"-2"; if (strnpcinfo(4) == "turbo_n_1") set $@start_time,gettimetick(0); end; OnTimer30000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"Remember that this is a 15 minute race. After 15 minutes, everyone will be transported out of the race track.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer83000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 14 minutes left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer143000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 13 minutes left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer203000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 12 minutes left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer263000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 11 minutes left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer323000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 10 minutes left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer383000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 9 minutes left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer443000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 8 minutes left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer503000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 7 minutes left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer563000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 6 minutes left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer623000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 5 minutes left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer683000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 4 minutes left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer743000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 3 minutes left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer803000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 2 minutes left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer863000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 1 minute left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer893000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 30 seconds left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer903000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 20 seconds left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer913000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 10 seconds left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer918000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 5 seconds left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer919000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 4 seconds left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer920000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 3 seconds left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer921000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 2 seconds left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer922000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"You have 1 second left.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer923000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"Time's up!",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer925000: mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"The race is over.",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; end; OnTimer927000: set .@w$,callfunc("F_tt"); mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"[Everyone will be transported to a Waiting Room.]",bc_map,"0x33FF66"; mapwarp strnpcinfo(4),"turbo_room",71,89; disablenpc "Broadcast#"+.@w$; donpcevent "Master0#"+.@w$+"::OnDisable"; if (strnpcinfo(4) == "turbo_n_1") { donpcevent "Solo Mode#n1::OnEnable"; } else { donpcevent RName(.@w$)+"::OnEnable"; } enablenpc "No_Unfair_Start#"+.@w$+"-1"; enablenpc "No_Unfair_Start#"+.@w$+"-2"; donpcevent "snake#"+.@w$+"::OnReset"; donpcevent "hunting#"+.@w$+"::OnReset"; disablenpc "bing2#"+.@w$; disablenpc "Winner Helper#TBT_"+.@w$; enablenpc "#cos_"+.@w$+"_end"; enablenpc "Notice_Maker1#TBT_"+.@w$; enablenpc "Notice_Maker3#TBT_"+.@w$; enablenpc "Notice_Maker4#TBT_"+.@w$; enablenpc "Disposable_Switch#"+.@w$; disablenpc "Flasher_Exit_1#"+.@w$; disablenpc "Flasher_Exit_2#"+.@w$; end; OnInit: set .@w$,callfunc("F_tt"); disablenpc "Master0#"+.@w$; end; function RName { .@string$ = getarg(0); .@s = ( getstrlen(.@string$) > 2 ? substr(.@string$,1,2) : charat(.@string$,getstrlen(.@string$)-1) ); set .@rn$,((compare(strnpcinfo(4),"_e_"+.@s))?"Expert mode":"Normal mode")+" - "+.@s+" person"; return .@rn$; } } prontera,155,171,5 script Race event 811,{ mes "[ Race Event ]"; mes "Hello, I'm the Race Event Manager. My record says that the defending champion on this event was "+$PPEDefendingChampion$+". Anyways, what do you want to do?"; mes " "; mes "Scripted by: ^777777TestRO^000000"; next; menu "Join Event Now",PPE_Join,"Nevermind",PPE_nvm; PPE_Join:{ if (gethominfo(2) != "null"){ mes "No homunculus is allowed in this event! