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    internet :D

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  1. Hello rAthena Community ! How to make script like this? This hat pretty cool, you can transform into Atroce 18756# It was from ancient times to the country with the east hat that mimics the hunting dog. It is obedience to the owner. But because vigilance is high, it is to be facing the watchdog. Increases physical damage against Brute monsters by 10%. [+ Fidelity_Necklace ] Add a chance for 5 seconds to transform into monster "Atroce" when the user receives physical damage. Each refine value increase transformation time into monster "Atroce" by 1 second. Type : Headgear Defense : 6 Location : Upper Weight : 40 Required Level : 50 Applicable Job : All Jobs # 18756,Black_Shiba_Inu_Hat,Black Shiba Inu Hat,5,20,,400,,6,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,256,,50,1,894,{},{},{} 2959,Fidelity_Necklace,Fidelity Necklace,5,20,,300,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,136,,50,0,0,{ bonus bAgi,2; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,3; },{},{}
  2. solved Indonesian-Bandana.rar
  3. zein

    N> RWC MAP 2012

    I tried look into kRO GRF but found nothing... anyone have this map?
  4. Try this one http://rathena.org/board/topic/62238-manage-skill-damage-21/ These patch added in r17485
  5. zein

    R> @loadnpc Npc

    What do you mean they aren't loaded automatically? are you using rathena? If you're using rathena, mapflag loaded automatically when you start server at first time. trunk/npc/scripts_mapflags.conf npc: npc/mapflag/nowarpto.txt for DB you can set in src/map/itemdb.c" class="bbc_url" title="SVN" rel="external">trunk/src/map/itemdb.c /*==================================== * read all item-related databases *------------------------------------*/ static void itemdb_read(void) { if (db_use_sqldbs) itemdb_read_sqldb(); else itemdb_readdb(); itemdb_read_combos(); itemdb_read_itemgroup(); sv_readdb(db_path, "item_avail.txt", ',', 2, 2, -1, &itemdb_read_itemavail); sv_readdb(db_path, DBPATH"item_noequip.txt", ',', 2, 2, -1, &itemdb_read_noequip); sv_readdb(db_path, DBPATH"item_trade.txt", ',', 3, 3, -1, &itemdb_read_itemtrade); sv_readdb(db_path, "item_delay.txt", ',', 2, 2, -1, &itemdb_read_itemdelay); sv_readdb(db_path, "item_stack.txt", ',', 3, 3, -1, &itemdb_read_stack); sv_readdb(db_path, DBPATH"item_buyingstore.txt", ',', 1, 1, -1, &itemdb_read_buyingstore); sv_readdb(db_path, "item_nouse.txt", ',', 3, 3, -1, &itemdb_read_nouse); itemdb_uid_load(); }
  6. RMSC 2012 (Ragnarok Malaysia Singapore Championship 2012) http://ro3.gameflier.com.my/rmsc2012/prize_E.html 18828,2012RMSCNO1,2012RMSCNO1,5,0,,1000,,5,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,95,1,942,{ bonus bAllStats,5; bonus bMdef,5; bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; skill "AL_TELEPORT",1; bonus bSpeedRate,25; },{},{} 18829,2012RMSCNO2,2012RMSCNO2,5,0,,1000,,5,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,95,1,943,{ bonus bAllStats,4; bonus bMdef,5; bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; skill "AL_TELEPORT",1; bonus bSpeedRate,25; },{},{} 18830,2012RMSCNO3,2012RMSCNO3,5,0,,1000,,5,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,95,1,944,{ bonus bAllStats,3; bonus bMdef,5; bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; skill "AL_TELEPORT",1; bonus bSpeedRate,25; },{},{} 18831,2012RMSCNO4,2012RMSCNO4,5,0,,1000,,5,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,95,1,945,{ bonus bAllStats,2; bonus bMdef,5; bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; bonus bSpeedRate,25; },{},{}
  7. turn ON chat filer for Public Chat Display.
  8. There is a problem with Indonesian Bandana.. Does anyone have a corrected sprite? This problem only on female character while sit or walk. 5321,Indonesian_Bandana,Bandana Merah Putih,5,20,,500,,2,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,0,1,342,{ bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,518,300; },{},{} data.rar
  9. Hello ! I had problem with Lua Error. I'm using this lua https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/client-side-translation/Data/luafiles514/lua files/datainfo/ data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\jobname.lua http://pastebin.com/mjwmQS5k data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\jobidentity.lua http://pastebin.com/nNpK5xtQ How to fix that ? data.rar
  10. @kamikaze666 https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/client-side-translation/Data/luafiles514/lua%20files/datainfo/petinfo.lua
  11. Hi, This script will broadcast any item you obtained from Old Purple Box. 617,Old_Violet_Box,Old Purple Box,2,10000,,200,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ set .@id, groupranditem(IG_VioletBox); getitem .@id,1; announce "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "] got " + getitemname(.@id) + " from Old Purple Box !",bc_all|bc_yellow; },{},{} I want modify this script when obtained a spesific item it will broadcast. For an example when I got a Poison Bottle it will announce [Name] got Poison Bottle from Old Purrple Box ! If I obtained the other item, it won't broadcast. Thanks!
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