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Everything posted by skymia

  1. is this script have afk hat? if yes how to remove it thanks
  2. Can anyone update for working @afk script bcoz the old script wont work anymore
  3. i will try this later thanks sir
  4. How to recreate this for only common cards to be announce? - script MVP_CARD_ANNOUNCER -1,{ OnInit: setarray( .@mvpIdList, 1871, 1874, 1719, 1492, 1147, 1688, 1583, 1623, 1389, 1046, 1087, 1190, 1272, 1115, 1418, 1779, 1157, 1685, 1734, 1658, 1647, 1649, 1651, 1646, 1650, 1648, 1630, 1059, 1159, 1038, 1511, 1373, 1751, 1150, 1039, 1086, 1785, 1768, 1832, 1112, 1312, 1251, 1252 ); setarray( .mvpCardIds, 4441, 4145, 4386, 4263, 4146, 4376, 4302, 4342, 4134, 4142, 4143, 4135, 4168, 4123, 4330, 4419, 4148, 4374, 4403, 4352, 4359, 4363, 4365, 4357, 4367, 4361, 4372, 4132, 4121, 4144, 4236, 4276, 4407, 4131, 4147, 4128, 4425, 4408, 4430, 4137, 4305, 4318, 4324 ); // Rate : 1 = 0.01% / 1000 = 10% / 10000 = 100% setarray( .mvpCardRates, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300 ); for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .@mobIdList ); .@i++ ) { .mvpIds[ .@mvpIdList[ .@i ] ] = .@i; delmonsterdrop( .@mvpIdList[ .@i ], .mvpCardIds[ .@i ] ); } end; OnNPCKillEvent: .@mvpIndex = .mvpIds[ killedrid ]; if( !.@mvpIndex ) end; if( rand( 10000 ) <= .mvpCardRates[ .@mvpIndex ] ){ getitem( .mvpCardIds[ .@mvpIndex ], 1 ); announce( "[ " + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + " ] just got a " + getitemname( .mvpCardIds[.@mvpIndex] ), bc_all ); } end; }
  5. How to set the reward with random item? Rare item: costume 1,costume 2,costume 3, etc.... with a 30% chance Normal item: costume 1,costume 2,costume 3, etc.... with a 70% chance
  6. How to set the reward with random item? Rare item: costume 1,costume 2,costume 3, etc.... with a 30% chance Normal item: costume 1,costume 2,costume 3, etc.... with a 70% chance
  7. how to make 8am will appear the buffer npc and it will announce if will appear and 3mins before it will disappear again and next appear will 1pm and next will 6pm again sorry if i cant explain so clearly hope someone can understand what i want in this script hehehe
  8. On 6/7/2016 at 1:50 PM, hikashin-rae said: Your welcome here already done . you can choose now and please just set up what ever you want to reward if you want to change just change this script if you want to change reward Reward < amount > getitem 7227,5 Here's the code you request i hope you enjoy it prontera,163,173,4 script GM Helper 980,{ if( getgmlevel() < 80 ) { mes "You are not a GM with level 80 or higher, GTFO!"; close; } set .@Gm$,"[GM Helper]"; digit: mes "Hello GM "+strcharinfo(0)+", what do you wish to do?"; next; switch( select ("Set a winner","Exit")) { case 1: mes .@Gm$; mes "Enter char name"; next; while(!.@id) { input .@name$; mes "[GM Helper]"; set .@id,getcharid(3,.@name$); if(!.@id) { mes "Character not online. Please try again"; next; continue; } } mes "["+.@name$+"] is correct?"; if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) close; next; mes "Select your prize you want to give, Tcg or Coins"; //Selection if TCG Or Coins if( select ("Tcg:Coins") == 1 ) { //Selected Option 1 if( isloggedin(getcharid(3,.@name$))) getitem 7227,5,getcharid(3,.@name$); mes "Given reward to " + .@name$; announce "GM " + strcharinfo(0) + " rewarded "+.@name$ + " for the winner of the event and has gotten 5 event TCG as a reward!",bc_all; }else{ //Selected Option 2 if( isloggedin(getcharid(3,.@name$))) getitem 7720,5,getcharid(3,.@name$); mes "Given reward to " + .@name$; announce "GM " + strcharinfo(0) + " rewarded " + .@name$ + " for the winner of the event and has gotten 5 event Coins as a reward!",bc_all; } close; break; case 2: mes .@Gm$; mes "Nothing to do."; close; break; } } how to change this script? i want is Gm will type the reward id in game if( isloggedin(getcharid(3,.@name$))) getitem 7720,5,getcharid(3,.@name$);
  9. i have no error in server but when i try to create account using _M/_F it will always says Disconnect from server...can anyone help me with this? i try to use 2015-11-04 client it works fine...but i want to use newer clients for renewal purposes...thanks in advance
  10. Sinu nkakaalam gawin ung darkro na server or meron kau kilala or sitena ngooffer gwin ung gnung server?
  11. Anyone have npc like this? Npc will give reward if he completes 10hrs of playing if he or she logout and login again it will continue the time he/she earns and if its completed and recieve the item the this will reset to zero and earn 10hrs again...hope someone have this type of script already thanks in advance
  12. in the latest data folder there are no sprite folder https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishRE/tree/master/Ragnarok/data
  13. why some official items dont have image in game and it will have error if i click them? and why they remove the sprite folder, collection folder and items in latest data folder?
