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Everything posted by Technoken

  1. Sorry it should be like this. if ( isSitting() ) { bonus2 bSPRegenRate,50,500; bonus2 bHPRegenRate,50,500; };
  2. IDK if there's a script that could check if character is sitting. Anyways try to add this to your source script.c /*========================================== * isSitting {<char_id>} * Checks if attached character is sitting *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(isSitting) { TBL_PC *sd; if (!script_charid2sd(2,sd)) return SCRIPT_CMD_FAILURE; if( pc_issit(sd) ) script_pushint(st,1); else script_pushint(st,0); return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS; } BUILDIN_DEF(isSitting,"?"), Then try this item bonus if ( isSitting ){ bonus2 bSPRegenRate,50,500; bonus2 bHPRegenRate,50,500; }; Didn't test it though. Let me know if it's working or no.
  3. The name of your shop is Tool dorastor not dorastor. And why does it have a -1? 1683:-1,15150:-1,22076:-1,28374:-1 EDIT: I didn't know about this so I got confused. LOL The item id is the number of item in the 'item_db.txt' database. If Price is set to -1, the 'buy price' given in the item database will be used. Otherwise, the price you gave will be used for this item, which is how you create differing prices for items in different shops.
  4. Thanks for this! It's actually working for the Maya P Hack but it actually screw the game animation. But still it the hack doesn't work anymore.
  5. bonus bMaxHPrate,100; bMaxSPrate,100; will increase the max HP and SP Try to look at https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/item_bonus.txt#L152 You could use these bonuses depending of what you really want to achieve bonus bHPrecovRate,n; Natural HP recovery ratio + n% bonus bSPrecovRate,n; Natural SP recovery ratio + n% bonus2 bHPRegenRate,n,t; Gain n HP every t milliseconds bonus2 bSPRegenRate,n,t; Gain n SP every t milliseconds bonus2 bRegenPercentHP,n,t; Gain n% of max HP every t milliseconds bonus2 bRegenPercentSP,n,t; Gain n% of max SP every t milliseconds
  6. Anyone of you heard of the xRag RO Cheat Tool? I tried to use it yesterday since my friend sent it to me. I tried it on my server and it was actually working. When the xRag is injected to the client you can use Autopots, Fast Spam, Nodelay, Maya Purple Hack, Free Walk, Fast Refresh. There's actually a Friend mode option but I don't know what it does. And the asura range is not working. But WTH the others are fully functional. I tried the Maya Purple Hack and it's actually working like Intravision, unlike the WPE Maya Purple filter. When Nodelay and fastspam is used, it works like RPE!! My server has Packet Obfuscation enabled but xRag skill spam is still working. I got the version 1.5 and I tried it on a Gepard Shield protected server and it's still working but sometimes it doesn't. But i've heard about the version 2.2 which is a Paid xRag, works well even with Gepard Shield. I was thinking to add skill delays on my server to prevent the nodelay and fast spam. But what about the Maya Purple Hack and autopots? Can I even get rid of them?
  7. If you wanted to create a custom mob based from an existing mob sprite. Just put it on mob_avail.txt and add the custom mob on your mob_db.txt No need to edit client side files.
  8. Try to add this for( set .@i,1; .@i <= 6; set .@i,.@i+1 ) { + if( !getequipisequiped(.@i) ) continue; if ((.@i == 3) && (getiteminfo(getequipid(3),5) == 32) && (getequipisequiped(.@i))) { // Only catch shields set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .@position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@i) + "]"; set .@arr[.@j], .@i; set .@j, .@j + 1; set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":"; } if(getequipisequiped(.@i) && (.@i != 4) && (.@i != 3)) { set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .@position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@i) + "]"; set .@arr[.@j], .@i; set .@j, .@j + 1; set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":"; } } The warning appears because getiteminfo is triggered even when there's nothing equipped. If you wanted your question to be answered ASAP. You can hire your own developer
  9. Try to edit it on client side. at mapnametable.txt Just a guess though
  10. @Freya I think that you could just apply the code that Playtester provided. Just find those lines in battle.c. I might also use that. lol
  11. I did that before, however after updating my trunk it wasn't working as i've wanted. Maybe you could expand this if you have any knowledge about src.
