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Everything posted by Technoken

  1. The command is executed and the owner is changed, but still the same error appears.
  2. I just got a hosting from google cloud console. I have already finish setting up my server and it's working well. Now i'm trying to setup my fluxCP but it always shows this errors I have already tried chmod -R 755 /var/www/html chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/data/tmp chmod -R 777 /var/www/html chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/data/tmp chown -R apache /var/www/html chown -R www-data: /var/www/html ( error: chown: invalid spec: ‘www-data:’ ) I also tried setting the permissions using WinSCP, but still no luck. Btw, i'm using Centos 7, MariaDB, apache and phpmyadmin installed Right now i'm out of idea what actually causes the errors, anybody can help me? Thanks!
  3. Change the script of the kiel card from { bonus bDelayRate,-30; },{},{} to { bonus bDelayRate,(-30/isequippedcnt(4403)); },{},{}
  4. I saw this commit related to your topic. LINK If reverting doesn't work. maybe the src needs to be modified.
  5. Did you try to reproduce this problem using the latest rAthena GIT and without any mods? If it is still crashing the map server, submit an issue on rAthena github issues so they can fix it.
  6. try to replace this line on db/pre-re/skill_db.txt and db/re/skill_db.txt from 289,9,6,1,0,0x1,0:0:0:0:0:-1,5,1,yes,0,0xE00,0,magic,0,0x10020, to 289,9,6,1,0,0x1,0:0:0:0:0:-1,5,1,yes,0,0xE00,0,magic,0,0x20,
  7. It's because of this update https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/7d6be7e21ea831130111de846b81700cfc6c6c1e Update your script or post it here so we can tell you which one to replace.
  8. @Emistry Sorry for the out topic, but in what instances is it necessary to use 'freeloop'? When do we use it? I wanted to ask you since you're one of the pro's in scripting. lol
  9. Just my opinion. So it wouldn't execute delwaitingroom and waitingroom if the map has the same amount of users inside.
  10. Try to replace setarray .@position$[1], "Headgear","Armor","Shield","Invalid","Garment","Footgear"; set .@menu$,""; deletearray .@arr; set .@j, 1; for( set .@i,1; .@i <= 6; set .@i,.@i+1 ) { if ((.@i == 3) && (getiteminfo(getequipid(3),5) == 32) && (getequipisequiped(.@i))) { // Only catch shields set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .@position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@i) + "]"; set .@arr[.@j], .@i; set .@j, .@j + 1; set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":"; } if(getequipisequiped(.@i) && (.@i != 4) && (.@i != 3)) { set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .@position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@i) + "]"; set .@arr[.@j], .@i; set .@j, .@j + 1; set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":"; } } if (.@menu$ == "") { mes "["+strnpcinfo(1)+"]"; mes "Errr wait. Oh Sorry but you must have armors equipped to enchant them!"; close; } // Calibrating menu set .@part, select(.@menu$); if (.@arr[.@part] == 1) set .@part, 1; else if (.@arr[.@part] == 2) set .@part, 2; else if (.@arr[.@part] == 3) set .@part, 3; else if (.@arr[.@part] == 5) set .@part, 5; else if (.@arr[.@part] == 6) set .@part, 6; TO setarray .@indices[1], EQI_HEAD_TOP, EQI_ARMOR, EQI_HAND_L, EQI_HAND_R, EQI_GARMENT, EQI_SHOES, EQI_ACC_L, EQI_ACC_R, EQI_HEAD_MID, EQI_HEAD_LOW; for( set .@i,1; .@i <= 10; set .@i,.@i+1 ) { if( getequipisequiped(.@indices[.@i]) ) { if( getiteminfo(getequipid(.@indices[.@i]),2) == 5 || getiteminfo(getequipid(.@indices[.@i]),5) == 136 ) continue; set .@menu$, .@menu$ + F_getpositionname(.@indices[.@i]) + "-[" + getequipname(.@indices[.@i]) + "]"; } set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":"; } // Calibrating menu set .@part, .@indices[ select(.@menu$) ];