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!"; close; } if (getpetinfo(2) != "null"){ mes "No pet is allowed in this event! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!"; close; } if (checkcart()){ mes "[ Race Event ]"; mes "No cart is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!"; close; } if (checkfalcon()){ mes "No falcon is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!"; close; } if (checkriding()){ mes "No riding is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!"; close; } mes "[ Race Event ]"; mes "Good luck "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; mes " "; mes "Scripted by: ^777777TestRO^000000"; close2; warp "turbo_n_1",58,365; end; } PPE_nvm: mes "[ Race Event ]"; mes "Okay. Maybe next time."; mes " "; mes "Scripted by: ^777777TestRO^000000"; close; }
  12. im in a project just like iRO server...im still furnishing it
  13. thanks sir i would try this later after work
  14. Does anyone have a Seek and Crack Event? NPC will spawn in random maps and if you find him/her click the npc and create a pub with random Letters. you need to type the letters to win the event
  15. How to make npc that can exchange MVP pts into Items. you can exchange for items example: 1 VIP Tickets= 20 MVP pts Custom Old Card Album = 10 MVP pts 1 Credits(Zeny) = 1 MVP pts
  16. Hello Sir, any one have a script like this? Every time you kill a MVP monster you will have 1 MVP points and if you kill 50 MVP thats 50 MVP pts. you can exchange MVP pts into NPC.. you can exchange for items example: 1 VIP Tickets= 20 MVP pts Custom Old Card Album = 10 MVP pts 1 Credits(Zeny) = 1 MVP pts Hope someone have this script already.. TIA
  17. ohhh i see i will try some renewal 3rd job class servers
  18. is there a easy way on how to understand renewal servers with 3rd job classes? im came from old style ro so i dont have any idea on renewals if there's a link just leave a message.. TIA
  19. its been there but have errors and not found the map sir
  20. where can i find epay_dun01, egef_dun0, etc? map not found
  21. i dunno if im using the new one the version is v2.6
  22. yes im using that sir...when i diff the client using Nemo the translate client have error saying "Translate Client: Failed in Step 4 - Translate taekwon job" - error
  23. how to run gramps in eden? i want to be like this? choose hunting mission 1st set hunt 100 random mobs 2nd set hunt 200 random mobs 3rd set hunt 300 random mobs and so on but it will have quest delay if you finish the quest you will wait again for 12-24hrs before questing it again //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Eden iRO NPCs //===== By: ================================================== //= -SkittleNugget- //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.4 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Eden scripts custom to iRO (disabled by default). //= You may need iRO's data.grf to view some of the items. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First version. //= 1.1 Edited and added more NPCs, lots of placeholders. [Euphy] //= 1.2 Added VIP NPCs and features. [Euphy] //= 1.3 Added Mail Annex Station scripts, commented out. [Euphy] //= 1.4 Added Merry Badger. [Euphy/-SkittleNugget-] //============================================================ // Acolyte Warper (part of other/acolyte_warp.txt) //============================================================ moc_para01,14,32,5 script Aperture#acolytewarp 90,{ mes "[Aperture]"; mes "Hello there, adventurer."; mes "I've been studying magic from all over Rune-Midgard to upgrade what I believe to be one of the greatest skills available to the acolyte class."; next; if (is_function("VIP_iRO_Acolyte")) callfunc "VIP_iRO_Acolyte","[Aperture]","Prontera"; mes "[Aperture]"; mes "I am the one and only Acolyte that has attained the Level 10 Warp Portal skill!"; emotion e_dots,1; next; mes "[Aperture]"; mes "That's right! And..."; mes "I promise you that I don't forget locations that I have already memorized."; mes "One day I will level up my skills to warp to wherever I please~"; next; mes "[Aperture]"; mes "I am willing to warp you to the many locations that I have memorized for a small fee."; mes "Would you like to use this service?"; next; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: mes "[Aperture]"; mes "Where would you like to go to?"; mes "I wish you goodluck on your journey."; next; setarray .@towns$[0], "Prontera", "Izlude", "Geffen", "Payon", "Morroc", "Alberta", "Al De Baran", "Comodo", "Umbala", "Juno", "Einbroch", "Lighthalzen", "Hugel", "Rachel"; setarray .@cost[0], 600, 600, 1200, 1200, 1200, 1800, 2200, 2200, 2200, 1800, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200; set .@size, getarraysize(.@towns$); for(set .@i,0; .@i<.@size; set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+.@towns$[.@i]+" -> "+.@cost[.@i]+"z:"; set .@i, select(.@menu$+"Cancel")-1; if (.@i == .