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Everything posted by GmOcean

  1. *swt* I just checked my msg box, and he had requested help on this... But as Annie stated, since your asking for help on an existing script that you have, post it here, as we may ' help ' you fix your problems.
  2. @Clydelion - Nice, re-release lol. However, again, I'm going to have to agree with annie on this one, perhaps an ingame error as well. Since this command can be used automatically or it can be used with GMs & Players as well... (Granted there is already a normal mail function lol). @Annieruru - Right now it returns 0 upon success, perhaps we can simply have it return 1 and use it in an if() statement.. however, needing to use if(sendmail .... ... ...){do this} else { do that } will get repetetive. But at the very least, it is a great src release. Now we just need to have it added to the svn, so when people ask for reward type npcs that involve an offline player, we can simply use this command, instead of a 2 sql_queries. 1. To get the information & 2. To place it. Also, we won't have to link this topic every time and say, add this command. It really is nice to have it existing in every future svn
  3. Yea... That script is outdated. Use the one provided in the svn. I feel so noob whenever I look at that script lol. Wish I wrote it better T.T At any rate, if your using rAthena this script is provided to you with an up to date version. I recommend using that one as, the one that you posted if made nearly 4 years ago.
  4. Looks like for this one, you'll have to set a variable that stores the rent time then pause it when they logout rinse and repeat. Then when they refine/down refine just use the variables as the rent time. Only issue I see with this is... The need to add a timer every time they login so that you can delete the variables.
  5. Lol, further just proves that Emistry is right.
  6. O.o true i guess, i definately wasn't writting as efficiently as I am now back then... but i was able to use optimizing techniques in 2009!! Lol... so 3yrs ago... Does that mean 4yrs ago = Stone Age of scriptting & The Falling of eA (When most was at the top of their game and present) = Collapse of society... Present = Recovery
  7. If i remember correctly this was already asked for in the script section, and I released this sorta fix for him already, turns out he is on eAthena, and doesn't have the script command ' bindatcmd '. So he really actually needs a src edit... IMO, you should just switch from eAthena -> rAthena...
  8. Yea, just using 2D Arrays, would reduce the script by script by nearly 2k+ lines. Then additionally, by setting the menu options in to arrays, and using a loop to build the option would also reduce the script by 300+ lines (Not that big of an improvement lol). But lastly, If we were to build the script, to use the menu like this: ' menu .@menu$,-; The script would drop instantly to nearly, about 200 lines perhaps even smaller, (not really counting lol).
  9. @Ryokem - Ahh, I see. That does make a bit more sense. I should have known this was possible since I can already retrieve information in an IF statement, it'd only make sense that the setting information would also be possible, since I can use: ' if( select) ' and the such.
  10. ...Yea, just looking at that makes me wanna rip it up and make a new one... but, I'm busy with other things lol.
  11. Hmm, i never would have though of using ' set ' in an ( if ) statement.. didn't think the system could proccess that lol. *Keeps an eye on you* I'm looking forward to seeing other things you'll do lol. @AndrossiS - I really don't see any problem with the script...
  12. GmOcean

    gold room

    Please elaborate more... 1. 200 gold maximum - Is this 200 Gold Maximum per 2 hours? | OR 200 Gold Maximum a day? OR 200 Gold Maximum EVER (As in per character / account). 2. How does the gold appear? Is it just on the ground OR do they need to kill a monster / player for it? (I'm going to assume its kill something). 3. Is PvP enabled? (Because if a person warps out, then that means they either died or left of free will). 4. Is there an NPC they talk to, in order to leave freely? Or should we just stick to auto-kicking them when they Die OR hit 200 gold.
  13. Ahh i see lol. I made that comment at the time, without having looked at the script so i didn't know in which way it was being used, but after looking at it, yes i see your point lol. I was under the impression that Emistry made a (so unlike him) mistake and used rid2name to obtain the char's id.. only did it wrong lol. But like i said, that's so not like him. But yes, I agree with you on that one Annie. After reviewing the script, that would indeed not work. However his improved script is efficient enough in its task
  14. You could use rid2name in combination with getcharid to retrieve the char I'd, but, I have no idea how the script is written or if this is even remotely close to what's being talked about since I'm on my phone lol.
  15. Yea, I must say, your post does sound a little skeptical. To me it seems like you added the command, and just assumed it would do what he showed in. A picture.
  16. GmOcean

    Novice Zone

    Firstly to make this work, you need to add proper tabs. Secondly that should be it. Since its not using any commands unique to rAthena it should work on eAthena.
  17. GFMO Just wrote a fail script, 2 hours wasted lmao.

  18. @Jelly - This wouldn't break the mail system. And it won't allow for duping, since it's script controlled. Meaning, that unless you or a scripter writes a script where users can send mail to players, involving items and zeny, without deleting the zeny, then it's safe.
  19. You can do all of that with Emistry's script. You should take a look at: script_commands.txt to learn how to edit scripts to your needs. It's 100% okay to request scripts, but it's even better if you yourself know how to make minor changes such as this. OnInit: .MobID = 1599; // MVP to spawn setarray .Map$[0],"guild_vs1","guild_vs2","guild_vs3","guild_vs4","guild_vs5"; // Maps they will spawn on, add more as needed. To add more MVPs as an option make these changes: OnInit: .MobID = 1599; setarray .Map$[0],"guild_vs1","guild_vs2","guild_vs3","guild_vs4","guild_vs5"; .size = getarraysize( .Map$ ); end; } INTO OnInit: setarray .MobID[0],1559; //Add more as needed setarray .Map$[0],"guild_vs1","guild_vs2","guild_vs3","guild_vs4","guild_vs5"; .size = getarraysize( .Map$ ); .size2 = getarraysize(.MobID); end; } THEN monster .Map$[.@i],0,0,"--ja--",.MobID,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled"; INTO monster .Map$[.@i],0,0,"--ja--",.MobID[rand(.size2)],1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled";
  20. Really? Because I recently used something like this and it worked for me. In fact it set 8 different variables until they didn't match each other. I know this sounds dumb, but you did replace [tab] with actual tabs right?
  21. @Offtopic - Your telling me... I've done nothing but decorate for Christmas, for the last: 90 hours during work these past 2 weeks.... and to make it worse, i'm probaly only 1/4th of the way Done T.T @Bits (lol) - I'm 100% for this topic, as I currently am not that great with them, granted I understand it, my ability to produce results with it, isn't so great. It's like reading directions, sure you understand them, but you can't always produce the same results as intended. I'm sure alot of scripters, would find the topic interesting, besides I'm sure even the newer gen-scripters who are starting, would get a giant information resource to look at, with both Keyworld & Annieruru throwing around examples lol. But lets not forget Toasty & Brian & Emistry... I can almost garantee they'll shoot a couple out as well.
  22. I agree with Annieruru. I'd also prefer to have those additional parameters if needed. However as this is a command for npcs, I can see why it wasn't coded in the initial release. All things said, this is great, I'd also like to see this added to the svn.
  23. I see. I was just worried that if I were to use sleep the player would bug out and not be able to move. But if that's not gonna happen, then yeah your right sleep is all we need. Also, yes as Annieruru stated, that is all I did to the script to make it auto run.
  24. You need to input the proper tabs.
  25. @Reynard - I'm thinking the same thing, but I can't recall for sure (too lazy to test), but in the instance it does require a 2nd NPC, you can just use hideonnpc an hideoffnpc
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