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Everything posted by sader1992

  1. - script monsterdrop -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if(inarray(.maps$,strcharinfo(3)) != -1){ if(rand(100) <= 9){//9% getitem(502,1);//item id is the 502 } } end; OnInit: setarray .maps$,"lhz_dun03","prontera"; end; }
  2. not much information given something like this ? if(getgroupid() == 1){ if(!GotTheReward){ getitem(501,1); GotTheReward = true; mes "you got the reward"; end; }else{ mes "you already got the reward"; end; } }else{ mes"this reward only for group id 1"; end; }
  3. all monsters - script monsterdrop -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if(rand(100) <= 9){//9% getitem(502,1);//item id is the 502 } end; } only in lhz_dun03 - script monsterdrop -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if(strcharinfo(3) == "lhz_dun03"){//map name lhz_dun03 if(rand(100) <= 9){//9% getitem(502,1);//item id is the 502 } } end; }
  4. did you really just edited your old reply to give me what i asked for next? and by doing that you made it so i don't get a notification and you were waiting for my reply ? //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Disguise Event //===== By: ================================================== //= GmOcean //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 5.1 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Guess a monster name correctly for prizes. //= //= NOTE: Requires PCRE library installed. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 5.0 Last update by GmOcean. //= 5.1 Cleaned and standardized, mostly. [Euphy] //============================================================ prontera,160,155,4 script Disguise Event 795,{ // Currently set to run every two hours. // To change times, edit the OnClock labels below. set .@GMLevel,60; // GM level required to access NPC. set .@n$,"[^0000FFDisguise NPC^000000]"; if (getgmlevel()>=.@GMLevel) { mes .@n$; mes "Select an option."; next; switch(select("Turn ON/OFF Event:Event Settings")) { case 1: mes .@n$; if (.EventON) { mes "The Event is currently: [^0000FFON^000000]"; mes "Would you like to turn it OFF?"; } else { mes "The Event is currently: [^FF0000OFF^000000]"; mes "Would you like to turn it ON?"; } if(select("Yes:No")==2) close; if (.EventON) { set .EventON,0; set .Timer,0; setnpctimer 0; stopnpctimer; announce "A GM has decided to turn the Disguise Event off. As a result no further prizes will be given.",bc_map | bc_blue; deletepset 1; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; close; } set .EventON,1; set .Timer,1; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; set .ResetCounter,.ResetCounter+1; announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 3 minutes.",bc_all | bc_blue; announce "The Event is being held in Prontera.",bc_all | bc_blue; close; case 2: mes .@n$; mes "Pick a setting to modify."; next; switch(select("Monster Display:Number of Rounds:Prize Settings")) { case 1: setarray .@r$[0],"Disguise as all monsters.","Disguise as MVPs only."; mes .@n$; mes "Choose a disguise rule."; next; set .Rule, select(implode(.@r$,":")); mes .@n$; mes "The Disguise Rule has been set:"; mes " > ^0055FF"+.@r$[.Rule-1]+"^000000"; close; case 2: mes .@n$; mes "Input the number of rounds you want the event to last."; mes "Current number: [^0000FF"+.Rounds+"^000000]"; next; input .@Rounds; set .Rounds,.@Rounds; mes .@n$; mes "The number of rounds has been changed to "+.Rounds+"."; close; case 3: mes .@n$; mes "Input the Item ID of the prize given each round."; mes "Current item: [^0000FF"+getitemname(.Prize)+"^000000] (ID #"+.Prize+")"; next; input .@Prize; mes .@n$; if (getitemname(.@Prize)=="" || getitemname(.@Prize)=="null") { mes "That item does not exist. Please try again."; close; } set .Prize,.@Prize; mes "Input the amount to be given."; next; input .@amount; mes .@n$; if (.@amount<=0 || .@amount>=10000) { mes "That amount is invalid. Using default amount of 1."; set .@amount,1; next; mes .@n$; } set .PrizeAmt,.@amount; mes "The Prize has been changed successfully."; mes "Prize: "+.PrizeAmt+"x [^0000FF"+getitemname(.Prize)+"^000000]"; close; } } } if (.EventON) end; mes .@n$; mes "Welcome."; mes "How may I be of assistance?"; if(select("Information:Nothing, just passing through.")==2) close; next; mes .@n$; mes "This event is quite simple."; mes "At the start of the event, I will"; mes "disguise myself as a random"; mes "monster. You have to shout"; mes "that monster's name out loud."; next; mes "If you are correct, you will receive"; mes "a prize. If not, keep trying!"; mes "That's all that there is to this event."; close; OnInit: // setarray .