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Everything posted by Scanty

  1. In game? If it's in game conf/char_athena.conf // Set the letters/symbols that you want use with the 'char_name_option' option. // Note: Don't add spaces unless you mean to add 'space' to the list. char_name_letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890 add the letter á é í ó ú
  2. If you want to add a custom refine armor skill maybe.
  3. conf/msg_conf/map.msg.conf Line: 541 541: '%s' got %s's %s (chance: %0.02f%%) Before: 541: '%s' got %s's %s (chance: %0.02f%%) After: 541: [ '%s' ] got [ %s' ] the item [ %s ] with (chance: %0.02f%%) Save and @reload msgconf.
  4. I think the map's file are ok. I guess it's a mob sprite corrupt. Try to diff new client and don't mark this When you enter in that zone an error will be displayed
  5. Maybe you need to change your statpoint.txt Test this 2 statpoint.txt: Option 1 Option 2 After you change your statpoint. Restart server... or "@reload pc" and relog.
  6. Alright. src/map/skill.cpp Line: 4113 case WL_CHAINLIGHTNING_ATK: { skill_attack(BF_MAGIC,src,src,target,skl->skill_id,skl->skill_lv,tick,skl->flag); // Hit a Lightning on the current Target skill_toggle_magicpower(src, skl->skill_id); // Only the first hit will be amplified if( skl->type < (4 + skl->skill_lv - 1) && skl->x < 3 ) { // Remaining Chains Hit struct block_list *nbl = NULL; // Next Target of Chain nbl = battle_getenemyarea(src, target->x, target->y, (skl->type>2)?2:3, // After 2 bounces, it will bounce to other targets in 7x7 range. BL_CHAR|BL_SKILL, target->id); // Search for a new Target around current one... if( nbl == NULL ) skl->x++; else skl->x = 0; skill_addtimerskill(src, tick + 651, (nbl?nbl:target)->id, skl->x, 0, WL_CHAINLIGHTNING_ATK, skl->skill_lv, skl->type + 1, skl->flag); } } This line: skill_addtimerskill(src, tick + 651, (nbl?nbl:target)->id, skl->x, 0, WL_CHAINLIGHTNING_ATK, skl->skill_lv, skl->type + 1, skl->flag); change: 651 to 100 or a number < 651 is the speed in miliseconds i guess?. in 100 Chain Lighthing hits are very fast. Save and compile your svr.
  7. Go to db/pre or re/item_flag.txt // Flagged Items // <ItemID>,<Flag> // // <Flag>: // 1 - As Dead Branch item (will be logged at `branchlog` table and cannot be used at 'nobranch' mapflag) // 2 - As item group container, check player's inventory and weight before consumed // 4 - GUID Item: When this item is obtained, will generates GUID that cannot be stacked even same or stackable item // 8 - Item will be bound item when equipped // 16 - Special Broadcast: When item dropped by monster and player loot it, will be broadcasted! // 32 - Item will not be removed on consumption. Also supports 'itemskill' // NOTE: For removing flag by import file, use "-" to remove the flag. Example, 604,-1 will removes flag 1 from Branch_Of_Dead_Tree Search the id for example id: 16396 = HD Elunium 10PC Box 16393,-1 //HD_Ori_Box5 16394,-1//HD_Ori_Box10 16395,-1 //HD_Elu_Box5 16396,-1 //HD_Elu_Box10 I remove the mapflag but if you want can you change to 2 or what ever you want. Then use @reload itemdb Important: If you already have items non stackeable, you need to create new item to be stackeable.
  8. Go to db/pre or re/skill_db.txt // 06 nk (skill damage properties): // 0x01 - No damage skill // 0x02 - Has splash area // 0x04 - Damage should be split among targets // 0x08 - Skill ignores caster's % damage cards (misc type always ignores) // 0x10 - Skill ignores elemental adjustments // 0x20 - Skill ignores target's defense (misc type always ignores) // 0x40 - Skill ignores target's flee (magic type always ignores) // 0x80 - Skill ignores target's def cards Search Skill id: 2008 2008,9,6,2,3,0x42,1:1:1:2:2:2:3:3:4:4,10,1,no,0,0x40000,0,weapon,0,0x0, RK_DRAGONBREATH,Dragon Breath 0x42 = 0x40 + 0x02. For your purpose i will change to : 0x62 = 0x40+0x20+0x20. Dragon Breath in this case don't ignore caster's % damage cards, like hydra, etc. Change to 0x70 if you want. Save and reload skilldb.