  11. Might be because of some update. Try to replace these lines set @headtop$, getequipname(1); set @armor$, getequipname(2); set @handl$, getequipname(3); set @handr$, getequipname(4); set @garment$, getequipname(5); set @shoes$, getequipname(6); set @accl$, getequipname(7); set @accr$, getequipname(8); set @headmid$, getequipname(9); set @headlow$, getequipname(10); TO set @headtop$, getequipname(EQI_HEAD_TOP); set @armor$, getequipname(EQI_ARMOR); set @handl$, getequipname(EQI_HAND_L); set @handr$, getequipname(EQI_HAND_R); set @garment$, getequipname(EQI_GARMENT); set @shoes$, getequipname(EQI_SHOES); set @accl$, getequipname(EQI_ACC_L); set @accr$, getequipname(EQI_ACC_R); set @headmid$, getequipname(EQI_HEAD_MID); set @headlow$, getequipname(EQI_HEAD_LOW);
  12. I tried it. No infinity loop But I got errors because it's missing an argument. lol I don't actually know when to use freeloop but I think it's best to use it here. Thanks @Hijirikawa Anyways I think this one will do prontera,147,196,5 script PVP Room 403,{ mes "Enter PVP?"; if(select("Yes:No")&2)close; warp "guild_vs3",0,0; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" entered the PVP Room",bc_all; end; OnInit: waitingroom "PvP Room [0]",0; freeloop(1); while( 1 ){ .@count = getmapusers("guild_vs3"); if( .@count != .count ) { .count = .@count; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "PVP Room ["+.@count+"]",0; } sleep 1000; } end; } guild_vs3 mapflag nowarpto guild_vs3 mapflag nowarp guild_vs3 mapflag noreturn
  13. Try to remove the last coma before the closing bracket of both lub files and see if it still occurs.
  14. @gangmusic can I request for this to be updated, using the latest script of stolao? Thank you!
  15. double check your accessoryid.lub and accname.lub inside your datafiles. Maybe there's some typo or wrong format.
  16. Try prontera,147,196,5 script PVP Room 403,{ warp "guild_vs3",0,0; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" entered the PVP Room",bc_all; end; OnInit: .count = 0; while( 1 ){ .@count = getmapusers("guild_vs3"); if( .@count != .count ) { .count = .@count; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "PVP Room ["+.@count+"]"; } sleep 1000; } end; } guild_vs3 mapflag nowarpto guild_vs3 mapflag nowarp guild_vs3 mapflag noreturn
  17. - script HidingNPC -1,{ OnInit: hideonnpc "Kellvahni#gefg_cas04"; hideonnpc "Roy#prtg_cas02"; hideonnpc "Nahzarf#aldeg_cas03"; end; //Hides NPC on Wed OnWed2359: hideonnpc "Kellvahni#gefg_cas04"; //gefg_cas04 72 46 end; OnTue0000: hideoffnpc "Kellvahni#gefg_cas04"; end; //Hides on Saturday OnSat2359: hideonnpc "Roy#prtg_cas02"; //prtg_cas02 94 61 end; OnThu2300: hideoffnpc "Roy#prtg_cas02"; end; //Hides Hides on sunday OnSun2358: hideonnpc "Nahzarf#aldeg_cas03"; //aldeg_cas03 110 118 end; OnSun0000: hideoffnpc "Nahzarf#aldeg_cas03"; end; }
  18. Try this - script woe_storage -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd("storage","woe_storage::OnAtcommand",0,99); end; OnAtcommand: if( .@atcmd_numparameters == 0 && ( agitcheck() || agitcheck2() ) ) openstorage; else unittalk 0, "@storage " +implode(.@atcmd_parameters$, " "); end; }
  19. What do you mean by continuously? Like every week? It will be triggered Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.
  20. I think you don't need to put OnInit since OnWed2359 is also a executable label. Btw what's the sleep for? Your script will trigger the hideoffnpc after 5 minutes since it has no 'end'. Anyways try this if it will work - script HidingNPC -1,{ //OnInit: //Hides NPC on Wed OnWed2359: hideonnpc "Kellvahni#gefg_cas04"; //gefg_cas04 72 46 // sleep ( 5 * 60000 ); end; OnTue0000: hideoffnpc "Kellvahni#gefg_cas04"; end; //Hides on Saturday OnSat2359: hideonnpc "Roy#prtg_cas02"; //prtg_cas02 94 61 //sleep ( 5 * 60000 ); end; OnThu2300: hideoffnpc "Roy#prtg_cas02"; end; //Hides Hides on sunday OnSun2358: hideonnpc "Nahzarf#aldeg_cas03"; //aldeg_cas03 110 118 //sleep ( 5 * 60000 ); end; OnSun0000: hideoffnpc "Nahzarf#aldeg_cas03"; end; }
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