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Everything posted by Akkarin

  1. Again, untested: - script atcmd_go -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "go",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; bindatcmd "warp",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end; OnAtcommand: if(!getarraysize(.@atcmd_parameters$)) { message strcharinfo(0), "Invalid syntax."; end; } .@cmd$ = .@atcmd_command$; .@location$ = .@atcmd_parameters$[0]; .@x$ = .@atcmd_parameters$[1]; .@y$ = .@atcmd_parameters$[2]; dispbottom .@cmd$ +" used"; if( .@cmd$ == "@go" ){ dispbottom "found @go"; if( .@location$ == "0" ){ dispbottom "found 0"; if(BaseLevel < 100){ dispbottom "You need to be atleast Base Level 100 to go there!"; } else { atcommand "@go 0"; } } else if( .@location$ == "1" ){ dispbottom "found 1"; if(BaseLevel < 100){ dispbottom "You need to be atleast Base Level 100 to go there!"; } else { atcommand "@warp invek"; } } else { dispbottom "found something else"; atcommand "@go "+ .@location$; } } else if( .@cmd$ == "@warp" ){ dispbottom "found @warp"; if( .@location$ == "invek" ){ dispbottom "found invek"; if(BaseLevel < 100){ dispbottom "You need to be atleast Base Level 100 to go there!"; } else { atcommand "@warp invek" + .@x$ + " " + .@y$; } } else { atcommand "@warp "+ .@location$ + " " + .@x$ + " " + .@y$; } } else { dispbottom "Odd.. nothing processed.."; } dispbottom "@ end"; end; } Just needed additional parameters adding for the x and y coordinates.
  2. Bah. Sometimes i forget which language i'm using *_* /me edits. - script atcmd_go -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "go",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; bindatcmd "warp",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end; OnAtcommand: if(!getarraysize(.@atcmd_parameters$)) { message strcharinfo(0), "Invalid syntax."; end; } .@cmd$ = .@atcmd_command$; .@location$ = .@atcmd_parameters$[0]; dispbottom .@cmd$ +" used"; if( .@cmd$ == "@go" ){ dispbottom "found @go"; if( .@location$ == "0" ){ dispbottom "found 0"; if(BaseLevel < 100){ dispbottom "You need to be atleast Base Level 100 to go there!"; } else { atcommand "@go 0"; } } else if( .@location$ == "1" ){ dispbottom "found 1"; if(BaseLevel < 100){ dispbottom "You need to be atleast Base Level 100 to go there!"; } else { atcommand "@warp invek"; } } else { dispbottom "found something else"; atcommand "@go "+ .@location$; } } else if( .@cmd$ == "@warp" ){ dispbottom "found @warp"; if( .@location$ == "invek" ){ dispbottom "found invek"; if(BaseLevel < 100){ dispbottom "You need to be atleast Base Level 100 to go there!"; } else { atcommand "@warp invek"; } } else { atcommand "@warp "+ .@location$; } } else { dispbottom "Odd.. nothing processed.."; } dispbottom "@ end"; end; } You can do away with all of the dispbottom's everywhere, they're just there for debugging.
  3. - script atcmd_go -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "go",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; bindatcmd "warp",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end; OnAtcommand: if(!getarraysize(.@atcmd_parameters$)) { message strcharinfo(0), "Invalid syntax."; end; } .@cmd$ = .@atcmd_command$; .@location = .@atcmd_parameters$[0]; switch(.@cmd){ case "go": switch(.@location){ case 0: if(BaseLevel < 100){ dispbottom "You need to be atleast Base Level 100 to go there!"; } else { atcommand "@go 0"; } break; case 1: if(BaseLevel < 100){ dispbottom "You need to be atleast Base Level 100 to go there!"; } else { atcommand "@warp invek"; } break; case default: atcommand "@go "+ .@location; break; } break; case "warp": switch(.@location){ case "invek": if(BaseLevel < 100){ dispbottom "You need to be atleast Base Level 100 to go there!"; } else { atcommand "@warp invek"; } break; case default: atcommand "@warp "+ .@location; break; } break; } end; } Currently untested, but this should provide you with a good base to edit without breaking it Should be fairly easy to follow so you can add additional locations in the future.
  4. Well... you need an elseif in there, and your error is because the script is trying to warp you to a map called "0". Give me 20 mins to get to a PC and i can rewrite it for you and test.
  5. Did you change: packet_db_ver: default in db/packet_db.txt and #define PACKETVER 20130807 in src/common/mmo.h and then recompile your server?
  6. I have no doubt that it works, i'm just baffled by the unnecessary use of an array and so many variables where a very simple script would do the same job. I see no valid reason to reinvent the wheel when there's a perfectly good wheel in the repo that can be tweaked to requirements, that's all.