@size) { mes "[Aperture]"; mes "Come back when you need a warp."; close; } if (Zeny < .@cost[.@i]) { mes "[Aperture]"; mes "I'm sorry, but you don't have"; mes "enough zeny for the Teleport"; mes "Service. The fee to teleport"; mes "to "+.@towns$[.@i]+" is "+.@cost[.@i]+" zeny."; close; } specialeffect2 EF_READYPORTAL; specialeffect2 EF_TELEPORTATION; specialeffect2 EF_PORTAL; next; set Zeny, Zeny - .@cost[.@i]; switch(.@i) { case 0: warp "prontera",116,72; break; case 1: warp "izlude",128,98; break; case 2: warp "geffen",120,39; break; case 3: warp "payon",161,58; break; case 4: warp "morocc",156,46; break; case 5: warp "alberta",117,56; break; case 6: warp "aldebaran",168,112; break; case 7: warp "comodo",209,143; break; case 8: warp "umbala",100,154; break; case 9: warp "yuno",158,125; break; case 10: warp "einbroch",67,195; break; case 11: warp "lighthalzen",159,90; break; case 12: warp "hugel",98,150; break; case 13: warp "rachel",119,135; break; } close; case 2: mes "[Aperture]"; mes "Come back when you need a warp."; close; } } function script VIP_iRO_Acolyte { if (!vip_status(VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE)) { mes getarg(0); mes "But, my full powers are only available to those who have are VIPs."; mes "I can still offer you a warp to "+getarg(1)+" though."; next; switch(select(getarg(0)+" -> 1800z:Cancel")) { case 1: if (Zeny < 1800) { mes getarg(0); mes "I'm sorry, but you don't have"; mes "enough zeny for the Teleport"; mes "Service. The fee to teleport"; mes "to "+getarg(1)+" is 1,800 zeny."; close; } specialeffect2 EF_READYPORTAL; specialeffect2 EF_TELEPORTATION; specialeffect2 EF_PORTAL; next; set Zeny, Zeny - 1800; if (getarg(1) == "Juno") warp "yuno",158,125; else warp "prontera",116,72; close; case 2: close; } } return; } // Primo d'Buffer, VIP stat bonuses //============================================================ moc_para01,26,15,3 script Primo d'Buffer 790,{ mes "[Primo d'Buffer]"; mes "Hello adventurer, you look like you are itching to get out there and save the world!"; if (!vip_status(VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE)) { mes "I can also tell that you haven't been blessed with '^6666ffVIP Status^000000'."; next; mes "[Primo d'Buffer]"; mes "My orders are to help out any Adventurer marked as VIP with special Buffs!"; mes "Currently I will give you ^ff0000+7 to all of your Stats for 30 minutes^000000 if you are VIP."; next; mes "[Primo d'Buffer]"; mes "If you would like to be VIP, you can use WarpPortal to ^FF8C42Power-UP^000000 your game account with VIP Status. Of course there are many other advantages to being VIP, like higher EXP and Drop Rates, more Storage, and special buff NPCs like me!"; mes "Happy Journeys!"; close; } mes "I can also tell that you have been blessed with '^007FFFVIP Status^000000'."; next; mes "[Primo d'Buffer]"; mes "That is awesome!"; mes "Here is +7 to all your stats for 30 minutes to help you on your journey. Just come back when you need to refill your stats!"; close2; sc_start SC_FOOD_STR_CASH,1200000,7; sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI_CASH,1200000,7; sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT_CASH,1200000,7; sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX_CASH,1200000,7; sc_start SC_FOOD_INT_CASH,1200000,7; sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK_CASH,1200000,7; end; } // Clearchus, VIP mercenary rentals //============================================================ moc_para01,53,30,3 script Clearchus 470,{ if (checkquest(62238,PLAYTIME) > -1 && checkquest(62238,PLAYTIME) < 2) { mes "You must wait for the timer to finish before you can hire a new mercenary."; close; } mes "[Clearchus]"; mes "Greetings young adventurer! I represent the Midgardian Mercenary Mission."; next; mes "[Clearchus]"; mes "We provide training to aspiring mercenaries by pairing them with adventurers such as yourself."; next; mes "[Clearchus]"; mes "Our organization is 10,000 strong! Now let me see if you are registered for this service."; next; if (!vip_status(VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE)) { mes "[Clearchus]"; mes "Unfortunately it appears that you are not VIP, please get VIP so that you can use this service. You can get a temporary VIP access by talking to Gramps at the Eden Group Headquarters."; next; mes "[Clearchus]"; mes "Vip is a very useful tool for adventurers to have, giving access to extra Kafra Services, discounted warps, exclusive content, and use of Primo d'Buffer. If an adventurer has full vip they even get an Exp, Drops, and storage boost!"; close; } mes "[Clearchus]"; mes "Your name is on the list."; next; mes "[Clearchus]"; mes "What kind of skill set are you looking for in a mercenary?"; next; switch(select("Swordsman:Archer:Lancer")) { case 1: set .@base_id,12163; //SwordMercenary_Scroll break; case 2: set .@base_id,12153; //Bow_Mercenary_Scroll break; case 3: set .@base_id,12173; //SpearMercenary_Scroll break; } if (BaseLevel < 11) set .