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Everything posted by anacondaq

  1. How is this script work? guildjoin <guildid>,<charid>; ?? yes. Both parameters are required.
  2. Hi, if you can't something to understand, try to use search button here at forum. For example if you do not understand wiki guide, you can try to read other guide, for example this one: https://rathena.org/board/topic/104452-tutorial-how-to-create-ragnarok-offline-2015-client/
  3. Add to src/custom/script.inc // Guild Join command BUILDIN_FUNC(guildjoin) { int guild_id = script_getnum(st,2); TBL_PC *sd; struct guild *g; if ( !( sd = map_charid2sd( script_getnum(st,3) ) ) ) { script_pushint(st,-1); return false; } if ( sd->status.guild_id ) { script_pushint(st,-2); return false; } if ( !( g = guild_search( guild_id ) ) ) { script_pushint(st,-3); return false; } if ( g->max_member >= MAX_GUILD ) { script_pushint(st,-4); return false; } sd->guild_invite = guild_id; script_pushint( st, guild_reply_invite( sd, guild_id, 1 ) ); return true; } Add to src/custom/script_def.inc // Guild Join command BUILDIN_DEF(guildjoin,"ii"),
  4. anacondaq

    Wav error?

    That means you don't have 0_ks3.wave file. If you want disable, it, and you said that it's happened ONLY when you kill 3 times other character, that means you have some script like pvp system, or something like that which trigger OnPcKillEvent playing this file. How can you find which scipt trigger it? Use search text in all files in your text editor, or with specific tool like this Or you can try to download NotePad++ or Sublime Text, or Atom both of these editors very good for source edits, and in both of these editors you will have option to search for specific text in all your script files or folder. When you will find in text editor the line which have "0_ks3" just comment it, and problem will be solved for you.
  5. can you make patch and post it to here or to pm with all of your changes?
  6. But i forgot which langtype & servicetype need to use for avoiding next problem in client: "This server provides English Text Characteres Only." Maybe need to use extra dininput.dll with config, i dunno... Here is link: MEGA or Paste.ee hi Anacondaqq, i was testing your diff. and i have been modify your patch. your patch is for guild_name_letters , what i'd mean for guild_name_option (with no restriction/ option 0) so i got a problem, i created a guild, it will not consume Emperium. can u help me please? my changes NOT affect item (emperium) consumption. Looks like you have NOT latest rAthena emulator. Your problem can be solved by this changes: COMMIT with fix Btw, please check guild.conf for: // When making a guild, an Emperium is consumed? (Note 1) guild_emperium_check: yes
  7. I'm Ukranian in Ukraine. Russia begun war against my country, and doing right now genocide. Destroying cities, even mine own, killing thousands of people, civil people, burn to the ground cities. If you wish to support me in this hard time (I will try to re-route money for people who I know to support them under this awful conditions). You can make a donation by the link: https://nowpayments.io/donate/anacondaq (crypto)
    Alternatively, you can send money to Ukraine: https://www.comebackalive.in.ua/ 

    I've spent almost decade to provide free help, free support, free developments, free answers, free packages to all of you. This is very interesting time personally for me, to see: are there still people on this planet, or only silent shells?

    RO Offline Pack 2020 - till now can be found here.

  8. for latest Linux Distros: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd+ https://github.com/arjun024/systemd-example-startup
  9. Thank you very much for your script. How about implementing systemd?
  10. Make game client to public & setup server-side and post it here, a lot of people will connect and they can help you to test everything related to renewal...
  11. anacondaq

    im back !

