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Ken Mist

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Everything posted by Ken Mist

  1. Pakai client 2012. Khabar angin mengatakan client 2012 paling stable. Saya setuju dengan pendapat tu.
  2. Welcome back! Happy Eid Fitri
  3. Ken Mist

    help me

    disable di item_db.txt Search item tu dan letak \\2199 Kemudian reloaditemdb
  4. I would recommend you to use my ready made client. Download here https://ragnarokspace.wordpress.com/category/ragnarok-client/ Update xclientinfo ip to your server ip
  5. Erm, can you use xampp instead of wamp? Try uninstall wamp and install xampp software. After that i can help you check by remoting your desktop using teamviewer
  6. Make sure you open port :80 at your modem/router via port fowarding Also, dont open skype when u start wamp. Skype will use port : 80 thus it will make your localhost web not working.
  7. Try check the description inside your id2numdesc.txt inside the data folder of your grf
  8. I am not sure if this way work or not, but you can try. Try to change your client version and recompile the server. Ensure PACKETVER is updated at mmo.h is the same with your client version.
  9. If you have change your s1/p1 password, make sure that you update the same password at your login sql table.
  10. Different way is to use Hex editor. You can replace & overwrite the current windows title name using this tool. Try google or search at download section in this forum.
  11. Make sure you uncomment all renewal config at src/config/renewal.h and recompile again.
  12. Make sure that your username,password,Sql tables name that you save in inter_athena.conf in your trunk is the same with your SQL database information.
  13. Make sure your mmo.h is set with the correct packet PACKETVER ( eg: 20120410) and re-compile your server again.
  14. Hi there, Currently im not at home, but I will try upload for you later on. Anyway, you can try use my ready made client and download link is located at my blog http://ragnarokspace.wordpress.com/category/ragnarok-client/
  15. Suggest you to use data folder version 4.0 from alexandaria..
  16. You should login your router and do port fowarding for port 80
  17. If you host at home using a router. go to your modem panel and open put by assigning the ip and port number. If you host on vps, drop ip table firewall..i think
  18. I never use Thor patcher before, normally i use neoncube which i think the easiest for me to setup . But anyway, looks like you have solve your own problem.
  19. Getting back to ragnarok world.

  20. Yeah, call their department. If you email, they wont reply. Trust me, i have been facing this issue before, but after a quick call, they help to solve my problem instantly.
  21. Hi Marin, I can do it for you and teach you how to use it. Kindly pm me. I`ve been using the ./stop,./restart./compile script for long time.
  22. Have you tried delete both item and @item again? after that wear the new @item again in both character. Maybe when you editing those itemdb and you use @reloaditemdb, either of the item still stay with the old effect or function from the itemdb.
  23. try check on the line 113 array as state from the error... if you use XAMP probably i can help, because my experience was based on using XAMP for installation of fluxcp on localhost
  24. Hmm..kita perlu ada satu community yang kuat, aktif dan rajin bantu membantu. Secara jujurnya, kebanyakan peminat & developer RO dari malaysia/indonesia hanya bergerak sendirian tanpa perkongsian ilmu. Ada juga sesetengah yang lebih kepada membina server private sendiri dan mencari keuntungan sendiri. Mungkin kerana kebanyakan dari kita lebih kepada menerima "benefits" di forum2 sebegini berbanding berkongsi idea dan pendapat . Apalah nasib kita... masih tidak maju dan berkembang komuniti
  25. Hi there, Today i would like to share two script that enable you to play the jackpot game! 1st script : slot machine - original scripter is release by godaimet 2nd script : casino employee - my script which i modified from a simple "redeem script i found..uhmm...nowhere?" How it work? First, you need a exchange your zeny into token from the casino employee npc. From this script i set 1 token = 50k zeny. Note that you can also : exchange back the token into zeny redeem some special gift 2nd, you can start play the casino machine. Click on the casino machine npc. You can roll the machine as many time as you like and it will reduce 1 pcs of your coin every single time you roll it. During rolling the machine, it will goes randomly in 3 sequence alphabet. If you are lucky to get the same three Alphabet in a row, you will win the reward as stated on the previous picture Credits goes to the casino machine scripter owner godaimet and i hope you guys will have fun playing with this jackpot machine! slotmachine.txt casinoemployee.txt
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