@i,0; else if (BaseLevel < 21) set .@i,1; else if (BaseLevel < 31) set .@i,2; else if (BaseLevel < 41) set .@i,3; else if (BaseLevel < 51) set .@i,4; else if (BaseLevel < 61) set .@i,5; else if (BaseLevel < 71) set .@i,6; else if (BaseLevel < 81) set .@i,7; else if (BaseLevel < 91) set .@i,8; else set .@i,9; mes "[Clearchus]"; mes "I have just the mercenary in mind!"; next; mes "[Clearchus]"; mes "Have fun now, ya hear?"; getitem .@base_id + .@i,1; if (isbegin_quest(62238) > 0) erasequest 62238; setquest 62238; close; } // Carrot & Red Potion Traders //============================================================ moc_para01,166,51,3 script Phelix#edco 85,{ mes "[Phelix]"; mes "Oh... I see from that look that you want me to work and give you Meat and Carrots..."; mes "Well my friend Izaac here has some Red Potions with him, but I only have some Carrots."; mes "So I can trade you ^0000CC1 Carrot for 3 Jellopy^000000."; next; mes "[Phelix]"; mes "If you're interested in my offer, get me the Jellopies I mentioned."; next; select("Carrots please."); mes "[Phelix]"; mes "Alright, let's see what ya got..."; next; if (countitem(909) < 3) { mes "[Phelix]"; mes "Hmm, look dude, I said 3 Jellopies for 1 Carrot... got it?"; close; } mes "[Phelix]"; mes "Not too bad..."; mes "How many do you want?"; next; switch(select("As many as I can get, please.:I want to choose.:Never mind, I like my Jellopy.")) { case 1: set .@amount, countitem(909) / 3; break; case 2: set .@available, countitem(909) / 3; mes "[Phelix]"; mes "How many do you want?"; mes "^ff0000You have enough for up to " + .@available + " Carrots.^000000"; input .@input; next; if (.@input < 1 || .@input > 10000) { mes "[Phelix]"; mes "Don't want to deal? Fair enough..."; close; } if (.@input > .@available) { mes "[Phelix]"; mes "Dude, I said for every 3 Jellopy I'll give you 1 Carrot."; close; } set .@amount, .@input; break; case 3: mes "[Phelix]"; mes "Don't bother me if you don't want to trade."; close; } if (checkweight(515,.@amount) == 0) { mes "[Phelix]"; mes "You are overweight."; close; } mes "[Phelix]"; mes "There you go~! As I promised."; mes "Try not to stuff yer face."; delitem 909,.@amount*3; //Jellopy getitem 515,.@amount; //Carrot end; } moc_para01,163,51,7 script Izaac#edco 86,{ mes "[Izaac]"; mes "Good day!"; mes "Have you collected any weird stuff from monsters?"; mes "I want things like Jellopy, Fluff, Shell, Feather of Birds, Tree Root, Worm Peelings, and Chrysalis."; mes "I need those for something."; next; mes "[Izaac]"; mes "Of course, I won't ask you to give me that stuff for free. What if I traded the following for ^CC00001 Red Potion^000000:"; mes "^00CC005 Shell^000000"; mes "^0000CC10 Fluff^000000"; mes "^00CC0010 Jellopy^000000"; mes "^0000CC6 Tree Root^000000"; mes "^00CC001 Worm Peeling^000000"; mes "^0000CC7 Feather of Birds^000000"; mes "^00CC006 Chrysalis^000000"; next; switch(select("Sure!:I think it's a rip-off!:No, thanks.")) { case 1: mes "[Izaac]"; mes "So which items do"; mes "you want to bring me?"; next; setarray .@items[0], 935, 914, 909, 902, 955, 916, 915; setarray .@count[0], 5, 10, 10, 6, 1, 7, 6; set .@size, getarraysize(.@items); for(set .@i,0; .@i<.@size; set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+getitemname(.@items[.@i])+":"; set .@select, select(.@menu$+"Cancel")-1; if (.@select == .@size) { mes "[Izaac]"; mes "Sure~"; mes "No problem."; close; } set .@item, .@items[.@select]; set .@item$, getitemname(.@item); set .@price, .@count[.@select]; if (countitem(.@item) < .@price) { mes "[Izaac]"; mes "Hey, where's all"; mes "that "+.@item$+" that"; mes "you promised me?"; mes "Give me "+.@item$+"!"; close; } mes "[Izaac]"; mes "Okay, let me check"; mes "how much "+.@item$; mes "you have on you."; mes "Hmm..."; next; set .@amount, countitem(.@item) / .@price; set .@trade_amount, .@amount * .@price; mes "[Izaac]"; mes "You have"; mes "a total of "+countitem(.@item)+" "+.@item$+"..."; mes "For all those, I can give you"; mes "a total of "+.@amount+" Red Potion(s)."; next; mes "[Izaac]"; mes "What do you say?"; mes "Do we have a deal?"; next; if(select("Deal.:No deal.") == 2) { mes "[Izaac]"; mes "Huh~"; mes "Alright."; mes "Though are"; mes .@item$ + " more useful"; mes "to an adventurer like you?"; close; } if (checkweight(501,.@amount) == 0) { //custom check mes "[Izaac]"; mes "You are overweight."; close; } delitem .@item,.@trade_amount; getitem 501,.@amount; //Red_Potion mes "[Izaac]"; mes "There you go!"; mes "Check how many "+.