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Everything posted by KeyWorld

  1. UP Seems that with the IPB "upgrade" we loose: codebox feature test select text button.
  2. It select perfectly in my computer, no problem. What's your problem ? Having an error ? What browser do you use ? Do you refresh your cache ?
  3. This modification will break all previous script using monster function... Why not storing this info in the event label flag (since we can already store flags here) if you don't need to use the ondead event ? src/map/mob.c [color=#000000] if( npc_event_isspecial(data->eventname) )[/color] {//Portable monster big/small implementation. [skotlex] int i = atoi(data->eventname); if( i ) { if( i&2 ) data->state.size = 1; else if( i&4 ) data->state.size = 2; if( i&8 ) data->state.ai = 1; if( i&16 ) // ADD THIS (change the flag if needed) data->state.boss = 1; // ADD THIS } data->eventname[0] = '0'; //Clear event as it is not used. }
  4. Yeah off2 seems to be your extraX-extraY (and body_off2 -> body_extraX/body_extraY). Size is the sprite size store in action after apply in the order : mirror -> rotation -> scale.
  5. Thank you for all your posts Since all game resources have to be download... It sux to have a low speed internet to play That's why I worked on the GRF Viewer to read local GRF instead to download resources (but It sux lol)... Currently no, it will be in beta in few weeks; but the access will be reserved to a limited number of person (I will create a post for this).
  6. @admins Sorry if us posts are considerate like troll or something like this, it's not us intention. @GodLesZ You can't compare input with div. The only tags elements that can be self closing in standard are: <base /> <basefont /> <frame /> <link /> <meta /> <area /> <br /> <col /> <hr /> <img /> <input /> <param /> and maybe others You can't compare them to "div" that contain inner text (all specify before never contain inner text). And you have also to know that the doctype here force IE to run the page in strict mode since it don't know the html5 doctype (and the bug isn't related to strict mode on your post - but maybe it bug in strict mode too ).
  7. Why not specify the second argument (user limit) to 0 to avoid users to join the pub and delete the recreate the pub (delwaitingroom - waitingroom) when the battleground start (and change the "user limit" to 1).
  8. I know I'm developing website for this companies But here, we are on a board with a html5 doctype, and this board sux on IE; so why don't respect standards ?
  9. It's something like this : vec2 pos = size.xy*0.5 + off.xy + ( body_off2.xy - off2.xy );
  10. @GodLesZ It's a HTML5 doctype: <!DOCTYPE html> HTML5 accept <input ... > and <input ... /> so it's valid Edit: weird html tag in the post...
  11. I really love this one But I think it can be (maybe) better with a grey background as this one: Good job, looks pro
  12. Well, I don't really know if you want to detect the mouse position... About displaying an effect on x y I used this method in my Bomberman script: A fake npc: map,0,0,4 FAKE_EFFECT 139,{ end; OnEffect: specialeffect(900); } And do the effect on x-y with: moveNPC "FAKE_EFFECT", x, y; donpcevent "FAKE_EFFECT::OnEffect"; The script.c equivalent should be something like this (but I can't test it): //use : areaeffect( effect id, x, y); BUILDIN_FUNC(areaeffect) { TBL_PC* sd = script_rid2sd(st); struct map_session_data* fk = (struct map_session_data*)aCalloc(1, sizeof(struct map_session_data)); fk->bl.id = npc_get_new_npc_id(); fk->bl.x = script_getnum(st,3); fk->bl.y = script_getnum(st,4); fk->ud.dir = 0; clif_sendfakenpc( sd, fk->bl.id ); clif_specialeffect_single( fk->bl, script_getnum(st,2), sd->fd ); return 0; }
  13. Can someone fixed an html code with the codebox ? (because it's ugly !) Replace <input value="Select Text" onclick="selectCode(this); return false;" class="select_all_button" type="submit"></input> With <input value="Select Text" onclick="selectCode(this); return false;" class="select_all_button" type="submit"/>
  14. I Agree. ea.ws is a hole in security (a friend found my password two times in the past when he did a sql dump), don't reproduce the same error in this fresh new community.
  15. @topic +1 But need some rules to determine with community: Only relative to RO (yeah) Not for pServer (yeah) Allow paid services (don't know) Allow hosting (don't know) [insert here other suggestion] @Maki Don't know. In my case I prefer manage content in my website instead of having multiple pages to update each time.
  16. The files aren't saved on a temporary folder (you can't do this in javascript - privilege issue), I used the browser cache to avoid to download them again later (and I try to see if I can have benefit to use HTML5 FileSystem). Thank you for comments
  17. Opera doesn't support ArrayBuffer yet (in a next update maybe).
  18. selectCode function isn't defined (missing included javascript file ?) You can try with this for moment: function selectCode(btn) { //Don't know why btn send (this) in arg ? var code = btn.parentNode.lastChild, range, selection; if (document.body.createTextRange) { range = document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(code); range.select(); } else if (window.getSelection) { selection = window.getSelection(); if (selection.setBaseAndExtent) { selection.setBaseAndExtent(code, 0, code, 1); } else { range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(code); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } } }
  19. roBrowser is an open source project that try to port Ragnarök Online in the browser using web technologies (javascript, HTML5, WebGL). It's goal for now is to match the official client, and in future add custom features on its core. As it use web technologies, it will allow to use it in all OS, and in future should work in all ables system that can render a web page. Get the source (Thanks to report all bugs) If you like roBrowser, you can help me improving it or even thinking about doing a donation ? Screenshots Some usefulls links : Source code Installation guide WebSite API Guide Forum Demo (Yep there is even a demo if you want to try it).
  20. As I said in the first topic: So I don't know if I will update the code, javascript is a little too low to play with GRF Maybe later, it's not planned right now.
  21. In fact it will never delete player's zeny... The server save player's info in SQL after the onPCLogOutEvent, so the sql value will be restore each time.(sorry for flooding )
  22. Yeah there is no clipboard stuff in javascript yet, you can select the text, but can't copy it. I know you can do it on IE and maybe on firefox/netscape with some privileges but that's all. There is a new HTML5 feature in progress to work with but it seems to be oncopy/onpaste/oncut event, nothing to setting data. The only cross-browser way as far I know is to use a plugin : flash or java or silverlight...
  23. Even if I don't own a RO pserver, here what I love about a good CP: callback system (example: all class send callback, if a user extend a class, the callback go to the extended class). use ajax is good, but don't make it an obligation (go to an url if javascript isn't active) - good for bot (google, ...). if you want to revolutionize, do some unique things (display character/equipement like wow for example), etc. Good luck Mercurial with your project
  24. Hi. Here the GRF Viewer App using in roBrowser's core. As the old one, it's using latest open technologies (HTML5, Javascript) to open and visualize GRF in your browser, so if it's not working, you have to update your web browser. As the name suggest, it's only possible to view GRF content and extract files from it. It's not designed to add content or repack GRF because at this point, there is no API to have write access to the user computer. So it's possible to view directly some files : bmp, tga, jpg, gif, sprites, pal, models, maps. At the start up you have two possibilities : Select a GRF (click on "select files", or drag drop your grfs in the box). Click on the data folder, in this case, it will show resources from my remote client. As this tool use roBrowser's core, it will still be up to date and will gain features and performances in the time so if ever you see a bug, just report it. Note: it's possible the viewer stop rendering a directory content if encounter a corrupt file in the GRF or the file is encrypted. You can test this tool here: http://www.robrowser.com/prototype/GRF-Viewer/ Now some images: Presentation video:
  25. I can't reproduce your problem, I think it's the browser way to work with <select multiple> - not really my script since I don't interact with user focus.
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