  12. I mean, can I block access of my fluxcp when the sub-domain is used? while allowing the thor patcher only to enter it using a subdomain. For example, in my google chrome I browsed to www.mydomain.com, I can access the site using the browser, but my thor patcher cannot access the patcher folder since it has the cloudfare. Then as you said, I needed to use the thor patcher on a subdomain for it to be allowed. I created a subdomain named "patcher.mydomain.com". And the sub-domain is working fine for the thor patcher. What I intended to do is when users browse using the url "patcher.mydomain.com", they won't be able to access the website. Only the thor patcher can use the sub-domain.
  13. My patcher is inside the html folder together with the fluxcp. /var/www/html/<fluxcp files here> /var/www/html/patcher if I put the .htaccess(with Options -Indexes) inside html folder(/var/www/html/.htaccess), can my fluxcp be accessible using the main domain? I wanted to block fluxcp when sub-domain is used. while allowing the thor patcher to access the patch datas. Or should I separate patcher and fluxcp?
  14. @Cyro Thanks for the link. I saw the last comment on the link stating that it has problem with the latest revision. Anyway, I wanted to know if it's possible to call the bank itself. Showing the same interface when you clicked the bank button. The difference is just instead of clicking the button you need to click the npc for the banking interface to be shown.
  15. Thanks for the info. I'll try to do that. EDIT: Thanks I tried it and it really works! Anyway could you give me some tip on how can I block indexing using .htaccess when sub domain is used?
  16. Please just move this topic if it's not on the right section. I just don't know if I should post it here or on the client section. Anways I did put Cloudfare on my FluxCP just to add security on my website. Now my Fluxcp is in the same ip as my thor patcher. Whenever I set my Cloudfare on "Under Attack Mode" my patcher also doesn't work. Always failed to connect to server. I tried adding rules "Disable Security" and "Security Level: Essentially Off" on my patcher folder http://www.fluxcp.com/patcher but still it's always failed to connect to server. When I disabled "Under Attack Mode" the patcher works. Is there any other workaround so my patcher folder wouldn't be affected by my cloudfare? Thanks!
  17. I disabled the Bank button in my client. I wanted to use an NPC for banking purposes. Question: Is it possible to call the bank using an NPC script instead of clicking the bank button? Thanks!
  18. So it's actually the server that should hand the load of the attack? I already did some basic steps to prevent DDOS.Only opened the port which was ro related. I was looking for this Google Andromeda and somehow it might do the work. I just need more info about it. I haven't been DDOS but i'm the one attacking my server to just test if my server can handle it. Anyway looks like I need more research. Thanks btw!
  19. Thanks @Rynbef! I got it working now. But it doesn't work when using bindatcommand. Guess i'll just figure that out.
  20. The HP shown on client side is 1 because I think it was the official. But in server side your HP is 0. You can check this link about that https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/758 Regarding those errors, it was because item ID 19031 and 18813 doesn't exist on your item_db.txt
  21. Use the latest nemo patcher. you can clone it here https://github.com/MStr3am/NEMO I'm also using 2013 client and it's working fine for me.
  22. When you diff your client using nemo. Just tick the "Remove GM Sprites. And on your clientinfo.xml those account ID inside <admin></admin> brackets will have yellow name and chat.
  23. Thanks for the info! I didn't know I could use strcmp. lol anyway I still couldn't figure out how to make it work. It seems like the 'command' variable doesn't hold the command used. I've also tried 'message' and 'atcmd_msg' but still not working.
  24. are you also using the latest revision in github? Check also if you have the global function F_getpositionname
  25. You might be using an outdated version of card remover npc. It was affected by this update https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/7d6be7e21ea831130111de846b81700cfc6c6c1e Try to use the latest card remover script from rathena repo -> https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/custom/card_remover.txt
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