@item$; mes "I've given you, it should be good."; mes "Thanks, that was a good deal~"; close; case 2: mes "[Izaac]"; mes "A rip-off...?"; mes "If you check the market value"; mes "of the items being traded, I'm actually the one getting"; mes "ripped off here."; close; case 3: mes "[Izaac]"; mes "Alright, No problem."; mes "But come back to me if you change your mind."; close; } } // Safe to 7 Certificate Exchanger //============================================================ moc_para01,50,39,4 script Eve Natalia 882,{ mes "[Eve Natalia]"; mes "So I'm in town for a while to see if I can strike up some commerce with MVP hunters!"; mes "I'm willing to take some MVP gear and give you these upgrade Certificates I have in exchange;"; mes "if things go well enough I'll open up further business opportunities!"; next; mes "[Eve Natalia]"; mes "So do you have any of the gears I'm looking for to get some random Safe to 7 Certificates?"; next; switch(select("What gear?:Yes I am!:Never mind.")) { case 1: mes "[Eve Natalia]"; mes "Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb 4 Random Safe to 7 Certificates"; mes "Valkyrja's Shield 4 Random Safe to 7 Certificates"; mes "Valkyrian Armor 5 Random Safe to 7 Certificates"; mes "Diabolus Robe 5 Random Safe to 7 Certificates"; mes "Diabolus Armor 2 Random Safe to 7 Certificates"; mes "Diabolus Boots 2 Random Safe to 7 Certificates"; mes "Diabolus Manteau 4 Random Safe to 7 Certificates"; mes "Twin Edge of Naght Sieger Blue 2 Random Safe to 7 Certificates"; mes "Twin Edge of Naght Sieger Red 2 Random Safe to 7 Certificates"; close; case 2: mes "[Eve Natalia]"; mes "I'm going to ask you which piece of gear you want to trade in, please verify that the 1st one in your inventory is one you want to give up."; mes "^CC0000So if it is carded, upgraded, enchanted etc, you should put it in storage before we continue.^000000"; next; set .@i, select("Wait a minute:Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb 4:Valkyrja's Shield 4:Valkyrian Armor 5:Diabolus Robe 5:Diabolus Armor 2:Diabolus Boots 2:Diabolus Manteau 4:Twin Edge of Naght Sieger Blue 2:Twin Edge of Naght Sieger Red 2")-2; if (.@i == -1) break; setarray .@items[0], 2554, 2115, 2357, 2374, 2375, 2433, 2537, 13412, 13413; setarray .@tickets[0], 4, 4, 5, 5, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2; set .@item, .@items[.@i]; set .@amount, .@tickets[.@i]; mes "[Eve Natalia]"; mes "I see you have "+countitem(.@item)+" "+getitemname(.@item)+"."; mes "So do you want to trade the 1st one in your inventory for ^00CC00"+.@amount+" Random Safe to 7 Certificates^000000?"; mes "Tell me '1' if you do, or '0' to cancel."; next; input .@input; if (.@input < 0 || .@input > 1) { mes "[Eve Natalia]"; mes "It is a 0 or 1, it can't be that difficult."; close; } else if (.@input == 0) { mes "[Eve Natalia]"; mes "It's best to be sure before trading, have a good day."; close; } if (countitem(.@item) == 0) { mes "[Eve Natalia]"; mes "You don't even have 1... stop wasting my time."; close; } mes "[Eve Natalia]"; mes "Oh perfect, you get ^CC0000" + .@amount + "^000000 Safe to 7 Certificates!"; delitem .@item,1; for(set .@i,0; .@i<.@amount; set .@i,.@i+1) { // Note: iRO lists item 6235 as "Safe to 7 Headgear Certificate", but it's Guarantee_Armor_6Up in our database. if (rand(2)) getitem 6230,1; //Guarantee_Weapon_7Up else getitem 6234,1; //Guarantee_Armor_7Up } close; case 3: break; } mes "[Eve Natalia]"; mes "Fair enough, if you have business with me in the future don't be shy!"; close; } // Bubble Gum & Battle Manual Exchanger //============================================================ moc_para01,48,184,2 script Gum & Manual Exchanger 562,{ if (checkweight(1201,1) == 0 || MaxWeight - Weight < 2000) { mes "You're carrying too many items right now."; close; } mes "[Trader Machine]"; mes "Insert Bubble Gums and/or Battle Manuals to trade for higher efficiency Gums and Manuals."; next; mes "[Trader Machine]"; mes "Exchange rate:"; mes "2 Bubble Gum -> 1 HE Bubble Gum"; mes "2 Battle Manual -> 1 HE Battle Manual"; mes "4 HE Battle Manual -> 1 Battle Manual X3"; mes "3 Thick Battle Manual -> 2 Battle Manual X3"; mes "What would you like to exchange for?"; next; switch(select("HE Bubble Gum:HE Battle Manual:1 Battle Manual X3:2 Battle Manual X3:1 Costume Corsair:Nothing")) { case 1: callsub L_Exchange,12210,2,12412,1; break; case 2: callsub L_Exchange,12208,2,12411,1; break; case 3: callsub L_Exchange,12411,4,14545,1; break; case 4: callsub L_Exchange,12312,3,14545,2; break; case 5: mes "[Trader Machine]"; mes "I can give you 1 Battle Manual X3 for 1 Costume Corsair."; next; if (countitem(19619) == 0) { mes "[Trader Machine]"; mes "You don't have a Costume Corsair hat to make that trade."; close; } next; if(select("Yes, give it to me!:No, wait not yet.") == 2) close; // Unofficial dialogue. mes "[Trader Machine]"; mes "You place the required items into the machine..."; next; mes "[Trader Machine]"; mes "The Machine has given you an item in return!"; delitem 19619,1; //C_Corsair getitem 14545,1; //Battle_Manual_X3 close; case 6: close; } //callsub L_Exchange,<Insert Item>,<Amount>,<Return Item>,<Amount> L_Exchange: mes "[Trader Machine]"; mes "How many "+getitemname(getarg(2))+" do you want?"; mes "I can give you up to 60."; mes "Type 0 to cancel."; next; input .@amount; if (.@amount == 0) { mes "[Trader Machine]"; mes "Cancelled."; close; } else if (.@amount < 0 || .