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Everything posted by GmOcean

  1. That's easy to do however, what happens once that is done? What happens once all 10 slots are used up? What is available for selection in each ' custom ' menu? A little bit further in detail would be nice. We understand the ' need ' to be obscure, because you don't want your ideas leaked, but keep in mind we can't provide adequate help without enough information :/
  2. It's a small typo. Please at least " TRY " and fix the scripts yourself. Also, just saying ' I got error ' doesn't help us in determining whats wrong with the script. Because as you'll see it was just a matter of adding a letter ' C '. REPLACE prontera,180,150,4 script Skull Trader 123,{ set .@Top_charid,000000; //Replace 000000 with the variable of the top player. Not sure how you obtain this information. if( countitem2(7420,1,0,0,254,0,( .@Top_charid & 65535 ),( .@Top_charid >> 16)) ) {delitem2(7420,1,1,0,0,254,0,( .@Top_harid & 65335 ),( .@Top_charid >> 16),1); end;} dispbottom "You don't have the right skull."; end; } WITH prontera,180,150,4 script Skull Trader 123,{ set .@Top_charid,000000; //Replace 000000 with the variable of the top player. Not sure how you obtain this information. if( countitem2(7420,1,0,0,254,0,( .@Top_charid & 65535 ),( .@Top_charid >> 16)) ) {delitem2(7420,1,1,0,0,254,0,( .@Top_charid & 65335 ),( .@Top_charid >> 16),1); end;} dispbottom "You don't have the right skull."; end; }
  3. Hmmm, last I checked, I don't think labels were able to be built dynamically. So you may be stuck with doing it the manual way. OnClock0000: OnClock0200: OnClock0400: OnClock0600: doevent XYZ; end; OnClock0800: OnClock1000: OnClock1200: doevent 1; doevent 2; end;
  4. Yea, I'm sorry, this script makes use of the ' bindatcmd ' script command which allows us to make custom @commands, using script code. Doing so lets us make more diverse commands, and also make them editable without the need to recompile the server.
  5. Well, first are you using rAthena or eAthena? Because it's designed for rA only. Until I know more, I'm unable to help you.
  6. This script is very simple. It will allow for Admins to specify which ' Cells ' are open to Vending/Chatting. This is done via 2 @commands, @novend & @nochat will set the cells for each other respectively. atnovendchat.txt Edit: Fixed & Update to v0.4
  7. Yes, and you can even, separate them in your menu by event names, so you can specifically turn each one off. Then, when you need to turn all of them off at once, just have each doevent listed under 1 label. So depending on the amount of events you have, you could be looking at probably a 20-40 line script and thats all.
  8. If you follow the directions that Emistry left. Then, you'll see that only inside the black box, everything is disabled.
  9. Yes, and no. It's hard to say, but you have the right idea, unfortunately without knowing how each event both starts and ends, we can't really give you an in depth guide. Though, depending on how each even is scripted, it might be easier to simple, use a doevent / donpcevent command, to just have the actual event NPC, shut off the event.
  10. It will work. However, next time, try and test the script with the fix that people take the time to give you. Simply responding back without testing is in fact quite rude, and makes it harder for us to ' want ' to help you.
  11. You don't need to. It will get the ID of the card for you. This script is designed to be universal, meaning it works with all cards.
  12. So your issue here is, once you get stunned, your stunned, forever? If this is the case, please post to the: Bug Tracker with your issue, and steps to recreate the issue, along with what revision of rAthena you are using. Only when we are able to reach the same problem as you, or are able to fully understand the situation can we help those in need. Thank you.