    yes, they have Summoner. rAthena doing much better right now. Regular updates, changes, bugfixes, new features.
  12. function void clif_parse_LoadEndAck( if( sd->state.changemap ) { ... ... clif_partyinvitationstate(sd); clif_equipcheckbox(sd); <<--- this one
  13. open clif.c find function: void clif_GlobalMessage change: char buf[100]; to: char buf[CHAT_SIZE_MAX]; recompile the server-side, and have fun.
  14. looool. Super!!! Wanna see it in rAthena in any year before 2020
  15. if i understood you correctly... gonryun,40,183,5 script Milenia Tutorial::npc1 864,{ mes "Hello young adventurer."; mes "I can give you tour"; mes "For each NPC in our server"; next; switch( select("You're so kind. Thank you!","Nah~ Im too pro for this!") ) { case 1: mes "Please talk to our Milenia Tour ~"; next; mes "Talk to me again after you done."; @tutor2_allowed = 1; break; case 2: mes "Such a arrogant person."; break; } close; } gonryun,46,183,11 script Milenia Tour#Tutorial::npc2 721,{ if( !@tutor2_allowed ) { mes "Please talk to Milenia Tutorial first~"; close; } mes "I can teleport you to any Milenia NPC."; next; mes " My teleport service is free~"; next; mes "Talk to me again if you want to use my teleport service~"; switch( select("Milenia Tutorial","Close") ) { case 1: warp "gonryun",40,182; break; case 2: break; } close; } Or here is raw file: LINK
  16. As i see this is default battlegrounds. These battlegrounds available by default in your npc/ folder. About joinbg, you can use new script command created by secretdataz some time ago here : link
  17. But i forgot which langtype & servicetype need to use for avoiding next problem in client: "This server provides English Text Characteres Only." Maybe need to use extra dininput.dll with config, i dunno... Here is link: MEGA
  18. Any suggestion?your response is highly appreciated.Thanks! https://hostbench.io/calalog
  19. anacondaq

    0 HP Bug

    Try to update your emulator to latest revision =)
  20. if you don't know what you are doing and support is important for you - go with any of the first two providers. If you know what you are doing, and support is not important for you, you can find other alternatives with much lower price and much powerful resources.
  21. There are many reason of "lags", without monitoring you can't be sure what reason of your case problem. Common issues are: overloaded node where hosted VPS. For example any OpenVZ virtualization usually overshared & overloaded at the same time. Weird internet connection at hoster-side. very bad i/o (disk), cpu. too much logs enabled by default, very big database size... How can you optimize your server to avoid a lot of lags: Configure logging, do not log everything, configure in logs.conf only parameters of logging which is really important to you. Don't log each operation with items, just log most critical (cashpoint operation, mvp kills, item trades, etc) Check size of your database, and how many rows you have. If you have less then 20-30MB main database and less then 200-300MB log database it will be nice. If more -> just try to make backup first, then cleanup (truncate) some queries from the database. Try to find any good hosting with SSD & nice CPU and with nice network. There are a lot of such hosting providers with really nice price. (less then 15$ / mo). For example you can try Vultr just for experience and feeling how quality should looks like, when you will get very fast ssd + nice CPU + not overloaded VPS with nice network with nice price per month. never host website & game-server on the same VPS. website and game-server should be hosted on seperate servers. There are really a lot of small things which need to check, but the fact in next, rAthena because of C programming language VERY optimized server-side emulator. Bottleneck of the server-side it's single-core architecture (for really powerful load (for example on the server with 1k dedicated online), and mysql querries. Anything else should not be a problem if you will have powerful server.
  22. In asia you will not find any ddos protected server for any normal price.
  23. Are you talking about skill_cast_db.txt? //-- GD_EMERGENCYCALL 10013,5000,0,0,0,300000,0
  24. In skill.c find these lines: case 2: // all buffs removed status_change_clear_buffs(bl, SCCB_BUFFS|SCCB_CHEM_PROTECT); break; replace to: case 2: // all buffs removed status_change_clear_buffs(bl, SCCB_BUFFS); break;
  25. Guys, try to use GRF Editor, and if everything after adding correct and you still have "unkwown item" problem, that means your ItemInfo.lua not loaded to the game client, try to rename it from ItemInfo.lua to ItemInfo.lub, or apply dff with NEMO patcher to use your own ItemInfo lua file.
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