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Everything posted by Hyroshima

  1. There are a lot of errors regarding the use of the variables of how you are using it! I recommend that you make a request for someone to make in script request.
  2. solved by downloading revision 16311 https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/390eb9772ad001c48e4ebbb06969b4a0b885b21d
  3. VS 2017 rathena-master[r16310]\src\map\status.hpp(1156): error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0 would anyone know why this is happening?
  4. Hello again ?, would it be possible to determine an item of ammunition type not to be consumed? the idea would be similar to consumable items but without removing the item from the inventory (item type 11). I know can disable consumption in arrow_decrement, but the idea would be not to affect this system, but by creating an item that is not consumed of the type etc/arrow. since already thank you very much, by Hyro~
  5. ever thought of doing using instance? it can be a solution if I'm not mistaken.
  6. I don't remember it working like that, see the examples I made below. 1º exp: - script duplbl -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: announce "Test dupe run msg",bc_all; end; } 2º exp: - script duplbl::dupelbl -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: announce "Test dupe run msg",bc_all; end; } prontera,155,155,1 duplicate(dupelbl) duplbl#1 -1 Shouldn't duplicate load the label or should it? OnPCLogoutEvent: OnPCLoadMapEvent: same result
  7. have you tried to see if what's in conf\battle\battle.conf can help?
  8. I understand, was thinking of something to update by the minute without having to leave a script timer tied to it. ex: OnSec: OnSec59: <code> end; OnMinute: OnMinute00: OnMinute01: OnMinute02: OnMinute03: OnMinute04: OnMinute05: OnMinute06: OnMinute07: OnMinute08: OnMinute09: OnMinute10: etc...59: <code> end; OnInit,while,sleep: OnInit: freeloop(1) while(1) { <code> sleep 1000; }
  9. I don't want to attach time to the script, I just need a label to be activated per minute.
  10. Hello again, it be possible to create a clone of OnMinute but with seconds? The idea would be to call the label every time the minute was changed. Since already thank you very much by Hyro~ ^^
  11. Hello, could someone please change the command killmonsterall to kill all mobs of id x on map y? if possible ^^ *killmonsterall "<map name>"{,<type>}; -> *killmonsterall "<map name>"{,<type>{,<mob_id>}}; Since already thank you very much by Hyro~
  12. I would just like to thank your for deleted my topic without even answering if there was something wrong with it. Gracias...
  13. hlw, would anyone tell me how to execute a callfunc "func", param1,param2; in src (função de npc script existente!) ? one skill will call callfunc "func", 1, skill_id; I need to pass param1 = 1, param2 = skil_level
  14. Hehe, meu inglês é podre kkk mas consigo formar textos coerentes usando o tradutor kkk, vou ver se consigo falar com alguém lá. tô trabalhando em um app android mas só irei divulga-lo quando tiver uma boa parte pronta.
  15. bom-dia pessoal, estou criando um addon para funcionar com um projeto que estou desenvolvendo, porem estou levando uma surra dos métodos em que a flux funciona. Consegui criar parte do addon, o problema mesmo é em criar um campo (formulário) para que o usuário consiga adicionar um código serial em sua conta, tentei usar como exemplo a função trocar email mas sem sucesso. É bem simples, porem a parte da conexão com o banco pra fazer o update está me quebrando a cabeça kkk desde já grato a quem puder me ajudar.
  16. Hello, is there any guide on how to add an addon in fluxcp? already grateful, Hyro @EDIT I am using the addon folder example, but the link is empty !? addon.php <?php return array( 'MenuItems' => array( 'Android APP' => array('module' => 'main'), 'HomeLabel' => array('exturl' => 'http://www.fluxro.com/community'), ) ) ?> access.php <?php return array( 'modules' => array( 'appacess' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, ) ), 'features' => array( // None. ) ) ?> both in \addons\appacess\ RESOLVED!
  17. alter var int to str: .@item -> .@item$
  18. iawe manolo, fiz a ideia que você queria apenas manipulando a entrada dos comandos @go e @war, ta na mão, qualquer coisa fala awe xD https://pastebin.com/raw/WkUJbpp7
  19. Sorry if I'm in the wrong place. It is an individual shop system and quantities i'm developing. will be available in Portuguese and English... I hope the translation is reasonably acceptable ?
  20. Fiz esse pequeno sistema com script sem precisar de modificar src, no final do código tem uma variável onde deve por os ids dos mobs no qual não queria que seja possível localizar pelo comando @mobsearch! - script CtrlCommands -1,{ OnCtrlLBL: if(.@atcmd_command$ != "@mobsearch") end; if(.@atcmd_parameters$[0] == "0" || .@atcmd_parameters$[0] == "") { message strcharinfo(0),"[AVISO]: Digite um ID/NOME!"; end; } if(.@atcmd_parameters$[0] != "" && getgroupid() < 99) { if(!charisalpha(.@atcmd_parameters$[0],1)) set .@rscMBID,.@atcmd_parameters$[0]; else set .@rscMBID,0; for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.NoMbSrh_ID); set .@i,.@i+1) { if(!.@rscMBID && strtolower(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]) == strtolower(strmobinfo(1,.NoMbSrh_ID[.@i]))) { message strcharinfo(0),"[AVISO]: Você não pode procurar por este mob!"; end; } else if(.@rscMBID == .NoMbSrh_ID[.@i]) { message strcharinfo(0),"[AVISO]: Você não pode procurar por este mob!"; end; } } } atcommand "@mobsearch "+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]; end; OnInit: bindatcmd "@mobsearch",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCtrlLBL"; //MOB_ID setarray .NoMbSrh_ID[0],1002,1031; end; }
  21. Thanks again Emistry, I did not know I needed to specify the other column outputs. ?
  22. Hello again! xD I'm having a problem when using the SQL SHOW command. I created two columns in the login table and using the command below displays the following error: query_sql "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `login` LIKE 'magic_shop%'",.@rtn$; return getarraysize(.@rtn$); ERRO: Thank you very much xD ?
  23. Como o amigo ai falou, então faz isso: troca sleep2 por sleep nas seguintes linhas: (somente mude isso, não mexa nos valores que tiver na frente caso tenha.) Linha: 702 Linha: 760 Acredito que só fazendo isso resolve.
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