  13. Your problem, is that rAthena's src code, can only run X amounts of Events at any given time. Now, lets say, you did make 400scripts, if even 1/4 of those have OnNPCKillEvent label, thats 100 instance, that will run each time you kill a monster, now if 100 people kill a monster, thats 10,000 instances of the script being run, thats going to clog up your server and cause your problem. The only solution at this point, is to combine all or most of your OnNPCKillEvent scripts under the same label. For Example: Let's say I kill a monster while in ' Morroc Town '. These 2 scripts will activate. Since, Both NPC_A & NPC_B have the OnNPCKillEvent, they will both try and work. However, as you can see below since they both say I need to be on a specific map, nothing happens. However, 2 instances of OnNPCKillEvent just ran. prontera,178,150,4 script NPC_A 123,{ mes "Hi, I'm NPC A"; close; OnNPCKillEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == "pay_dun00" ){monster "this",0,0,"Poring",1002,10;} //Spawns 10Porings if I kill a monster while in Payon Dungeon Level 1. end; } prontera,180,150,4 script NPC_B 123,{ mes "Hi, I'm NPC B"; close; OnNPCKillEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == "prontera" ){set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS + 10;} end; } But, if i were to combine the OnNPCKillEvents into 1. So that the scripts now look like this: prontera,178,150,4 script NPC_A 123,{ mes "Hi, I'm NPC A"; close; } prontera,180,150,4 script NPC_B 123,{ mes "Hi, I'm NPC B"; close; } - script NPC_C -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == "pay_dun00" ){monster "this",0,0,"Poring",1002,10;} if( strcharinfo(3) == "prontera" ){set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS + 10;} } Now only 1 instance, is being run. However, it is doing the job both NPC A and NPC B would have done if they were not joined. This is the easiest way for me to explain this. I'm sorry if you do not understand.
  14. Okay, well now I see why certain things are the way it is. Okay first things first. This is only for the every 30mins section. CHANGE: set @Hour,@Hour + 1; INTO: set @Thirty, @Thirty + 1; if( @Thirty == 2 ){set @Hour, @Hour + 1; set @Thirty,0;} Now LASTLY. I suggest you change all the variable in the every 60mins section to something else. For instance ' aMinute ' OR ' aHour '. This is because if a person, was to, be AFK for 29mins, and then start chatting, after 1min, it'll say 30mins. And then they'll get the 30minute points. So, if you change the name of the variables, they won't be able to do this. Essentially, a player will have to AFK for 60mins OR chat for 30mins. Not a mixture of both.
  15. I see, well perhaps you can post the Original Unaltered version of his script and we would further be able to help you.
  16. Your issue here is, that what ever ' guild ' & ' guild2 ' folders you used to replace the originals, don't have those labels. As such Euphy's script can't find them. I suggest you use fresh Guild & Guild2 folders from rAthena's latest revison. And then try and running your server again. If a problem still persists, post back with any map_serv errors.
  17. This is section is for scripting support. Please go to the Graphics Request Section for your spriting needs.
  18. Hmm, Patskie's fix should have done it, but am I missing something here? Why isn't @minute being reset? Also, in your first if( @minute % 30 ) statement, there isn't a check for whether or not @minute has reached 60, and instead gives the player +1 hour at 30mins...
  19. You need to replace ALL of the ' monster ' commands, with the one that Patskie posted. Not just the first one you see. Look again, I'm sure you missed one.
  20. Uhh, yea. That is because your Original Script isn't complete at all. All I did was make the changes you requested for, but it seems who ever made your script originally, messed up. It wouldn't have worked either way. At any rate here is what you can do to fix it. Change: OnNPCKillEvent: INTO: OnKilled:
  21. Are you using rAthena, or eAthena? Because, I haven't run across this issue on rA yet. And I'm not sure if eA has the commands implode/explode.
  22. At the moment that isn't possible. The instance system, uses the party's ID to store the instance itself, so the 2 are linked together. The only way I could think of this being fixed is if someone released a src edit for the instance commands, taking a players CharID instead. But I have no idea how that would effect the instance 'engine' so to speak.
  23. No problem. Just return the favor to someone else in the future =p
  24. CHANGE 678,Poison_Bottle,Poison Bottle,2,5000,,100,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if(Class == Job_Assassin_Cross || Class == Job_Guillotine_Cross_T) { sc_start SC_DPoison,60000,0; sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,60000,0; } else { if (strcharinfo(3) != "bat_a01 || bat_a02 || bat_b01 || bat_b02" ) { percentheal -100,-100;};}; },{},{} INTO 678,Poison_Bottle,Poison Bottle,2,5000,,100,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if(Class == Job_Assassin_Cross || Class == Job_Guillotine_Cross_T) { sc_start SC_DPoison,60000,0; sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,60000,0; } else if ( !compare( "bat_a01,bat_a02,bat_b01,bat_b02",strcharinfo(3) ) ) { percentheal -100,-100;} },{},{}
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