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Everything posted by Neo-Mind

  1. sleeping eclipse and lunatic... so cute
  2. ah so they added it to main client nice
  3. this looks pretty good. too bad its only on RE client as of now. Waits for main ....
  4. which client date r u using. you would need to update iteminfo lua file for newer clients instead. newer means late 2012 onwards.
  5. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ROClientSide/Translation/master/System/itemInfo.lua
  6. OK I have come up with a different solution for the cases when you want to load the data from many files (assuming you can edit them). Put the following in a file and make the client load it. -- Define Some arrays and constants iiFiles = {"System/itemInfo_1.lub", "System/itemInfo_2.lub", "System/itemInfo_3.lub", "System/itemInfo_4.lub"} -- List of Files to Read which contains the tables iiTables = {tbl_1, tbl_2, tbl_3, tbl_4} -- List of Table Names read from the files in decreasing order of priority iiNum = table.getn(iiTables) -- Number of Entries in above array. initID = 501 -- First Item ID (Don't change this one unless Gravity decided to put lower values for ItemIDs) lastID = 32767 -- Last Item ID (Does not matter if some Item IDs in between are not defined, they will be skipped automatically.) --#############################################################################-- -- Do Not Modify anything beyond this point unless you know what you are doing.-- --#############################################################################-- -- Read the Tables in the Lua files mentioned for index = 0, iiNum-1, 1 do dofile(iiFiles[index]) end -- Define a new main function that looks through all the tables. function main() for ItemID = initID, lastID, 1 do for index = 0, iiNum-1, 1 do -- Iterate through each table curTable = iiTables[index] if curTable != nil && curTable[ItemID] != nil then -- Check if Table is valid and it has an entry for ItemID. ITEMDATA = curTable[ItemID] result, msg = AddItem(ItemID, ITEMDATA.unidentifiedDisplayName, ITEMDATA.unidentifiedResourceName, ITEMDATA.identifiedDisplayName, ITEMDATA.identifiedResourceName, ITEMDATA.slotCount, ITEMDATA.ClassNum) if not result then return false, msg end for k,v in pairs(ITEMDATA.unidentifiedDescriptionName) do result, msg = AddItemUnidentifiedDesc(ItemID, v) if not result then return false, msg end end for k,v in pairs(ITEMDATA.identifiedDescriptionName) do result, msg = AddItemIdentifiedDesc(ItemID, v) if not result then return false, msg end end index = iiNum -- alternative to continue statement (No More Tables need to be checked) end -- if curTable end -- for index end -- for ItemID return true, "good" end When you simply dofile the tbl array gets overwritten each time. so you need to rename those to proper names.Here the assumption is that tbl_1 is defined in ItemInfo_1 file, tbl_2 in ItemInfo_2 file etc. Hope this was clear.
  7. You can try it that way but you will need to put the dofile calls inside the main function of the target iteminfo file and also call the main function with no arguments after each dofile call.
  8. Agreed with this. Throw away Notepad. Use Notepad++ and you will be able to view it properly. As for what rayn was saying. UNIX text files use \n (Line Feed) to denote line endings but Windows files use \r\n sequence (Carriage Return Line Feed). Therefore if you open a UNIX file in Notepad it does not detect the line endings and therefore everything ends up in 1 line.
  9. Use "Restore Login Window" patch.
  10. whatever u want. you can put any color that suits the image. It wont show up (since its transparent) in the sprite anyways.
  11. your bg color should be the first color from your palette. The color's code is not relevant.
  12. should be possible if you patch the file name as BGM\DATA.ini in the Enable Multiple GRFs patch
  13. new map interface is purely clientside as far as i know and it only started from Jan 2014 clients onwards.
  14. I beg to differ. I started reading it from when it was simply reserved.
  15. maybe TRO is still using the tables? or check what all are there in the System folder maybe the name is different
  16. Introduction Well this idea came up when evilpunker asked about the possibility of having a patch which loads a second file which overrides the iteminfo file. But there is a better way to do that with lua itself. How to do it? The key idea is that the item information is added using the main function by the client. so in your custom file you just need to modify the main function to accept your items. Here is how it can be done. -- Load the original file. As you might have guessed you can also load your translated file here instead -- (just make sure the "tbl" array contains your item info) dofile("System/iteminfo.lub") -- Now as a simple example . I am simply going to change name of Red Potion to Crimson Potion. -- But you can add anything in the same way. Format is same as the original one, just -- the table name is different tbl_custom = { [501] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Crimson Potion", unidentifiedResourceName = "»¡°£Æ÷¼Ç", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "A potion made from", "grinded Red Herbs that", "restores ^000088about 45 HP^000000.", "^ffffff_^000000", "Weight: ^7777777^000000" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Crimson Potion", identifiedResourceName = "»¡°£Æ÷¼Ç", identifiedDescriptionName = { "^000088HP Recovery Item^000000", "A potion made from", "grinded Red Herbs that", "restores ^000088about 45 HP^000000.", "^ffffff_^000000", "Weight: ^7777777^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, } -- Now for a helper function because i hate repetitions -- It adds items from curTable if it is not present in refTable function itemAdder(curTable, refTable) for ItemID,DESC in pairs(curTable) do if refTable == nil or refTable[ItemID] == nil then result, msg = AddItem(ItemID, DESC.unidentifiedDisplayName, DESC.unidentifiedResourceName, DESC.identifiedDisplayName, DESC.identifiedResourceName, DESC.slotCount, DESC.ClassNum) if not result then return false, msg end for k,v in pairs(DESC.unidentifiedDescriptionName) do result, msg = AddItemUnidentifiedDesc(ItemID, v) if not result then return false, msg end end for k,v in pairs(DESC.identifiedDescriptionName) do result, msg = AddItemIdentifiedDesc(ItemID, v) if not result then return false, msg end end end end return true, "good" end -- And the newly designed main function function main() result, msg = itemAdder(tbl_custom, nil) -- add custom items (including official overrides) if result then result, msg = itemAdder(tbl, tbl_custom) -- add non-overridden official items end return result, msg end How is it useful? Think how item_db2.txt is useful for adding custom items in a server. Its the same strategy here. You can keep your official items in a base file (or you can just use the official iteminfo.lub file if you want the korean names) and keep your custom items in a different file (make sure the first dofile function calls the base file). The above code is error free, so feel free to copy and add your items . Hope the topic was not too confusing The lua code can be further expanded for overriding only parts of an official item. But i will leave that update for the future P.S. The client should be patched to accept your custom file not the base file.
  17. DATA.INI wont be there in .text section. did you check the .diff or .xdiff section you should find a reference there. The string itself should be there in .rdata section. To access the sections click the Blue M button which shows u the Memory Map window. scroll down till you see your exe name and the section name u need. Select the row and press enter.
  18. thats because you didnt patch it in. You need to patch Enable Multiple GRFs on your client (i believe its the same title for all the patchers)
  19. hmm i am wondering two things. 1) whether shin is still working on this one. 2) why it is in the client releases section since it has no releases yet
  20. make sure the pink color is 0xFF00FF (Red = 255, Green = 0, Blue = 255). If a pixel color is not that value it will show up as non-transparent .
  21. I use 2014-06-13a . Well its the newest usable client available anyways . I haven't tested it extensively though hmm. Like what Anacondaqq said. If you want new features and interfaces (along with proper third classes & skills) you need to get Clients in the 2013-2014 range. Otherwise 2010-2012 game clients are what are you need.
  22. he was one of my favorite actors. RIP
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