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Diconfrost VaNz

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Everything posted by Diconfrost VaNz

  1. Yes, as i've experienced as a player use +10 Valkyrie Manteau + Orc Lord Card + Shield of Naga or Thorn Buckler with Bison Horn combo it will increase physical reflect
  2. but it stops after a few walks and talks. how can i make it unlimited walk and talk? post #1, i tried to make several duplicate of this script and renaming it for some npcs and it doesn't work on those duplicates anymore. the npc are just standing. help :3
  3. how about this one? how can i make them walk and talk in every 5mins? hf_town,96,114,6 script Mascot Pepe 3501,{ npcspeed 1000; OnTouch: mes "[ Pepe ]"; mes "Welcome on HellfireRO"; close; doitagain: set $guard,rand(10); if($guard == 0) npctalk "Please write us a review on www.ratemyserver.net!"; if($guard == 1) npctalk "How are you?"; if($guard == 2) npctalk "Happy Halloween!"; if($guard == 3) npctalk "Don't forget to visit our Forums"; if($guard == 4) npctalk "Cool Story, Bro!"; if($guard == 5) npctalk "Good job on that style, man!"; if($guard == 6) npctalk "Cool moves you got there, son!"; if($guard == 7) npctalk "Fear nothing!"; if($guard == 8) npctalk "Inadequacy is purely a state of mind."; if($guard == 9) npctalk "Trick or Treating"; if($guard == 10) npctalk "Laugh hard, laugh long, laugh merrily."; if($guard > 10 || $guard < 0) goto doitagain; end; OnInit: initnpctimer; end; OnTimer10000: npcwalkto 99,108; goto doitagain; end; OnTimer30000: npcwalkto 87,98; goto doitagain; end; OnTimer60000: npcwalkto 107,117; end; OnTimer80000: npcwalkto 94,116; goto doitagain; end; OnTimer110000: npcwalkto 82,110; goto doitagain; end; OnTimer130000: npcwalkto 100,92; goto doitagain; end; }
  4. prontera,155,181,5 script Mascot Pepe#main 757,2,2,{ OnTouch: mes "Welcome to HellFire RO."; close; OnInit: // how far they can walk. .range = 10; npcspeed 200; getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,1 ); .@min_x = ( .@x - .range ); .@min_y = ( .@y - .range ); .@max_x = ( .@x + .range ); .@max_y = ( .@y + .range ); while ( 1 ) { npcwalkto rand( .@min_x,.@max_x ),rand( .@min_y,.@max_y ); .@msg$ = F_Rand( "Please write us a review on www.ratemyserver.net!", "How are you?", "Happy Halloween!", "Don't forget to visit our Forums", "Cool Story, Bro!", "Good job on that style, man!", "Cool moves you got there, son!", "Fear nothing!", "Inadequacy is purely a state of mind.", "Trick or Treating", "Laugh hard, laugh long, laugh merrily." ); npctalk .@msg$; sleep 20000; } end; } prontera,115,111,5 duplicate(Mascot Pepe#main) Mascot Pepe#1 757,2,2 prontera,125,121,5 duplicate(Mascot Pepe#main) Mascot Pepe#2 757,2,2 prontera,135,131,5 duplicate(Mascot Pepe#main) Mascot Pepe#3 757,2,2 prontera,145,141,5 duplicate(Mascot Pepe#main) Mascot Pepe#4 757,2,2 It works and the npc walks and talks randomly for a certain of time but it stops and never walks until you use @reloadscript again I want to make it walk/talk for every 5mins.
  5. there's a MvP Warper available on rAthena svn too
  6. High Rate use that but for super high rates, i think they use cards sellers and bloody branch room
  7. Have a peek on this site this is so cool guys
  9. Try instead of waiting for an answer i tried but it doesn't work on me. So, i was wondering if this still works on others.
  10. lipat bahay lahat ng mga npc mo ilipat mo sa izlude then ung savepoint ng new characters iset mo rn sa izlude lahat nsa npc folder sa svn mo ang hirap explain pero napakadaling gawin (on my part)
  11. i'm using trinity. so basically, i'll refer trinity
  12. you can just use the default job changer and look for the following below the script OnInit: setarray .Rebirth[0],99,50; // Minimum base level, job level to rebirth OR change to third class setarray .JobReq[0],10,40; // Minimum job level to turn into 1st class, 2nd class .ThirdClass = 1; // Enable third classes? (1: yes / 0: no) .SecondExpanded = 1; // Enable new expanded second classes: Ex. Super Novice, Kagerou/Oboro, Rebellion? (1: yes / 0: no) .SNovice = 45; // Minimum base level to turn into Super Novice .LastJob = 1; // Enforce linear class changes? (1: yes / 0: no) .SkillPointCheck = 1; // Force player to use up all skill points? (1: yes / 0: no) .Platinum = 1; // Get platinum skills automatically? (1: yes / 0: no) end;
  13. give players a copy of rpe just kidding
  14. src/map/config/renewal.h Comment that thanks pero bakit present pa rin ang 3rd jobs sa server? :| Oo present parin ang 3rd jobs dyan. Just make sure na ung job changer ng server mo is hanggang trans lng and make sure to recompile your svn after doing this
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