@amount > 60) { mes "[Trader Machine]"; mes "I said only 60 max."; close; } mes "[Trader Machine]"; mes "That's a total of "+.@amount+" "+getitemname(getarg(2))+"."; mes "Is this correct?"; next; if(select("Yes, give them to me!:No, wait not yet.") == 2) close; set .@cost, getarg(1) * .@amount; set .@total_amount, getarg(3) * .@amount; if (countitem(getarg(0)) < .@cost) { mes "[Trader Machine]"; mes "You don't have enough "+getitemname(getarg(0))+" to make that trade."; close; } delitem getarg(0),.@cost; getitem getarg(2),.@total_amount; close; } // Merry Badger //============================================================ moc_para01,13,22,4 script Merry Badger#xch 882,{ mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "Hello there! I'm Merry Badger and I was hired to exchange the ^00CC00Eden Merit Badges^000000!"; next; mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "I can take your Merit Badges and give you some useful stuff, or I can take some of your stuff and give you some Eden Merit Badges."; mes "As I get more authorization I can offer more things to trade with you, so definitely keep me in mind when visiting the Eden Group."; next; switch(select("Redeem Badges:Trade in FOR badges:Exchange Rates:15 Job Manuals - 1 JM Box")) { case 1: while(1) { mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "Sure thing, I have several options currently for your badges!"; next; switch(select("This week's Special:2 EMB for 10 KVM Badge:2 EMB for 10 Bravery Medals:2 EMB for 10 Valor Medals:5 EMB for 5 Medium Life Potion:5 EMB for 5 Life Insurance:5 EMB for 5 Token of Siegfried:7 EMB for 1 Job Battle Manual:8 EMB for 1 Reset Stone:Nothing Now")){ case 1: if (countitem(6495) < 3) { mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "You don't have enough ^00CC00Eden Merit Badges^000000. Let's start over!"; break; } mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "Ok, I have a special for 3 Merit Badges. This week I'll give you ^00CC0040 Light Granule^000000, ^0066CC40 Gun Powder^000000, ^00CC003 Izidor^000000, ^0066CC10 Prickly Fruit^000000, ^00CC001 Mandragora Flowerpot^000000, and ^0066CC3 Elder Branch^000000."; next; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: delitem 6495,3; //Para_Logro_Badge getitem 7938,40; //Light_Granule getitem 6244,40; //Gun_Power getitem 709,3; //Izidor getitem 576,10; //Prickly_Fruit getitem 6217,1; //Mandragora_Flowerpot getitem 7939,3; //Elder_Branch mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "There you go! What else would you like?"; break; case 2: mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "I understand, let's see if you'd like something different!"; break; } break; case 2: callsub L_Exchange,2,6376,10; //KVM_Badge break; case 3: callsub L_Exchange,2,7828,10; //BF_Badge1 break; case 4: callsub L_Exchange,2,7829,10; //BF_Badge2 break; case 5: callsub L_Exchange,5,14535,5; //Med_Life_Potion break; case 6: callsub L_Exchange,5,12209,5; //Insurance break; case 7: callsub L_Exchange,5,7621,5; //Token_Of_Siegfried break; case 8: callsub L_Exchange,7,14592,1; //Job_Manual50 break; case 9: callsub L_Exchange,8,6320,1; //Premium_Reset_Stone break; case 10: mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "Wonderful!"; mes "I'll be here if you ever want to exchange for Eden Merit Badges!"; close; } next; } case 2: mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "I have a limited selection as of right now, but here is what I can offer to get 1 Eden Merit Badge!"; next; switch(select("Etc Items:Cancel")) { case 1: while(1) { switch(select("5x Old Purple Box:Nothing")) { case 1: mes "[Merry Badger]"; if (countitem(617) < 5) mes "You don't have enough of that to get 1 Eden Merit Badge. Lets start over!"; else { mes "Wonderful, what else do you want?"; //custom dialogue delitem 617,5; //Old_Violet_Box getitem 6495,1; //Para_Logro_Badge } break; case 2: mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "Wonderful!"; mes "I'll be here if you ever want to exchange for Eden Merit Badges!"; close; } next; } case 2: mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "Well that is OK, if you want to see what I offer just ask!"; close; } case 3: mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "This is what I'll give you for your ^00CC00Eden Merit Badges^000000!"; mes "Ok, I have a special for 3 Merit Badges. This week I'll give you ^00CC0040 Light Granule^000000, ^0066CC40 Gun Powder^000000, ^00CC003 Izidor^000000, ^0066CC10 Prickly Fruit^000000, ^00CC001 Mandragora Flowerpot^000000, and ^0066CC3 Elder Branch^000000."; mes "^00CC002 Eden Merit Badges^000000 = ^0066CC10x KVM Badge^000000"; mes "^00CC002 Eden Merit Badges^000000 = ^0066CC10x Bravery Medals^000000"; mes "^00CC002 Eden Merit Badges^000000 = ^0066CC10x Valor Medals^000000"; mes "^00CC005 Eden Merit Badges^000000 = ^0066CC5x Medium Life Potion^000000"; mes "^00CC005 Eden Merit Badges^000000 = ^0066CC5x Life Insurance^000000"; mes "^00CC005 Eden Merit Badges^000000 = ^0066CC5x Token Of Siegfried^000000"; mes "^00CC007 Eden Merit Badges^000000 = ^0066CC1x Job Battle Manual^000000"; mes "^00CC008 Eden Merit Badges^000000 = ^0066CC1x Reset Stone^000000"; next; mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "This is what you can give me to get ^00CC001 Eden Merit Badge^000000!"; mes "^0066CC5x Old Purple Box^000000"; close; case 4: mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "I was strong armed into giving this, but you are worth it!"; mes "Do you want to exchange 15 Job Manuals to get 1 Tradable box of 10 Job Manuals?"; mes "I know 15 does not equal 10, but boxes are expensive you know."; next; if (countitem(14592) < 15) { mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "You don't have 15 or more Job Manuals to get 1 Box!"; close; } //custom dialogue below switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "Wonderful, what else do you want?"; delitem 14592,15; //Job_Manual50 getitem 13990,1; //Job_Manual50_Box close; case 2: mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "Wonderful!"; mes "I'll be here if you ever want to exchange for Eden Merit Badges!"; close; } } end; //callsub L_Exchange,<badge cost>,<item id>,<amount>; L_Exchange: if (countitem(6495) < getarg(0)) { mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "You don't have enough ^00CC00Eden Merit Badges^000000. Let's start over!"; return; } mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes sprintf("Ok, I can give you ^ff0000%s^000000 for ^0066CC%d of your Eden Merit Badge(s)^000000.", callfunc("F_InsertPlural",getarg(2),getitemname(getarg(1))), getarg(0)); mes "Do you want to?"; next; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "There you go! What else would you like?"; delitem 6495, getarg(0); //Para_Logro_Badge getitem getarg(1),getarg(2); break; case 2: mes "[Merry Badger]"; mes "I understand, let's see if you'd like something different!"; break; } return; } // Kafra Stacker //============================================================ moc_para01,41,169,2 script Kafra Stacker#eden 749,{ if (checkweight(1201,1) == 0 || MaxWeight - Weight < 2000) { mes "- Wait a moment! -"; mes "- Currently you're carrying -"; mes "- too much weight in items. -"; mes "- Please come back later -"; mes "- after you put some into Kafra storage. -"; close; } mes "[Toma]"; mes "I can take your non-stacking Kafra Consumables"; mes "and make them fit neatly into stacks!"; next; mes "[Toma]"; mes "Please understand that I can"; mes "only stack 10 groups at a time"; mes "so keep talking to me until"; mes "you have 1 stack of each!"; next; while(1) { if(select("Do it!:Never mind.") == 2) break; // Something strange goes on here, haven't quite figured it out... mes "[Toma]"; mes "Ten stack down!"; mes "Want to do another?"; next; } mes "[Toma]"; mes "Ok then, laterz."; close; } // Code Redeemer //============================================================ moc_para01,38,162,2 script Code the Redeemer#Give1 405,{ if (checkweight(1201,1) == 0 || MaxWeight - Weight < 2000) { mes "^0000ffHold it right there!"; mes "You're carrying too many items and don't have enough inventory space to receive any rewards. Please make more inventory space available and come back to take this challenge.^000000"; close; } mes "[Code the Redeemer]"; mes "Welcome, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "I've been expecting you."; next; mes "[Code the Redeemer]"; mes "I am a distributor of all the"; mes "items that adventurers like"; mes "yourself purchase on websites"; mes "or receive as promotions."; next; mes "[Code the Redeemer]"; mes "^0000FFIf the list is empty,"; mes "that means that you have"; mes "not purchased, or inputted"; mes "your serial code from the purchasing website.^000000"; next; // If you have a code redemption system, write your SQL queries here. select(""); close; } // Cash Shops //============================================================ /* Due to the irregularity of iRO's databases, some of these sprites may not display properly. */ moc_para01,32,171,6 cashshop Kafra Headgears#eden1 115,14024:500,14098:150,17081:300,14097:500,14094:1000,14017:400,14099:300 moc_para01,35,174,2 cashshop Kafra Dye Shop#dyes2 114,6287:150 moc_para01,37,170,2 cashshop Kafra Consumables#eden3 112,13810:5,14167:400,16556:100,14111:75,14075:25,16419:30,14107:70,14104:50,14112:25,14082:30,14091:60,14088:30,14085:60,14169:40,14170:40,14172:40,14173:40,14171:40,14174:40,14159:100,14160:100,14161:100,14162:100,14163:100:14164:100,16420:1500 moc_para01,32,174,2 cashshop Kafra Rental Items#eden 721,16683:150,16682:50,14126:250,14125:250,16430:250,14137:250,14127:250,14118:250,14119:250,14132:250,16425:250,14124:250,14133:250,14130:250,16424:250,14136:250,14122:250,16426:250,14135:250,14134:250,14138:250,16428:250,16431:250,14139:250,14131:250,16429:250,16427:250 moc_para01,37,172,2 cashshop Kafra Costume#eden5 860,16974:300,16972:600,16973:150,16975:150,16977:150,17014:150,17015:150 moc_para01,35,168,1 cashshop Kafra Utility Shop#eden 