@reward1, "chance", item id, item amount... setarray .reward1, 5, 7539, 10; // Item ID 7539 x 10with chance of 5% in getting, You can add more.. setarray .reward2, 15, 7420, 5; // Item ID 7420 x 5 with chance of 15% in getting, You can add more.. setarray .reward3, 20, 671, 1; // etc... setarray .reward4, 25, 672, 1; setarray .reward5, 30, 673, 1; setarray .reward7, 100, 673, 1; set .EventON,0; set .Wait,0; set .Winner,0; set .ResetCounter,0; set .Rounds,10; set .Prize,512; set .PrizeAmt,1; set .Rule,1; setarray .MVP[0],1038,1039,1046,1059,1086,1087,1112,1115,1147,1150,1157,1159,1190,1251,1252,1272,1312,1373, 1389,1399,1418,1492,1502,1511,1583,1623,1630,1646,1647,1648,1649,1650,1651,1658,1685,1688, 1708,1719,1734,1751,1768,1779,1785,1802,1832,1871,1874,1885,1917,1980,2022,2068,2087,2131, 2156,2165; set .BlackList$, "1003,1006,1017,1021,1022,1027,1043,1075,1136,1137,1168," + "1171,1172,1173,1181,1187,1210,1217,1218,1222,1223,1224,1225,1226,1227,1228," + "1233,1284,1407,1411,1414,1495,1501,1900,1996,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004," + "2005,2006,2007,2011,2012,2025,2028,2029,2030,2031,2032,2033,2034,2035," + "2036,2037,2038,2039,2040,2041,2042,2043,2044,2045,2046,2047,2048,2049," + "2050,2051,2052,2053,2054,2055,2056,2057,2058,2059,2060,2061,2062,2063," + "2064,2065,2066,2067,2075,2076,2077,2078,2079,2080,2081,2083,2084,2085," + "2086,2087,2088,2089,2090,2091,2092,2093,2094,2095,2096,2097,2098,2099," + "2100,2101,2012,2103,2104,2105,2106,2107,2108,2109,2110,2111,2112,2113," + "2114,2115,2116,2117,2118,2119,2120,2121,2123,2124,2125,1496,"; end; OnClock0000: OnClock0200: OnClock0400: OnClock0600: OnClock0800: OnClock1000: OnClock1200: OnClock1400: OnClock1600: OnClock1800: OnClock2000: OnClock2200: set .ResetCounter,.ResetCounter+1; set .EventON,1; set .Timer,1; set .Wait,1; announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 3 minutes.",bc_all | bc_blue; announce "The Event is being held in Prontera.",bc_all | bc_blue; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer10000: if (.Timer || .Change) end; set .Wait,0; goto iDisguise; end; OnTimer30000: if (.Timer) end; set .Change,0; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; npctalk "Disguise Event : You took too long to guess what I was. Please wait 10 seconds while I disguise again."; specialeffect EF_DETECT2; set $MonsterName$,""; deletepset 1; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer60000: if (.Timer!=1) end; announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 2 minutes.",bc_all | bc_blue; announce "The Event is being held in Prontera.",bc_all | bc_blue; end; OnTimer120000: if (.Timer!=1) end; announce "The Disguise Event will begin 1 minute.",bc_all | bc_blue; announce "The Event is being held in Prontera.",bc_all | bc_blue; end; OnTimer180000: if (.Timer!=1) end; announce "The Disguise Event has begun!",bc_all | bc_blue; announce "The Event is being held in Prontera.",bc_all | bc_blue; set .Timer,0; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; iDisguise: if (.Rule==1) { set .Winner,0; set .Monster,1000+rand(1,995); if (compare(","+.BlackList$+"," , ","+.Monster+",")) goto iDisguise; if (.Monster==.LastMonster) goto iDisguise; set .LastMonster,.Monster; set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo(.Monster,0); } if (.Rule==2) { set .Winner,0; set .Monster,rand(49); set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo(.MVP[.Monster],0); } deletepset 1; defpattern 1,"([^:]+):.\\s*"+$MonsterName$+".*", "iCorrect"; activatepset 1; if (.Rule==1) setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",.Monster; if (.Rule==2) setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",.MVP[.Monster]; set .Change,1; setnpctimer 0; end; iCorrect: if (.Winner) { dispbottom "Someone has already won this round."; end; } set .Winner,1; set .RoundCount,.RoundCount+1; deletepset 1; activatepset 1; set .@r, rand(100); while( .@r >= getd( ".reward"+ .@i ) ) .@i++; .@rand_index = rand( 1,( getarraysize( getd( ".reward"+ .@i ) ) -1 )/2 ) *2 -1; getitem getd( ".reward"+ .@i +"["+ .@rand_index +"]" ), getd( ".reward"+ .@i +"["+ (.@rand_index +1) +"]" ); getitem .Prize,.PrizeAmt; announce strcharinfo(0)+" is correct! I was disguised as: "+$MonsterName$+"",bc_map | bc_blue; if (.RoundCount>=.Rounds) { setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; set .RoundCount,0; set .Change,0; set .EventON,0; setnpctimer 0; stopnpctimer; npctalk "Disguise Event : Thank you all for playing. That was the last round of the Disguise Event. Come play again later."; end; } setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; set .Change,0; setnpctimer 0; end; }
  5. I see now the script is edited more , and the error should now change like you wont get the "getitem" error putting the code like that it wont work , put it all of it in the same place where the player will get the reward. provide the unedited script and the code you want to import separately and where the reward line would be and i will put it for you
  6. if you get that kind of error , most likely the problem is before the code you posted. post the full code!
