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Everything posted by Akkarin

  1. You're using an old FluxCP theme that doesn't support verifying the entered email address. Add the necessary code from the default theme or ask the author of that particular theme to update their code and design themes correctly using the Inherit system.
  2. That's endless looping for real reason. Is there a specific reason you want the announcement to go straight to the chat bar instead of it being displayed as an announcement.. and still being in the chat bar?
  3. Site seems to be offline now anyway, i think it's safe to ignore :/
  4. FluxCP accesses nearly all tables. For basic usage, you need to provide Data: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Structure: CREATE, ALTER, INDEX, DROP(not a necessity), CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES, SHOW VIEW, CREATE VIEW
  5. I believe i resolved this issue privately. The webhost did not have outbound ports available to connect to remote MySQL server.
  6. It'd make more sense to speak to GMH and find out what they originally diffed your client with. Or ask them to provide you a new one with your desired settings incase they've changed something in your src to only accept their diff'ed clients. It's been known to happen in the past :/
  7. I sometimes get that on iRO, i have to close/reopen the client. On my server it happens to and a quick @refresh fixes it. I've always assumed it was something to do with my ancient gpu, or network packet loss. Have you tried @refresh to see if you can "unstick" your char?
  8. Can you do everything you'd be able to normally without using @go, @item and @ Warp ?
  9. Just as a followup, did you ever get this solved?
  10. You'd need cloud hosting, but even thst wont fully provide what youre asking for. You can't 'mirror' a server to reduce network ping.
  11. I'm pretty sure max level is set somewhere else too. You're also not supposed to be directly setting the BaseExp var.
  12. It's likely that reinstalling won't help as older FluxCP addons are accessing player variables in the wrong location. It's looking for data that doesn't exist in a table that isn't used anymore. Change the SQL query in modules\vote4points\function.php to point to current tables instead.
  13. I've added more text styles/functionality back into the editor. Font selector isn't displayed by default.
  14. There has been no data loss. At all. Thank you for your continued optimism.
  15. Hey guys! The upgrade completed without any major problems, which was nice. There are several differences in the way the forum functions now, but the changes aren't detrimental. For example, the wysiwyg editor is cleaner. The subforums allow for upvoting answers and selecting "Best Answer" instead of "Mark Solved". There isn't any buggy code anywhere! IPS4 runs on a new framework and doesn't rely on any of our old files. This means previous edits and hacky customisations are a thing of the past. The forums will still be very slow while tasks are running in the background. These should complete themselves over the next 12 hours or so. Just in-case it isn't all plain-sailing, a special sub-forum has been created for newly created IPS4 forum bugs. I don't think there will be many bugs, but i expect the section might quickly fill up with questions. If it does, i'll answer as quickly as possible. If it doesn't, then that's a good thing!
  16. Dispbottom is for single chars only unless you loop through all online players, attach and detach rid, which is not efficient.
  17. None of them - 20151104 is the latest exe that rAthena supports. https://rathena.org/board/topic/86650-officially-supported-client-versions/
  18. Hopefully, eventually, maybe one day in the future you'll type a post that isn't criticising everything we do with no basis, no facts, no research, no nothing. Upgrading to IPS4 from our current version can't possibly introduce any more bugs than we already have. Your experience is valid only to you, as many of the rA staff have been using IPS4 for a long time and have had no problems. The decision was made a long time ago. And in future, kindly curb your foul language when posting a reply in the announcements section.
  19. rAthena doesn't support 2016 clients yet.
  20. setarray .maptrigger$, // only these maps will trigger this script // "all", // uncomment this to allow load all maps "new_1-1", If you try to change scripts, try to atleast keep the same formatting for the functions of the script. Change the comma to a semi-colon after "new_1-1"
  21. There was no more pennies in the pot to pay a license fee for software that no one uses.
  22. Hey guys! We'd like to make you all aware of some forum downtime that has been scheduled for Tuesday 8th November 2016 for maintenance and upgrades. Click here for timezone clocks. The forum will go offline around 10am GMT for an unknown number of hours while data is backed-up and upgrade scripts are ran. During the downtime, the forums and rA wiki will go offline. If everything goes smoothly we will emerge in fabulous shiny new IPS4 forums. This will not affect the Github repo/issues/projects/wiki/code/anything. Please ensure you know how to get to our Github page while the forums are offline. Most of us already have Github bookmarked, but for those that don't, now is a good opportunity to hit ctrl+D. With the Wiki being moved to Github, our current installation will not be coming back online. What does this mean for you? It means we will temporarily loose 3rd Party Plugins and Apps such as Advanced Tags and Prefixes and the Awards/Badges. They will be coming back shortly after the upgrade to IPS4, but at the moment there's no definitive date planned - it'll be when an IPS4 compatible version is installed. Other than that, all data will be updated to the new format. Files will be automatically inserted into the new Downloads suite. IP.Content will be merged into the new Pages App. Unfortunately, IP.Blogs will become a casualty and not be coming back for the foreseeable future. The data will remain within our database, however. If it doesn't go as planned, and there's bound to be a few hiccups trying to convert 7GB of data, then we will stay with IPB3 until InvisionPower can look over our data and fix it for a clean upgrade. The rA team would like to say a big thank you to Nova and his server NovaRO for paying the upgrade and first 6 months bill of the IPS4 license. Not only is he one of our developers and invests his time in rAthena, he's now using his server to re-invest back in to the rAthena community. It's awesome when that happens, and by far doesn't happen often enough!! Akky~ out.
  23. To be titled correctly, that particular page would become /Adding-A-Script. I see what you're trying to do, but each page would still require manually going over to remove links to Script Command pages, formatting, correct indentation, etc.
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