  7. They create the list of items sold in the shop. From script_commands.txt: *npcshopadditem "<name>",<item id>,<price>{,<item id>,<price>{,<item id>,<price>{,...}}}; This command will add more items at the end of the selling list for the specified NPC shop or cashshop. If you specify an item already for sell, that item will appear twice on the sell list. The function returns 1 if shop was updated successfully, or 0 if not found. NOTES: - That you cannot use -1 to specify default selling price! - If attached shop type is market shop, need an extra param after price, it's <qty> and make sure don't add duplication item! --------------------------------------- *npcshopdelitem "<name>",<item id>{,<item id>{,<item id>{,...}}}; This command will remove items from the specified NPC shop or cashshop. If the item to remove exists more than once on the shop, all instances will be removed. Note that the function returns 1 even if no items were removed. The return value is only to confirm that the shop was indeed found.
  8. The iRO wiki page gives you all the map locations for NPCs and all the item IDs involved in the quest. It shouldn't take much more than an hour to script this. You can use the script_commands.txt doc for help with creating an NPC, getting and deleting items and how to reward EXP. Since it's from 2014, i doubt anyone will have the official dialogue, so you may as well make it up as you go along.
  9. A quick way to do this without changing any of the source would be to overwrite the @go command using bindatcmd: - script atcmd_go -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "go",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end; OnAtcommand: if(!getarraysize(.@atcmd_parameters$)) { message strcharinfo(0), "Invalid syntax."; end; } .@location = .@atcmd_parameters$[0]; if(.@location == 0){ if(BaseLevel < 100){ dispbottom "You need to be atleast Base Level 100 to go there!"; } else { atcommand "@go 0"; } } else { atcommand "@go "+ .@location; } end; } Tested and works on my localhost, you'd need to edit to add more if/else's if you want to restrict other locations.
  10. There's a floating rates NPC script already in the rA repo: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/custom/etc/floating_rates.txt Just change the OnHour labels to something else: OnClock<hour><minute>: OnMinute<minute>: OnHour<hour>: On<weekday><hour><minute>: OnDay<month><day>: This will execute when the server clock hits the specified date or time. Hours and minutes are given in military time. ('0105' will mean 01:05 AM). Weekdays are Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat. Months are 01 to 12, days are 01 to 31. Remember the zero. So You'd use OnFri0000: and then use OnMon0000: to set the specific rates back again.
  11. I guess it was too much to submit this as a pull request.
  12. Go to /home/mwsuranol/public_html/addons/vote_for_credits/modules/vote/index.php on line 7 and edit the path to the lib file.
  13. FluxCP has a re-install feature that should fix this.
  14. Welp: Access denied for user 'ragnarok'@'localhost' (using password: YES) 1.) Is your FluxCP being served from the VPS that hosts your rA server? 2.) Where in relation to your FluxCP is your MySQL server? 3.) Are you using Windows? and localhost have different purposes. 4.) Does your MySQL user have access from localhost or or from outside the local interfaces? 5.) If all the DB connection settings are correct in servers.php, then i would slightly modify the username to see if the new user is coming up in the logs. Just a hunch.
  15. I've split the topic to move your post into your own thread. Don't hijack someone elses, please. If you've setup the access credentials correctly within config/servers.php then you wouldn't be getting this error.
  16. For number 2, have you enabled md5 passwords in your rA settings but not in your FluxCP settings? For number 1, check in data/logs/errors/exceptions/
  17. It's an issue with your theme not outputting the values from the language file correctly, or you have modified the following config to something you don't have. 'DefaultLanguage' => 'en_us',
  18. Well.. the errors kinda tell you what's wrong.. You don't have the sprite in the correct folder.
  19. If you haven't specified any loading screens in your clientinfo.xml, i believe the client will load default-named images. So loader1.jpg would be incorrect, according to your initial post. https://rathena.org/wiki/Clientinfo.xml
  20. I know where they are in the client files, i asked which file/function/packet causes the message to be output via /src/.
  21. Can anyone find the line in /src/ that tells the client to display this (or the -not- alternative) on every map change? I'm probably just being blind and dumb
  22. It may well be "legit" in terms of "it has a website", but it's not an approved service on our end, and their site is using a nulled version of WHMCS. Also, i recall Dev Blaze being involved with other services that were rejected, but i can't find the topics with my current forum permissions. I advise you use an internationally recognised hosting company, like ovh or something.
  23. Akkarin

    Flux CP

    The character style? We can't see what page you're trying to view as you've blacked out the URL. You're also using the original FluxCP and not the rA supported version.
  24. Akkarin

    flux cp

    Correct, you should escape the backslashes for Windows systems. 'D:\\xamp\\etc'
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