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Everything posted by Z3R0

  1. Z3R0

    Re: suggestions

    I also think their should be some kind of mod for it, havent looked into it yet though. btw could you decrease the post per side count to 10 or something? this topic is getting a whole load of scrolling This is a user setting... Next to your name @ the top right of the screen, you will see a small arrow, click that and goto settings... you will then see a tab for "forums" http://eathena.sourceforge.net/board/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=forums&area=settings
  2. My Engagement Photos, with my beautiful Fiance
  3. Z3R0

    Re: suggestions

    agreed, that is a pretty odd security flaw in itself... but I'm fairly confident there is probably an extension that swaps the display of "username" with "display name"
  4. agreed, Brian and I can look into it, if it doesn't exist as an add-on feature, we can probably code one ourselves... chances are, it's just a bit of javascript
  5. thanks mate, I will look into it, I had some bars, but I could not get the wizard to work for me :(

  6. I kinda agree with jguy on this one... the look feel (roundness) of this theme makes that one look over the top professional, which can be a good / bad thing
  7. will it work also ? i mean usually it would be look like this ? set @Menu$,@Menu$ + getitemname( .ItemList[.@i] )+":"; The reason behind that, is a compact IF statement, since you do not want a hidden element at the end of the menu... "select:this:" will create a blank element at the bottom of the menu, and thus you do NOT want to append that... all that is doing is... if (.@menu$ == "") { .@menu$ = getitemname(.items[.@a]) + " Quest"; } else { .@menu$ = .@menu$ + ":" + getitemname(.items[.@a]) + " Quest"; } corrected, some of my variable name flaws, and the missing ":"
  8. Z3R0

    Re: suggestions

    I'm kind of confused as to what this is going to accomplish... agreed, the forums look cleaner, but what of it? will enough migrate over if they keep eathena.ws and don't officially move here? will this end up being a forked project, in which, we literally "steal" eAthena away? I am kind of questioning what's really happening here... it almost sounds like a revolt
  9. Z3R0


    agreed. Captcha took me 10 tries... even with casing... seemed like it just wanted to kill me...
  10. Z3R0

    Where did you get your signature animated gif banner?

  11. Loving the new layout

  12. Agreed. Up to date, unless it breaks... Often times, you may see a tad bit of performance issue when it comes to increased security, but I'm sure we all understand that it's always a toss up..
  13. prontera,158,173,4 script Quest NPC 88,{ mes .npc$; mes "Want to make a trade?"; next; switch(select("What are the require items?","What do you have?")) { case 1: // Required Items mes .npc$; mes "300 Poring Coins"; mes "500 Mithril Coins"; mes "1 Ghostring Card"; close; case 2: // What do you have // Build Menu for (set .@a, 0; .@a < getarraysize(.items); set .@a, .@a + 1) { set .@menu$, (.@menu$ == "" ? getitemname(.items[.@a]) + " Quest" : .@menu$ + ":" + getitemname(.items[.@a]) + " Quest"); } set .@my_item, select(.@menu$) - 1; // Check for Required Items if(countitem(7539) < 300 || countitem(674) < 500 || countitem(4047) < 1) { mes .npc$; mes "Not enough coins"; close; } // Pass Complete (Check Weight) else if (!checkweight(.items[.@my_item], 1)) { mes "You cannot handle this items load..."; close; } // Complete Quest else { mes .npc$; mes "Awesome! Here is your item!"; delitem 7539, 300; delitem 674, 500; delitem 5057, 1; getitem .items[.@my_item], 1; mes "Have a nice day!"; close; } OnInit: set .npc$, "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; setarray .items[0],19000,19001,19002,19003,19004,19005,19006,19007,19008,19009,19010,19011,19012,19013,19014,19015,19016,19017,19018, 19019,19020,19021,19022,19023,19024,19025,19026,19027,19028,19029,19030,19031,19032,19033,19034,19035,19036; end; } Tiny Bit Shorter, and MUCH easier to add / remove items from, simply modify the array below the OnInit, to include or exclude item id's... (Keep in mind this limits to 128)
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