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Everything posted by Akkarin

  1. rAthena doesn't support 2016 clients yet.
  2. setarray .maptrigger$, // only these maps will trigger this script // "all", // uncomment this to allow load all maps "new_1-1", If you try to change scripts, try to atleast keep the same formatting for the functions of the script. Change the comma to a semi-colon after "new_1-1"
  3. There was no more pennies in the pot to pay a license fee for software that no one uses.
  4. Hey guys! We'd like to make you all aware of some forum downtime that has been scheduled for Tuesday 8th November 2016 for maintenance and upgrades. Click here for timezone clocks. The forum will go offline around 10am GMT for an unknown number of hours while data is backed-up and upgrade scripts are ran. During the downtime, the forums and rA wiki will go offline. If everything goes smoothly we will emerge in fabulous shiny new IPS4 forums. This will not affect the Github repo/issues/projects/wiki/code/anything. Please ensure you know how to get to our Github page while the forums are offline. Most of us already have Github bookmarked, but for those that don't, now is a good opportunity to hit ctrl+D. With the Wiki being moved to Github, our current installation will not be coming back online. What does this mean for you? It means we will temporarily loose 3rd Party Plugins and Apps such as Advanced Tags and Prefixes and the Awards/Badges. They will be coming back shortly after the upgrade to IPS4, but at the moment there's no definitive date planned - it'll be when an IPS4 compatible version is installed. Other than that, all data will be updated to the new format. Files will be automatically inserted into the new Downloads suite. IP.Content will be merged into the new Pages App. Unfortunately, IP.Blogs will become a casualty and not be coming back for the foreseeable future. The data will remain within our database, however. If it doesn't go as planned, and there's bound to be a few hiccups trying to convert 7GB of data, then we will stay with IPB3 until InvisionPower can look over our data and fix it for a clean upgrade. The rA team would like to say a big thank you to Nova and his server NovaRO for paying the upgrade and first 6 months bill of the IPS4 license. Not only is he one of our developers and invests his time in rAthena, he's now using his server to re-invest back in to the rAthena community. It's awesome when that happens, and by far doesn't happen often enough!! Akky~ out.
  5. To be titled correctly, that particular page would become /Adding-A-Script. I see what you're trying to do, but each page would still require manually going over to remove links to Script Command pages, formatting, correct indentation, etc.
  6. Jey, while your script looks useful, it serves no purpose in our repo as the links would still point to content that no longer exists. It also states in the first post that there is a special editing group.
  7. There's no detailed information for us to be able to help you.. We're not a group of crystal balls. Also, moving topic to client support.
  8. Then post your errors and we'll move this thread to Support section o.O
  9. That's correct. We don't need all of these copy-paste pages, or if we're keeping them then we should atleast expand on them all with proper examples in working code. Or we just ditch them :/
  10. http://www.green-peach.net/index.php?a=sprite&type=hat&name=Magestic_Goat Someone didn't look hard enough for themselves.
  11. Hey guys! Our Wiki is moving to Github. Actually, it's already there, but the conversion process isn't perfect. Some of the links and headers from the older Mediawiki syntax remain, which means the pages look a little bit messy. The current wiki hosted by us is in read-only mode. This is where you can help! There are currently over 700 pages that require attention. Do you have a spare half hour to give us a hand? What we need: Links changing to pages that exist. Pages can now have spaces in the links, which equates to a dash (-) in the title. For example [Database Configuration](Database-Configuration) and will be our new naming convention. If the page doesn't exist, you may be able to find it by using the search bar on the right of the wiki homepage. Formatting Section headers need to be addressed Code needs correct indentation for formatted output (4 spaces) Content correctionSome of the pages are years old and the functions/script they're describing either no longer functions that way, or doesn't exist. We have setup a special Wiki-Editing group on Github, so all you need is an account and you can make a start! Don't worry about making a mistake, there is a "Preview" option to double check, and everything is revision controlled so major hiccups can be reverted This is a mammoth task. We fully understand that. To help, we will be using the https://rathena.org/board/forum/63-rathena-wiki-discussion/ forum to discuss and assign larger pages to the Wiki team.
  12. On holiday in Spain May 2015. Behind bar at work Sept 2016.
  13. Someone didn't read anything that was posted earlier in this thread.. It won't require a COMPLETE rewrite. As for "missing features", most will be much easier to add once the conversion is complete. For example, Aleos and Secrets were having a discussion earlier about how much easier it would be if the Achievement System was being written using functions available in C++. But because we don't have those functions available in C, the Devs have to write functions and hacked out methods of doing things. In C++ many of these functions are already available to us. It's difficult to improve what we currently have due to various limitations. One of those limitations is the restrictions placed on rA's code by C itself. Unless we add lines and lines of code to use functions that are already available in another language. "You need to focus and find a direction." We have, and it's with C++. Current changes and fixes are easily merged into the C++ branch, where they can be written correctly and expanded upon in the future. Implementing "what is missing" is difficult to do if it will introduce bugs/glitches/screaming rAthena users who won't do anything to help the Devs except complain. @everyone else: When you guys start to contribute to the src instead of only posting issues that your custom features affects official xyz implementation, then by all means cast opinions, or even join in the discussion. Until then, let the Devs provide your money-making-code for free without being harrased about their decisions to help you.
  14. There's no sense in installing an additional package just to install a package when you can install the package on it's own.. phpmyadmin has it's own installer.
  15. Maybe you should start posting issues at github, so the devs can work on the issues?
  16. Google search takes less time and keystrokes than typing a topic on rAthena. We don't support phpMyAdmin. Please refer to phpMyAdmin's documentation (which i google'd for) https://docs.phpmyadmin.net/en/latest/
  17. Asia/Calcutta is not a supported timezone. Please see http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.asia.php config.php even tells you where to look: // The default timezone, consult the PHP manual for valid timezones: http://php.net/timezones (null for defaut system TZ)
  18. I can't imagine anyone will trawl through an unpacked exe just to find the dimensions for the equipment UI. Simply hexing the client won't be enough, you 'd need to thunk it.
  19. TXT hasn't existed for years. The instructions you need are exactly the same at the instructions in the link you posted. The only difference is you're not throwing it to a VPS/Dedicated server if you're just running it locally. You still need MySQL installed, or use rASQL.
  20. The button on the right side of the forums allows you to donate any amount, the button in the "store" automatically gives you donator status. 2-3 months is a long time to wait to ask a question @.@ On-Topic: This is a massive leap for the dev team and i'm looking forward to their lives being made easier at the end of it
  21. You can help in lots of ways! Submit issues to github, test for compiling errors, hit the donate button, review changes, suggest updates, etc etc.
  22. It's a full, up-to-date, playable kRO installation. The client included is official release, not unpacked. No, but you can grab the server files from the rAthena Github Repo. Probably. I can't help your internet connection Done. Check http://roclients.info/ and click the "Installers" tab. iRO.zip plus parts 1 to 10 in 200MB zip files. First post updated.
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