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Everything posted by Akkarin

  1. See themes/default/css/flux.css It's all in there
  2. Why would i reduce it by $2 o.O Side-Note: Massive integration update coming soon. The service desk will be able to provide alerts plus a bit of system control. I'm not saying too much until the update is released since it looks like I have some competition. After all, by definition, a Service Desk isn't a Service Desk if all it's got is simple ticket control
  3. Can you be abit more specific? A drop down what now? A "drop down" is just html, but if you're after JS for it, i'm assuming that's not what you meant /spin
  4. IPB has good documentation on how to use the xmlrpc libraries on their site. The easiest way is to use RSS instead of the API calls and display that instead.
  5. Since you're already calling data from the char table, you'd just need to shove `char`.`class` into the SQL statement. In your foreach you'd add $player['class'][$x] = getJobClass($rank->class);
  6. The pages you need to look at are in themes/<theme_name>/donate/ The button itself is in data/paypal/button.php
  7. Correct It's the original FluxCP that doesn't have this feature.
  8. No.. so you can use an NPC to submit/check tickets from within the client. You know this Kitty, it's on our Trello board Well isn't that a coincidence..
  9. It's a ticket system based on ITIL functionality for Incident Management - there's nothing to do with forums in it /me throws a whole bunch of Pichus at you
  10. In the first image, where did you get the sniper from?
  11. No it's not o.o /me throws a Pichu at Mystrs They will when i've written the npc scripts
  12. This is the function inside lib/Flux.php: /** * Get the job class name from a job ID. * * @param int $id * @return mixed Job class or false. * @access public */ public static function getJobClass($id) { $key = "JobClasses.$id"; $class = self::config($key); if ($class) { return $class; } else { return false; } } So for example: $sth = $server->connection->getStatement("SELECT * FROM {$server->charMapDatabase}.char WHERE account_id = ?"); $sth->execute(array($session->account->account_id)); $charlist = $sth->fetchAll(); if(!$charlist){ $charselect='No characters on account!'; } else { foreach($charlist as $char){ $charclass = getJobClass($char->class); $charselect.= 'ID: '$char->char_id .' Name: '. $char->name .' Class: '. $charclass; } } On your page within theme, you would have: <?php echo $charselect ?> The above is an example and is not guaranteed to work, but it should... i think. Does that help?
  13. Are you using a CP? Flux has public functions available for this. If you're coding this into a site yourself, you'll need a series of if{}elseif{} statements. You could do it via case, in a foreach, or while loop.. there's lots of different methods.
  14. Akkarin

    Flux CP

    Your best option would be to use one of the Content Management addons (if you want to do this the easy way). If you want to do it yourself, jump into /themes/{your-theme-name}/ and look in there for the folder/pages you need. You can edit the html in there directly.
  15. File Name: FluxCP Addon - Service Desk File Submitter: Akkarin File Submitted: 09 Oct 2012 File Category: Web Resources Content Author: Akkarin Tired of supporting your players via the forums? Need something with abit more.. "ummph"? Look no further I present the Service Desk. This FluxCP addon is geared towards the Incident Management Service Desk function, part of the ITIL framework. This addon is essentially a supped-up Support Ticket system. Features Standard reply function for both players and staff. Different types of reply actions for ease and convenience (i.e. reply and return to ticket, return to list, reply and resolve, etc) Staff profiles - create your staff account and select a name you'd like to reply as. Category Control - Show/Hide specific categories from the list on the create ticket page Escalation feature - Don't have sufficient access to help a player? Escalate it to your superior 3 "Groups" or "Teams" of support enabled. Grouped Pending and Resolved ticket statuses to clearly define tickets. Additional "Closed" status that can only be used by a superior group. Useful for performance checks! Screenshot thumbnails. Ability to re-open a Resolved ticket. Logs both Response and appropriate "Action". Displayed neatly to player. Allows player to select a character that's affected, or choose whole account/none. Links to Account and Character pages from ticket header. Sends an email to all staff who have enabled Email Alerts on their Staff Profile when a new ticket is opened Players receive an email when a member of staff has replied to their tickets. Submit tickets from within the game client Compatibility This addon will work with any installation of FluxCP, including renewal branches and forks. Installation Upload .zip archive to your root Flux directory and unzip. Browse to your FluxCP site and enter your installer password. This will allow you to install the SQL tables. Once installed, login with an account that has HIGHGM or higher privileges. Navigate to the Staff Settings page and create your staff profile. Set yourself up in the Admin group If needed, add additional categories via the Category Control page. Let your players know that you have installed a robust support system! Additional Configuration Status and Staff Response colours are configurable in config/addon.php, and nearly all text is in the language file for easy translation! Demo A demo site is coming soon. Future Plans NPC scripts to allow staff to respond while in-game. Optional picklog/chat/npc/etc links, dependant upon category selected. Dynamic Create Ticket page, powered by jquery. Graphical reports on tickets, staff, procedures, timespans, etc. Support Bug-fixes for this addon will take priority over any of my work and are completely free. If you find a bug after purchasing this addon, please let me know as quickly as possible by sending me a PM on these forums. If you require additional support, please also feel free so PM me on rAthena's forums. Before doing so, please also make sure that you're using the latest version of this software. Only the latest version will be supported. Please Note: This is a purchasable download. You may not redistribute this code under any circumstances. Click here to download this file
  16. It's fake, i've had around 40 of those sent to me when i was hosting eA servers a few years ago. 1. Why use a facebook URL to your site? 2. Representing Gravity Europe, why are they using american spellings.. Europeans use en-GB. 3. Why didn't it come from Gravity itself, instead of a European subsidiary? 4. I hate to say it, but there's traces of pinoy grammar in that thar letterz. 5. In official Gravity letters, they address you by Salutation then Surname. However, on what you should do, is entirely up to you.
  17. That wouldn't be too difficult.... *considers putting this on his list of things to do* Since it's a "Group" email, allow selectable groups to be something like: Whole server Guild / selected guilds Certain group levels/IDs (Super Players?) Accounts with specific chars/classes on them I guess being able to email all accounts with a Prof on them would be handy if you're about to do something to the Profs (say.. nerf a skill?) and you need to make sure they're informed? If you can come up with a good list of groups to go with mass-mailing the entire server, i'll code it
  18. Fixed both in 1.0.4 I've gone one better and allowed a "Preferred Name" to be used
  19. Since people are using this, and it's -clearly- in need of some TLC, i'll work on a few updates for it
  20. The svn update function doesn't overwrite anything. If it detects a conflict, the program tells you about it then adds >>>>>>>>, =========== and <<<<<<<< to the files for you deal with. If using windows, tortoisesvn has a function to deal with conflicts. Linux prompts you, usually you would hit "e" on your keyboard to edit the file, then save-exit, then hit "r" to mark it as resolved and it'll carry on with the update. There's no need to over-complicate a process that's been simple to do for years.
  21. I'm inclined to rm -rf them with the exception of an installation guide. That's really the only thing I'd expect to see - not a link to a page that loads other offline files in iframes. All the other information in them is already in files accessible offline. I'll sort something out and put this to bed before the end of next weekend.
  22. Are you using the correct packet_db version?
  23. Are there any errors showing up on the char server? When trying to create the new character, how far do you get? (Are you able to click on the button, can you get to the creation screen, can you change the stat modifier?)
  24. Have you all gone crazy? o.O Subversion is designed to merge working directory with new content - it takes into account that the user may have modified data and carries out the updates/merges accordingly o_o
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