  7. "make_listen_bind: bind failed" means that the port is already in-use , maybe you have another copy of the program already running , or you use the port for something else already if you don't use the port for something else , i think the most non-technical way for you to fix is to reboot your system , the first time you run the program again after the reboot should work , if it didn't work the 2nd time and after that then you are not closing the program , you are just hiding it for Windows check the task manager , for Linux search for a task manager in the internet , I recommend "htop", search for the program and end it task you should also learn how to open/close programs properly. ofc that doesn't mean you wont get other errors , this only for how to fix the "make_listen_bind: bind failed" error
  8. import the file to grf editor , and export it from there.
  9. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/b143a0cf3fdace3140388de5faef27b71af4106a/npc/custom/etc/autopot.txt#L14 setarray .blackList[0],0; //Array of black listed item ID
  10. you need to check your iteminfo file , the one you are using , not just use whatever it work , open the iteminfo file as text and search for the item id and make sure the item files are correct, you can find the item files in your grf or data folder check here to understand how the iteminfo works https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Custom-Items#systemiteminfolub
  11. i think this should work OnPCLogoutEvent: setlook LOOK_BODY2,false; end;
  12. I think you can simply just edit this https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/item_randomopt_db.yml just remove the mode line "Mode: Renewal"
  13. I didn't understand but I guess you are talking about the .@left look how I used it in the example above, you assigned it in your script but you never used it
  14. this is a reference for you if(getd("#wqeqwe_" + gettime(DT_YYYYMMDD)) < .day_limit){ .@left = .day_limit - getd("#wqeqwe_" + gettime(DT_YYYYMMDD)); mes "Input how many"; input .@count,0,.@left; delitem .@coin,.@count; getitem .@new_coin,.@count; setd("#wqeqwe_" + gettime(DT_YYYYMMDD),getd("#wqeqwe_" + gettime(DT_YYYYMMDD)) + .@count); end; } mes "You cannot exchange anymore today!"; end;
  15. for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.@vtemp);.@i++){ to for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.@result_value);.@i++){
  16. I can see a problem in the code without testing it not sure if there is more , will leave it for you to test
  17. most errors break the code most warnings does not break the code if there is a bug , there is a higher chance to abuse it if it was a warning like for example a shop that sell item for zeny less then the sell price you will get a warning , still players can abuse it, if you messed up the shop writing you will get and error and the shop wont work ?
