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Everything posted by Akkarin

  1. PCLogin Settings By Akkarin You know when you login to your server that you work on, or even play on, and you always end up typing the same commands each time before you even say hello to anyone? @autoloot, then @uptime to see when the last reboot was, @rates if you've got fluctuating exp/drop rates, etc etc. @showexp cos you want to know what's going on, blah blah blah. With this Settings NPC, a player can set those commands to automatically execute when they login. These are account based, but could easily be modified to char based. Following the general format of the script, it should be easy to add/remove commands from those available to the player. @main is listed at the bottom of the script, so if you don't use it you may as-well remove that line. This script is years old, revamped to make it work with recent revisions - i've tested it on both our live server, and my dev server and seems to work.. but if you find any bugs or glitches, or something that could be optimised abit more, please let me know settings.txt
  2. For your players to register, you need a control panel or you can write yourself a login system. They can download your installer after you've made one and uploaded it to your site. Flux for rA: http://rathena.org/board/topic/60255-fluxcp-renewal-finally-native-rathena-support/ A webpage popping up happens with certain clients that have certain diff's applied, if i recall correctly - dunno, haven't seen that for aout 18 months xD xampp is a webserver suite of tools that allows a machine to serve web pages using php, with a MySQL database included for back-end storage. XAMPP: http://rathena.org/wiki/XAMPP_Installation
  3. Do you mean since the player logged in, or since the char was created? If it's since last login you could do it with either a timer or an sql query o.O
  4. Another Item Hunt By Akkarin Morning all! This is a script that i developed for my server circa 2007 and it's been collecting digital dust since then to be honest. Basically, this is an Item Hunt script that can be fully automated by adding OnClock labels. What's different about this one to everyone elses? Not a lot. Except one of the NPCs uses the npcwalk script so he moves around the map moaning about his lost items that you've got to find. The configs should be fairly self-explainatory: //================ // CONFIGS START //================ // This is the array of items that the NPCs will ask your players to find. // They must be separated by a comma (,) and cannot contain more than // 127 items. That's the law. End of. setarray $FindItems[0],913,507; // Set the min amount of an item to look for set $FIMIN,5; // Set the max amount of an item to look for set $FIMAX,30; // Set your prize item ID here! set $FIPrize,501; // Set your prize quantity here! set $FIPrizeAmt,2; // Jacob is Jacob by default, but you can change his name here set $FIJname$,"Jacob"; // Colette is Colette by default, but you can change her name here set $FICname$,"Colette"; // GM Level / Group required to start/stop scripts set $FIAuth,80; //================ // CONFIGS END //================ To start the event manually, send a PM to NPC:Jacob saying "start" (no ""). You may notice that the NPC sprite is uhm... custom: prontera,144,178,4<TAB>script<TAB>Jacob<TAB>2500,{ Since this NPC walks, the normal NPC sprites look silly just gliding along. This was originally intended to use the mob_avail.txt e.g. // Add to db/mob_avail.txt to make Jacob look like a High Priest 2500,4009,1,23,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 Obviously, client-side needs to be updated (npcidentity.lu[a/b] and jobname.lu[a/] if i recall correctly) and if you want to use a custom mob, don't forget to add him to the database! If not, change 2500 to a normal NPC sprite. Or use the poring sprite and watch him bounce around while talking.. As it's been a -VERY- long time since I've done any decent scripting, and like i said - this script is old, half of it looks another language (no pun intended..) so if there's something that can be optimised, or that should be using a different function, please let me know jacob.txt
  5. You'll need to port-forward on your router for the login/char/map servers data to actually reach the intended destination.
  6. "I'm trying to install eAthena" -> Installation help for eAthena: http://eathena.ws - although the principle is the same. configure: error: MySQL not found or incompatible (requested) - this means what it says. Did you yum install or is this a tarball installation of MySQL?
  7. Those buttons are just images, you need to update your data folder/grf to include the latest translation pack: http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Translation_Project/
  8. If you're only setting up a test server, there's no sense in installing WAMP or XAMPP, just use rASQL http://rathena.org/wiki/Using_rAsql
  9. Are you using the correct packetver in mmo.h and in db/packet_db.txt?
  10. It doesn't seem to crash on r16668 - that's what i use for my dev server, and 16609 is fine for our production server.
  11. You really need to read the guides :/ You need to download a translated data folder, then you need to use the setup.exe with the blue icon. I would suggest doing abit of searching around on the forums for answers to your questions. These have been asked hundreds of times before, and answered.
  12. http://rathena.org/wiki/Connecting#Client_Side I also recommend you read this: http://rathena.org/board/topic/65579-judas-client-side-area/
  13. That's a no then.. Your screenshot also says no. Create a user called ragnarok, with the password ragnarok, then give it access to the database called ragnarok. This was all explained in the wiki's setup instructions.
  14. Did you install mysql? Did you setup a user called ragnarok? Did you give it a password? Did you allow that user to access the database from localhost?
  15. You also need to follow the instructions, then configure things. The link i gave you tells you all you need to know, and also has links at the bottom that take you to a page that tells you what you need to do next.
  16. Those three windows tell you what the problem is. You need to compile the servers before you can run them. See the following: http://rathena.org/wiki/Installation_on_Windows
  17. In that case, what revision are you using? o.O That bug report states that the original poster had fixed the issue simply by updating and recompiling their rAthena..
  18. @donkeyg: While you're still connected to your VPS via putty, run @reloadscript again and take a screenshot of the putty window, then upload to this thread. We can't help you if we don't know what's causing the problem
  19. Archive being updated to version 2, just waiting on someone to approve it. Added .gif and .jpg, including the original item folder after 16-08-12 patches complete.
  20. If your VPS is with Asura, i'd recommend using their webhosting (assuming they offer web hosting?). Asura is designed for hosting RO servers. On a side note: connecting from your website to your ro database will only be hindered if you've not got correct permissions set on your database itself - it'd have nothing to do with where it is. I.E your user would need to able to connect from your website IP. Hope that helps
  21. It'll cause massive performance issues if you use a webhost - i assume you mean buy webhosting space and then use one of your included MySQL databases for your rAthena server? I strongly advise against it. However, if you mean have it hosted on a separate server i.e a VPS, then there's not much performance to be lost. I used to host eA servers a few years ago and i could comfortably have 40 servers' databases hosted on one machine. The performance loss is minuscule. As long as you're not hosting your database via a service like cPanel for your webhosting or anything, you'll be fine for remote databases.
  22. Does anyone know where the sprite file names are defined in the LUA files? For the life of me i can't find them. They're not still only defined in the client, are they?
  23. Haha, i <3 the header! The BG is apparently from WOW.. dunno, i've never had much to do with it lol. Hmm... *opens photoshop* Thanks Euphy
  24. Tbh, i haven't done any optimisation with the images lol. On the vote->in page though, all the images are pre-cached so when you -are- sent to the site's listing page, it should load under 200ms >_> or atleast according to my chrome plugin
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