  14. why in the new ROenglishdata there's no sprite folders now? if i add custom items do i need to make folders like the old sprite folders?
  15. but how about the coordinates of the npc's? some are in the waters even the warper
  16. how did you fix this error? why my system folder dont have font folder? https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishRE i download this latest ROenglishRE folder
  17. how did you fix this error? why my system folder dont have font folder? https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishRE i download this latest ROenglishRE folder
  18. how to fix this warnings? //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Stats Seller //===== By: ================================================== //= DeadChild //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Any eAthena Version //===== Description: ========================================= //= Stats Seller //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Have fun with it ^^ //============================================================ prontera,166,201,0 script STP/SKP Seller 86,{ set @price, 476000; mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Hi, I'm the STP/SKP Seller"; mes "It cost 476,000z each point"; mes "which one you wanna buy?"; next; menu "Status Point",ST,"Skill Point",SK,"No thanks I'm fine",EXIT; ST: mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "What do you want to buy?"; next; menu "Str",STR,"Agi",AGI,"Vit",VIT,"Int",INT,"Dex",DEX,"Luk",LUK; SK: mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "So how many?"; input @quantity; next; if (@quantity == 0) goto WT; if (zeny < (@quantity * @price)) goto NZ; mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Done"; set zeny, zeny - (@quantity * @price); set SkillPoint, SkillPoint + @quantity; close; STR: mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Hold on..."; next; mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "So how many?"; input @quantity; next; if (@quantity == 0) goto WT; if (@quantity > 999) goto TM; if (zeny < (@quantity * @price)) goto NZ; set zeny, zeny - (@quantity * @price); statusup2 bStr,@quantity; getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0,""+strcharinfo(0)+""); mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Done"; next; warp ""+@mapname$+"",""+@mapx+"",""+@mapy+""; close; AGI: mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Hold on..."; next; mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "So how many?"; input @quantity; next; if (@quantity == 0) goto WT; if (@quantity > 999) goto TM; if (zeny < (@quantity * @price)) goto NZ; set zeny, zeny - (@quantity * @price); statusup2 bAgi,@quantity; getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0,""+strcharinfo(0)+""); mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Done"; next; warp ""+@mapname$+"",""+@mapx+"",""+@mapy+""; close; VIT: mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Hold on..."; next; mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "So how many?"; input @quantity; next; if (@quantity == 0) goto WT; if (@quantity > 999) goto TM; if (zeny < (@quantity * @price)) goto NZ; set zeny, zeny - (@quantity * @price); statusup2 bVit,@quantity; getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0,""+strcharinfo(0)+""); mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Done"; next; warp ""+@mapname$+"",""+@mapx+"",""+@mapy+""; close; INT: mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Hold on..."; next; mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "So how many?"; input @quantity; next; if (@quantity == 0) goto WT; if (@quantity > 999) goto TM; if (zeny < (@quantity * @price)) goto NZ; set zeny, zeny - (@quantity * @price); statusup2 bInt,@quantity; getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0,""+strcharinfo(0)+""); mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Done"; next; warp ""+@mapname$+"",""+@mapx+"",""+@mapy+""; close; DEX: mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Hold on..."; next; mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "So how many?"; input @quantity; next; if (@quantity == 0) goto WT; if (@quantity > 999) goto TM; if (zeny < (@quantity * @price)) goto NZ; set zeny, zeny - (@quantity * @price); statusup2 bDex,@quantity; getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0,""+strcharinfo(0)+""); mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Done"; next; warp ""+@mapname$+"",""+@mapx+"",""+@mapy+""; close; LUK: mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Hold on..."; next; mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "So how many?"; input @quantity; next; if (@quantity == 0) goto WT; if (@quantity > 999) goto TM; if (zeny < (@quantity * @price)) goto NZ; set zeny, zeny - (@quantity * @price); statusup2 bLuk,@quantity; getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0,""+strcharinfo(0)+""); mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Done"; next; warp ""+@mapname$+"",""+@mapx+"",""+@mapy+""; close; WT: mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Please don't waste my time"; close; TM: mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Sorry but you can only get 999 Status Point"; close; NZ: mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Sorry but you do not have enough zeny."; close; EXIT: mes "[STP/SKP Seller]"; mes "Okay then..."; close; }
  19. is there a guide on how to add this episode into the current episode in latest rathena emu.?
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