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Poring King

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Everything posted by Poring King

  1. How to bring back the old pub that you can still receive player general chat while on pub . Because right now im using 2018 stable client and while on pub i can't receive surrounding player chatter message
  2. Well its work and i manual remove the max cap of def and the exploit of zeny from buy and sell using overcharge! thx its fix
  3. If i will do that i will also get the renewal script of each item
  4. Good day everyone Since i adopt the new yml system . Im having trouble with my renewal item_db that i import to pre-re item_db so i can use . Is there other way to combine or copy the renewal item_db.yml into pre-re item_db.yml ? I tried this and its take 15mins to finish scrolling down to copy . after that i receive bunch of error from comboo items
  5. Read the information inside the item_db.yml its very clear that you can find it thru db/pre-re or re Imports: - Path: db/pre-re/item_db_usable.yml - Path: db/pre-re/item_db_equip.yml - Path: db/pre-re/item_db_etc.yml
  6. @G-RO I think this is not the right section to ask for this but to answer your question check the item_db.yml footer it says very clear Footer: Imports: - Path: db/pre-re/item_db_usable.yml - Path: db/pre-re/item_db_equip.yml - Path: db/pre-re/item_db_etc.yml
  7. @G-RO as you can see its now item_db.yml not item_db.txt anymore
  8. Try this i made it thru phone if this won't work then at least i give you idea how to do it prontera,x,y,3 script testHideDuringWoe 99,{ if ( agitstart() || agitstart2() || agitstart3()){ if ( gettime (DT_DAYOFWEEK) == Day1 || Day2 || day 3 || etc ){ // Do this if the first condition true then do another condition inside condition // If the condition do the code here } end; if the condition of day is false then end the script } end;// End the script if the condition is false OnInit: hideonnpc "NPCNAME"; end; }
  9. I can't understand . If im not mistaken your script have error because there is a double curly at the end of the script
  10. Once you config on the link that i give it to you it affect everything since emperium is a monster too but emperium is a model not a sprite.
  11. Case close i receive the payment after 7days ..
  12. Just use updated files then disable that you don't need on your server to make it your desire episode but its a bit work so goodluck ^_^
  13. After 2 days he response now and im now waiting for the settlement for the payment . Those past 2 days he is online on discord so i feel like i get ignored and when i try to login on github to fix his NPC i don't have access anymore so what would you feel if you are on my position ...
  14. Look my code i add "(#)" On #Login_reward then i also add "set #Login_reward, .@todays" Try this made on phone - script Coin Reward -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: .@pow = 1 << 10; .@todays = gettime(8); if ( #login_reward % .@pow == .@todays ) end; .@count += .reward_day;// reward of the day #login_reward = ( login_reward &~ ( login_reward % .@pow ) ) + .@todays + .@pow;// update day and count day +1 ; day/count day/check week/check month if ( #login_reward != .@todays + .@pow ) {// login_reward was not empty .@count_day = ( #login_reward >> 10 ) % .@pow; .@cond_ofthemonth = ( ( #login_reward >> 30 ) % .@pow ) != ( .@count_day / 31 ); if ( ( ( #login_reward >> 20 ) % .@pow ) != ( .@count_day / 7 ) ) { .@count += .reward_week; #login_reward = #login_reward + pow( 2,20 ); .@weekly_message$ = ( .@cond_ofthemonth ? ", " : " and " ) + .reward_week +" coin for being online a week"; } if ( .@cond_ofthemonth ) { .@count += .reward_month; #login_reward = #login_reward + pow( 2,30 ); .@montly_message$ = " and " + .reward_month +" coin for being online a month"; } } getitem 675, .@count; dispbottom "Here your daily reward ! You got "+ .reward_day +" coin"+ .@weekly_message$ + .@montly_message$ +"."; set #login_reward,.@todays; end; OnInit: .reward_day = 1; .reward_week = 2; .reward_month = 3; end; }
  15. You mean you want to change the item reward into account bound ? HERE *getitembound <item id>,<amount>,<bound type>{,<account ID>}; *getitembound "<item name>",<amount>,<bound type>{,<account ID>}; This command behaves identically to 'getitem', but the items created will be bound to the target character as specified by the bound type. All items created in this manner cannot be dropped, sold, vended, auctioned, or mailed, and in some cases cannot be traded or stored. Valid bound types are: Bound_Account : Account Bound item Bound_Guild : Guild Bound item Bound_Party : Party Bound item Bound_Char : Character Bound item Change your getitem 675, .@count; Into getitembound 675, .@count, Bound_Account;
  16. I use your code and this is the simple way to do it .@todays = gettime(5); if ( #login_reward != .@todays ) { //Get item here getitem 501,1; set #login_reward,.@todays; } mes "You already have the reward"; end;
  17. Update your KRO Update your server Update your data.grf thru nn.ai4rei.net Update yourserver.grf
  18. Here Just click the up botton left side on my profile so it will show as a solve and other can see it easily
  19. rathena/conf/battle/monster.conf Line 187-192 // Display some mob info next to their name? (add as needed) // (does not works on guardian or Emperium) // 1: Display mob HP (Hp/MaxHp format) // 2: Display mob HP (Percent of full life format) // 4: Display mob's level show_mob_info: 0
  20. Its a lesson learn for me payment first before anything .. Now he reply on discord LOL
  21. I just want to share this happen to me few days ago there is a newbie that ask for 3rd party services on me . Sad to say its my fellow blood "Filipino" i made 2 script for him after he get the script he never reply on me and block me... I know that i can't do anything for him but i hope he will get IP ban on our community. He said he is using @Technoken services but suddenly he get so busy and that is the reason why he ask for my service ... rAthena User: xxipbglng https://rathena.org/board/profile/67626-xxipbglng/
  22. WOE controller already have the original variable to control your WOE
  23. You are using a different script from your post above ...
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