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  1. @grenat50 Please, can fix the 'Map Surface' (Grenat Poring Ball Map)? The ball is not returning to the field after passing behind the goal lines. She's trapped! I tried to fix it in various ways using Olrox's 'Map Surface' base but to no avail in 'Grenat Map'. Error:
  2. Thank you very much mr. @cook1e. Solved.
  3. Hello rAthenians, how are you? I'm creating some custom pets and would like your help. I created a new mob to be used as a pet, in this case the Stormy Knight mob, I would like to know if there is any way via script or editing mob_db, pet_db, luafiles etc, that would make the pet look small. Function similar to effect '@size'. In this case, I wanted the pet's size to be permanently small.Similar to this: Thank you very much!
  4. Sir @Skorm, please, as soon as you can, could you re-post the script on another server? Reason: The 'upaste' server has been under maintenance for weeks. Constantly unstable and off. Thank you very much, sir!
  5. This command does not specify the revision version for me. ? msg: "Cannot determine SVN/GIT version."
  6. Hey Athenian! How is everything? I would like to know, where do I check the revision of my emulator? I used Git to download an emulator some time ago and made some modifications to it, however, now I would like to download the same revision, clean. Which document or file specifies my emulator version? (For example: "r17697" and "tree/f848d92e8afd9f......") Thank you very much.
  7. Good morning everyone! I have a question about trading currency names in the points shop. When creating some custom point shops, the default client-side defined name (msgstringtable.txt) for '#cashshop or '#pointshop ' appears as 'Points'. My question is: Is it possible to change the currency name for each pointshop via script? For example I need one pointshop to show 'PresencePoints' and another pointshop to show 'Event Points'. Instead of all pointshops showing the same name 'Points' Each shop showing the name of its exchange currency, defined by me, instead of 'Points' for all custom pointshop.
  8. So I did this: I removed all the objects I didn't want on the map, then went to 'Edit>Clean Lightmaps' and 'Generate>Calculate Lightmaps' the shadows of the objects disappeared. But all shadows on the map too, shadows from buildings, shadows from walls etc. I'm not finding the ambient light to be able to generate the shadow of the complete map and generate shadows of the buildings on the ground and objects.. Browedit is totally confusing to me. I agree. It also appears that editing a map that has already been customized is much more complicated. I will follow your tips! Thank you very much for your attention Mr Cydon. Have a great day! I'll give the topic closed.
  9. Thanks for the reply Mr. Cydon. But I tried it that way. Unsuccessful. I think the shadows have already been embedded and saved on the ground, the only way is to edit the lightmap.png ?
  10. Hi Rathena! I would like to remove some objects from the map with the prontera natal theme, but the shade of the curtains remains on the floor. Is there any way to remove the ground shadow from these specific objects? I didn't want to have to edit the shadows through the image editor. I heard that there is some option to remove object shadow in 'properties', but I can't find the way. Can someone help me please.
  11. Thank you very much, Mr. Balfar. Worked perfectly. @Balfear One more question, how do I include ".@At_count +" in square brackets in the switch select? I tried it in a few ways, but to no avail. prontera,155,165,5 script Warper Market 99,{ // Get user list on map "prontera" .@num = getmapunits(BL_PC, "prontera", .@array$[0]); freeloop(1); for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.@array$);.@i++) { // If user in autotrade mode then increase counter if(checkvending(.@array$[.@i])&2) .@at_count++; } freeloop(0); switch(select("- @AT Merchants ^2980B9[ .@at_count + ]^000000:- Exit")) { case 1: warp "prontera",150,150; end; case 2: close; } } Once again, thank you so much for your help.
  12. Yes, the idea is very similar. Show only the number of @at merchants on the specific map, in example '3' Merchants with automatic stores in Alberta. I tried using the script mentioned above, but it didn't work for me. The counter shows '0', but there are 2 stores open on the map. Can you help me please? if it's not too much trouble, sir.
  13. How are the rAthenians!? I would like to know how I can add in the script the number of players with open stores (@at) on a given map. For example: prontera,155,165,5 script Warper Market 99,{ mes "[Market]"; mes "Hello."; mes "Do you want to go to the Market?"; switch(select("- Market [*Number of @at user on the map]:- Exit")) { case 1: warp "alberta",192,144; end; case 2: close; } } Please if anyone can help me I would be very grateful.
  14. #edit. @Haruka Mayumi Before closing the topic. Just one more question, please. Using your model, I did the WOT Player Ranking, but I have a question about that. My idea is when the player breaks the chest he will get +1 breakpoint in the player ranking And his guild will also get +1 point in the guild ranking. The +1 breakpoint in the Player Ranking is ok. My question is, how can I use the sql table 'count' both to add points for players and to add points for the guild? And what changes should I make in the ranking? Please. case 1: next; mes @npcR$; // Players Ranking WOT if(!(.@nb = query_sql("SELECT B.`name`,B.`guild_id`,A.`count` FROM `wot_ladder` AS A LEFT JOIN `char` AS B ON A.`char_id` = B.`char_id` ORDER BY `count` DESC LIMIT 10", .@name$,.@gid,.@count))) { mes "No data found."; close; } for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ ) { mes (.@i+1) +". "+ .@name$[.@i] +" ~ "+(getguildname(.@gid[.@i]) == "null" ? "None":getguildname(.@gid[.@i]))+" ~ "+ .@count[.@i] +" breaks."; } close; case 2: next; mes @npcR$; // Guild Ranking WOT query_sql "SELECT `guild_id`, `count` FROM `wot_ladder` WHERE '"+getcharid(2)+"' AND `count` > '0' ORDER BY `count` DESC LIMIT 10",.@nom$,.@bau; for (set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.@nom$); set .@i, .@i + 1) mes (.@i+1)+"º^000000 - ^228B22"+.@nom$[.@i]+"^000000 - ^00B2EE"+.@bau[.@i]+"^000000"; break; } And, how to add + 1 Point Ranking Guild announce "[War of Treasure]: The ["+strcharinfo(0)+"] from the ["+getguildname(.@guild_id)+"] guild destroyed a chest!",8; // Breaker Point only for those who destroyed the chest. (Ranking Player) query_sql("INSERT INTO `wot_ladder` SET `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"', `count` = '1' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `count` = `count`+1"); Please. Thank you very much. And I'm sorry. It is very complicated for me.
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