  9. If you delete the costumes you weight is normal? or without costumes your weight is 90%? Anyway show your custom costume lines.
  10. You tried to change 100*skill_lv exm: 200*skill_lv = 20% break weapon/armor. Only to see if AD works.
  11. This could help you. Open VS > Tools > Get tools and features > Develop Desktop c# SDK Windows 8.1. oh nvm. xd
  12. Open db/re/item_buyingstore.txt Comment line 1772 //7170 //Tuxedo Idk why tuxedo it's ETC item, when you change the script... tuxedo it became equipable, that's why
  13. Why just do not validate to when player die, auto-respawn in their savepoint? OnPCDieEvent: warp "SavePoint",0,0; Or if you have different pvp maps. - script pvpmap -1,{ end; OnPCDieEvent: if(strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_map") { warp "SavePoint",0,0; } end; }
  14. 7170,Tuxedo,Tuxedo,5,43000,,10,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFE,7,1,16,,0,1,0,{ChangeBase 22;},{ },{ ChangeBase Class; }
  15. src/map/clif.cpp /// Request to invoke the effect of super novice's guardian angel prayer (CZ_CHOPOKGI). /// 01ed /// Note: This packet is caused by 7 lines of any text, followed by /// the prayer and an another line of any text. The prayer is /// defined by lines 790~793 in data\msgstringtable.txt /// "Dear angel, can you hear my voice?" /// "I am" (space separated player name) "Super Novice~" /// "Help me out~ Please~ T_T" void clif_parse_NoviceExplosionSpirits(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { if( (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_SUPER_NOVICE ) { unsigned int next = pc_nextbaseexp(sd); if( next ) { int percent = (int)( ( (float)sd->status.base_exp/(float)next )*1000. ); if( percent && ( percent%100 ) == 0 ) {// 10.0%, 20.0%, ..., 90.0% sc_start(&sd->bl,&sd->bl, status_skill2sc(MO_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS), 100, 17, skill_get_time(MO_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS, 5)); //Lv17-> +50 critical (noted by Poki) [Skotlex] clif_skill_nodamage(&sd->bl, &sd->bl, MO_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS, 5, 1); // prayer always shows successful Lv5 cast and disregards noskill restrictions } } } }
  16. Scanty

    Npc Hide on use

    - script Flower#0::iceflower -1,{ if (readJeff >= 1) { set .@fcast,20; if (countitem(6381)) { // Field Shovel set .@fcast,.@fcast - 18; } progressbar "ffffff",.@fcast; set .@flower,rand(1,15); if (.@flower == 1) set .@item2,18747; else if (.@flower == 2) set .@item2,518; // Honey else if (.@flower == 3) set .@item2,514; // Grape else if (.@flower == 4) set .@item2,510; // Blue Herb else if (.@flower == 5) set .@item2,7018; // Young Twig else if (.@flower == 6) set .@item2,7871; // Bean Bag else if (.@flower == 7) set .@item2,19541; // Costume Romantic White Flower [0] [Costume Lower Head] else if (.@flower == 8) set .@item2,6079; // Flower Of Alfheim else if (.@flower == 9) set .@item2,7871; // Bean Bag else if (.@flower == 10) set .@item2,905; // Stem else if (.@flower == 11) set .@item2,7018; // Young Twig else if (.@flower == 12) set .@item2,12293; // Dried Yggdrasilberry Heilt 20% SP else if (.@flower == 13) set .@item2,12292; // Unripe Yggdrasilberry Heilt 20% HP else if (.@flower == 14) set .@item2,7871; // Bean Bag else if (.@flower == 15) set .@item2,7033; // Poison Spore getitem .@item2,1; delitem 6381,1; initnpctimer; disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnTimer180000: enablenpc strnpcinfo(0); stopnpctimer; end; } mes ".........."; close; } ice_dun01,242,80,4 duplicate(iceflower) Flower#1 527 ice_dun01,53,73,4 duplicate(iceflower) Flower#2 527 ice_dun01,289,74,4 duplicate(iceflower) Flower#3 527 ice_dun01,239,81,4 duplicate(iceflower) Flower#4 527 OnTimer180000 = 3 minutes to show again the npc.
