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Everything posted by Z3R0

  1. I managed to get one video for the next series recorded... unfortunately I'm REALLY tired and I messed up about 10x while trying to record it... still not sure if I like it or not... so, expect more tomorrow but for now sleep (6 hours of driving today + 3 hours of babysitting my 2yr old daughter) != fun (hey look there, I used a symbol I will be talking about in the next chapter ) in any case... see you guys tomorrow be prepared for more
  2. Originally we wanted everything from old eathena.ws to forward here, even management (however they did not see it this way...) in which case, this project has now become a FORK, aka another version of eAthena which we are officially calling it RAthena... We will be doing OUR OWN svn updates on OUR SVn, and eAthena with what little devs they have left over will be doing their own... (eventually they will die)
  3. in the OnMobKilled set $@ran2, $@ran2-1; if (!$@ran2) { announce "All Mushrooms Killed - Awesome Job Guys!",0; end; }
  4. Why do you need that function in VC++ why not just do it in your NPC?
  5. officially hates rizon... someone has my nick... I have it everywhere else... grrrr
  6. so wait? are we using rizon? and if so why? I understand the need to move from danet, but why not freenode?
  7. I am on te road for another hour pm ur questions if u want
  8. Agreed dont worry my tutorials will cover everything mentioned above
  9. Will do! Status Update: i started recording the logic section however i am being pulled to houston, tx for a wedding... I will try to at least load those tonight once i get back home but 6 hrs of driving sucks...
  10. well iFoxKun just keep following my tutorials and you'll be up there in no time lol
  11. Chapter 4 - Complete and Uploaded Chapter 5 - Logic Currently Being Recorded
  12. I understand your frustration. As others have pointed out... A ) we do not have a lot of content here... (Kinda sad, but true) B ) Maybe create a post and you can simply have a topic that you keep updated to show everyone's different version and types of NPC's? C ) There is a report feature, (Every Moderator, Admin) gets an alert (and it is CONSTANTLY on our screen) so we have no choice but to know about it... on old eAthena all we got was a PM and if we forgot about it, or deleted the PM we had no way of remembering... the ModCP that we use here, is in constant swing and we ALWAYS know if there are reports that have gone unanswered... So I urge you, if you feel there is a problem, and you do not have the power to do anything about it. Feel free to report it. We will review the report and determine the action to take, if any. I typically respond back to the original reporter to tell them my findings and actions of the requested report, so they know the action was dealt with. *Edit* Also, I am not going to "Bash" and say someone cannot release something simply based on their script level. If the script itself works... Then it IS a valid script, simple as it may be, it functions. Maybe someone doesn't need all the bells and whistles of an advanced script? maybe someone just wants something to do a simplistic task. Just because the version Player A released was not as advanced as say the version Player B released, does not mean Player A's script should no longer be valid...
  13. Chapter 3 Uploaded Chapter 4 - Uploading (Most likely will be done by 11:30pm) (GMT - 6) Enjoy
  14. Actually I don't know if this was just a weird scenario for me... but when I used to host my server... I would PORT FORWARD my to MY LAN IP's, and simply use my LAN IP's in my server's configurations... The only thing that needs to happen is the sclient needs the WAN IP... the router forwards the incoming connection to the WAN IP -> LAN IP, and this is why the server doesn't need anything else... the server only exists on the subnet (and on the same machine most likely) you are not remotely connecting machines to different WAN IP's... so simply use your static LAN IP on the server, and then the WAN IP on the clientinfo
  15. iFoxKun, if you create the TXT of what I say, I can upload those as Captions into the videos, and they can still follow along the tutorial and just watch and read as it goes through (see video #1 and video #2) for captions I have already done)
  16. OF COURSE.... unfortunately, for some reason it takes me almost an hour to upload 1 video and about 5-10mins to record one... so I end up recording 6 and it takes me a day to upload... I'll be recording chapter 3 - 4 tonight, we will be covering, debugging and math logistics
  17. ya, the only thing is, and i do see what everyone is getting at, is that if you are going to use a "central color scheme" in this case blues / purples, you need to continue to use that everywhere on the page... other that, it's awesome!
  18. erm, it's a video series... look on the first page.... of this post :X
  19. Chapter 1 and 2 Are Done Complete (I am still uploading a new video to chapter 2, but it will be up soon.
  20. Note: YouTube must limit your uploads (it's taking me almost an hour per video...)
  21. That's what i thought, but I have /save/ and all the files... all permission = full access... I don't know, maybe it was a problem with the server vbrenth gave me... I modified it to use sql anyways (since my tutorial series will eventually be branching into the sql eventually) and everything worked fine... so either way, I'm good.
  22. Actually, I don't mind embedding them (well actually I do, because of the amount) however, the normal ipb one, does not enable a full screen option (in which the new [ youtube ] parser does) in either case, I feel it's best to not use those, however that may change, I dunno
  23. Thanks everyone for the positive feedback... I've now created global account variables / character variables / and npc variables (waiting for youtube to upload them now)
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