  18. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/22c7f3988dd0b8f0b8089acb2f1e2cd11ca008ee/doc/script_commands.txt#L2305 --------------------------------------- *countinarray <array name>{[<start index>]},<array name>{[<start index>]}; This command will check for matches between the array values and return the number of matches. While being optional, if [<start index>] is supplied, the search will begin from the given index value. setarray .@array[0], 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600; .@variable = 100; if(countinarray(.@array[0], .@variable)) mes "The number 100 was found in the array .@array"; countinarray(.@array[0], .@variable); //return 1 because the number 100 is an element of the array .@array setarray .@array2[0],100,500; countinarray(.@array[0], .@array2[0]); //return 2 because the numbers 100 and 500 are elements of the array .@array setarray .@array3[0],100,700; countinarray(.@array[0], .@array3[0]); //return 1 because the number 100 is an element of the array .@array //but the number 700 is not an element of the array .@array //also you can change the position between the arrays in the command if(countinarray(.@array[0], .@array3[0]) == countinarray(.@array3[0], .@array[0])) //This is true For more details, see the sample in 'doc/sample/inarray.txt'. --------------------------------------- Example: //creating an array with the values with no duplication for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize($account_id);.@i++){ if(inarray(.@vtemp,$account_id[.@i]) == -1){ .@vtemp[getarraysize(.@vtemp)] = $account_id[.@i]; } } //now .@vtemp have all the values without duplication //counting for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.@vtemp);.@i++){ .@v = .@vtemp[.@i]; .@ctemp[.@i] = countinarray($account_id,.@v); } //now .@ctemp have all the values count with the index of the value //the result for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.@vtemp);.@i++){ debugmes .@ctemp[.@i] + " = " + .@vtemp[.@i]; } //burning the array but extracting only the first 3 (less if there is less then 3 in the array) .@wanted_count = min(getarraysize(.@ctemp),3); while(.@max < .@wanted_count){ .@max++; .@c = max(.@ctemp); .@ndx = inarray(.@ctemp,.@c); .@s = getarraysize(.@result_value); .@result_value[.@s] = .@vtemp[.@ndx]; .@result_count[.@s] = .@ctemp[.@ndx]; deletearray(.@vtemp[.@ndx],1); deletearray(.@ctemp[.@ndx],1); } //end result for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.@result_value);.@i++){ debugmes .@result_count[.@i] + " = " + .@result_value[.@i]; }
  19. oh i see , line 47 from setd(".m_" + .@id + "$[" + getarraysize(getd(".m_" + .@id)) + "]",getarg(1)); to setd(".m_" + .@id + "$[" + getarraysize(getd(".m_" + .@id + "$")) + "]",getarg(1));
  20. oh I see , when I fixed the warning , I also changed the function call , didn't notice that will update it the fix is from sprintf(mobname, "Mob Name - %s", mob_db(pet_db_ptr->class_)->jname); to std::string temp_name = "Mob Name - " + mob_db.find(pet_db_ptr->class_)->jname; strcpy(mobname, temp_name.c_str()); Thank you for notifying me!
  21. on what hash? , I use petstats rAthena Cpp 25_04_2020 on around 1 month old rathena and still work with a small warning for string
  22. yes, yes #THQ_DELAY/60 = minutes
  23. I already did consider the multi field AddMvp(1785,"ra_fild02","ra_fild03","ra_fild04","ve_fild01","ve_fild02"); to AddMvp(1785,"ra_fild02"); AddMvp(1785,"ra_fild03"); AddMvp(1785,"ra_fild04"); AddMvp(1785,"ve_fild01"); AddMvp(1785,"ve_fild02");
  24. replace the line with if(inarray(getd(".m_" + .@id + "$"),strcharinfo(3)) != -1){ i edited the script in the first post
  25. prontera,0,0,0 script mvp_kill_count 444,{ copyarray(.@name$,$MVP_KILL_NM$,getarraysize($MVP_KILL_NM$)); copyarray(.@count,$MVP_KILL_COUNT,getarraysize($MVP_KILL_COUNT)); .@mx = min(.max_show,getarraysize(.@name$)); if(.@mx <= 0){ mes "No records found"; end; } if(getgmlevel() >= .gm_level){ switch(select("Skip:Skip:Reset:Skip")){ case 3: deletearray($MVP_KILL_COUNT,getarraysize($MVP_KILL_COUNT)); mes "Done"; end; } } while(.@max < .@mx){ .@max++; .@t1 = max(.@count); if(.@t1 <= 0) break; .@n = inarray(.@count,.@t1); if(.@n == -1) break; mes "(" + .@t1 + ") " + .@name$[.@n]; deletearray(.@name$[.@n],1); deletearray(.@count[.@n],1); } end; OnNPCKillEvent: .@id = killedrid; if(inarray(.mvp_id,.@id) != -1){ if(inarray(getd(".m_" + .@id + "$"),strcharinfo(3)) != -1){ if((.@ndx = inarray($MVP_KILL_CID,getcharid(0))) == -1){ .@ndx = getarraysize($MVP_KILL_CID); $MVP_KILL_CID[.@ndx] = getcharid(0); $MVP_KILL_NM$[.@ndx] = strcharinfo(0); } $MVP_KILL_COUNT[.@ndx]++; } } end; function AddMvp { .@s = getarraysize(.mvp_id); .@id = getarg(0); .mvp_id[.@s] = .@id; setd(".m_" + .@id + "$[" + getarraysize(getd(".m_" + .@id + "$")) + "]",getarg(1)); return; } OnInit: .gm_level = 99; .max_show = 10; //AddMvp(<Monster ID>,<"Map Name">); //AddMvp(<Monster ID>,<"Map Name">); //AddMvp(<Monster ID>,<"Map Name">); end; }
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