  17. Option 1: prontera,150,150,4 script Warper 939,{ if (countitem(7338) < 1) { mes "[Waper]"; mes "Sorry, you don't have VIP Badge"; close; } else { mes "hello master i'm a vip warper where did you want to warp"; next; switch(select("Morning WOE:Evening WOE")) { case 1: warp "prontera",150,151; break; case 2: warp "prontera",150,152; break; } } } Option 2: prontera,150,150,4 script Warper 939,{ if (countitem(7338) < 1) { mes "[Waper]"; mes "Sorry, you don't have VIP Badge"; close; } else { mes "hello master i'm a vip warper... blaabla."; if (gettime(3)>= 6&&gettime(3)<= 12) { select ("Morning WOE"); warp "prontera",150,151; } if (gettime(3)>=13&&gettime(3)<=18) { select ("Evening WOE"); warp "prontera",150,152; } } }
  18. specialeffect2 EF_LIGHTSPHERE; bonus_script "{ bonus bMaxHPrate,100; bonus bDefRate,-50; bonus bMdefRate,-50; }",180,1024,0,SI_MVPCARD_TAOGUNKA; It's only expand the duration, for example bonus_script "{ bonus bMaxHPrate,100; bonus bDefRate,-50; bonus bMdefRate,-50; }",5,1024,0,SI_MVPCARD_TAOGUNKA; The effect will end in 5sec, but if i use the item when i have 1 sec remaning to end the effect, that script will add 5 more sec. But if i use 2 at the same time, the time duration will not stack, exm: i have 4 sec remaning and i use again the time, i got 1 sec because i already have 4 sec . sorry if i confuse you. I'm learning english
  19. - script Drop_extra -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if( rand( 100 ) <= 3 && (Class == Job_Knight || Class == Job_Lord_Knight || Class == Job_Rune_Knight_T)) { { .@item_id = F_Rand( 7097,1034 ); getitem .@item_id,1; } end; } if( rand( 100 ) <= 3 && (Class == Job_Sage || Class == Job_Professor || Class == Job_Sorcerer_T)) { { .@item_id = F_Rand( 904,946 ); getitem .@item_id,1; } end; } if( rand( 100 ) <= 3 && (Class == Job_Blacksmith || Class == Job_Whitesmith || Class == Job_Mechanic_T)) { { .@item_id = F_Rand( 999,984 ); getitem .@item_id,1; } end; } if( rand( 100 ) <= 3 && (Class == Job_Alchemist || Class == Job_Creator || Class == Job_Genetic_T)) { { .@item_id = F_Rand( 7135,7136 ); getitem .@item_id,1; } end; } if ( rand( 100 ) <= 3 && (Class == Job_Assassin || Class == Job_Assassin_Cross || Class == Job_Guillotine_Cross_T)) { { .@item_id = F_Rand( 7155,7003 ); getitem .@item_id,1; } end; } }
  20. @Emistry Code: OnNPCKillEvent: if ( rand( 2 ) ) { .@item_id = F_Rand( 501,502,503,504,505 ); getitem .@item_id,1; } end; Just change: - script Poring_Coin -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if ( rand( 100 ) <= 90 ) { .@item_id = F_Rand( 7539 ); getitem .@item_id,1; } end; } Steps: 1) Create a txt in npc/custom/allmonstersdrop.txt 2) Put the code. 3) Save the file. 4) open ...\rathena\npc\scripts_custom.conf 5) add npc: npc/custom/allmonstersdrop.txt 6) type @reload script ingame 7). kill monsters.
  21. It's a fresh server? or you add some src? Compile your server again. Using this cmd. 1) ./configure 2) make clean 3) make server if you get some error, post it.
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