113,16677:25,13990:400,16396:100,16394:100,17106:500,6241:10,6240:10,6225:15,6226:15,14002:5,6294:500,7776:50,7619:30,7620:30,12208:40,14156:400,12210:40,14158:400,14042:50,14044:50,14046:50,14048:50,14114:50,14166:40,16418:500,16381:400,14165:100,14157:100,14178:100 // Duplicate NPCs //============================================================ /* Technically these NPC names are different, but it's not worth editing the original scripts. */ // Weapon/Armor Refiner "Normalson" (merchants/refine.txt) moc_para01,14,185,4 script Normalson#ed 826,{ callfunc "refinemain","Normalson",0; end; } // Advanced Refiner "Suhnmi" (merchants/advanced_refiner.txt) moc_para01,26,185,4 duplicate(Suhnbi#cash) Suhnmi#eden 85 // HD Refiner "Blacksmith Mighty Hammer" (re/merchants/hd_refiner.txt) // A combination of the +7~9 and +10 and up refiner, currently a placeholder. moc_para01,38,185,4 duplicate(MightyHammer) Mighty Hammer#ed 826 // Refiner Effect - script #eden_refine_effect -1,{ OnInit: initnpctimer; end; OnTimer5000: specialeffect EF_REFINEOK,AREA,"Suhnmi#eden"; specialeffect EF_REFINEOK,AREA,"Mighty Hammer#ed"; initnpctimer; end; } // Gym Pass Trainer "Ripped Cabus" (other/gympass) moc_para01,33,162,6 duplicate(Ripped Cabus#GymPass) Ripped Callus#ed 899 // RWC 2012 Enchanter "Goldenthiefberg" (events/RWC_2012.txt) // A combination of the slotter and enchanter, currently a placeholder. moc_para01,27,179,4 script RWC Enchanter#new10 87,{ end; } // Cash Headgear Dyer "Alora" (merchants/cashheadgear_dye.txt) // Also converts some +8 and up headgears into costumes, currently a placeholder. moc_para01,21,185,4 duplicate(Alora) Alora#headgear_dye2 862 // Stylist "Dinorah Lacostt" (?) // Dyes clothing for an Omni Clothing Dye, currently a placeholder. moc_para01,33,185,4 script Dinorah Lacostt#ed 862,{ end; } // Commonly Updated NPCs //============================================================ /* These scripts change on a regular basis, so they're mostly just placeholders for now. */ moc_para01,29,35,4 script Gramps#huntquests 866,{ mes "[Gramps]"; mes "When you get to being my"; mes "age, you become bitter."; mes "Too long I've done nothing about the monsters that roam around"; mes "Rune Midgard."; next; mes "[Gramps]"; mes "That's why I'm asking you wippersnappers to help"; mes "me hunt some monsters."; mes "Will you help me, young adventurer?"; //close; next; switch(select("Yes, I'll help.:Reward Me!:^ff0000I want to quit hunting^000000:^0000ffCan you warp me?^000000:Can you erase the timer?:What missions are you giving?:Give me Limited 3 day VIP:Tell me more about the VIP Access:No thanks, pops.")){ } } moc_para01,174,33,3 script Bathory#2012spirits 1102,{ mes "[Bathory]"; mes "Eheeheeheehee! The spotlight is on Glast Heim this week, so I'm ferrying people there for a mere 1,000z!"; next; mes "[Bathory]"; mes "How about it? Want to take a ride on a beautiful Bathory's broom?"; next; switch(select("Prepare for Takeoff!:No thanks.")) { case 1: if (Zeny < 1000) { mes "[Bathory]"; mes "Come on dearie..."; mes "You don't even have 1,000 zeny?"; close; } mes "[Bathory]"; mes "Alright, hold on tight!"; close2; set Zeny, Zeny-1000; warp "niflheim",194,185; end; case 2: mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "No thanks, maybe later."; close; } } moc_para01,26,174,4 script Grandma Boxter#boxx 840,{ end; } // Mail Annex Station //============================================================ /* Map "auction_03" is a duplicate of "auction_02". moc_para01,30,187,4 script Mail Annex Station 888,{ mes "[Mail Annex Station]"; mes "Would you like to go to the Kafra Mail Annex Station?"; next; switch(select("Yes, send me now!:No thanks.")) { case 1: mes "[Mail Annex Station]"; mes "Sending you to the Mail Annex Room."; close2; warp "auction_03",151,23; end; case 2: mes "[Mail Annex Station]"; mes "Ok then!"; close; } } auction_03,152,16,0 warp #mail_annex_warp 1,1,moc_para01,30,184 auction_03,152,42,4 script Kafra Employee#annex 117,{ mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "Welcome to the Kafra's Mail Annex Station. This is now the only place to send and retrieve mail."; next; mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; switch(select("Access Mail:Storage:Cancel")) { case 1: if (Zeny < 130) { mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "I am sorry, but you do not have enough money."; mes "To use the mailbox service,"; mes "you are required to pay 130 zeny."; close; } mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "Thank you for using the Kafra Service."; set Zeny, Zeny - 130; close2; openmail; end; case 2: callfunc "F_KafStor",0,1200,0; end; case 3: mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "Thank you for using the Kafra Service."; close; } } auction_03,145,47,2 shop Tool Dealer#annex 83,611:-1,501:-1,502:-1,503:-1,506:-1,504:-1,645:-1,656:-1,657:-1,601:-1,602:-1,1065:-1,911:-1,910:-1,717:-1,1092:-1,1093:-1,713:400 */
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